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Modern shamans have diverse origins, but they all aim to guide you to your own creative and healing powers.
These spiritual teachers urge you to take responsibility for your feelings and perceptions. As sages, they steer
you to align with your intention. As you become more conscious and deliberate, you discover what you can do
to cope better with life as you perceive and understand it. You begin to realize psychic development comes as
you strengthen intuition. Learn to listen to your higher self. As you slowly dissolve your inner critic, you
awaken dormant abilities you have always had. Without insight, you do not rediscover your true nature.
~Dr. Liara M. Covert

Anyone who knows me knows that Dr. Liara Covert is one of my favorite
authors. She has moved me to tears, changed my thinking, and made me leap
for joy simply by reading the words she writes so eloquently from her heart.
Her words are conceptual, applicable, and worthy of contemplation. Her voice,
while consuming and strong, are at the core filled with TRUTH. It is this core
foundation of truth that has prompted my own deeper connection with the guru
within and heightened of awareness to the magic of the infinite field. For this
reason, I humbly share my interview with Dr. Liara Covert with each of you as
she talks in-depth about her newest book, Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within.

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Synolve: Why did you write this book?

Dr. Liara:
Self-Disclosure writes itself. It is the vehicle I use to remember, to explore, confront, and detach from emotions
bubbling up inside, to reframe challenges and uncertainty. The more things change, the more things seem to stay the
same until you are willing to recognize ingrained patterns and move beyond them. This book is an exercise. I
choose to take new levels of personal responsibility for my life and ultimately choose lessons in love and acceptance
to grasp purpose in feeling fear and rejection. Life experience teaches me the way we change our outer world is
through being willing to get-to-know our inner world and realizing certain mental habits need to change. As I grow
and shift, my sense of the truth changes. I realize that change is perpetual and I can choose to accept and surrender
or resist and experience other things. Each one has a purpose.

Synolve: What is your main objective for this book and for the readers?

Dr. Liara:
The dialogue that unfolds in this book is perceived by readers in different ways. Some people sense it is a dialogue
involving the author and a conscience. Other people begin to sense one voice is their own and another is the higher
self, divine energy or pure consciousness. People are encouraged to be open to what is unfolding. The quotes by
145 mentors set the stage. People tell me they do not always read this book cover to cover right away. They like to
skim the table of contents or end-of-book questionnaires. Some people say they read it and then refer to sections
relevant to particular periods of their lives. I encourage people to read it earnestly. It is based on life experiences.

Synolve: Who are you trying to reach with this book?

Dr. Liara:
This book invites people to be aware of their fears and reluctance to change. I invite people to view themselves not
as the person they resist or dislike, but who they truly are. As people realize that their life is the cause and how they
feel is the effect, they are empowered to change their thoughts, feelings, and circumstances in their way at their
pace. It is the kind of book that comes into the scope of awareness of people ready to be more honest with
themselves, ready to reclaim inner power, innate wisdom and pure joy.

Synolve: Why do you believe the themes and lessons in this book are so important today?

Dr. Liara:
More and more people are recognizing fear, discomfort, and negativity offer meaningful messages. Yet, they are not
always clear how to decide what to do about them. Humans are conditioned by society to search outside themselves
for guidance rather than turn inward and trust their own intuition. People are not conditioned to believe self-honesty
is easy. They are taught to conceal their feelings, to think with the logical, judgmental mind, rather than feel
unconditionally with the heart. They forget self-disclosure not only enables them to transcend fear, it opens them to
new degrees of fulfillment and satisfaction. How would you like to know that you literally attract to you what you
think about? This goes further than the law of attraction and material things. It brings up karma, dormant
supernatural abilities and many other issues explored in the book.

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Synolve: Can people really change their lives, if so how?

Dr. Liara:
Change begins with the thought and recognizing the power of personal
intention. Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within is set up in so that lessons
frame each chapter and the many sections end with questions. Readers are
invited to journal their own answers to add context in their own lives. At the
end of the book, readers are offered questionnaires they can fill out in the book
or photocopy to share or exchange with loved ones. This exercise can be used
alone or to build trust and strengthen relationships.

Synolve: Why is self-discovery so important?

Dr. Liara:
People forget who they are. It is never too late to awaken to the power of this moment. To realize what you forget
enables you to tap into limitless potential.

Synolve: Is self-discovery more important than being swept up in the illusion of religion?

Dr. Liara:
To answer this question draws attention to the word, ‘importance.’ When you reach a mental place where nothing is
more important than anything else, then you master the ego and tame the judgment that is known to emerge from
illusions such as insecurity. Of course, not everyone exists from this place as of yet.
Religion has different meanings for different people. It is often associated with some kind of external belief system
which is imposed to control how you think or behave. When you reconnect with your true self, you begin to
reclaim your inner power. This means you move from adopting external beliefs, to peeling them away as you
outgrow them. This is part of a process of self-discovery. Moving toward greater self-acceptance means detaching
from anything that urges you to believe you are something you are not. As you choose to stop living by other
people’s standards or expectation, you create presence. You choose to live in the now. Fear does not exist. Love is
a timeless companion.

Synolve: Why do you believe people are hurting so much and so deeply? Why are people experiencing so much
pain in their lives?

Dr. Liara:
People invite into their lives not what they want but what they are or reflections of how they feel. I sense people are
growing more conscious of discomfort because they are allowing themselves to be aware of being disloyal to
themselves, their intuition and what feels right. This acknowledgement is very courageous. Some people begin to
sense they attract to them what they do not want as part of the process of moving closer to experience what they do.
All pain is linked back to denial of the present, of where people are at this moment. Negativity only lives in a sense
of the past or is imagined in a hypothetical future. To realize this is to remember you have choices to collect

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Synolve: What do you believe your job is as a writer?

Dr. Liara:
I sense I write to empower others and also to empower myself.
Writing is a way of reflecting back inner thoughts and being aware
of them more consciously. As part of the process of experiencing
my books, I invite people to journal privately. Transcribing
thoughts and reading them back to the self triggers different levels
of awakening.

Synolve: Where did you get the concept for this book? Where did
the inspiration come from?

Dr. Liara:
Self-disclosure can be experienced on many different levels of awareness. It can be read as a discourse between soul
and mind, between the heart and brain, between whichever perspectives resonate with the reader. Like
consciousness, the book itself is aware. It draws attention to growing sensitivities and abilities present in everyone
now. On some level, the book is instinctual, mental, relational, emotional, and intuitional. A reader experiences it on
multiple levels consciously or unconsciously. It unfolds as it is written.

Synolve: I cried when I read the first few pages of your book. Did you always know that you would have this
incredible impact on people's lives?

Dr. Liara:
Imagine how I felt each instance I read sections of it back! J Life teaches me that when I am honest with myself, I
invite humility and honesty in others. Tears reinforce my own inner healing. As I allow myself to offer experiences
and opportunities for life change to others, this reminds us as we create humble minds, judgment no longer exists.

Synolve: What's next for you? Are you working on a 2nd book? Are you traveling and speaking to promote this

Dr. Liara:
This past year, I have organized a few book signings and know more unfold in 2010. As I have been caring for my
mother during her cancer treatments, I postponed travel events. Nonetheless, I completed a second book published
January 1, 2010 called Cosmic Synchronicity. My third book is due in February titled, Transform your Life: 730
Inspirations. I also offer two e-books on my website which are Expand Consciousness Now and Soul Work: 50
exercises to align mind, body and spirit. I discover I have much to say, to offer or give. A revamped website is
underway which will present books and other endeavors in more detail.

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Synolve: How can people reach you? Do you offer personal counseling sessions?

Dr. Liara:
I offer dream analysis services and ‘consciousness coaching.’ I also do public speaking and tailor talks and
seminars. At the moment, I am in the process of developing on-line e-courses and workshops related to my books.
People can also connect with me and learn more at

Synolve: How did you begin your own spiritual journey?

Dr. Liara:
It is a constant learning curve with no beginning and no end. From the moment I choose to have faith in my own
inner knowing rather than disbelieve what is possible, I am conscious of a stage of my spiritual journey. In Self-
Disclosure, I explore milestones of awakening which include instances of losing what I assume is important in order
to experience the revelation that nothing is important, that nothing is what I assume. As I grow willing to realize
what and why I resist, I sense harmony only arises as I work through my illusions of disharmony. Love becomes
stronger as I work through illusions of fear. The lessons are never-ending and each one is life-transforming.

Synolve: What's the most important thing you would like to say to someone who is on the path to self-discovery?

Dr. Liara:
You are not alone. Change begins and ends with you. Patience is also a timeless teacher. As you detach from linear
time, you realize impatience draws attention to your humility.

Synolve: I shared some of the quotes from your book and got an overwhelming response on Facebook from people
who were deeply moved by your words and your intuitiveness. Do you have a Facebook fan page where fans of the
book can connect with you?

I invite people to connect with me on Twitter at . On Facebook, people can

connect with me under Liara Covert or the Dreambuilders Australia Blog.

Dr. Liara M. Covert is the author of Self-Disclosure: Changes from Within which is available on Amazon and in
major bookstores. She is also writes a monthly column for The Infinite Field Magazine. To learn more about Dr.
Liara Covert visit her website at and her blog at

All of the reviews in the Spiritual BookShelf were written by

Synolve Craft. Synolve is the Editor-In-Chief & Publisher of
The Infinite Field Magazine.

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