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College of Occupational Therapists

SNOMED Subsets to support occupational therapy

Assessments used by occupational therapists
The College of Occupational Therapists (COT) is developing sets of terms for use by
occupational therapists (OTs) when recording patient information in electronic care
records (ECR). These sets of terms will be incorporated into SNOMED CT as
subsets. SNOMED CT is the approved clinical terminology for use in the NHS.
SNOMED includes over 400,000 clinical terms that are coded, and arranged in a
hierarchical structure. Further information about SNOMED can be found at:
Using SNOMED terms in patient records will help to ensure that patient data is
recorded accurately and consistently throughout the NHS, and can also be used for
secondary purposes, e.g. research, audit, commissioning and performance
management. This is one of the essential information building blocks that will support
OTs in routinely measuring, evaluating and demonstrating the effectiveness of their
interventions with service users and carers.
The first SNOMED OT subset includes the main published assessment tools used by
occupational therapists. The list was produced using nominations from individual
members and the COT specialist sections. Nominated assessments were included,
with the exception of those nominated by only one member.
The Assessments Subset has been incorporated into SNOMED and can now be
used by IT system developers when customising their ECR systems for use by OTs.
For example, the subset could be used as a drop-down list to enable the OT to
quickly, accurately and consistently record the name of an assessment carried out
with the patient and/or their carer(s).
There will be an annual review of the Assessments Subset to ensure it is both
comprehensive and usable in practice. This is a concern given that there are already
117 assessments in the subset, and some known candidates for additional
assessments used with children, young people and paediatric services.
There are many scores of assessments that are less widely used by OTs, e.g. some
of the assessments used in research studies that are not used in routine practice.
Including assessments that are rarely used would reduce the usability of the subset
to the profession as a whole. OTs will still be able to search for, find and record the
SNOMED term for assessment tools that are not in the subset. COT will provide
additional guidance on the use of the subset, and searching for assessments not in
the subset, once there is some experience of OTs using the subset in practice.
In SNOMED, terms for assessment tools are grouped under assessment scales.
Consequently the full term for each assessment scale, includes the term:
assessment scale, e.g. Adolescent and/or adult sensory profile (assessment scale).
To improve the readability of the following information, the term (assessment scale)
has been omitted from the names of the assessment tools used by OT.
Further information on the development of SNOMED subsets for OTs is available

College of Occupational Therapists

SNOMED Subsets to support occupational therapy
The first Subset:

Assessment tools used by occupational therapists

Name of the assessment tool

Adolescent and/or adult sensory profile
Ages and stages questionnaire second edition
Allen cognitive level screening tool
Anorexia nervosa stages of change questionnaire
Arnadottir occupational therapy activities of daily living neurobehavioral evaluation
Arthritis hand function test
Arthritis impact measurement scale
Assessment of communication and interaction skill version 4.0
Assessment of motor and process skills
Barriers to employment and coping efficacy scale
Barthel index
Bay area functional assessment
Beck depression inventory
Behavior assessment of the dysexecutive syndrome
Berg balance scale
Binary individualized outcome measure
Brief pain coping inventory
Brief pain inventory
Bristol activities of daily living scale
Bulimic investigation test - Edinburgh
Canadian occupational performance measure
Career interest test
Chessington occupational therapy neurological assessment battery
Child occupational self assessment version 2.1
Childhood health assessment questionnaire
Clifton assessment procedures for the elderly
Cognitive assessment of Minnesota
Communication skills questionnaire
Community dependency index

College of Occupational Therapists

Name of the assessment tool
Comprehensive occupational therapy evaluation scale
Dallas pain questionnaire
Disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand outcome measurement
Draw a person test
Dynamometer pinch and gross grip scale
Eating attitudes test
Eating disorder examination
Eating disorders inventory
European league against rheumatism disease activity score 28 joint, response
criteria scale
Evaluation tool of children's handwriting
Falls behavioural scale
Falls efficacy scale
Fatigue impact scale
Frontal assessment battery
Functional analysis of care environments assessment tool
Functional assessment measure
Functional capacity evaluation scale
Functional test for the hemiparetic upper extremity
Geriatric depression scale
Grip ability test scale
Hampshire assessment for living with others
Hand volumeter test scale
Health assessment questionnaire
Home falls and accidents screening tool
Hospital anxiety and depression scale
Jamar dynamometer scale
Jebsen hand function test
Joint protection behaviour assessment questionnaire
Joint protection knowledge assessment
Kapandji thumb mobility scale
Kohlman evaluation of living skills
Large Allen cognitive level screening tool
Lowenstein OT cognitive assessment

College of Occupational Therapists

Name of the assessment tool
Mayer lifestyle questionnaire 1
Mayer lifestyle questionnaire 2
McGill pain chart questionnaire
Melbourne assessment of unilateral upper limb function
Methods time measurement
Michigan hand outcomes questionnaire
Middlesex elderly assessment of mental state
Mini-mental state examination
Moberg pick-up test
Model of creative ability assessment scale
Model of Human Occupation Screening Tool version 2.0
Modified health assessment questionnaire
Modular arrangement of predetermined time standards scoring tool
Neck disability index
Nine hole peg test
Obligatory exercise questionnaire
Occupational case analysis interview and rating scale
Occupational circumstances assessment interview and rating scale forensic mental
health version 4.0
Occupational performance history interview
Occupational self assessment version 2.2
Occupational therapy functional assessment compilation tool
Occupational therapy interest checklist - United Kingdom
Occupational therapy pool activity level
Occupational therapy role checklist
Occupational therapy sensory profile
Occupational therapy task observation scale
Oswestry disability index
Oxford hip scale
Pain self efficacy questionnaire
Patient rated wrist evaluation scale
Quality of upper extremity skills test scale
Quick disabilities of the arm shoulder and hand outcome measurement
Repeatable battery for the assessment of neuropsychological status

College of Occupational Therapists

Name of the assessment tool
Rheumatoid arthritis work instability scale
Rivermead behavioral memory test
Rivermead perceptual assessment battery
School function assessment
Scleroderma health assessment questionnaire
Semmes-Weinstein monofilament score
Sensory integration and praxis test - Ayres
Sensory integration inventory revised for individuals with developmental disabilities
Sequential occupational dexterity assessment
Social functioning scale
Sollerman hand function test
Stereognosis test scale
Stirling eating disorders scale
Valpar 17 pre-vocational readiness battery
Visual analog pain scale
Visual analog scale
Volitional questionnaire version 4.1
Westcotes individualized outcome measure
Westmead home safety assessment
Work ability index
Work environment impact scale version 2.0
Worker role interview version 10.0

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