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CINEMA-Its Advantages and Disadvantages


Its advantage.
Its disadvantages.

The cinema has come to stay with us for good or bad. We cannot get away with it. We
should not get away with it. It is the cheapest form of delight and entertainment for the millions.
It is a blessing to every one. Our countrynow is full of cinemas. Cities, towns and villages even
are full of cinema houses. Goine to see the pictures has become a hobby with all and a passion
with a few. The Cinema stars are more wonderful than the stars about. They draw us more
powerfully than any other single factor of modern lfe. We, sometimes, dream of becoming actors
on the screen. At any rate we go to see pictures more often than we go to temples and mosques
and churches. There are all sorts of attraction in these cinemas. Formerly, only a few years ago,
there were only silent pictures. It was these silent pictures which were introduced into our
country. They were called Kinematographs or as we now call them Cinematographs. That is to
say, they were a series of pictures or photographs of the original scene. They were also called
Movies or moving pictures. These shows were taken from place to place and displayed at fairs
and meals. They were shown it tents and temporary structures.
Today, however, these pcitrues have begun to speak and sing as well as move. They
have become talkies as well as movies. Naturally, they become more numerous and more
popular. They are now housed in huge theatres or cinema houses. They have become a
permanent feature of our urban life; and they are slowly but surely moving towards our smaller
towns and bigger villages. They have captured the mind of almost everyone in our country. They
have grown up into big industries also. Formerly we use dto get films made in foreign countries.
Today our own people are producing several good films. Some of these have received
international prizes. There are several prosperous film companies. There are thousands of actos,
actresses; producers are artists of all kinds engaged in this national industry of ours. In short, we
have become cinemaminded most definitely. Our Government has instituted good prizes and
awards for the best films, the best actors and the best producers. We are encouraging this
profession and industry in many unmistakable ways.
Undoubtedly, the cinema has several good things to give us. They are first and foremost
a very cheap form of entertainment on a very big scale. In pre-cinema days our dramatists and
poets used to provide us with dramas and operate for our entertainment. Dramatic companies
used to supply our demands for amusement. We saw living men and women act and play their
parts on the stage. This dramatic entertainment, however, was a costly affair. It was also restricte
din its appeasl because the same company had to move from place to place. Drama had to cater
only to limited audience in a limited season of the year.
But the mechanical devices used in showing pictures have changed this slow tempo of
dramtic production. Today one and the same film could be shown in several places drawing
millions of people. Science and technology have thus brought a revolution in our modes of
entertainment. One set of actos producing a film can thus cater to millions of people.

Secondly, the cinema can show a greater variety of scenes than is possible to do in
dramas. In other words, cinemeas are more colourful and thrilling than dramas. The science and
art of photography have grown to perfection. By their means almost any scenes could be shouwn
on the screen. Wild jugles, wild animals, sea-fighters, fires, floods, earthquakes and tempests are
shown on the screen. Swordfights, thrilling fiths and gripping escapes are vividly shown in the
films. The scenes in the pictures are varied and thrilling. There is rich colour and detail in these
scenes. Nature can be brought on the screen in any of its moods and seasons. Lovers are shown
in spring, surrounded by flowers and songs of birds. A street scene is shown in vivid, realistic
details. The crowds can be pictured as moving in real life. Scenes consisting of hundreds of
persons are photographed and shown on the screen. In short, the screen can display any and
every scene most vividly.
This variety of scenes and the thrill they give are the greatest attractions of the
cinema. They are especially pleasing to the masses who want vivid colour and variety. In this
respect the drama is no comparison at all. Their scens and curtains are a poor show when
compared with the variety and richness of those in the films.
Thirdly, the cinemas have an educational value which is most important. They are a
form of visual education. They give information, news, instruction, and enlightenment. The films
called documentaries are a great force in educating public. In a country like ours where literacy
is very low, the cinemas are very welcome. They are the most powerful agencies for spreading
knowledge and information. To the people in villages, the films can bring the most up-to-date
items of knowledge in agriculture, industry and education. They can teach them the principles of
cleanliness, sanitation and hygiene. They can show the dangers of dirty rotten garbage and
marshy jungles. They can show them how to prevent such things, and how to build up the good
In short, the cinema has a very definite place in developing the health, knowledge and
wealth of the masses. It caters to the need of the classes as well as the measses. If used properly,
the cinema is an unmixed blessing for all.
But, all this is true only if the cinema is properly used. If it is abuse dor misused, the
cinema can be as harmful as an epidemic. The greatest danger of the abuse of cinema is the
danger of making people vulgar and low in their tastes and outlook. A nation is judge dby the
standard of its targets and value. If films begin to show vulgar and indecent pictures of animal
passion, the harm done is huge. This is particularly so in the case of young men and women and
small children. Some of the films show nothing but scenes of shameless lovemaking, kissing and
hugging. The songs sung are cheap, immelodious and indecent. Such scenes and songs
demoralize the growing minds of our youth. Some of the filsm are full of low appeal sexual.
Such films should be banned. Some films are used for propaganda. They do no good. Some films
make crime, and look romantic. Thi is most dangerous because people begin to dream of
becoming such heroes.
Cinema-going should not be a drug orwild passion. It is likely to lead young people to
neglect their serious duties. There should be a proper control of such tendencies among boys and
As an industry, also, the cinema companies are dgangerous when they are misused.
We read reports in the paper about young people running away from homes in order to join the
profession of actos. Many such youths are exploited by selfish campanies and they encourage
indiscipline. Government should control these abuses. There should be no exploitation of
unsuspecting youths.

Perhaps the most tragic aspect of the growth of cinemas is the decay of our drama.
The screen has affected the stage most powerfully. We do not hear of good dramas or of good
dramatic and theatrical companies. The drama is very ancient, a very beautiful art which should
be encouraged. Our government is doing all it can to encourage this decaying art of ours. The
drama has a human appeal and interest which the cinema can never have. The cinema is subject
to all the limitations of ht emachine. It is too mechanical to inspire human hearts. It cannot
appeal in the same human way that drama does.
In conclusion we may say that the cinema has come to stay with us for good or bad. It
is up to us to make it a good thing. We can so use it as to give us beneficial results. It is a
wonderful invention of science, and like all scientific inventions it is a double-edged weapon. It
can do splendid service in spreading knowledge as well as delight among the millions. Let us
hope that its abuses will be controlled so as to make it an honourable profession and a source of
life-giving entertainment to the millions.

Advantages of watching movies

One of the main reasons and the main advantage of watching movies is simply for the pleasure
of it. Some people forget that enjoying yourself is one of the most important things in life and we
should regularly do things we enjoy to have a happy, healthy life. Many people find movies to be
relaxing and a way to chill out and enjoy an evening.
Another advantage is the fact that some movies can be extremely educational. We can learn
about a potentially unlimited amount of topics by watching movies. There are many movies
about wars that teach us about the history of war; but movies do not just teach us facts or
historical dates, they can also teach us about our emotions.
There are many sad films or happy films where we can see how other people have dealt with
certain emotions and if it is done in a positive way we can use the experience of others and apply
it to our own lives.

Disadvantages of watching movies

Some of the disadvantages to watching movies come from the fact they are often an unrealistic
portrayal of life. We like movies to have a 'happily ever after' ending but in reality, this does not
always happen.
In movies, the good guy always wins and the bad guy has to pay for their crimes, but we know
this is not always how the world works.
Another disadvantage is the fact that people often spend a lot of their lives watching movies but
there is no substitute for getting out there and living life. Some people spend too much time in
the fantasy world of a movie when they should be facing reality.


3 Replies


1 Recreation is an essential part of life.
2. Cinema of recent birth but has attained phenomenal popularity.
3. heaters to the people.
4. Its value in cultural and educational spheres.
5. Social and political importance of Cinema.
6. It has led to the development of cosmopolitan outlook and can be used for the growth of
inter national understanding.
7. Commercial importance.
8. its evil effects.
9. Far reaching effects upon the youth of the country. 10. Its future growth is inevitable.
Recreation is as much necessary for healthy growth as work. Life will be dull and unpleasant if
there is no occasional amusement to cheer it up. Therefore, from the earliest limes recreation in
different forms has been introduced in healthy and civilized society. Dance, drama, singing,
puppet show and various other forms of entertainment have found favour with the people. Today
life of man has grown complex, full of worries, cares and anxieties. The mechanized Way of life
has bred monotony, therefore his modes of entertainment have also undergone revolutionary
change. The latest and the most popular form of recreation is Cinema. Its phenomenal popularity
and development is due to its mass appeal and that it is well within the financial limitation of
common man. The people belonging to different walks of life patronize it and find it equal to
their varied Interests.
The power or the motion pictures as an instrument of culture and education is immeasurable. We
know that a motion picture based on a classical novel will induce thousands of people to read Or
reread the book; the introduction of a classical composition into the picture stimulates the
demand for recording of that composition. Lessons of history, geography and everyday science
life imparted through it. The man of today is better informed than his ancestors due to cinema.

Thus they give food for thought and imagination to the common people by showing on the
screen grand objects ; sublime beauties and epoch-making events. The great personalities of
former times come to life and their message is communicated to the people The lives of saints
and seers set high ideals before the people. They enlarge our vision and broaden our minds.
FILMS DEPICT Historical, mythological and social themes bearing on Indian lives, whether of
the past or the present make a special appeal to the people. The Cinema has been found to be the
most effective method of exposing social evils such as dowry system, etc. Civic sense and public
morality is engendered through them. The political awareness, fight for the rights and the general
awakening of the masses is largely contributed by Cinema. As a means of propaganda, publicity
and advertisement its services are invaluable and it must be preserved and fostered at all costs.
Cinema has also thrown down the barriers of time and space. It has made man truly
cosmopolitan in outlook. A grand sight in cold Norway is reproduced vividly to people in hot
Africa. A political or social revolution in one part of the country is shown the world over.
Moreover, it can be used as a medium for the enlightenment of other nations about our own
culture, customs, manners and policies. It has often been said that one of the potent causes of
international misunderstanding, hot and cold wars, is that people of different countries do not
have the means to understand and appreciate each other adequately. In this respect cinema can
serve the goodwill mission of presenting the correct image of the country and the people abroad.
Thus, Cinema can be used for establishing mutual international understanding and paving the
way for permanent world peace. However, it cannot be neglected that they are the major single
factor which earn substantial and much needed foreign exchange.
Commercially also Cinema has opened up a lucrative pro fession. Besides encouraging young
men and women to enter the field of acting, in has provided employment to millions of people as
technicians, designers, photographers, dressmakers and various allied agencies. The artists right
from the storywriter to a poster designer have found a ready market for their talent. Poets and
even literary men who had been looked down upon for ages have found with Cinema a fresh
lease of life and livelihood.
Apart from its various advantages, Cinema is not free from its evil effects. Film artistry is,
unfortunately, compelled to compromise with peoples popular taste and appeal to their lower
instincts. Too many films dealing with sex problems and with the ways of the criminals are now
shown, f These are apt to affect public morality. The substandard catering of music I and
recreation is likely to injure public taste and outlook and is not ultimately good for the art.
The Cinema has far reaching effect upon the youth of the country. The ftlms make them
prematurely sex conscious and they start reacting the scenes of romantic pictures in their regular
life. A sense of dissatisfaction with life is engendered among them. Vandalism and increasing
acts of rowdyism in the student community are attributed to their indiscriminately frequenting
the cinema halls. Again the youth imitating all sorts of fashions from the films lead to the
development of expensive tastes and manners. They grow divorced from grim and dismal

realities of life and start living in the fairyland pictures on the screen. In this respect the role of
Government is significantly felt.
Further in India Cinema has to attain the artistic and technical perfection, Government aid by
way of subsidy, helping manufacture of raw film and other equipment in the country; admission
tax reduction, encouragement to talented artists and technicians must be forthcoming. We must
not forget that with wide range of depiction and with universality of its appeal, Cinema has
tremendous possibilities in our country. With our abundant and natural wealth and inexhaustible
fund of rich literature, our Cinema, though young and unstable, its growth is inevitable.

The advantages and disadvantages of the cinema

Cinemas are a common sight nowadays. They are found in every town. The existence of so many
cinemas reflects their popularity. They have indeed become the most popular places of
The cinema attracts large numbers of people everyday. It is the magnet of the town. It sometimes
attracts even those who do not wish to see a film.
As it is so popular, the cinema exerts a profound influence on the minds of many people, young
and old. The influence is sometimes good, and sometimes it is bad. Films showing criminal
activities and the sensual desires of man have caused much harm to many youths. Some youths
have become criminals themselves though almost every film shows how the good always
triumphs over the evil. The cinema has also caused many people to waste money. Such people
have become so addicted to visiting the cinema that they see almost every film, good or bad. In
this way money is wasted not only on purchasing tickets for admittance to the cinema but also on
travelling and many other things.
Often, however, the cinema helps to spread knowledge. There are many films which show the
activities of the various races of people living in the remote regions of the earth. Some films
show how man has struggled through the centuries to make the world a better place to live in.
There are also films which show the events that led to some of the important battles in the past.
They are shown with so much realism that one remembers them for a long time. Such films are
indeed invaluable, especially to those who are illiterate. In this respect the cinema could be
regarded as a school. Even the dullest student learns many things if he sees an educational film in
the cinema though he may learn nothing from his teacher or his books. Such is the effect of the
film, and in many countries, educational authorities are trying to make the best use of the cinema
to spread knowledge and information.
It is therefore clear that the cinema has many advantages as well as disadvantages. Often the
advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Those who visit the cinema with the purpose of learning
something good are sure to benefit from almost every visit to the cinema.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Movies

Films or movies, we all have been watching them since the advent of cinema and television in
our lives. Earlier there was just a national channel which would show movies on weekends
saving you the effort of going to the hall. Then we had cable television, a whole lot of movies to
watch English, Hindi, Punjabi etc. The internet made the scope of watching films even more
broad, download them and watch at your own convenience.

Advantages of Movies

Disadvantages of Movies


Films started becoming grander and technologically advanced. Careers in film industry were no
longer a taboo and many relocated to greener pastures and movie industry revenue ensured its
propagation. Today, United States, Nigeria, Hong Kong and India are the leaders in film making
In Europe, France and United Kingdom are the countries that lead in movie production. India is
the largest producer of films in the world. USA has a whole district - Hollywood in Los Angeles
which caters exclusively to the movie industry. The actors, directors producers, singers are big
names and bankable too. In this grandeur and showbiz, we didnt actually pay much attention or
didnt bother to evaluate the effect of movies on youth and more importantly the impact of films
on society. What is the role of movies in our lives, are movies harmful or beneficial or both? To
evaluate the worth of films, we need to weigh the pros and cons of movies. We also need to come
to an understanding; how much importance should we give or not give to films?

Benefits of Movies
Entertainment Movies are a source of popular entertainment. From the moment we indulge in
watching a movie, we are transformed into a new world where our mind is at ease, it forgets
everything and is concentrated at watching. Everybody wants to relax and be amused. Every age
of people, young and old, literate and illiterate want recreation. Recreation is an important part of
life and movies provide that avenue. Watching a film on a theatre can be an exhilarating
experience in itself. This is because a large number of people are doing the same thing. The
audience laughs together, applauds and shares almost the same emotions. This collective effort
experienced by the viewers makes the experience more entertaining and enjoyable.

Socialising Activators Films are social activators, they allow even unknown people to mingle
with each other. We all see movies and it is a common factor amongst us. This common factor
can initiate and or sustain a conversation with a stranger. We have opinions about movies and
these also help in socialisation through conversation and debate. When we go to a cinema or a
theatre to watch a movie we socialise with our friends, relatives, peers etc. Movie is social art
form which brings together all genres of people even if they have different views about the
Lesson of Teamwork A movie is a collaborative work; it requires actors, cinematographers,
directors, make-up artists, writers, visual effects specialists, technicians and others. When this
movie is applauded by all is shows the power of teamwork. It is also a lesson for all; that
teamwork pays. Some films themselves are based on the theme of teamwork. This comes
across strongly across the audience as they visually experience the lesson as compare to a
bookish lesson.
Movies stir our Imagination The weirdest, the most extreme, the most unbelievable things are
shown in movies. Some films are based on comic book characters, adaptations of novel or
drama. They bring to life the inanimate and it requires imagination. Today, we have so many
techniques and instruments which show us the unseen and unimagined. Both the viewers and the
movie directors conceive ideas towards their own personal objectives. The audience witnesss
audio-video which enhances their imagination and their feedback inspires more varied
Showcase of Worlds Art and Culture Many of the customs and traditions of different parts
of the world are shown in movies. While sitting at our homes we are able to travel virtually to
places where we cannot imagine, to be. Most of the movies show customs and arts of foreign
countries. They give us insights about human activities and a better understanding of people of
the world. Without movies we wouldnt come to know about Muay Thai or Ninjas or any of
the things that we know today.
Films Educate us Films are platter of various disciplines, they show us history, culture,
science, technology, politics and lot more. These disciplines are not confined to one particular
region; these educate us on varying geographical regions across various time lines. We come to
know about the past, the present and the future. In fact visual medium is means of better
education as we retain information for a long time when we visually see it. The uneducated also
benefits from the content of the movies as he needs only eyes and not the skill to read or write to
understand a literary classic or hi-fi flick. They havent said it just like that A Picture Speaks a
Thousand Words.
Art Form Films are a Universal Art Form, a platform where you can express and communicate
your thoughts or emotions. Just like a painter paints his imagination on a canvas, movie makers
express their emotions, views, angst, joy and so on. People have ideas and they use films to point
out their opinions or viewpoints through cinemascope. Some want to recreate some historical

event while some indulge in fantasies. In their objective, they create beautiful scenes, thrilling
moments, happy environment etc. which become their own style and an art form. These inspire
others to create their own unique art of presentation.
Movies are Mirrors to Society Films are inspired from our daily lives whether partially or
fully is another story. Most of the films have a certain portions where we really get to see what
we know but dont think deeply about it. Various films depict historical, mythological scientific
and social themes. These are reflections of society, both present and past. Movies show the
aftermath of a war, social evils, political strategies, human rights infringement and various other
sensitive issues. A wide platform as films is most effective in presenting these issues and
sensitising the public at large. They create awareness, build civic sense, ensure public morality
and their propagation.
Films Inspire Us Films inspire us in more than ways that we can imagine. Some profound
inspirations are given to us by inspirational movies. The old age stories of the victory of the good
over evil and the never give up ones are apt at towards their objective. Films inspire us to be
brave, clever, insightful, experimental, loyal, determined and other virtues which make us
positive minded. While not all movies are inspirational but you never know what may inspire
whom and through which film? Apart from this we get inspired by the film industry itself. Most
of the stars, directors etc. have a story of struggle, hard work and how they reached at the top?
These examples themselves become source of inspiration, though in an indirect manner.
Similarly, when movies win certain awards it arouses within us an urge to shine in our respective
field of work.
Employment and Revenue It is not a hidden fact that movies generate a lot of employment
and revenue to the treasury, not only through the films but even through its peripheral forms like
merchandising, tourism, film training etc. As per one study, in 2009, the global box office
revenues were over US$30 billion. People go to movies, rent them, download them and they
themselves publicise them through Word of Mouth. The film industry supports a vast array of
professionals like - designers, dressmakers, photographers, storywriter, technicians and others.
Poets and authors have also benefited from this medium as their works have been adapted to
movies, fetching them royalty and other benefits.
Quick Fame One movie can make you a star overnight and it happens with many of the actors
and directors. It is a matter of luck that a certain newcomer or a struggling actor gets a movie
which takes him to unscaled heights. Sometimes a small role in a movie makes you highly
popular and you adorn the magazine covers, websites, television etc. You become a household
name in an instant; you are worshipped, cheered and adored by the masses. There is a saying that
There is no business like show business and all the stars that you see will totally agree with
the adage.

Disadvantages of Films
Movies profess Violence There is no denying that movies today are more violent than ever
before. And it is very clear with the shootings at schools by kid and teenagers that they are being
heavily influenced by violence shown is movies. To shock, the audiences film makers choose
this theme. Surprisingly, these become cult movies with a fan following of their own. Movies
like these show new ways of torture and physical abuse which inspires the young mind to
indulge in these acts. Movies like hostel, saw, friday the 13th and their kin are nothing but violent
movies with unnecessary blood and gore. As per reports from Researchers followed 329 subjects
over 15 years. They found that those who as children were exposed to violent TV shows were
much more likely to later be convicted of crime. Researchers said that, "Media violence can
affect any child from any family," regardless of social class or parenting. Girls who watched
more than an average amount of violence tended to throw things at their husbands. Boys who
grew up watching violent TV shows were more likely to be violent with their wives. Researchers
concluded in Developmental Psychology that, "Every violent TV show increases a little-bit the
likelihood of a child growing up to behave more aggressively." By the time the average U.S.
child starts elementary school he or she will have seen 8,000 murders and 100,00 acts of violence
on TV. - New Scientist, 2007.
Movies are made for Profit Ever heard of a movie made for charity, hard to say? In this cash
striven lives who cares for a charity?, perhaps none. The entertainment industry is even more
selfish than any industry can be. Consider, people dropping their clothes for money just for a
movie. Then we can consider the underlying motive that Movies are solely made for Profit.
This profit influences the movie makers to showcase nudity and explicit sexual acts; there is a
popular sub-industry of the latter one as well. The film industry people are no more worried
about public morality; they will show what appears instantly to the senses. Even good film
makers like Mahesh Bhatt, Ekta Kapoor resort to Jism 2 and Dirty Picture which appeal to our
lower instincts. By making such movies they bend our mentality to accept them, knowingly or
unknowingly. Young people dont have the maturity to understand these motives, they find these
appealing and there becomes an audience to which aforesaid cater to. Stars and makers of such
lewd movies inspire the upcoming and the about to come and the chain goes on and on.
Establish False Notions Some movies portray certain subjects or themes in a way which is far
from real. Such portrayals establish false notions amongst the people. Many of the Sikhs are
joked upon because of their turban and jolly nature. Their turban makes them Taliban and their
jolly nature conjures mockery. Similarly, masala dosa becomes the identity of south Indian
people and most black people are shown as gangsters. Every community has its individuality,
tastes and flaws but that alone is not their true identity. Fools, ugly people are distributed across
the communities. Establishing an opinion based on certain aspects of a community encourages
racism and other anti social sentiments which hinder the peace and prosperity of the world.
Wastage of Money and Time Majority of the movies are not really worth watching but still
we watch them. This happens because we are enticed by appealing posters, teasing trailers,

publicity and other marketing strategies. This is done to ensure that the movie earns at least more
than the cost involved. Take a look at the movies today, they are sequels, there are aliens,
vampires, werewolves and if not anything there are special effects of all sorts. We have seen so
much that there is very little left to amuse us. The actual movie may not be that good but it is the
package which lures us. We dont realise that we are wasting our money, our precious time, eyes
and efforts on something undeserving.
Art Form of Personal Opinion It has been truly said that Movie is an Art Form but the art
form is many times biased on ones personal imagination. This imagination is at times
contradictory to the truth. For a filmmaker, it is his personal take on a theme, which may not be
in tandem with the truth, maybe false, disturbing or distorted. An art form to become meaningful
should be honest and true towards its representation. Certain modifications are acceptable but
modifications need to be monitored closely as to where they are being implemented. Giving
biased opinions and delving on half baked truths leads to controversy and conflict. Ones
personal opinion may hurt sentiments of certain community, individual and or the society. Such a
biased art form only contradicts itself.
Adultery and Premature Sex Majority of the Hollywood movies have nudity and sex scenes.
And majority of the times, there is no actual need to include such. It appears that it has become a
norm to have such scenes either as an attraction point or selling point. Teenage movies are the
ones that often show things like virginity, sexual escapades, fantasies etc. But pornographic
movies come straight to the point. Such images and audio as found in these movies corrupt the
senses, even of the adults. While younger generation becomes prematurely sex conscious and
imitates the scenes of films in their real life, the adult generation is guided towards adultery. A
population of such people implies a diseased society both mentally and physically.
Meagre or No Respect for Law and Order Heroes shooting at cops, assassinators killing
presidents and villains raping women all have one thing in common, lawlessness. Movies
proliferate the idea that it is cool to break law or that it is not a big deal to break law. This
attitude is picked up very easily and quickly by the young of mind. Bullying, stealing,
shoplifting, threatening, gang making, verbal abuse, touting weapons etc. are the most common
effects of movies which show lawlessness. Criminal tendencies are aggregated by movies which
show violent acts against the law upholders or even a common citizen. Movie based games do
the same, thereby initiating a negative mindset.
Larger than Life Characters One again it is the young mind which is unable to distinguish
reality form fiction. Powerful human beings, superheroes, skilled fighters, stunts and acrobatics
are surreal but not to your 4-5 year old kid. For him, these larger than life characters are real than
anything else. Though aping your idols is a common thing but when it becomes an innate part of
a kid, he/she will harm others and the own self. A startling example is that of Ninja Turtles;
around the time when it became a hit, certain kids actually started living in drains. Movies show
that everything is possible but not everything, becoming spiderman through a spider bite, many

of us have actually been bitten by spiders and have often imagined of becoming a spiderman, but
we havent.
Means to Propaganda In a move to earn popularity and money, some filmmakers take on
controversial topics. It is an old formula but an existent, tried and tested one. Often such movies
become a national agenda out of nowhere. It is the acts of politicians and pressure groups who
need mileage or want to distract the public attention from a certain issue. History can be searched
when movies have become scapegoat of uproar, agitations and protests thereby making a
mountain out of ant hill. Taking care of such situations requires capital and man force which
unnecessarily puts burden on the national expenditure.
Quick Downfall Movies without movie stars is unacceptable. While stars are born overnight,
so is their downfall. The fate of an actor rests on a hit movie. It can make or break a person.
Many ambitious people have strived for this fame but have tasted the dust. Some become
desperate and will do anything. For others it is a matter of death and honour for others its is life
of nightmare. There are more failures than stars but those that are stars shine like anything. The
pursue for this elusive sheen is sometimes compromising on your character. Casting couches are
true; though very few will come forward, it is also a downfall of the character of a person.
Popularity of Unideal Role Models Films are remembered for their story, direction etc. but
mostly they are remembered for the actors. They become are role models, we want to become
like them. They are more popular than real life heroes and get more recognition than anyone else.
Lets not forget that the heroes we applaud have become heroes at our own expense and because
of the marketing strategy. If real life heroes were also marketed the same but then real life heroes
arent glamorous or perform stunts. We know more entertainment celebrities than those who
really make a difference in the world. How many of us know about an ordinary man who did
extraordinary to save others? The world is full of brave, strong, handsome, innovative,
intelligent, life saving people who carry on with their lives without expecting any applaud. But
their achievements are dwarfed by giant poster of movies with their glamorous star cast
publicised throughout the whole world.
Addiction to Movies Addictions come in many forms and one of them is that of movies. Many
amongst us suffer from complexities of life and instead of finding a real life solution we end up
finding a solution which is harmful for us, health wise or otherwise. The addiction to movies can
be expensive if we go to malls or theatres. The addiction to movies can affect our mental and
physical health if we watch them at home. We start paying more attention to movies than any
other thing. We neglect exercise and become couch potatoes. Our main concern becomes the
release dates, the booking, the downloading, the exchanging, the trailers, wallpapers and so on. It
become a futile pursuit but we keep indulging in it as it is convenient, just turn on the TV and
start watching or search the internet for it. When we have seen the best ones, whats left? The
ordinary or useless ones amuse us because of their stupidity or nonsensical approach. Even when
we may have a sense that this film is not worth watching we watch it because others are
watching it and watching in a group is more exciting. Sometime we forget that we have seen a

certain film, we have a hazy rememberance of it, we watch it to actually prove ourselves wrong
or right about the movie In this effort we dont realise that we are getting addicted to movie
Conflicting Personalities If actors are unideal heroes they also happen to have an unideal
personas, i.e. that what they portray on cinema, they arent the same in real life. Sometimes even
adults have to come to terms with this reality. As humans we are judgemental, we make opinions
about someone even when we dont know them fully. The actors are seen as role models and they
have a certain responsibility towards society. But more often than not, we witness that our
favourite hero, heroine, director etc. arent the same as they appeared on-screen. Some of them
are drug addicts, some indulge in adultery, some are chain smokers, some are cowards; mostly
opposite of what they have been portrayed. For them, it may not matter but for the ardent fans it
is a great setback. They saw an amazing physique, a beautiful face and a strong character. But it
turned out that it is all fake. Their assets are fake, they are surgically or chemically enhanced and
or improved. It is a shock for them to know that the one they vouched for, is fake, it is
emotionally disturbing and creates conflict in mind. It becomes puzzling as to what is real and
what is not? It throws them off-balance of their and the views of the world. Even adults are
shocked when they come to know of a certain negative aspect of an actor. Though, they are
humans but not ordinary ones, at least for the fans.

Conclusion: There are always and there always be Two Sides of a Coin, similarly there are
merits and demerits of films. Many of you may not find advantages and disadvantages suiting to
your personal opinion but that doesnt lessen their gravity. As pointed out in the above
paragraphs, the scale tips in the favour of disadvantages of movies. Films do more harm than
good and the good here, cannot negate the bad, unlike in the movies. It may sound strange and
weird but it is true. And it doesnt even mean that one should stop watching movies. Watch only
few and forget the rest, there are much better things to do in life than spending time in overhyped
and low quality movies. Some of the pros and cons of Films are evident; we can see them all
around us. But the negative points are not easily perceived, remain unpublicised and are
therefore lesser known. The positive points of movies shine in front of us, they are easily
perceived, can be seen everywhere and the film industry itself publicises it. The underlining
point is that watch only quality movies, your decision in abstaining from cheap movies will have
a positive effect on film makers. Porn and violent films are popular because there is a demand, if
the demand ceases so will the supply. Government also needs to take steps to discourage and
eventually stop the production of movies which tend to corrupt. More importantly, a compulsory
short feature should be shown to educate the people of all ages about the truth and reality shown
in the movies.

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