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The fact is there are 50 special qualities the prophet PBUH had but no one else

did. We will begin by talking about his physical appearance and realise it is th
e sunnah of Allah that Allah sends prophets with the most perfect characteristic
s, inner and outer - so mankind has NO reason to reject the message and the pers
on. Indeed every prophet was sent with the most beautiful characteristics and ma
nnerisms. As we know, prophet yusuf was given half of all beauty. Some scholars
say all of mankind's beauty (majority opinion) - but some said when the prophet
PBUH said this he meant half of his OWN beauty - as he is the most handsome and
beautiful of all.
We have many narrations that describe the physical characterstics. When a son as
ked his old mother after the prophet PBUH passed away "what was the prophet like
?". She said "oh my dear son, if you were to have seen him, you would have seen
the sun rising up". And it is amazing she described him as a sun. Another sahabi
described the prophet PBUHs face as the moon - he said that "his face would lig
ht up as did the full moon". So one sahabi is saying he is like the sun, and ano
ther like the full moon. This shows how the sahaba could NOT describe him, and c
ompared him to those things which they thought were most beautiful.
There is a tradition that almost makes you want to cry - the tradition of Amr ib
n al-As. He used to be the leader of the Quraysh (like Abu Suffyan), and he was
among the category of people that were noble enemies to the prophet PBUH - theyo
pposed Islam but did not stoop to dirty tactics. And in fact as we will see Alla
h reverted all of these people. And this shows because they had a good heart (kh
alid ibn waleed, Abu Suffyan, Ikrimah the son of Abu Jahal etc) - Allah guided a
ll of them to Islam. So 'Amr ibn al Aas is of those who converted to Islam very
late and he only had the opportunity to be a sahabi, basically for a few years,
two years or so, or a little bit more than two. And later on in his life, and he
lived a life of political career, he lived a life of grandeur and majesty, he b
ecame the wazeer of Muawiyyah, he lived a grand life. And later on in his life h
e would say "there was nothing that was more sweeter or beloved to me than to st
are at the face of the prophet". The beauty and noor of the prophet was so great
that he is saying "there is nothing sweeter than to simply look at the face" an
d YET "i could never got enough of looking at him". And YET "were you to ask me
how he looked, I couldnt describe him. BECAUSE along with this desire to start a
t him, there was also this awe I had that couldnt allow him to stare at him and
I had to straight away look down". So there was is both beauty and awe overpower
ing people around him. You have to show the upmost dignity. "Even though I loved
to stare I couldnt stare". And he is a noble man of the quraysh and this is how
humbled he was just by the prophets face SAW.
Most of the description of the prophet PBUH come from the youngest sahaba. Indee
d they didn't have the same type of emotions as the older sahaba had. Anas ibn M
alik was introduced to the prophet SAW at 7 years old - and he would serve him a
ll day. And he said "the prophet SAW was neither very tall such that he stood ab
ove the crowd, nor short such that he would be ignored. And he was neither extre
mely white or ruddy brown". Generally speaking white = lightish brown in arabic.
So the prophet PBUH was a lightish skin colour of brown. The prophets hair "was
not in curls nor was it straight", and "I never felt any velvet or silk softer
than the hand of the prophet nor did I smell any fragerence that was sweeter tha
n the smell of the prophets sweat". Indeed one sahabi used to collect his sweat
in a jar to use it as medicine and perfume.
As for his appearence one sahabah said "The prophet was of medium stature and he
had broad shoulders. His hair was thick - his beard was very bushy" and the pro
phet would grow it when it went down to his ear lobes. His cousin Ali ibn Abi Ta
lib said "the prophet did not have a very fleshy face nor was his face round, it
was slightly overlish. He had a (light brown) skin. His eyes were large with je
t black pupils. And his lashes was long. His joints was long as was his upper ba
ck - so broad shoulders." And he did not hair all over his body but he did have

a fine line of hair extending from the chest to the naval. "When he walked he wo
uld walked fast" - as if he is walking down a slope. Some scholars say its as if
the earth was humbled when he walked. When he turned he would turn to face with
his whole body. This is basic eqttiquite he always employed. "Between his two s
houlders was the seal of prophethood, and he was the seal of the prophets." The
prophet had a physical seal on his body that Allah gave him. And this was to be
a sign by which he would be recognized. It was a small growth of hair in between
his shoulders (more later). Most famously, salman al farisi accepted Islam beca
use of this seal - because of this test of the seal. First day he checked the pr
ophet and he had a sign he was looking for. Second day - check. On the third day
, Salman looked for the seal. He walked behind the prophet and the prophet lower
ed his top as he knew what he wanted to see. And there and then Salman accepted
Islam. "Whoever unexpectadly saw him, would stand in awe of him" so much eminati
ng from his body. "And whoever got to know him would love him. And those who des
cribed him will always say I have never seen anyone before him or after him that
was like him".
Jaabir ibn samura: he was going home one day on a full moon, and just happens to
pass by the prophet pbuh and he was wearing a red covering and he said "I looke
d at the face of the prophet and the full moon - and the prophet was more beauti
ful in my eyes than the full moon".
Many people accepted Islam just by seeing his face. The cheif rabbi of the jews
of madina: Abdullah ibn salam. And he heard this man claiming to be a prohpet first day the prohpet came to madnia. He wants to go and see the message. "As so
on as i saw him, I knew that this face that he has cannot be the face of a liar"
. And one conversation he accepts islam then and there. And this was the biggest
jew rabbi in madina.
And he had so many internal qualities. Of these were patience, mercy, understadi
ng, love and care. But also humility, modesty, simple lifestyle etc. Omar entere
d upon him when the prophet was lying in his small compartment in his masjid. An
d it was nothing but a jug of water and a small bed made out of the branches of
a date palm tree. When omar comes in he sits up to greet him. And because of the
data palm branches there was a red mark dented into the back of the prophey. An
d thats when omar starts crying (it was 7th, 8th year of the hijra - when the pr
ohpet is the leader of Arabia!). "Oh how can we allow you to live like this look
at the people, the kings how they live - surely you deserve better?" Omar asked
. Then the prophet got irratated and said "Omar arent you happy that they have t
he world and we have the akhira?"
Aisha RA says "the bed the prophet used to sleep on was a leather skin that we w
ould stuff with leaves to make it a little bit softer". Once it is narrated one
of his wifes folded it up her own half to make it more comfortable for the proph
et and because of this the prophet slept for longer. When he woke up and realise
d what happened he said change it back as he didnt want this comfort as it preve
nted him from praying tahajud.
And sometimes the prophet would not eat meat for 6 weeks! And Uruwa 40 years dow
n the line asked Aisha RA "oh my mother how did you live?" She said "we lived by
eating the two black things - dates and dirty water". And subhan'Allah in his w
hole life there was not one day where the prophet ate bread, and not even wheat
bread or hard bread, to his fullest. Not even one day. And he said "I worry Alla
h has allowed us to remain for such a long time that we're seeing all these bles
sings come and the prophet PBUH is getting something better". That is, he is wor
ried he is getting reward now but wants it in the hereafter. And in many narrati
ons Aisha RA also began to cry when good food was given to her - indeed she live
d 40 years after the death of the prophet PBUH, when the money started flowing m
A. And even though she was generous people would still gift her items and good f
ood. And she would say the same thing that the prophet PBUH never ate rusty or e

ven hard bread to his full.

Note that the sahaba lived tough times in Madinah. Before the money came in and
Islam came to power, for months they lived very difficult lives. And so we know
the story wherein one time Umar RA was walking on the streets and sees the proph
et PBUH sitting. And this is at noon - a time when nobody walks on the street as
its too hot.
And so he says to the prophet PBUH "what are you doing?". And the prophet PBUH k
nows Umar RA is outside for one reason - and that is he dosen't have food at hom
e so he says "the same reason you are outside". That he dosen't have food at hom
e. And as he sits Abu Bukr RA is also walking on the streets for the same reason
. Now the three of them are sitting down all hungry and talking. One sahaba sees
them and asks them what they are doing there. And Umar RA explains they are sit
ting outside out of hunger. So this sahaba tells them comes to my house and I wi
ll give you food. He has one goat and tells his wife, "By Allah we need to sacri
fice this goat, and prepare meet and bread". So the three of them ate meat and b
read but once they had finished, he reminded Abu Bukr and Umar RA, that they fel
t there houses hungry and Allah gave them this meal - "soma la tus alona yo maiz
in anin naeem" - you will be asked about this blessing Allah is giving you. Subh
an'Allah. Take a lesson from this.
And as for his humility, the prophet PBUH frequently rode donkeys, even though h
e had a camel but the prophet had no problem riding a donkey. And during the bat
tle of badr, the prophet had to distribute the camels amongst the people. There
were ~315 people and ~75 camels. So roughly 3/4 per camel. And so the prophet sh
ared with two other people, Ali and Abu lababa. Of course put yourself in their
shoes. You would say to the prophet PBUH take it! And they said to him "we are y
oung men in our 30s, we can walk and you take the camel". The prophet could have
and should have said ok fine. And indeed the leader and commander DESERVES the
camel - he deserves the extra protection, forget Islam. The commander is someone
who isn't treated as a soilder or the private. But he didnt want them to feel l
ike he was doing them a favour by taking it. So the prophet smiled and said "nei
ther are the two of you any stronger than me, and nor am I am in any lesser need
of ajar and Allah's reward than you, so we are going to share". SubhanAllah. Ev
en though it wasn't necessary at all.
Anas ibn Malik who lived up to 110+ at the time when average death rate is 30 or
28. And of course this was of the dua the prophet made. Indeed anas's mother ga
ve anas to the prophet in servitude all in the hope the prophet would make dua f
or her son. And he did, saying may Allah make his life full of baraqah, and his
proginy long etc. It was said anas had so much wealth, and that whatever busines
s he did was very frutiful. He has great great grandchildren that were so much h
e couldnt count them - all because of the prophets dua.
And indeed "in 10 years I was a servant to the prophet, not once did |I hear an
"oof"" and oof is the lowest form of anger. And "not once did the prophet saw wh
y did/didnt you do this?". This is the perfection of the manners of the prophet.
And his bravery: Ali ibn Abi Talib said "when the fighting would become severe,
we would seek refuge around the prophet". And Anas ibn Malik said "once in Madin
ah in the people of the night they heard a loud commotion so they came out very
scared walking slowly. and they found the prophet had already got out in the dir
ection and he found the house of abu talha and he rode the horse back without a
saddle" this shows manliness "and he is galloping coming back saying "you have n
othing to fear I have checked it out"". He was the FIRST person to run out to a
horse without a saddle.
Generosity: he would NEVER refuse any asking of him. Ever. This is why "it was p
ossible for any little girl to go the hand of the prophet for help". And its nar
rated the prophet was wearing a garment that had holes in it and one of the saha

ba gave him a very beautiful garment. And he wore this garment. And then another
sahaba asked him "can you give me this as a gift?" and immediately the prophet
said yes. This is the very garment he just got as a gift! He went back home and
came back wearing the tattered garment. All of the sahaba jumped on this other s
ahaba... "you knew that he would never say no". And he said "I am doing this for
my kuffin".
And the prophet was blessed with a great sense of humour - and this shows your h
umanity. And there are so many instances of the jokes. All of the jokes are pure
clean and truthful. Even his jokes. One was an old lady came to the prophett "o
h messenger make dua Allah makes me to go to jannah". And the prophet looked at
her and said "oh my aunt havent you been informed that old ladies cannot enter j
annah" and she began to wail and cry. And he said "dont cry, old ladies cant ent
er, but Allah will first make you into a young, fair maiden and then you will en
ter Jannah". That is, you're going to be young and beautiful when you enter jann
ah - it was a joke. Quran says "we bring them forth with a new beginning".
And the story of Aisha when the prophet was on his death bed: and it so happened
Aisha felt a little sick and she had a severe headache and she was crying "oh m
y head oh my head" and the prophet said "rather oh my head" and to calm her down
(and he knew he is about to die) so to crack some jokes: "and what would you lo
se if you died right now; the one to do gusl and pray your janazah would be me".
And so aisha says "I am sure you would like that to happen because then you wou
ld be free to go to your other wives". SubhanAllah he is joking on his death bed
. And from this joke scholars dervied fiqh.
And: there was a young man by the name of zahir whom the prophet used to love al
ot. And we dont know hardly anything about him but here was something about him
that the prophet loved him. he was a sincere believer. once the prophet saw him
in the market selling some things "who is going to buy this from me etc" and so
the prophet came from behind queitly and he grabbed him from behind and gave him
a bear lock and when zahir saw it was the prophet he leant back trying to get b
arawah. and then as a joke the prophet shouted out "who is going to buy this abd
from me?" where abd = slave of Allah. again he isnt lying in this joke. so zahi
r said "in that case you will be get a very bad baragin".. and the prophet said
"you are very expensive in the eyes of Allah".
And as with the love of his ummah: the prophet had an immense amount of love for
his own ummah. And Allah says "there has come to you a messenger from among you
, he finds it difficult to bear your hardships, he is ever eager for you, to the
believers he is full of compassion and mercy."
Nuh after making dawah for 950 years he said "oh Allah i dont want you to leave
one house on kaffir on this house" and only nuh and this three daughters survive
d. And Ibrahim made the dua "oh Allah send from amongst me a rasul" and this is
why the prophet said "I am the dua of my father ibrahim". And musa made dua agai
nst ferone. Because ferone was a mass murderer, claimed to be God etc. And indee
d this is what happened. Soloman made the dua "give me a dominion (control) that
you have given to no other human before" so Allah gave him powers NO ONE had. I
ndeed "we made of him the wind etc." Soloman would sit on a carpet across the wo
rld and bring him back in one night. And he had control over the shaitan and jin
n. They were building and diving and bringing treasures - all control of the jin
ns to soloman. And he could speak to animals and even ants! So all the animals b
ecame his servants. This is the dua of Soloman.
And our prophet had the biggest and greatest dua. The one dua. And he used it fo
r: "every single rasul and nabi Allah has given one dua and every one has used i
t up in this world, except for me. I have saved it for my ummah and will use it
on them on the DOJ." oh Allah forgive my ummah! And Allah will except this dua i
n that every single muslim who believes and acts upon even a little bit of his t

eachings EVENTUALLY will be forgivven and enter Jannah. All because the prohpet
saved the one dua for us. And there can be no greater sacrafice than this.
Anas ibn Malik narrates: a man came to the prohet and said "when is the DOJ?". A
nd the prophet of course dosen't know but asked "what have you prepared for it w
hen it comes?" and so, the man was silent for a while. And he said "I really don
t have that much salah, fasting or sadaqah but I have a genuine love for Allah a
nd his messenger". And the prohpet PBUH then said "the man will be with he who h
e loves ". And Anas said we were never happy on a day except for this day when w
e heard you can be with who you love because we love the prophet PBUH and want t
o be with him, but we thought our levels would be so different - but this hadith
made us so happy.
And so let us have a genuine love for him iA. And let us study his life so we ca
n follow him.

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