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What do men and women truly desire? A man desires after another man in
spirit, who is as a woman in bed. And a woman, desires after another woman
in spirit, who is as a man in bed. For the man desireth steadiness and
thoughtfulness, and the woman desireth chaos and mindlessness. Thus, a
man lusteth after another man, but as a woman.
In the days of olde, it was said if a man lieth with another man, they shall be
stoned. But I say, they shall no longer be stoned. Only those who shall be
stoned are the schemers, for they are great in number, and are the plague of
If a man lieth with another man, then one of them must become a woman in
spirit. And if a woman lieth with another woman, then one of they must
become a man in spirit. For if two of the same, in spirit, lieth with one
another, the intermagentic polarities, and harmonics, cause one of two things
to happen. If it be two men, the outward energies become inward, as a vector
pointing inward, to its own visual point, in all directions, but no directions.
And if it be two women in spirit, the outward energies become exponentially
accelerated, becoming unstable, and exceed the chaos of a single woman.
Such energies are disharmonious, and lead to wickednness, unsatisfaction,
and insanity.
If the Bible is red, let this book be yellow. Perhaps there is purpose and a
satisfaction to art after all, as certain colors and combinations of colors may
wash and cleanse the mind from idleness or ignorant thought.
In the old book of Job, who was more wicked? The Lord, the devil, or Job
himself? For Job valued his own piety over the wellbeing of his family,
livestock, and own personal health. Sometimes one must break piety. If a Nazi
comes knocking at one's door, does one tell the truth about the Jews under
the basement? Sometimes one must sacrifice one's piety. Thus, the book of
Job is misunderstood, as the moral was never found. This is because of the
sin and folly of groupthink, the folly of never questioning that what you are
taught by men. A man pure of heart, would not feel satisfaction over
receiving a replacement family. Thus, Job committed a greater sin, by not
sinning at all.
Jobs and work

If a man needeth food on the table, then he must acquire food. If there is no
forest, then he may trade. If a man worketh, he should only do so, doing so
for food on the table, or to spread Truth and wisdom. He should take no pride
in it. For why would a man wish to participate in a world full of folly? He
should not take joy in participating in a world he despises. For such a world
will only try to bring him down, to flood his mind with advertisements,
ignorance, and misery. If a man seeketh a job to fit in with his fellows, this
man seeketh approval and kinship of a despicable world, a deadly sin indeed.
Destruction of man
There is nothing new under the sun. When one man, or a few men, rule over
all men, the man often wishes to control and to censor whatever he pleases.
In this way, the other men become fearful, and no longer feel comfortable
speaking their mind. In this way, ignorance is spread and becomes a land of
ignorance. Most lands of ignorance, wish to decieve, and claim to be lands for
the people, by the people, a people's republic. In this way, their ignorance is
made even more damaging.
In this manner, I too was censored in a land of deception, a land claiming to
seek wisdom, yet censored anything it did not understand. Much like the land
of the Pharisees, they just weren't "fair", you see. In this way, the one man
who ruled the land, made all other men punished by censoring and
destroying the Truth from their very eyes.
Giving credit where credit is due
If a man full of knowledge wishes to hoard all he knows, he is either lazy, or
selfish. A wise man knows that it is good to share in wisdom, that one may
propogate wisdom throughout the galaxy. Thus, credit should be given, but it
should not be required. If credit is given, it should only be given as a pointer,
to direct others to find more wisdom. In this way, I credit Kevin Solway for
some wisdom, but not all things. It is important to point out, that though a
man containeth some wisdom, he is but a man, and imperfect. Thus, not all
things should be blindly believed, but first examined, and if truthful, then
The light of Man?
In the modern day, it is said by the self-proclaimed that Man is light, and
without him, the world will drown in chaos. But I know this to be a
misunderstanding. For the woman is both chaos and wisdom, and the woman
only seeks mindlessness, but she is not mindlessness. For the testosterone
man, is a real man. He is an animal, a beast, on the prowl, and only through
the warmth and proximity of the real man, can the woman feel the
mindlessness she desires. The true philosopher is neither fully male, nor fully

female, both and neither, examining and playing as both sides, for
understanding is to see all creature's perspectives.
Many stick to old beliefs and say they are wise. This is not so, for the wise
knoweth that some answers still remain.
I look around and sea of people drowning in their own folly. Some ask
questions they know the answer to, others ask questions they do not know.
Praise is given to the wrong things. Instead of wisdom, they seek the approval
of the world. Such is a deadly sin. Instead of wisdom, due to their drive to fit
in, they wish to find flaws in others so they may feel more worthy of approval.
Instead of the big picture, they focus on minor mispellings. For these are the
same people who feel fear, shame and guilt, over their own dreams and
thoughts. Such people are young and do not understand the true nature of
The modern man seeks wisdom itself. One does not seek wisdom, but Truth.
Once Truth is found, wisdom will come effortlessly, flowing in abundance. The
man believes himself smart, but asks silly questions. Perhaps he plays a
game with himself. But the ones placed in authority over men, only continue
the ignorance of their games, which are not fun at all from any gamer's
perspective. Such a men spread labels and lies, and treat men as though they
are children who require their approval.
He who is blind, let him walk. For is it not better to cure the blind of their
ignorance, so they shall walk on the proper path? Whatever will happen, has
already been done. If a man sayeth, "Do not let help the sick man, for he
must learn the penalty for his ignorance" such a man is not wise. For how
dost he know whether the sick man is paying the penalty of his own
ignorance, or the ignorance of other's before him?

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