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Were You Born on a Cusp?

Your Sun sign represents the sign of the zodiac that the Sun was
in at the time of your birth. The Sun rules willpower and ego. It is
the core of your potential and uniqueness as an individual -- who
you are and what you are about.
The main direction and focus you want your life to take and your
determination to accomplish what you set out to do is inspired
by your Sun sign. It represents your personal honesty and
integrity, your ability to command respect and authority and
your capacity to impress and influence others.
If you are born on a cusp, you will incorporate the energies of
both signs. Read on to find out if you were born on a cusp, and if
so, what that means for you.
April 19 to April 23
Aries is the first sign of the zodiac. It represents birth and the
first realization of self. Taurus, the second sign of the zodiac,
moves beyond what is represented by Aries. Taurus begins to
physically explore the world. Aries tend to display strong
leadership, and their extroverted and assertive nature lets them
eagerly lead the new cycle of the zodiac.
Taurus tends to be richly sensual, enjoying the good things in life
and the physical pleasures that come with them. Together, these
two astrological signs denote an active and dynamic pioneer
who responds to the world by examining the worth of each
possible response. The ability to follow through and complete
projects that others may have abandoned through boredom or
because it was too difficult is blended with the sign of new
beginnings. This promises a tremendous amount of fulfilling
adventure and achievement for those born on the Aries/Taurus
The astrological symbol of Aries is the Ram. Like the popular
conception of the Ram, Aries people are able to accomplish a lot
by sheer energy and force of will, ramming their way to their
goals. In this way, Aries exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned

to it. The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull. The term

bullheaded applies to Taurus in both its positive and negative
connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the fixed quality assigned
to it.
The Aries/Taurus can be blunt, and they are bold and strong.
They are among the strongest combination of signs when it
comes to meeting goals because of their reliable persistence.
Those born under the influence of both astrological signs are
able to initiate and successfully complete projects and activities.
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. In ancient Roman mythology,
Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Aries) was the god of war. He
was bold, aggressive, energetic and courageous. On the
negative side, he was impulsive, compulsive and quicktempered, and he could give in to anger and a will for
destruction. Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. In Roman
mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the
goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy,
happiness and appreciation of beautiful things.
On the negative side, Venuss appreciation for sweets and luxury
could result in overindulgence. Mars was active and highspirited, full of physical energy and vitality; the Aries/Taurusborn reflect his leadership and initiative. They are strongly
independent and determined and have the physical stamina to
stay their course. They have a great love for culture. It's
important for them to feel good.
They often maintain extensive art collections and tend to be
artistic themselves, sometimes through singing. They enjoy
partnership and marriage, and use their charm -- as well as their
focused perseverance -- to work toward harmony and personal
security. An individual born on the Aries/Taurus cusp has the
potential for great satisfaction in life, thanks to the balance of
great action and great will.
The element associated with Aries is Fire, and the element
associated with Taurus is Earth. Fire signs are physical beings
who tend to respond to the world through action. Earth signs
tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of each
possible response. The combination of these two elements
provides a solid foundation to pioneer uncharted territories.

The Aries/Taurus tends to want what they want, when they want
it. The Aries side of their character needs to accept that this isn't
always possible and stop butting their heads, ram-like, into the
nearest wall. Aries/Taurus people can also be extremely patient
and dependable. Their ambition ensures that they are
hardworking and helpful to others. The blending of their
elements, earth and fire, gives them a general focus on building
things and seeing their ideas through to completion. However,
the fixed opinions of the Aries/Taurus can be surprisingly
unchangeable, even when they have discovered a flaw in their
In their leisure time, Aries/Taurus tend to play as hard as they
work at the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give
them a positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural
aggression. They appreciate both individual challenge,
especially aerobics, as well as the group challenge of football
and soccer. Aries/Taurus tend to enjoy outdoor activities, such as
hiking, that allow them to get close to the earth.
Conversely, their appreciation of art and culture sends them to
the opera and exclusive galleries. The Aries/Taurus cusp
individual could possibly be an expert rock climber, kayaker or
skier. Intense activity and drive channeled through a great love
and respect for the natural beauty of the outdoors is often seen
with this astrological aspect.
The great strength of the Aries/Taurus-born is in their energy,
initiative and courage. Their ability to take a project and go with
it is unparalleled. Their more earthy side brings out their stability
and perseverance. Methodical determination enables them to be
productive when others have long since given up. With the
combination of fire and earth, they are one of the most dynamic,
stable and passionate characters of the zodiac.
May 19 to May 23
Taurus is the second sign of the zodiac. It begins to physically
explore the world. Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. Moving
beyond the physical exploration of Taurus, Gemini examines the

world through intellect. Taurus/Geminis tend to be richly sensual,

enjoy the good things in life and are fascinated with gathering as
much information as possible. Their facility as communicators is
unmatched. Taurus/Geminis display great imagination and tend
to be very expressive, both physically and verbally.
The astrological symbol of Taurus is the Bull; Gemini is the Twins.
The term bull-headed applies to Taurus in both its positive and
negative connotations, and Taurus exemplifies the fixed quality
assigned to it. Like twins, Geminis often have a dual nature and
are skilled at seeing both sides of a problem, but they may also
be fickle and restless. They are changeable and sometimes
noncommittal. In this way, Gemini exemplifies the mutable
quality assigned to it. The Taurus/Gemini is a pair of bullheaded
twins. They are adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks
simultaneously, and they know how to reason with people. They
are also among the strongest signs when it comes to meeting
goals because of their reliable persistence.
Taurus is ruled by the planet Venus. In ancient Roman
mythology, Venus (and her Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the
goddess of love, beauty and pleasure. She represented joy,
happiness and appreciation of beautiful things.
On the negative side, her appreciation for sweets and luxury
could result in overindulgence. Gemini is ruled by the planet
Mercury. In Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek
equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger god. He was associated
with travel and transportation. He was a communicator, quickwitted and inventive, but he could also be a smooth-talker and
get bored easily. A Taurus/Gemini individual is most likely a
brilliant conversationalist. Mediating or speech writing would be
excellent outlets for these people, as they posses the gift of
beautiful, soothing speech that can produce harmony and good
Taurus/Geminis are charming and congenial, and they often
have many friends and acquaintances in all areas of their lives.
These people have learned to focus and use their intellect; they
tend to be very successful.
The element associated with Taurus is earth. Earth signs are

practical. The element associated with Gemini is air. Air signs

are intellectual: Taurus/Geminis respond to the world through
intellect and by examining the worth of each possible response.
When presented with a new project, their mental abilities kick in
and they join the group enthusiastically. They tend to be leaders,
and their facility for abstract reasoning and broad-minded
outlook enables Taurus/Geminis to make strong contributions to
projects. Their ambition ensures that they are both hardworking
and helpful to others.
Taurus/Geminis often remain youthful and lighthearted their
entire lives, but their need for physical pleasure can lead to an
overemphasis on money and accumulation of possessions. They
may often invest in fast cars and other material means of
stimulation. They are tolerant, gentle and dependable, but they
may appear to be scattered and high-strung. Their many
interests make them entertaining and loyal friends with a
carefree and unpredictable twist.
In their leisure time, Taurus/Geminis tend to enjoy pairing up
with a partner for recreation. Outdoor activities that allow them
to get close to the earth are favorites. Their love for
conversation and good food ensures that leisurely dinners with
friends are highly enjoyable for them, and their inquisitive and
literary orientation means they enjoy mentally challenging
pursuits as well.
The great strengths of the Taurus/Gemini-born are their stability,
perseverance, and their intellectual and conversational skills.
They can analyze difficult ideas and communicate them clearly
to others. Their methodical determination enables them to be
productive when others have long since given up.
June 19 to June 23
Gemini is the third sign of the zodiac. Geminis examine the
world through intellect. Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac.
Cancers are emotional and traditional. Those born on the
Gemini/Cancer cusp display great imagination and tend to be

very expressive. They are interested in heredity and ancestors,

and this is reflected in their desire to care for relatives and
propagate the family line. They love to learn, and their lives are
generally centered around the home.
The astrological symbol of Gemini is the Twins. Like twins,
Geminis often have a dual nature and are skilled at seeing both
sides of a problem. The astrological symbol of Cancer is the
Crab. Like the Crab, Cancers go through life with a strong shell
around them that is not easily broken. Gemini/Cancers are the
first to express emotion in any given situation -- the first to
laugh and the first to tears. Gemini/Cancers tend to have many
different interests that they study in great detail. Gemini
exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it by being
adaptable and able to tackle multiple tasks simultaneously.
Cancer exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned to it by being
strong-willed, persistent and initiating.
Gemini is ruled by the planet Mercury. In ancient Roman
mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the
messenger god. He was associated with travel and
transportation. He was a communicator, quick-witted and
inventive. Cancer is ruled by the Moon. In ancient times, the
Moon, which represents fertility and instinct, was perceived as
the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all life.
The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it has a
strong effect on human emotions. Gemini/Cancers tend to be
more sensitive to the movement of the Moon, their moods
changing with the Moon's passage. Their facility in adapting to
new challenges may seem like opportunism, but it is really just a
highly intuitive curiosity that leads them to the right people at
the right time. Generally domestic and peaceful, Gemini/Cancers
often have many friends and acquaintances, and they won't sit
still when loved ones are threatened.
The element associated with Gemini is Air. The element
associated with Cancer is Water. Gemini/Cancers are very
intuitive, and their broad-minded outlook and capacity for
abstract reasoning enables them to make strong contributions to
projects. Emotion is a key part of their lives and is checked and

balanced with logic and objectivity. Their awareness and

intellectual approach to life is refreshing, and their emotional
honesty is something to be admired.
Gemini/Cancers have close family ties with their brothers and
sisters. They often remain youthful and lighthearted their whole
lives. These people have a strong association with food and a
willingness to always try something new; they often make
excellent cooks. Their many interests make them entertaining
and stimulating conversationalists who really love people.
In their leisure time, Gemini/Cancers enjoy pairing up with a
partner for recreation. They often enjoy team sports because of
the family feeling a team often provides. Gemini/Cancers are
more likely to be ambidextrous than other signs. Physical
exercise and artistic endeavors, written or on canvas, allow
them to channel their swirling emotions into productive output.
Their love for conversation and food ensures that leisurely
dinners with friends are highly enjoyable for them, and their
inquisitive and literary orientation means they enjoy mentally
challenging pursuits as well.
In love relationships, Gemini/Cancers are caring, flirtatious,
playful and romantic. The great strength of the Gemini/Cancerborn is in their blending of intellectual and conversational skills.
They have the ability to understand the difficulties their loved
ones must work through. Their affectionate nature makes them
among the most caring characters of the zodiac.
July 19 to July 23
Cancer is the fourth sign of the zodiac; Leo is the fifth. Those
born on the Cancer/Leo cusp have the vitality and ambition to be
successful in their creative endeavors. Creativity is one of their
keywords, and their caring nature ensures that the benefits of
their imaginative powers help others. Cancer/Leos turn to
nurturing the family group and take pride in their warm
hospitality. They are emotional and traditional, interested in
heredity and ancestors. Cancer/Leos can be prominent on stage
and in film, as their natural ability to act and their flamboyance

and love of attention make them naturals at fame.

The astrological symbol of Cancer is the Crab; for Leo, the Lion.
Cancer/Leos go through life with a strong shell around them that
is not easily broken. However, Cancer/Leos are the first to
express emotion in any given situation -- the first to laugh and
the first to tears. In this way, the Cancer influence exemplifies
the cardinal quality assigned to it. They also have a strong
ability to see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo
exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Cancer/Leos are
good organizers and tend to be popular, even inspiring.
Cancer is ruled by the Moon, and Leo is ruled by the Sun. In
ancient times, the Moon, which represents fertility and instinct,
was perceived as the Great Mother, responsible for nurturing all
life. The Moon controls the tides and all water on Earth, and it
has a strong effect on human emotions. Cancer and Cancer/Leos
tend to be more sensitive to the movement of the Moon through
the zodiac than are other signs, their moods changing with the
Moon's passage. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be
the center of the universe, the core of existence, the Father.
The Sun generates warmth and keeps life on Earth moving. Leos
and Cancer/Leos sometimes feel they are the center of the
universe, and sometimes they are! They are gregarious and
social, fun-loving and live life with enthusiasm. Generally
domestic and peaceful, they have strong emotional drives and
won't sit still when loved ones are threatened. The Sun and
Moon, mother and father, day and night; Cancer/Leos are all of
these things, and finding a way to express the entire continuum
is both a challenge and a much-needed emotional release.
The element associated with Cancer is Water. Water Signs are
emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion.
The element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical
and tend to respond to the world through action. Cancer/Leos
are very intuitive and jump headfirst into life, without worrying
whether their latest goal is realistic or practical. For them,
everything about life is Big with a capital B, and if drama and
courage is required to meet their goals, they have both in
abundance. Their warm and caring nature is very sensitive to

other people's harshness. Cancer/Leos are cheerful and selfassured, sometimes to the point of living in a fantasy world.
They are always happy as long as someone is paying attention
to them!
Cancer/Leos have a strong association with food. They are very
imaginative and sensitive, making them excellent amateur
chefs. Some go on to make a career out of cooking. Pleasure is
important to those born on the Cancer/Leo cusp, and they like to
spend money to feel good. Cancer/Leos tend to enjoy physical
exercise, finding that sweat helps them counter the stress
inherent in their emotional nature. They prefer to play in groups,
rather than solo. They are too sociable to enjoy solitary running
or weight lifting, and they much prefer team sports or group
In love relationships, Cancer/Leos top the charts in almost every
area, from devotion to romance. The great strength of the
Cancer/Leo is in their creativity and generosity with others.
Sometimes these qualities combine, resulting in thoughtful gifts
or unique solutions to problems. Cancer/Leos emotional
orientation to life help them understand the difficulties their
loved ones must work through.
August 19 to August 23
Leo is the fifth sign of the zodiac. Moving past the exploration of
the world and the need to nurture of the first four signs, Leo's
great need is to create. Virgos, represented by the sixth sign of
the zodiac, bring their skills and talents together for the good of
others. Those born on the Leo/Virgo cusp have the vitality and
ambition to be successful in their creative endeavors and are
industrious and efficient when working for a good cause. The
astrological symbol of Leo is the Lion. The astrological symbol of
Virgo is the Virgin. The Virgin reflects the qualities of a virgin,
rather than the definition: Virgos and Virgo cusps tend to be shy
and somewhat nervous, and they may be undemonstrative.
The Leo/Virgo is a curious mixture of introverted and extroverted
tendencies, modesty and flamboyance, and a capacity to see

both the largest and the smallest picture in every situation. They
are practical and logical, and extremely creative. Virgo and Virgo
cusps are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation. In this way,
Virgo exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it. Leo and Leo
cusps hold strong, steady opinions and have a strong ability to
see their projects through to the end. In this way, Leo
exemplifies the fixed quality assigned to it. Leo/Virgos are good
businesspeople because of their methodical attention to detail
and their ability to stick with a practical and organized routine.
They are good organizers, and they tend to be popular, even
Leo is ruled by the Sun. Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. In
ancient Roman mythology, Mercury (and his Greek equivalent,
Hermes) was the messenger god. He was a quick, nervous type,
and he was known for his strong reasoning and capacity for
analyzing. Communication is his province. As a planet, Mercury
is androgynous. In ancient times, the Sun was believed to be the
center of the Universe, the core of existence, the Father.
Leo/Virgo cusps are gregarious and social, fun-loving and live life
with enthusiasm. The natural leadership of these people and
their administrative prowess help ensure that their projects are
successful. Leo/Virgos enjoy exploring subjects or interests
deeply. They are very good at understanding the deeper
meaning of what others say. They rely on logic rather than
emotion to make their decisions. They are reliable, practical and
diligent, but they can sometimes seem picky or overcritical to
those who aren't as discriminating as they are.
Leo/Virgos are decisive and direct, optimistic that they will
succeed. Sometimes they exaggerate problems and overreact to
stumbling blocks, but generally they are positive and their
natural pride and stubborn streak keeps them from giving up.
The element associated with Leo is Fire. Fire Signs are physical:
they tend to respond to the world through action, rather than
intellect or emotion. The element associated with Virgo is Earth.
They tend to respond to the world by examining the worth of
each possible response. Leo/Virgos, or Fire/Earth signs, are able
to analyze and then take appropriate action. They are selective
and discriminating, but are always moving and quick. Their
warmhearted and outgoing personalities are fiery and abundant.

They are cheerful and self-assured, and they are studious and
sensible in business dealings. They are skeptical of extravagant
claims and promises.
Many Leo/Virgos, however, love to gamble, and may be brash
and extravagant at the gaming table. They also tend to be very
health-conscious. They are concerned with diet and hygiene.
This interest in health ensures they take good care of their
mental and physical selves.
In their leisure time, Leo/Virgos prefer to play in groups rather
than solo. It is less important to them that exercise be
interesting, so long as it is effective and social. Their
perfectionism and physical strength make them strive to excel in
whatever sport they choose.
In love relationships, Leo/Virgo is devoted and sometimes
jealous, but not especially flirtatious. The great strength of
Leo/Virgos is in their creativity and attention to detail, and their
desire to be of service. They pick up on the little things that
most miss. Thoughtful gifts or unique solutions to problems are
second nature to those with this astrological placement. Their
commitment to helping others makes them one of the most
giving characters of the zodiac.
September 19 to September 23
Virgo is the sixth sign of the zodiac; Libra is the seventh.
Virgo/Libras strive to create balance and harmony between
themselves and others. They bring their skills and talents
together for the good of others. Despite their inherent modesty,
those born on the Virgo/Libra cusp are industrious and efficient
when working for a good cause. Objective and just, Virgo/Libras
are excellent arbitrators and enjoy lots of friends.
The astrological symbol of Virgo is the Virgin; Libra is
represented by the Scales. Virgo/Libras abhor unfairness and
conflict, striving above all for peace, but at times they are easily
deterred from their beliefs. They are able to see all sides of an
argument, but as their mental scales sway back and forth, they

may never find balance and can become fickle and indecisive.
They are skilled at seeing all sides of a situation, which is an
expression of Virgo's mutable quality. Virgo/Libras are skilled at
initiating group projects. In this way, the cardinal quality of Libra
is exemplified.
When Virgo/Libras set goals for themselves, they are determined
to succeed. This astrological combination tends to be about
other people rather than personal development. They are
socially inclined and charming, but their focus is about smallerscale projects and individuals. Because of Virgo's association
with individuals and health, and Libra's innate interest in others,
many Virgo/Libras are drawn toward careers in medicine.
Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. In Roman mythology,
Mercury (and his Greek equivalent, Hermes) was the messenger
god. He was a quick, nervous type, and he was known for his
strong reasoning and ability to analyze. Communication is his
province. As a planet, Mercury is androgynous. Libra is ruled by
the planet Venus. In mythology, Venus (and her Greek
equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty and
pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation of
beautiful things and people. Libra is the masculine, or day,
aspect of Venus; Taurus is the feminine, or night aspect.
Virgo/Librans are happiest when they're in a relationship. They
are seductive and attractive, and their cultural awareness and
talkative nature help them shine in the social situations they so
enjoy. They tend to explore subjects deeply and are very good at
understanding the deeper meaning of what others say. Many
Virgo/Libras have an excellent head for business, relying on logic
rather than ego or emotion to make their deals. They are
reliable, practical, diligent, controlled and rational.
The element associated with Virgo is Earth. The element
associated with Libra is Air. Virgo/Libras tend to respond to the
world with intellect and by examining the worth of each possible
response. Their intellectual orientation to the world around them
makes them skilled at communication and abstract reasoning,
and their intelligence combines with their interest in others to
become an intellectual exploration of the people around them.

Because of their responsibility and attention to detail, those born

on the Virgo/Libra cusp tend to be perfectionists. They may
worry about small details, but this is often necessary when
attempting to be as fair and diplomatic as possible. They are
team workers, skilled at cooperative action, but they can also be
Open-minded and always polite, they have a strong sense of
loyalty because of their ability to put themselves into the shoes
of others. Virgo/Libras love to debate but not to quarrel; a fine
distinction that is nonetheless very important. They are kind and
considerate, and they rarely display anger. Instead, they may
employ subtle means of getting even when their strong sense of
fairness and legality, or their refined sensitivities, are violated.
They tend to be somewhat health-conscious, which ensures they
take good care of themselves and their loved ones. In their
leisure time, Virgo/Libras often turn their interest in health into
an exercise or fitness program. However, they have a definite
lazy streak, preferring to read and go out with friends. Exercise
generally appeals to them only if it is effective and allows
socializing at the same time. Some have a particular affinity for
activities that let them get out in nature, such as hiking and
horseback riding.
In love relationships, Virgo/Libras are playful, romantic and
devoted. The great strength of the Virgo/Libra-born is in their
attention to detail and their desire to be of service. They pick up
on the little things that most others miss. Their drive for peace
and harmony and their ability to obtain balance and cooperation
from a disparate group is unparalleled. Their skill at seeing all
sides of a situation makes them one of the most just characters
of the zodiac.
October 19 to October 23
Libra is the seventh sign of the zodiac; Scorpio is the eighth.
After Libra's intellectual exploration of other people, Scorpio's
interest is in discovering other people's emotions and how they
respond to the world around them. Scorpio is the sign of sex and

death, the beginning and ending, and they explore these ideas
from an emotional standpoint. Libra/Scorpios strive to create
balance and harmony between self and other through
investigation and probing. They are often strongly intuitive and
penetrating. They have a need to be liked.
The astrological symbol of Libra is the Scales. Like the scales of
justice, Librans are objective and just. They abhor unfairness
and conflict, striving above all for peace; but at times they are
easily deterred from their beliefs. Librans are able to see all
sides of an argument, but as their mental scales sway back and
forth, they may never find balance. The astrological symbol of
Scorpio is the Scorpion. Like the mythical scorpion, those born
under this sign tend to be strong-willed and wary of being
controlled by others. In keeping with Libra's cardinal quality,
Libra/Scorpios are diplomatic and cooperative; they are skilled at
initiating group projects.
They can be stubborn, refusing to give up when others have
long since become bored and abandoned a project.
Libra/Scorpios get things done when no one else thought it
possible. In this way, the fixed quality of Scorpio is expressed.
When Libra/Scorpios set goals for themselves, they are
determined to succeed. They have their own agenda and work
to achieve their desires.
Libra is ruled by the planet Venus. In mythology, Venus (and her
Greek equivalent, Aphrodite) was the goddess of love, beauty
and pleasure. She represented joy, happiness and appreciation
of beautiful things. Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and
Pluto. Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war,
and ancient astrologers assigned both Aries and Scorpio to this
planet. Pluto (and his Greek equivalent, Hades) was the god of
the underworld, and when the planet Pluto was discovered early
in the 20th century, astrologers assigned Scorpio to it.
Libra/Scorpios are seductive and attractive, commanding and
intense. Cultural awareness and a talkative nature help them
shine in the social situations they so enjoy. The element
associated with Libra is Air. The element associated with Scorpio
is Water.

Libra/Scorpios are skilled at communication and abstract

reasoning, and their intelligence combines with their interest in
others to become an intellectual exploration of those around
them. They may repress their emotions, but underneath they are
lusty and perceptive. Libra/Scorpios are motivated and loyal, but
they are often misunderstood and may be seen as dictatorial or
sarcastic. If they have an ulterior motive, they can be
overbearing, but in a subtle, sly or manipulative way.
Libra/Scorpios are both mystical and scientific, a combination
that makes them very aware of what is happening around them;
they are a sign of great depth. If they aren't careful, though,
their passionate nature may lead them into self-indulgence or
compulsion. In their leisure time, Libra/Scorpios tend to have a
definite lazy streak. However, this is barely perceptible because
they also enjoy difficult pursuits that challenge them to excel,
and they refuse to settle for being anything less than the best.
They may have a particular affinity for activities that let them
get out in nature.
In love relationships, Libra is playful, romantic and devoted. The
great strength of the Libra/Scorpio-born is in their drive for
peace and harmony and their determination to see things
through to the end. Their skill at seeing all sides of a situation
with great passion and strength makes them one of the most
powerful characters of the zodiac.
November 19 to November 23
Scorpio is the eighth sign of the zodiac; Sagittarius is the ninth.
Scorpio is the sign of sex and death, the beginning and ending,
and they explore these ideas from an emotional standpoint.
Sagittarius uses knowledge to understand the world. Sagittarius
is the sign of philosophy and religion, and people born under this
sign are the scholars and learners of the zodiac. Those born on
the Scorpio/Sagittarius cusp seek the truth and the meaning of
life, and they love to explore through knowledge. They are
investigative and probing, often strongly intuitive and

The astrological symbol of Scorpio is the Scorpion. The

astrological symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer.
Scorpio/Sagittarius are very determined, and once they've made
up their minds, they are unlikely to change them. Expressing the
fixed quality of Scorpio, they tend to be stubborn, refusing to
give up when others have long since become bored and
abandoned a project, and they get things done when no one else
thought it possible. Even though Scorpio/Sagittarius are likely to
remain true to their opinions and judgments once they have
settled on them, they are not necessarily fixed or opinionated.
They have no set plan or bias but seek to learn new ideas as
they come. In this way, the mutable quality of Sagittarius is
exemplified. They desire the freedom to do what they want
when they want, and they tend to be impulsive and
Scorpio/Sagittarius people tend to be concerned with deeper and
focused learning. They are versatile and progressive, but at
times they can be impatient and pushy if something isn't getting
done the way they want. Those who wish to change a
Scorpio/Sagittarius mind often have trouble because they can
never be sure what their motivation is; they are too complex and
sometimes too secretive to be understood easily.
Scorpio is ruled by the planets Mars and Pluto. In mythology,
Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war, and
ancient astrologers assigned both Aries and Scorpio to this
Planet. Pluto (and his Greek equivalent, Hades) was the god of
the underworld, and when the planet Pluto was discovered early
in the 20th century, astrologers assigned Scorpio to it. Scorpio's
modern ruler, Pluto, represents death and endings; it's the sign
of rebirth and regeneration.
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter, and, according to
mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king
of the gods. Jupiter represents expansion in all its forms,
including the mental outreach so prominent in Sagittarians, but
it also may invite excess. It is the planet of luck, and many
people born under Sagittarius do experience good luck.
Scorpio/Sagittarians are interested in thought and outreach.

They are intensely powerful, good-humored and generous.

The element associated with Scorpio is Water. The element
associated with Sagittarius is Fire. Scorpio/Sagittarians tend to
respond to the world through emotion and action, rather than
practicality. They are eager and inspirational; they are about
action and getting things started, but they can also seem
irresponsible or tactless if they jump in too quickly. They want to
experience life, rather than read about it, and they are outgoing
and friendly. Scorpio/Sagittarians are motivated and loyal, but
they are often misunderstood, and others may see them as
dictatorial or sarcastic.
They are broad-minded and enthusiastic, but they may
sometimes seem to have foot-in-mouth disease, as they may
talk too much or speak before thinking. Scorpio/Sagittarians are
both mystical and scientific, a combination that makes them
very aware of what is happening around them; they are a sign of
great depth. Many enjoy travel and spiritual study and have
daring and adventurous spirits.
Scorpio/Sagittarians aspire to be the phoenix or eagle, rising
above the ordinary world and into something extraordinary.
Their suspicion and jealousy can pull them down, but their
passion and awareness can help them rise above this. They also
love to have a good time and are outgoing and friendly. Many
are natural comedians, sometimes exaggerating their
adventures to entertain others. Their innate self-confidence may
make them argumentative or blunt, but their intention is to
learn, not to offend. They are high-spirited and enthusiastic,
often flirtatious, and they tend to enjoy social life immensely.
In their leisure time, Scorpio/Sagittarians enjoy competition and
challenge. They aren't satisfied with moving along at half speed
or lowering their abilities to let those with lesser skills beat
them. Personal challenge is always appreciated, and they tend
to prefer solitary or one-on-one sports that stretch them to the
limit, such as skydiving and big game fishing. They tend to be
lucky and may enjoy gambling. Their philosophical side makes
them enjoy drama and debate, as well as most other mentally
challenging pursuits.

In love relationships, Scorpio/Sagittarians are flirtatious, playful,

caring and possessive. The great strength of the
Scorpio/Sagittarius-born is in their determination to see things
through to the end. They refuse to allow boredom to turn them
away from projects, and they are committed to accomplishing
what they set out to do. Their philosophical and exploratory
nature makes it important to live life to the fullest, experiencing
everything they can. Their great love of knowledge and
exploration makes them one of the most learned characters of
the zodiac.
December 19 to December 23
Sagittarius is the 9th sign of the zodiac; Capricorn is the 10th.
Sagittarius/Capricorns use knowledge to understand the world
and hard work to master it. Those born on this cusp are both
ambitious and disciplined, determined and dedicated to
achieving their goals. They are also practical and realistic,
cautious not to get in over their head. Sagittarius/Capricorns are
the scholars and learners of the zodiac. They seek the truth and
the meaning of life, and they love to explore. The astrological
symbol of Sagittarius is the Archer. The Archer is a Centaur, half
man and half horse, and it is the only sign of the zodiac that is
half man and half beast. Centaurs were the great scholars and
intellectuals of Greek and Roman myth, but they could also be
hotheaded and aggressive.
The astrological symbol of Capricorn is the Sea Goat. They start
from the sea and ascend to the highest mountaintops, working
their way upward with every step. While the path is not always
smooth, their determination to succeed ensures they will
persevere. They can also be rigid and unforgiving when others
stand in their way.
Sagittarius/Capricorns are not fixed or opinionated, and they
have no set plan or bias, but seek to learn new ideas as they
come. This aspect is indicative of the mutable nature of the Sun
sign Sagittarius. These people often excel in the workplace and
are business leaders, often starting businesses or coming up

with new ideas.

In this way, Capricorn exemplifies the cardinal quality assigned
to it. Capricorns' organizational ability combines with their
diligence to help them achieve their goals.
Sagittarius/Capricorns desire the freedom to do what they want
when they want, and they tend to be impulsive and
Sagittarius is ruled by the planet Jupiter. In ancient Roman
mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king
of the gods. Jupiter represents expansion in all its forms,
including the mental outreach so prominent in Sagittarians, but
it also may invite excess. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn.
In mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the
father of many of the gods, including Zeus. Saturn is about
discipline, hard work and responsibility. Sagittarius/Capricorns
are interested in mental exploration as teachers and
philosophers, and are loyal and charitable, self-controlled and
self-reliant. They are also trustworthy and charming, adaptable
to all situations.
The element associated with Sagittarius is Fire. The element
associated with Capricorn is Earth. Fire/Earth signs are physical
and practical. While they are about action and leadership, they
are not in a hurry. Their innate optimism and belief in
straightforward dealings with others can sometimes make them
careless or impulsive, but underneath they are economical,
shrewd and rather conservative.
Sagittarius/Capricorns love to have a good time, and they are
outgoing and friendly. They are, however, also among the most
responsible and traditional signs of the zodiac. They are
generally polite and warm, because they understand that
making enemies will not help them achieve in life.
Many Sagittarius/Capricorns are natural comedians, sometimes
exaggerating their adventures to entertain others. Their innate
self-confidence may make them argumentative or blunt, but
their intention is to learn, not to offend. They are high-spirited

and enthusiastic, often flirtatious, and they tend to enjoy social

life immensely. In their leisure time,
Sagittarius/Capricorns athleticism comes to the forefront.
Personal challenge is always appreciated, and they tend to
prefer competition with others. One-on-one competition also
appeals to them, and they especially enjoy golf and martial arts.
They tend to be lucky, and may enjoy gambling. Thanks to their
philosophical side, they also enjoy drama, debate and most
other mentally challenging pursuits.
In love relationships, Sagittarius/Capricorns are flirtatious,
devoted and playful. The great strength of the
Sagittarius/Capricorn-born is in their philosophical and
exploratory nature. It is important to them that they live life to
the fullest, experiencing everything they can. Their ambition is
inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred when their goals
are in sight. Their hard work makes them one of the most
successful characters of the zodiac.
January 19 to January 23
Capricorn is the 10th sign of the zodiac; Aquarius is the 11th
sign. Those born on the Capricorn/Aquarius cusp are involved
with and interested in social institutions. They want to make
them work as they were meant to work. They are humanitarians
and philanthropists, the visionaries of the zodiac. Friendship is
important to them, and they have many acquaintances, in
addition to their close friends. These people are also ambitious
and disciplined, determined and dedicated to achieving their
goals. They are practical, realistic and cautious not to get in over
their heads.
The astrological symbol of Capricorn is the Sea Goat. They start
from the sea and ascend to the highest mountaintops, working
their way upward with every step. While the path is not always
smooth, their determination to succeed ensures they will
persevere. The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water
Bearer. Like the Bearer bringing water to his people, this sign
brings new ideas to the world. It represents consciousness and

the flowing of ideas.

Capricorn/Aquarians work hard to bring their ideas to fruition,
stubbornly refusing to give up their causes. This may appear as
a Capricorn trait, but it is actually representative of the fixed
quality of Aquarius. The cardinal quality of Capricorn is seen in
their ambition and their willingness to embark on new projects.
These people are independent and individualistic, within the
world but detached from it. While they are peace-loving and
friendly, they can be narrow-minded and overcritical of those not
as ambitious as they are.
Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn. In mythology, Saturn
(and his Greek equivalent, Cronus) was the father of many of the
gods, including Zeus. Saturn is about discipline, hard work and
responsibility. It rules both Capricorn and Aquarius; Capricorn is
the feminine, or night aspect, and Aquarius is the masculine, or
day aspect. Both signs are concerned with achieving goals
through hard work, but Aquarians work hard to achieve their
visions, while Capricorns use hard work to gain authority and
social status.
When the planet Uranus was discovered, astrologers assigned it
as the modern ruler of Aquarius. It is from this planet that
Aquarians receive their visionary nature. Uranus is associated
with progress and technology -- anything that is radical -- and it
rules electricity and astrology. Some Aquarians have genius that
borders on insanity, and their progressive ideas and association
with anything that is different makes them dissimilar from
Capricorn. Although Capricorn/Aquarians are powerfully
influenced by both Uranus and Saturn. Those born on this cusp
are both unpredictable and unconventional, while being
interested in upholding tradition and conservative belief
The element associated with Capricorn is Earth. Earth signs are
practical: they tend to respond to the world through practicality.
The element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air signs are
intellectual: they tend to respond to the world through intellect.
Capricorn/Aquarius has fixed opinions and is eager to share and

discuss them. While those born on this cusp are tolerant and
broad-minded, they tend to stick to their beliefs. Their intellect
makes them logical and self-confident, but it may also make
them aloof from the people around them. They are original,
offbeat and even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by
detail. They are often business-oriented and can be extremely
scrupulous. Reformist and experimental, they may also seem
cold toward anyone who doesn't share their intellectual
orientation to life.
Capricorn/Aquarians are among the responsible and traditional
sign combinations. They are generally reserved, careful and
stable. Sometimes they may be overly critical, even bossy, but
this is because they have a strong desire to achieve their goals,
not because they are rude. In fact, they are generally polite
because they understand that making enemies will not help
them achieve anything in life. They tend to be multitalented,
both in scientific and creative endeavors. They are unique and
rebellious, driven to change the world. Their freedom is
important to them, and they are often driven to help others
become free as well.
In their leisure time, Capricorn/Aquarians enjoy competition with
others. They enjoy both team sports and one-on-one
competition. They are quite the social animals and often have a
fondness for conversation, as long as it has intellectual depth
and meaning. The great strength of the Capricorn/Aquarius is in
their ability to set goals and keep working until they achieve
Their ambition is inexhaustible, and they are not easily deterred
when their goals are in sight. Their visionary nature makes them
people who take the world to the next level; they make others
see things in a new light. Their ability to break the rules and
move beyond what others think is possible makes them one of
the most innovative and hard working characters of the zodiac.
February 19 to February 23
Aquarius is the 11th sign of the zodiac. Aquarians are

humanitarians and philanthropists, the visionaries of the zodiac.

Aquarians value friendship and often have many acquaintances
in addition to their close friends. Pisces is the 12th and final sign
of the zodiac. All that is learned by the first 11 signs comes
together to help Pisces reach the pinnacle of their potential.
Aquarius/Pisces are selfless and spiritual, often strongly intuitive
and receptive to the collective unconscious.
The astrological symbol of Aquarius is the Water Bearer. The
astrological symbol of Pisces is the Pair of Fish. Those born on
the Aquarius/Pisces cusp reflect the dual nature of life, reality
and nonreality, consciousness and the unconscious. They
represent consciousness through the flowing of ideas. They work
hard to bring their ideas to fruition, stubbornly refusing to give
up their causes. In this way, the Fixed quality of Aquarius is the
Fixed exemplified.
However, the Mutable quality of Pisces shows itself equally by
deeming these individuals as people without a strong agenda;
they tend to go with the flow and move where life takes them.
They are peace-loving and friendly, and are the chameleons of
the zodiac, receptive to the needs of others but sometimes
getting lost themselves.
Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. In ancient
Roman mythology, Saturn (and his Greek equivalent, Cronus)
was the father of many gods, including Zeus. Uranus, the oldest
god, was associated with Earth. When the planet Uranus was
discovered, astrologers assigned it as the modern ruler of
Aquarius. It is from this planet that Aquarians receive their
visionary nature. Uranus is associated with progress and
technology -- anything that is radical -- and it rules electricity
and astrology.
Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. In Roman
mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was the king
of the gods. Neptune (and his Greek equivalent, Poseidon) was
the god of the sea. When the planet Neptune was discovered,
modern astrologers assigned it to be the ruler of Pisces. Neptune
is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion and
disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, and spirituality. All of

these are important to those born under Pisces. Aquarius/Pisces

tend to be strongly spiritual (not necessarily religious) and
artistic. They are idealistic, but sometimes their dreams are
vague and impractical. When reality intrudes, they can become
pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very adaptive and broadminded, so they can rework their ideals when necessary.
The element associated with Aquarius is Air. Air signs are
intellectual, and they tend to respond to the world through
intellect, rather than physical action or practicality. The element
associated with Pisces is Water. Because Water signs are
emotional, they tend to respond to the world through emotion.
Aquarius/Pisces are tolerant and open-minded, but tend to stick
to their beliefs. They are compassionate, sensitive, imaginative
and sympathetic to the feelings of others. They tend to be
romantic and sentimental, but they may give in to escapism.
They are devoted to their goals, but they can be disorganized or
procrastinate when faced with difficulties. Their intellect makes
them logical and self-confident, but it may also makes them
aloof from people around them. They are original, offbeat and
even eccentric, but they are also rather bored by detail.
Reformist and experimental, Aquarius/Pisces may seem cold
toward people who don't share their intellectual orientation to
life. Those born on the Aquarius/Pisces cusp may become timid if
their emotions are abused too often.
Aquarius/Pisces are often multitalented, both in scientific and
creative endeavors. They are unique and rebellious people who
are driven to change the world. However, they can be shy, quiet
and sometimes elusive, refusing to show their true selves. They
are modest and thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable
musical talent. Their freedom is important to them, and they are
often driven to help others become free, as well.
In their leisure time, Aquarius/Pisces are social animals. They
may work to alleviate their emotional stress through contact
with others and exercise. They greatly prefer team sports to
solitary athletics, and they often have a fondness for swimming
or water polo. In love relationships, Aquarius/Pisces is flirtatious,
caring and romantic. Aquarius rules the ankles. People born

under Aquarius may be more susceptible to sprains than those

of other signs. Aquarius's colors are the colors of the water they
carry: turquoise, aqua and silver.
The great strength of the Aquarius/Pisces is in their visionary
nature and their compassion. They are the people who take the
world to the next level; they make others see things in a new
light. Their ability to break the rules and help others reach their
fullest potential makes them one of the most understanding
characters of the zodiac.
March 19 to March 23
Pisces is the 12th and final sign of the zodiac; Aries is the first.
Pisces/Aries are spiritual, often strongly intuitive, and they are
receptive to the collective unconscious. They like to get things
started and tend to display strong leadership. Their dedicated
and assertive nature lets them eagerly lead the new cycle.
Pisces is the sign of dreams and secrets, and it represents much
that is hidden, both strengths and enemies. Aries is the sign of
new beginnings.
The astrological symbol of Pisces is the Pair of Fish. They reflect
the dual nature of life; each Fish swims in different directions,
representing reality and nonreality, consciousness and the
unconscious. The astrological symbol of Aries is the Ram. Like
the popular conception of the Ram, Aries are able to accomplish
a lot by sheer energy and force of will, 'ramming' their way to
their goals. In this way, Aries exemplifies the cardinal quality
assigned to it. Pisces, on the other hand, can be indirect and
unfocused. Pisceans don't have a strong agenda; they tend to go
with the flow and move where life takes them.
In this way, Pisces exemplifies the mutable quality assigned to it.
Pisces/Aries are unique in the sense that they are the
chameleons of the zodiac, receptive to the needs of others, but
also tending to be about self and ego rather than the balance
between people. However, they are not loners.
Pisces is ruled by the planets Jupiter and Neptune. In ancient

Roman mythology, Jupiter (and his Greek equivalent, Zeus) was

the king of the gods. Neptune (and his Greek equivalent,
Poseidon) was the god of the sea. When the planet Neptune was
discovered, modern astrologers assigned it to be the ruler of
Pisces. Neptune is about everything that isn't quite real: illusion
and disillusionment, fantasy, drama and art, and spirituality. All
of these are important to those born under Pisces or on a Pisces
Aries is ruled by the planet Mars. In ancient Roman mythology,
Mars (and his Greek equivalent, Ares) was the god of war. He
was bold, aggressive, energetic and courageous. Mars was
active and high-spirited, full of physical energy and vitality. Aries
or Aries cusp-born reflect Mars' leadership and initiative.
Pisces/Aries cusp individuals are adept at taking the ball and
running with it, and projects tend to progress quickly under their
A well-run project may become boring for these chameleon-like
folks, and they can lack follow-through and lose interest before
the project is completed. They are idealistic, but sometimes
their dreams are vague and impractical. When reality intrudes,
they can become pessimistic or lethargic, but they are very
adaptive and broad-minded so they can rework their ideals,
when necessary.
The element associated with Pisces is Water. Water signs are
emotional: they tend to respond to the world through emotion.
The element associated with Aries is Fire. Fire signs are physical:
they tend to respond to the world through action. Pisces/Aries
are compassionate, sensitive and imaginative; they are
sympathetic to the feelings of others. When presented with a
new project or idea, their innate enthusiasm and need for
challenge cause them to jump in immediately, leading the way.
One of their great skills is reaching beyond normal limitations.
They tend to be romantic and sentimental, but they may give in
to escapism. They are devoted to their goals and are constantly
initiating new projects.
Pisces/Aries are sometimes elusive, refusing to show their real
selves. They are thoughtful, sometimes displaying remarkable

musical talent. Yet, they also tend to want what they want, when
they want it. The ego that can manifest itself in Aries causes
some Rams and Ram cusps to feel that they are the center of
the universe. Those born under this sign may be fascinated with
dreams and dream interpretation.
In their leisure time, Pisces/Aries play as hard as they work at
the office. They greatly enjoy athletics, as sports give them a
positive and healthy outlet for some of their natural aggression
and emotional stress. They appreciate both individual challenge,
especially aerobics, as well as the group challenge of football
and soccer. They especially enjoy sports that bring them into
contact with the element of water, such as swimming and
sailing. They are very artistic and may excel at music and
drama. In love relationships, Pisces is playful, devoted, and
The great strength of the Pisces/Aries-born is in their
compassion, energy, initiative and courage. They reach out to
others more skillfully than most other signs, and they especially
enjoy helping others reach their fullest potential. Their natural
sensitivity makes them one of the most understanding
characters of the zodiac.

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