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Q: What is the cause of hydrogen gas in 10 mva 35 kV to 13 kV transformers?

Is this a
problem with one mfg in particular?
A: In order to properly diagnose a gassing problem in any particular transformer, several items
must be known history of dissolved gases, unusual events (e.g., history of lightning strikes,
overloading and through faults), etc. Nevertheless, if hydrogen is the main gas being produced
in significant quantities, the likely causes may be stray gassing of the oil or partial discharges
in the transformer. Stray gassing of hydrogen refers to the generation of hydrogen under
moderate temperatures in the transformer. The cause has been attributed to the refining
process and the possible presence of certain incompatible materials in the transformer or
additives in the oil. Stray gassing of hydrogen normally stabilizes after a period of time. Partial
discharge is a partial breakdown in parts of the insulation structure between two electrodes at
different potentials (e.g., HV to LV windings or winding to ground).
The class of transformers that is mentioned would typically have a gas space filled with
nitrogen gas above the oil. During daytime the temperature rise causes the gas space
pressure to increases while at the same time the oil expands. This causes some of the gas to
dissolve in the oil. During the night the reverse happens: the oil contracts and the temperature
drops, hence the gas space pressure drops. Ideally, all the excess gas should return to the gas
space, but under some conditions the excess gas remains in the oil. Oil in this condition is
considered to be supersaturated with nitrogen. Any sudden mechanical disturbance such as
pump operation, lightning strike or winding movement resulting from sudden large increase in
current could suddenly release the excess gas as bubbles in the oil.
Gas bubbles lower the effective dielectric constant of the oil which in turn increases the electric
stress in the oil and in particular across the gas bubbles. The high stress causes voltage
breakdown across the gas bubbles with release of hydrogen from the gasified oil. If the oil
used is a gas absorbing oil (i.e., it has negative gassing tendency according to ASTM D2300)
the effect may not last long. The aromatic molecules in the oil will absorb the hydrogen and
prevent the bubbles from growing. Eventually, the tiny bubbles will be reabsorbed into the oil.
On the other hand, if the oil is gas evolving (i.e., it has positive gassing tendency), the bubbles
may grow in size and cause further partial discharges with generation of more hydrogen gas.
Since the cause of such gassing is an operational issue, it can happen in a transformer from
any manufacturer. However, measures can be taken to minimize the possibility of this
occurring in any such transformer.
George K. Frimpong, Ph.D.
Power Transformers Basic Technology
ABB Inc.

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