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The Future of Marriage (1)

Marriage emerged as a social need to somehow protect women and children, especially when
wars and diseases decimated the population. Marriage has been supported by religion, always in
cooperation with governments. Unfortunately, long lasting-marriage is not natural for humans.
Unlike many monogamous birds our nature is to be polygamous. The motivation for keeping
families together is due to social compulsion and/or other interests and feelings. The percent of
divorces tend to increase with the development and evolution of society.
This is cold, insensitive and unacceptable for people who fall in love. How is it possible that
these feelings are not forever? We are not animals! We live in a society! Marriage was not
created by man; God created it! And people cling to eternity with that unnatural union. In these
cases, feelings exceed wisdom and the majority of people are likely to repeatedly make
ridiculous mistakes.
Marriage is supposed to be based on loyalty and respect. When either fails nothing in the couple
is reliable anymore and the best recommendation is to break the union for the good of all. When
you are in love the tolerance for infidelity is more apparent than real. From those actions;
negative feelings emerge, often with violence, without revealing the hidden cause of the hostile
The progress that has moved modern societies towards full equality for women is the greatest
humanitarian achievement of our time. It will come a time when total independence and equality
will be achieved. Therefore, partners who feel their union is eternal and sublime just by love
alone will find themselves without material or psycho-social loads. Then marriage would no
longer be a social necessity; therefore, the strength of nature would prevail and unions would last
until a new love appears. Although after the reproductive age, and even before, nothing is
absolute, there will be couples who will remain together by other factors such as: affinity,
coexistence, common interests and many others.
If the trend of heterosexual marriage is going to disappear, what can be expected from gay
marriages where promiscuity is also not absent? Can we say that there is equality in gay
marriages? Equality between a gay couple may be obvious; however, the campaign for gay
marriage legalization still controversial for many people. Are these benefits so great that they
prefer them over equality? Are these couples a throwback to inequality? Are those in favor of
such marriages doing it for a rare humanism, seeking parity with heterosexual? Could it be that
the male part of one partner supports the feminist yearnings of the other? Or could it be an
influence from the power to reduce birthrate? In the past overpopulation encouraged some
governments push to wars. At some point in history being bisexual was honored amongst the
upper class. Perhaps, hoping that the population would embrace that alternate sexual choice and
thus reduce the birth rate. But today many gay couples think about adoption, surrogacy and/or
insemination regardless of what these innocent beings might suffer. Consequently, even those
marriages would not decrease future overpopulation.
In short, this is an open and very complex issue that is presently waiting for scientific theories.
To repeat what has been said on TV "it is left to your own mulling."

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