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OpenMobster - Mobile

Backend as a Service Platform

App Developer Guide
openmobster at

OpenMobster - Mobile Backend as a Service Platform: App Developer

openmobster at

Table of Contents
1. Introduction to OpenMobster - Mobile Backend as a Service Platform ...................................... 1
Enterprise Data Sync ................................................................................................... 1
Real-Time Push Notifications ....................................................................................... 1
Mobile RPC (Remote Procedure Call) ............................................................................ 1
Management Console .................................................................................................. 1
2. Programming Concepts .................................................................................................... 2
Cloud Server ............................................................................................................. 2
Channel ............................................................................................................ 2
MobileServiceBean ............................................................................................. 2
Mobile App Frameworks ............................................................................................. 2
Mobile Data Framework ...................................................................................... 2
3. Architecture ................................................................................................................... 4
OpenMobster Architecture ........................................................................................... 4
Device SDK Stack ...................................................................................................... 5
Sync ................................................................................................................. 5
Push ................................................................................................................. 5
OfflineApp ........................................................................................................ 5
Mobile RPC ...................................................................................................... 6
Network ............................................................................................................ 6
Local Storage .................................................................................................... 6
Cloud Server Stack ..................................................................................................... 7
4. Get Started: CRUD App in Action ..................................................................................... 9
............................................................................................................................... 9
System Requirements .......................................................................................... 9
Installation ................................................................................................................ 9
Download OpenMobster ...................................................................................... 9
Install Cloud Server ............................................................................................ 9
Install CRUD App on 2 devices .......................................................................... 10
App Activation ......................................................................................................... 10
CRUD App Features ................................................................................................. 10
CRUD App Help ...................................................................................................... 10
5. Show me the Code ........................................................................................................ 12
.............................................................................................................................. 12
Tutorial ................................................................................................................... 12
Cloud-Side: Channel Development ....................................................................... 12
App/Device-Side Programming ........................................................................... 18
6. AppCreator .................................................................................................................. 24
Start writing your own App ........................................................................................ 24
app-android .............................................................................................................. 24
cloud ...................................................................................................................... 24
JBoss AS Deployment ............................................................................................... 25
7. MobileBean .................................................................................................................. 26
MobileBean ............................................................................................................. 26
Cloud-Side ............................................................................................................... 26
Specification .................................................................................................... 26
Device-Side ............................................................................................................. 26
Accessing a Simple Property .............................................................................. 26
Accessing a Nested Property ............................................................................... 26
Accessing an Indexed Property (One-Dimensional Array or a java.util.List) ................. 27
Iterating through an Indexed Property (One-Dimensional Array or a java.util.List) ......... 27
8. Push Programming ........................................................................................................ 28


OpenMobster - Mobile
Backend as a Service Platform
Sending a Push Notification ........................................................................................ 28
Push Setup on an Android App ................................................................................... 28
Push Setup on an iOS App ......................................................................................... 29
Apple Provisioning ........................................................................................... 29
OpenMobster Provisioning ................................................................................. 29
9. iOS + OpenMobster integration ....................................................................................... 32
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 32
Prepare the mobilecloudlib static library ....................................................................... 32
Start a View-based App ............................................................................................. 32
Create a Group called OpenMobster ............................................................................. 32
Add the libraries and Frameworks ............................................................................... 32
Add OpenMobster bootstrap code ................................................................................ 33
The bootstrapping functions ................................................................................ 33
Integrating the bootstrapping function with the App Delegate .................................... 34
Integrating the CloudManager ..................................................................................... 36
Integrate the CloudManager button on the View ..................................................... 36
Implement the action behind the button ................................................................ 37
Sample App ............................................................................................................. 37
10. iOS + OpenMobster Sample App ................................................................................... 38
Introduction ............................................................................................................. 38
Prepare the mobilecloudlib static library ....................................................................... 38
Run the Cloud Server ................................................................................................ 38
Run the SampleApp .................................................................................................. 38
11. Mobile RPC (Remote Procedure Call) Development .......................................................... 39
Cloud-Side: MobileServiceBean implementation ............................................................. 39
Cloud-Side: Configuration .......................................................................................... 40
Cloud-Side: Packaging and Deployment ........................................................................ 40
Putting it altogether ................................................................................................... 40
App/Device-Side: Invoking the MobileServiceBean ........................................................ 40
12. Clustering ................................................................................................................... 41
Clustering the Cloud Server ........................................................................................ 41
High Availability .............................................................................................. 41
Load Balancing ................................................................................................ 41
Setup ...................................................................................................................... 41
Configuration ................................................................................................... 41
Starting the Cluster ........................................................................................... 42
13. Management Console ................................................................................................... 43
.............................................................................................................................. 43
GUI Functionality ..................................................................................................... 43
Create Account ................................................................................................. 43
Devices ........................................................................................................... 43
Administrators .................................................................................................. 43
Push Setup ...................................................................................................... 43


Chapter 1. Introduction to
OpenMobster - Mobile Backend as a
Service Platform
openmobster at <>
OpenMobster is an Open Source Mobile Backend Platform for mobilizing/integrating Enterprise services
with Mobile Apps
It provides the following features:

Enterprise Data Sync

Cloud data is made available to an App's local storage. It is available via a simple API. This allows the App
to function seamlessly in both online as well as offline modes. The data is automatically synchronized with
the Cloud service based on local state changes. These state changes are auto detected and synchronized
with the Cloud. It does not require any special device-side sync-related programming on the part of the

Real-Time Push Notifications

Changes on the Cloud are automatically pushed to the Apps in real time. The Push mechanism uses pure
network/socket based approach instead of clunky methodologies like sending sms alerts or email alerts.
The Push notifications happen inside the App's execution environment. Push notifications are sent via a
simple API. It does not require the developer to learn any low-level platform specific services.

Mobile RPC (Remote Procedure Call)

Provides a simple way of exposing your server-side coarse grained business services. These services are
invoked via a simple RPC mechanism without any low-level programming like http-client code, client
side REST library, etc on the part of the App developer. There is a simple RPC API that is used for making
these calls.

Management Console
A Management Console is provided to administrate the Cloud Server. It provides security, and account
provisioning features. Over time the console will carry device management features like remote wipe,
remote tracking, remote lock-down, etc.

Chapter 2. Programming Concepts

openmobster at <>

Cloud Server
A Cloud Server is the server-side component of the infrastructure that is located in the 'Cloud'. The
system provides mobile-oriented features like data synchronization, real-time push, and mobile rpc. From
an architecture standpoint it sits between the mobile device and the actual cloud data services being
mobilized. The Cloud Server provides a Java based Developer API to expose your data services. Here are
its programming concepts:

A Channel serves as a gateway for integrating on-device model/data objects with the server-side backend
storage systems such as relational databases, content repositories, or Enterprise systems like CRMs, ERPs
etc. It provides a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) interface to expose the backend data.
The Channel is specifically designed such that the Developer does not have to worry about any low-level
state management, synchronization, or other mobile-oriented issues. The idea is to keep a Channel a purely
data-oriented component.

A MobileServiceBean exposes some coarse grained business process to the on-device Mobile App.
It provides a very simple request/response based synchronous invocation mechanism. It frees up the
developer from all low-level (Remote Procedure Call) concerns like making network connections, security,
marshalling/unmarshalling payloads etc.
Note: This component is quite simple at the time of the milestone M1 release. Eventually it will provide
more robust REST-based functionality. In any case, the Developer will still be shielded from the low-level
programming details regardless of what higher-level services will be supported.

Mobile App Frameworks

Mobile Data Framework
The Mobile Data Framework provides Cloud data-oriented services like data synchronization, real-time
push notifications, and simple RPC (Remote Procedure Call) mechanism.

MobileBean is a managed Mobile Component which carries the state of the domain object that it represents
on the Cloud. It is propagated from the Cloud Server to the mobile device via its corresponding "Channel"
on the server. The Mobile Data Framework shields the App developer from state management issues like,
offline access, receiving push notifications related to state changes on the server, synchronizing locally
modified beans back with the server, sync concepts like two-way sync, one-way sync etc. The native
runtime smartly tracks the changes to the local state of the MobileBean and decides which type of sync
is needed.

Programming Concepts

MobileService facilitates making RPC (Remote Procedure Call) invocations from the device to the server
side 'MobileServiceBean' components. It presents a simple API to the developer and shields them from
low-level networking details, http libraries, REST invocations etc.

Chapter 3. Architecture
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OpenMobster Architecture


Device SDK Stack

This is a software stack that is installed on the mobile device. It provides the following services to Mobile
Apps: Sync, Push, OfflineApp, Mobile RPC, Network, Local Storage.

Sync service auto-synchronizes all state changes to App/Moblet Data back with the Cloud Server. It
supports various synchronization modes such as two way sync, one way server sync, one way device sync,
slow sync, and boot sync.

Push service manages state updates being sent as notifications from the Cloud Server. This improves the
mobile user's experience as they do not have to pro-actively check for new information. When relevant
information becomes available on the server, the user is automatically notified via system notifications like
a beep, vibration, etc. Clarification: The Push service is a real time comet based service. The notifications
are received within the context of the App and not as SMS alerts or some other non-intuitive experience.
The experience is just like the Blackberry email experience. The Cloud Server does not require any special
infrastructure like the Blackberry Enterprise Server to make this happen.

OfflineApp service provided is designed to be an App Developer's best friend. Its carries the management
capabilities to create smart coordination between low-level services like Sync and Push. Because of the


OfflineApp service, the programmer never has to write any code to actually perform any synchronization.
Synchronization is something that is managed by the OfflineApp service and it decides which mode of
synchronization is the best for the current runtime state of the App. The App developer is never exposed
to low level synchronization details like two way sync, one way device sync, etc. It coordinates managing
the Push service. It carries the smartness to track the type of data being pushed along with which installed
App on the device needs the notification. The App developer does not have to write any special code to
receive notifications. The moment the data channel for the App is established, all synchronizations and
push notifications are automatically handled by the OfflineApp service.

Mobile RPC
Mobile RPC facilitates making synchronous RPC (Remote Procedure Call) invocations from the device
to the server side 'MobileServiceBean' components.

Network service manages establishing a network connection with the Cloud Server. It manages the
communication channel needed to receive Push notifications from the server. It carries the smartness to
track coverage and establishes proper connections automatically. This is a very low-level service and an
App developer never has to deal with using it directly. The App developer is shielded from any low level
connection establishment, security, protocol details, etc by using the higher level Mobile Data Framework

Local Storage
Local Storage service manages local data storage details for Apps. Depending on the platform in question
it uses the corresponding storage facilities. It is designed to coordinate storage among the suite of Apps/
Moblets installed on the device. It provides thread-safe concurrent access to the Apps. Just like the Network
service, its a low-level service used by the Mobile Data Framework components.


Cloud Server Stack

This is a software stack that is installed on the server-side. It provides the following services to Mobile
Apps: Sync, Push, Secure Socket-Based Data Service, Mobile RPC, Security, Management Console

Sync service synchronizes device side App state changes with the backend services where the data actually
originates. It provides a plugin framework to mobilize the backend data. It uses the concept of a data
"Channel" which mobilizes the data in the form of "MobileBean" instances.

Push service monitors data "Channels" for updates. The moment updates are detected, corresponding
Comet-based notifications are sent back to the device. If the device is out of coverage or disconnected for
some reason, it waits in a queue, and delivers the push the moment the device connects back to the network.
Clarification: The push service does not depend on any special infrastructure like a Blackberry Enterprise
Server to achieve its functionality. Its a pure Comet-based approach via a socket channel with the device.

Secure Socket-Based Data Service

Secure Socket-Based Data Service is a high performance socket server based on Java NIO. The service
uses the Apache MINA [] network application framework. It provides both, a plain
socket server , and a SSL-based socket server, depending on the security requirements of the Apps.


Mobile RPC
Mobile RPC service on the server-side provides a Remote Procedure Call framework for invoking coarse
grained business services of an App. The components are plugged in as MobileService Beans and the
device-side Mobile RPC service invokes them via a simple synchronous request/response based approach.

Security component provides authentication and authorization services to make sure mobile devices
connecting to the Cloud Server are in fact allowed to access the system. Every device must be first securely
provisioned with the system before it can be used. After the device is registered, it is challenged for proper
credentials when the device itself needs to be activated. Once the device is activated, all Cloud requests
are properly authenticated/authorized going forward.

Management Console
Every instance of a Cloud Server ships with a Command Line application called the Management Console.
The console provides user and device provisioning functionalities. In the future, this same component will
have more device management features like remote data wipe, remote locking, remote tracking, etc.

Chapter 4. Get Started: CRUD App in

openmobster at <>
In the spirit of confidence building when using a new technology, lets start with seeing a sample app in
action. We will call it the CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) App.

System Requirements
Cloud Server
Java SE JDK v6.0
JBoss AS version 5.1.0.GA []

Android Device
API Level 11 and higher
2 Devices

Download OpenMobster
Download OpenMobster Binary Distribution []
Unzip the distribution
Check the Cloud Server is found under cloudServer/hsqldb and cloudServer/mysql5
Check that the CRUD Sample App is found under: Samples/CRUD.apk

Install Cloud Server

Step 1: Download and install JBoss-5.1.0.GA from here []
Step 2: Copy cloudServer/hsqdb/openmobster to the JBoss AS server directory. cloudServer/hsqldb/
openmobster is a pre-configured/optimized instance for the OpenMobster Cloud Server
Step 3: Start the JBoss AS instance with the OpenMobster binary installed using: run -c openmobster
-b "a real IP address"
Note: A real IP address like "" or something like that is needed for the mobile device to be
able to connect to the server. Even in the case of a simulation environment, the device's browser does
not connect to a loopback address like "localhost" or ""
Step 5: Verify the Cloud Server installation by typing in: http://{cloudserverIp}/o

Get Started: CRUD App in Action

Install CRUD App on 2 devices

Step 1: Locate the CRUD App in the OpenMobster distribution under: Samples/CRUD.apk
Step 2: Install the CRUD App on the device connected to your computer using: adb install -r CRUD.apk
Step 3: Repeat Step 2 on the other device as well

App Activation
For security purposes, every OpenMobster based App must be first activated successfully with the Cloud
Server. When the CRUD App is started on each device, it brings up the App Activation Dialog. You must
provide the following information:
Server: The IP or Domain name of the Cloud Server
Port: Port of the Cloud Server. [Default: 1502]
Email: The email address you want to associate to uniquely identify you with the system
Password: A password to be used for authentication with the system
In case of two devices, you will do an activation on both devices. You can use the same email address
on both devices, or you can input a different email address for each device. Either way, your data will be
replicated across both devices.

CRUD App Features

Here is a list of what to expect from the CRUD App functionality
Enteprise Data Sync: On the Cloud Side, data stored in a HSQDLB database is mobilized and synced
with the App. All the CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) operations on the App data is synced back
to the Cloud database.
Enteprise Data Push: In case of multi-device access, data changes made on one device are
automatically and silently pushed to other devices.
Offline Workflow Support: The App Data is fully available even when a network connection is
not available between the device and the Cloud Server. All the CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete)
functions are available when the device is offline. In case, the device is disconnected, the Sync Engine
queues all data changes to be synchronized back with the Cloud database as soon as a network connection
is established with the Cloud Server.

CRUD App Help

The data was pushed from one device to another, but the new data is not showing up? This is a
screen refresh issue. The App does not refresh the screen automatically to keep the coding simple to
follow. You can refresh your screen manually from the Option in the App Menu.
How do I 'Create' a new ticket? The "New Ticket" option is available in the App Menu.
How do I 'Update' a ticket? The "Update" option is available when you click the ticket to be updated
in the list


Get Started: CRUD App in Action

How do I 'Delete' a ticket? The "Delete" option is available when you click the ticket to be deleted
from the list


Chapter 5. Show me the Code

openmobster at <>
A native Mobile App runs within the constraints of its local runtime. A major advantage of this environment
is access to local storage for data associated with the App. If logic is the nervous system of an App, data
is its life blood. Without the data, an App is lifeless. Local Storage brings an App to life instantaneously.
The closer this data is stored, the faster and better is the performance of the App.
A typical Mobile App has the following data-oriented requirements
Data originates in the Cloud.
App related data is synchronized from the Cloud with the local storage over a network connection.
Any data state changes (add/update/delete) via the App are synchronized with the Cloud.
Any data state changes (add/update/delete) on the Cloud are pushed/synchronized with the device.
This data is available to the mobile App even in the event the Cloud is unavailable.
The OpenMobster Cloud Platform uses a "Channel" component on the Cloud-side and a MobileBean
component on the Device-side to provide the above mentioned offline capabilities to an App

Cloud-Side: Channel Development
A Channel serves as a gateway for integrating on-device model/data objects with the server-side backend
storage systems such as relational databases, content repositories, or Enterprise systems like CRMs, ERPs
etc. It provides a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, and Delete) interface to expose the backend data.
The Channel is specifically designed such that the Developer does not have to worry about any low-level
state management, and synchronization issues.

Step 1:
Define a simple MobileBean to represent a data entity being mobilized. This MobileBean should adhere
to the MobileBean specification covered here: Specification


* A 'Ticket' instance represents tickets entered into the CRM db managed by the 'T
* It is also marked as a 'MobileBean' instance so that it can be managed by the 'S
* @author


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public class Ticket implements MobileBean,Serializable
private static final long serialVersionUID = -13825574505549274L;
private long id; //oid

private String ticketId; //uniquely identifies the ticket to the mobile



public Ticket()
public long getId()
return id;
public void setId(long id)
{ = id;
public String getTicketId()
return ticketId;
public void setTicketId(String ticketId)
this.ticketId = ticketId;
public String getTitle()
return title;
public void setTitle(String title)
this.title = title;
public String getComment()
return comment;


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public void setComment(String comment)

this.comment = comment;
public String getCustomer()
return customer;
public void setCustomer(String customer)
this.customer = customer;
public String getSpecialist()
return specialist;
public void setSpecialist(String specialist)
this.specialist = specialist;

Step 2:
Provide a Channel implementation that exposes this MobileBean via a CRUD interface.

@ChannelInfo(uri="crm_ticket_channel", mobileBeanClass="")
public class TicketChannel implements Channel

This method provides a subset of the "MobileBean" instances associated with the said device. They provide
just enough information for an App to be functional. This helps with avoiding very long synchronization
sessions. The other beans are loaded on-demand from there on

public List<? extends MobileBean> bootup()

//Register this device with the NewTicketDetector
ExecutionContext context = ExecutionContext.getInstance();
Device device = context.getDevice();
List<Ticket> bootup = new ArrayList<Ticket>();
List<Ticket> all = this.ds.readAll();
if(all != null && !all.isEmpty())


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return bootup;

This method provides all the "MobileBean" instances associated with the said device.

* Reads all the instances stored in the db
public List<? extends MobileBean> readAll()
return this.ds.readAll();

This method loads the particular "MobileBean" instance in question.

* Reads a specific ticket instance based on the unique 'ticketId'
public MobileBean read(String ticketId)
return this.ds.readByTicketId(ticketId);

Creates a new instance of a "MobileBean" within the backend data service. This happens when a new
instance is created on the device and synchronized back with the Cloud. It returns the unique id generated
by the server and associated with this bean.

* Adds a new ticket created on the device to the backend db
public String create(MobileBean mobileBean)
//Get the device adding a new ticket to the system
ExecutionContext context = ExecutionContext.getInstance();
Device device = context.getDevice();
//Store the new ticket in the database
Ticket local = (Ticket)mobileBean;


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String syncid=this.ds.create(local);
//Signal to the NewBeanDetector that a new ticket was added to the system,
//this will push this ticket to other devices
return syncid;

Synchronizes the updated state of a bean from the device with the state on the Cloud.

* Synchronizes device side update with the backend db
public void update(MobileBean mobileBean)
Ticket local = (Ticket)mobileBean;
Ticket stored = this.ds.readByTicketId(local.getTicketId());

Deletes a bean instance that is user confirmed to be deleted from the device.

* Deletes any instances that are deleted on the device side
public void delete(MobileBean mobileBean)
Ticket local = (Ticket)mobileBean;

Scans the backend database looking for new entries added to the system. If new instances are found, the
new data is pushed down to the respective devices immediately. This makes sure the data on the devices
is always current with respect to the backend

* 'Pushes' any new instances that are created in the db down to the device in real
public String[] scanForNew(Device device, Date lastScanTimestamp)


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Set<String> newBeans = newTicketDetector.scan(device);
if(newBeans != null && !newBeans.isEmpty())
return newBeans.toArray(new String[0]);
return null;

Step 3:
Provide the META-INF/openmobster-config.xml that will deploy the "Channel" into the Cloud Server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
<!-- Register the MobileChannel -->
<bean name="crm_ticket_channel" class="">
<property name="ds">
<inject bean="/crm/TicketDS"/>

<!-- Storage services based on Hibernate -->

<bean name="/crm/HibernateManager" class="org.openmobster.core.common.database.H
<property name="config">crud.cfg.xml</property>
<bean name="/crm/TicketDS" class="">
<property name="hibernateManager">
<inject bean="/crm/HibernateManager"/>

<!-- Some Cloud Side bootstrappers used to load up test data, and listen for upd
<bean name="/crm/bootstrap/data" class="
<property name="ds">
<inject bean="/crm/TicketDS"/>

<bean name="/asyc/load/spinners" class="

<bean name="/start/push" class="">


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Step 4:
Package the the above classes and the corresponding META-INF/openmobster-config.xml into a simple
jar file.

Step 5:
Deploy this jar file into the "deploy" directory of your JBoss AS instance

Putting it all together

The end-to-end Channel Example is located in the binary distribution at: Samples/crud/cloud

App/Device-Side Programming
On the device side, you build your App on top of the OpenMobster Device SDK. The SDK provides the
runtime engine and an API to integrate with the mobilized data and services. This tutorial will cover the
various steps needed to integrate with the Device SDK.

Step 1: Bootstrap the SDK runtime and services

protected void onStart()
//Bootstrap the OpenMobster Service in the main activity of your App

Before you can use the services in the OpenMobster SDK, you must bootstrap the service. You must
bootstrap the OpenMobster SDK in the onStart method of your App's Main Activity.

Step 2: Perform Activation with the Cloud Server

protected void onResume()
//Check to make sure the App is activated with the OpenMobster Backend
boolean isDeviceActivated = CloudService.getInstance().isDeviceActivated();


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Once the SDK is bootstrapped, you must make sure the App is activated with the Cloud Server. For security
reasons, only Apps activated with the Cloud Server are allowed to access the Cloud Data Services. Hence,
in your onResume of the Main Activity, you must perform App Activation process if the App has not
been activated with the Cloud Server.

Step 3: Start accessing the mobilized data

public void showTicket()
//Read all the CRM Ticket instances synced locally with the device
activeBeans = MobileBean.readAll("crm_ticket_channel");

ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>> mylist = new ArrayList<HashMap<String, String>

if(activeBeans != null && activeBeans.length>0)
for(MobileBean local:activeBeans)
HashMap<String, String> map = new HashMap<String, String>();
String customer = local.getValue("customer");
String title = local.getValue("title");
if(customer.length() > 25)
customer = customer.substring(0, 22)+"...";
if(title.length() > 25)
title = title.substring(0, 22)+"...";
map.put("customer", customer);
map.put("title", title);

SimpleAdapter ticketAdapter = new SimpleAdapter(HomeScreen.this, mylist,R.layout.

listView.setOnItemClickListener(new MyItemClickListener(activeBeans));

//Tickets not found...put up a Sync in progress message and wait for data to be d
//from the Backend
if(!HomeScreen.syncInProgress && !HomeScreen.syncComplete)
HomeScreen.syncInProgress = true;
SyncInProgressAsyncTask task = new SyncInProgressAsyncTask();


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the component. The device-side MobileBean is a generic
component which exposes a Cloud-side MobileBean information through a robust interface. Device-side
MobileBean component semantic are covered here:Specification
readAll: Returns all MobileBean instances associated with a channel. Chances are some of the instances
are only proxies that will be loaded seamlessly when they are really needed on-demand. This process
happens behind the scenes and there is nothing special a programmer needs to do.
getValue: Reads the value associated with a field/property of an instance of a bean. A property expression
is provided to access this information.

Step 4: Save a MobileBean instance to be synchronized with the

protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0)
message = handler.obtainMessage();
message.what = 1;
}catch(Exception ex){
return null;
You can modify/add to your local store of MobileBean instances using the save method. This is a local
operation and is permitted even when the device is offline without any network coverage. This method
integrates with the low-level Sync Engine and makes sure instances are synchronized with the Cloud
whenever a network connection is active.

Step 5: Delete a MobileBean instance to be synchronized with the

protected Void doInBackground(Void... arg0)
message = handler.obtainMessage();
message.what = 1;
}catch(Exception ex){


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return null;

You can delete MobileBean instances from your local store using the delete method. This is a local
operation and is permitted even when the device is offline without any network coverage. This method
integrates with the low-level Sync Engine and makes sure instances are synchronized with the Cloud
whenever a network connection is active.

Step 5: Proper configuration in AndroidManifest.xml

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<manifest xmlns:android=""
android:versionName="1.0-snapshot" >
android:label="@string/app_name" >
android:label="@string/app_name" >
<action android:name="android.intent.action.MAIN" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.LAUNCHER" />
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<activity android:name="" >
<activity android:name="" >

<!-- OpenMobster SDK related components -->

<receiver android:name="org.openmobster.core.mobileCloud.api.ui.framework.p
<action android:name="" />

<receiver android:name="org.openmobster.core.mobileCloud.push.StartSyncBroa
<action android:name="org.openmobster.sync.start" />
android:exported="false" >


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<receiver android:name="org.openmobster.core.mobileCloud.push.NetworkStartu
<action android:name="" />
android:exported="false" >

<receiver android:name="
android:exported="false" >

<receiver android:name="
<action android:name="" />
<service android:name="
<!-- Permissions

required by the OpenMobster SDK -->

android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />
android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE" />
android:name="android.permission.WAKE_LOCK" />
android:name="android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE" />

<uses-sdk android:minSdkVersion="11" />


Step 6: Proper configuration in openmobster-app.xml


<!-- enable background re-establishment of the Push Socket if its disconnected -<reconnect/>
<channel name='crm_ticket_channel'>
<sync-push-message>You have {0} CRM Ticket Update(s)</sync-push-message>


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Putting it all together

The end-to-end Sample App is located in the binary distribution at: Samples/crud/app-android


Chapter 6. AppCreator
openmobster at <>

Start writing your own App

Download an OpenMobster distribution from here: Downloads [
downloads/list] .
In your distribution, go to the directory AppCreator. Inside the directory, use a tool called the
'appcreator.bat' (Windows), '' (Linux and Mac) to generate a skeleton project


This will generate a skeleton for the Mobile App. Each generated project has the following modules:
cloud: Contains the src for the Cloud-side components. Java code is located under src/main/java, and
configuration is located under src/main/resources.
app-android: Contains the src for the Android App. Java code is located under src, Configuration is
located under src/openmobster-app.xml. Besides the OpenMobster component setup, the Android SDK
specific setup is located under AndroidManifest.xml. This is an Eclipse project and can be smoothly
imported into your Eclipse Workspace.

Step 1: Import the Android Project stored under "app-android" into your Eclipse workspace. Make sure
you select, Import > Existing Android Code into Workspace. Rest of the instructions should be selfexplanatory
Step 2: Run As Android Application from Eclipse. This will compile and install the Android App on
the connected device or simulator.

On the Cloud-side of things, there is a fully functional Standalone "Development Mode" Cloud Server
provided that you can run right inside your Maven environment. Here are some of the Maven commands
that are used during development
Build All including testsuite execution

mvn clean install

Command to run the standalone "Development Mode" Cloud Server

mvn -PrunCloud integration-test



Command to run the standalone "Development Mode" Cloud Server in *debug mode*

mvn -PdebugCloud integration-test

Eclipse Project Setup

Import the Cloud project stored under "cloud" into your Eclipse workspace. Make sure you select,
Import > Maven > Existing Maven Projects
In case, you do not have the Eclipse Maven Plugin installed, you can open the "cloud" project as a regular
Java Project. But, before you do that, you execute the following command from the commandline:

mvn eclipse:eclipse

JBoss AS Deployment
Once your "cloud" jar file is tested end-to-end in the Maven based Cloud Server, you must deploy the jar
file into a JBoss 5.1.0.GA App Server. The deployment is quite simple. You just copy the "cloud" jar file
from the "cloud/target" folder into the JBOSS_HOME/server/openmobster/deploy" folder.


Chapter 7. MobileBean
openmobster at <>

MobileBean is a managed Mobile Component which carries the state of the domain object that it represents
on the server. It is propagated from the Cloud Server to the mobile device via its corresponding Channel
on the server. The Mobile Data Framework shields the App developer from state management issues like,
offline access, receiving push notifications related to state changes on the server, synchronizing locally
modified beans back with the server, etc.
The concept of a MobileBean applies to both sides of the world, Cloud-Side as well as Device-Side.

On the Cloud-Side the MobileBean is a simple Java Object that implements the interface. The MobileBean is processed by
its corresponding Channel. Through the channel instances of these beans are serialized into wire format
and propagated to their respective devices. In order to be successfully serialized/deserialized, they should
follow the proper specification.

The system successfully processes the following properties of a bean: Simple Property, Nested Property,
One-Dimensional Array property, and Parameterized java.util.List properties of Concrete
Array PropertiesMUST NOT contain Null elements.
MUST contain an empty constructor
MUST contain provide public get and set methods for each one of its properties

On the Device-Side the MobileBeans from a channel are made accessible via the Mobile Data Framework.
The generic component is used to extract
the state associated with each instance. It provides various state-oriented operations. The individual
properties of a bean are accessed using simple and intuitive expressions.

Accessing a Simple Property

For a simple property myName on a bean, the following expression is used:

Accessing a Nested Property

For a nested property myAddress.myStreet on a bean, the following expression is used:




Accessing an Indexed Property (One-Dimensional Array

or a java.util.List)
For an indexed property "myName" on the "third element" of an Array or List named "users" on
a bean, the following expression is used:


Iterating through an Indexed Property (One-Dimensional

Array or a java.util.List)
private void iterateEmails(MobileBean mobileBean)
BeanList emails = mobileBean.readList("emails");
for(int index=0; index<emails.size(); index++)
BeanListEntry email = emails.getEntryAt(index);

In the background, the state of all device-side MobileBean instances is tracked by the OfflineApp service.
Any state updates are automatically synchronized back with its Cloud-Side channel using the appropriate
synchronization mode. As far as the App developer is concerned, they just update this state locally and
go about their business.


Chapter 8. Push Programming

openmobster at <>

Sending a Push Notification

You can send a push notification from the cloud using the Push API. This API is located on the object. On this object you use the following method


* A device agnostic Push method. Push is associated with the user and not
* @param identity user that must receive this message
* @param appId unique application id this push is associated with
* @param message message to be sent
* @param title title of the message
* @param details any other details associated with the message
public void push(String identity, String appId, String message, String titl

Push Setup on an Android App

You can setup Push Notification support in your app via two configuration files. Before we go into those
details you must understand that there are two types of push notifications. User Initiated Push notification
using the PushService API, and Sync Initiated Push Notification which is generated by the Sync Engine.

<receiver android:name="org.openmobster.core.mobileCloud.api.ui.framework.push
<action android:name=""/>

<receiver android:name="org.openmobster.core.mobileCloud.api.ui.framework.p
<action android:name="org.openmobster.sync.push"/>

First you setup the user initiated push notification receiver. In the action value you have to make sure its
the same as the name of the unique package that identifies this application.
Next, you will setup sync initiated push notifications. There is no extra configuration to keep in mind here.


Push Programming




Here, launch-activity-class indicates the activity that must be launched when the user clicks on the
notification from the notification bar
icon-name points to a drawable image that should be displayed as an icon with the notification.

Push Setup on an iOS App

This is a guide to integrate the iPhone Apple Push Notification (APN) based system with the
OpenMobster? Push Service. It consists of several provisioning steps from the Apple side and integration
via the Management Console on the OpenMobster? Side.

Apple Provisioning
Step 1: Obtain the Application Certificate
In order to push via the APN service, the provider side (OpenMobster?->APN connection) requires
a certificate for each App registered for Push Notifications. The best instructions for doing the
proper provisioning and obtaining a certificate is explained at :

Step 2: Getting an aps_production_identity.p12 certificate

Once you have downloaded the aps_production_identity.cer file from the Apple Provisioning Portal
Import the aps_production_identity.cer into the KeyChain?. Double-clicking the file will do it
Select both certificate and private key (associated to the application you wish to use to send notifications)
Right click, and select Export 2 elements, give a name (for example : aps_production_identity.p12) and
password (for example : p@ssw0rd) and then export as p12.

OpenMobster Provisioning
Step 1: Register the App and the Device Token
On the OpenMobster? side, Apps that want Push notifications must be registered with the OpenMobster?
system. The Device Token is also needed to be registered as it is a requirement for the Apple Push
Notification Service. This registration is as follows:

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWith

// Override point for customization after application launch.


Push Programming

// Add the view controller's view to the window and display.

[self.window addSubview:viewController.view];
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];
//Bootstrap the Cloud services
[self startCloudService];
//This registers the App for Push Notifications
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert |
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge |
return YES;

If the registation is successful a callback is invoked on the delegate. It goes as follows:

- (void)application:(UIApplication *)app didRegisterForRemoteNotificatio


NSString *deviceTokenStr = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@",deviceToken];

deviceTokenStr = [StringUtil replaceAll:deviceTokenStr :@"<" :@""];
deviceTokenStr = [StringUtil replaceAll:deviceTokenStr :@">" :@""];
NSLog(@"DeviceToken: %@",deviceTokenStr);
SubmitDeviceToken *submit = [SubmitDeviceToken withInit];
[submit submit:deviceTokenStr];
@catch (SystemException * syse)
UIAlertView *dialog = [[UIAlertView alloc]

message:@"Device Token
dialog = [dialog autorelease];
[dialog show];

These two operations registers the Application for Push notifications both on the device and on the
OpenMobster? Push Service.


Push Programming

Step 2: Upload the certificate .p12 file

Login to the Management Console: http://cloud-server-address/console
Select Push Setup
Find the App associated with this certificate
Upload the certificate and supply its password
If successfull, the icon next to the App will turn green
Step 3: Send a Test Push
Click on the App
Click the 'Test Push' button
Select the 'Device' where it should be sent
You should receive a Push alert on your phone


Chapter 9. iOS + OpenMobster

openmobster at <>

As of version 2.2-M1, iOS is fully supported by OpenMobster. Here are some tips related to iOS and
OpenMobster integration

Prepare the mobilecloudlib static library







Build the project in XCode

For some reason, building the mobilecloudlib fail to compile if your XCode code location is set to the
recommended setting of "Derived Data". You must change this option to "Location Specified By Targets".
Please take a look at this thread for details:!searchin/openmobsterusers/mobilecloudlib/openmobster-users/zJhJKbFekLs/WiNWtKfG_RcJ

Start a View-based App

Go to File>New Project. In the displayed project templates select the View-based Application and
follow the wizard

Create a Group called OpenMobster

Create a New group named OpenMobster
From the mobilecloudlibproject, DragnDrop/Copy all the resources located under the app-bundle

Add the libraries and Frameworks

In the Frameworks group add the following library and Frameworks
libmobilecloudlib.a - OpenMobster static library


iOS + OpenMobster integration

Add OpenMobster bootstrap code

Before OpenMobster runtime can be used within an App. It must be bootstrapped and started. The
following code shows how this bootstrapping process works.

The bootstrapping functions

Start Cloud Service

CloudService *cloudService = [CloudService getInstance];
[cloudService startup];
@catch (NSException * e)
//something caused the kernel to crash
//stop the kernel
[self stopCloudService];

Stop Cloud Service

CloudService *cloudService = [CloudService getInstance];
[cloudService shutdown];
@catch (NSException *e)

Start Device Activation if it is not activated with the Cloud already



iOS + OpenMobster integration

CloudService *cloudService = [CloudService getInstance];
[cloudService forceActivation:self.window.rootViewController];
@catch (NSException * e)
//something caused the kernel to crash
//stop the kernel
[self stopCloudService];

Do a Sync at Startup

CommandContext *commandContext = [CommandContext withInit:self.viewController];
BackgroundSyncCommand *syncCommand = [BackgroundSyncCommand withInit];
[commandContext setTarget:syncCommand];
CommandService *service = [CommandService getInstance];
[service execute:commandContext];

Integrating the bootstrapping function with the App

- (BOOL) application:(UIApplication*)application

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSD

//OpenMobster bootstrapping
[self startCloudService];
[self sync];
self.window = [[[UIWindow alloc] initWithFrame:[[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds]]

// Override point for customization after application launch.

if ([[UIDevice currentDevice] userInterfaceIdiom] == UIUserInterfaceIdiomPhone)
self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewContro


iOS + OpenMobster integration


self.viewController = [[[ViewController alloc] initWithNibName:@"ViewContro


//setup the NavigationController

self.navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewCon
//Add the CloudManager button to the navbar
UIBarButtonItem *button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Cloud Manager"

self.navigationController.topViewController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = but
[button release];

//Add the Create button to the nav bar

UIBarButtonItem *create = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Create" styl

self.navigationController.topViewController.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem = cr
[create release];

self.window.rootViewController = self.navigationController;
[self.window makeKeyAndVisible];

//OpenMobster bootstrapping
[self startActivation];
//Register the App for Push notifications
[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert |
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge |

return YES;

-(void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application

- (void)applicationWillEnterForeground:(UIApplication *)application
Called as part of the transition from the background to the inactive state; he
//OpenMobster bootstrapping
[self sync];


iOS + OpenMobster integration

[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
(UIRemoteNotificationTypeAlert |
UIRemoteNotificationTypeBadge |

-(void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application

- (void)applicationWillTerminate:(UIApplication *)application
Called when the application is about to terminate.
Save data if appropriate.
See also applicationDidEnterBackground:.
//OpenMobster bootstrapping
[self stopCloudService];

Integrating the CloudManager

As an App Developer you can integrate the CloudManager functionality within your App. The
CloudManager is an administrative GUI tool that allows some provisioning functions. You can activate
your device with the Cloud and you can manage the Sync Channels used by your App. This can come in
handy when you want to do some Manual Syncing in case there are issues happening with the automatic
Sync process.
This GUI layer integration is done by activating the Modal,View,Controller CloudManager component.
Here are the integration steps

Integrate the CloudManager button on the View

//setup the NavigationController

self.navigationController = [[UINavigationController alloc] initWithRootViewControl

//Add the CloudManager button to the navbar

UIBarButtonItem *button = [[UIBarButtonItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Cloud Manager" s

self.navigationController.topViewController.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem = butt
[button release];


iOS + OpenMobster integration

Implement the action behind the button

//Launch the CloudManager App
[CloudManager modalCloudManager:self];

Sample App
In the OpenMobster distribution, you can find an iOS/OpenMobster Sync App under iphone/SampleApp.
On the Cloud Side, the App to run is located under iphone/showcase/cloud. You run the Cloud Server
using the command

mvn -PrunCloud integration-test


Chapter 10. iOS + OpenMobster

Sample App
openmobster at <>

This chapter covers the steps involved in running the iOS + OpenMobster based Sample App

Prepare the mobilecloudlib static library







Build the project in XCode

For some reason, building the mobilecloudlib fail to compile if your XCode code location is set to the
recommended setting of "Derived Data". You must change this option to "Location Specified By Targets".
Please take a look at this thread for details:!searchin/openmobsterusers/mobilecloudlib/openmobster-users/zJhJKbFekLs/WiNWtKfG_RcJ

Run the Cloud Server

Go to iphone/showcase/cloud. Under this directory issue the following command to start the Cloud Server
required by the sample app

mvn -PrunCloud integration-test

Run the SampleApp

Open the XCode project located under iphone/SampleApp. Build the project to make sure there are no
errors. Once the Build is successful, Run the project. If this is the first time running the App, it will present
a device activation screen. This is to securely setup your Cloud account so that you can acess the Enterprise
resources in the Cloud. It asks the following information

Cloud IP: The IP address of the Cloud Server

Port: The port that the Cloud Server is running on (1502, by default)
Email Address: Your email address to uniquely identify you with the Cloud
Password: Your password to authenticate with the Cloud

This is a one time activation across all your apps.


Chapter 11. Mobile RPC (Remote

Procedure Call) Development
openmobster at <>
The MobileService component on the Device-side is used to make synchronous remote service invocations
on registered MobileServerBean instances on the Cloud Server.
At this time, this is a very simple request/response based system whose main design goal is to shield the
App developer from any low level details like making network connections, security, resolving remote
services, marshalling/unmarshalling payload, protocol details, etc.
The next iteration of this component will involve introducing more robust features based on a REST-based

Cloud-Side: MobileServiceBean
interface with a single "invoke" method.
This implementation should carry coarse grained business process logic.

public class DemoMobileBeanService implements MobileServiceBean
private static Logger log = Logger.getLogger(DemoMobileBeanService.class);
public DemoMobileBeanService()
public Response invoke(Request request)
{"-------------------------------------------------");" successfully invoked...");
Response response = new Response();
String[] names = request.getNames();
for(String name: names)
String value = request.getAttribute(name);"Name="+name+", Value="+value);
response.setAttribute(name, "response://"+value);
return response;


Mobile RPC (Remote

Procedure Call) Development

Cloud-Side: Configuration
Provide the META-INF/openmobster-config.xml that will deploy the "MobileServiceBean" instance into
the Cloud Server.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
<bean name="/demo/mobile-rpc" class="org.openmobster.core.examples.rpc.DemoMobileB

Cloud-Side: Packaging and Deployment

Packaging: Package the the above classes and the corresponding META-INF/openmobster-config.xml
into a simple jar file.
Deployment: Deploy this jar file into the "deploy" directory of your JBoss AS instance.

Putting it altogether
Entire MobileServiceBean Example is located at: src/dev-tools/sampleApps/rpcdemo/cloud and

App/Device-Side: Invoking the

On the device side inside a Moblet, the remote "MobileServiceBean" instance can be invoked using the component

Request request = new Request("/demo/mobile-rpc");

request.setAttribute("param1", "paramValue1");
request.setAttribute("param2", "paramValue2");
MobileService service = new MobileService();
Response response = service.invoke(request);


Chapter 12. Clustering

openmobster at <>

Clustering the Cloud Server

You can setup the OpenMobster Cloud as a highly available Clustered environment.

High Availability
The high availability cluster consists of multiple JBoss nodes of the OpenMobster Cloud Server. Out
of these nodes there is a single node that serves as the Master node. All the incoming traffic is directed to
this Master node. The Master node is not a single point of failure because if the Master node goes down,
one of the other nodes immediately becomes a Master node. This process keeps going till all the nodes are
used up. This is how you can get a highly available cluster running since at any given time there is always
one master node processing requests from the mobile devices.

Load Balancing
At this point in time the Master node processes all the incoming requests. It does not delegate any requests
to its other nodes to balance the load. This feature will be supported in a future release. This is a challenge
because it needs to replicate local state among the cluster members. At this point, the Sync service does
not support this replication except data sharing via the shared database. This is not enough and will require
some re-architecting to make the service truly stateless. From here on out, all new services developed will
support load balancing to get the best out of a clustered setup.

This will cover the steps for setting up an OpenMobster Cloud in a clustered environment

In your JBoss server open the following file: deploy/openmobster.last/clustering-2.4-SNAPSHOT.jar/
META-INF/openmobster-config.xml. Make sure the file looks as the following to activate the node as
a Cluster node

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<deployment xmlns="urn:jboss:bean-deployer:2.0">
<bean name="clustering://ClusterService" class="org.openmobster.core.cluster.Clu
<!-- Make this value true to activate this node as a Cluster node -->
<property name="active">true</property>



Starting the Cluster

To start the cluster you start one node at a time. The first started node starts off as the Master node. The
other nodes remain in standby to become the Master node when/if it goes down. You start the node using
the standard JBoss command:

./ -c {server-name} -b {node-ipaddress}


Chapter 13. Management Console

openmobster at <>
OpenMobster, comes with a GWT/SmartGWT based GUI Management Console. This Console can be
used to administrate users, devices, and push services. This tool will evolve over time to include some
management functionality like remote wipe, remote lockdown, etc

GUI Functionality
Create Account
This lets you create an 'Admin' account. This creation has to be approved by another administrator before
you can login.

This lets you manage your devices such activation, deactivation, etc. As the software matures it may add
more system level functions like remote wipe, remote lock down, etc.

Activates or Deactivates the 'Device' account. If de-activated, none of the Cloud services will be available
to the device. They will be available as soon as the account is activated.

De-activates the 'Device' account and makes it available to be assigned to another user. This is so that
when a user leaves, his device can be re-assigned to another user.

Used for managing the 'Admin' accounts.

Activates and De-Activates the 'Admin' account.

Push Setup
This is used to configure the Apple Push Notification service. As part of the system, a security certificate
has to be assigned to an application before messages can be pushed to it. This is where your certificate can
be uploaded and assigned to an App. Once this is successful, you can send a test push to your iPhone.


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