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20 ways to have a Positive Impact

How far does my idea / project / business

contribute to or can further stimulate

a positive impact
society that is :

Locally-based & 1. Relocalisation of production and /or distribution of goods and services incl. short supply
chains (circuits courts), local production systems
2. Local monetary systems that irrigate local economies (LETS, complementary currencies)
3. Use of local resources (raw material, intermediates, local production) and local capabilities
(skills, know how,...)
4. Local business ecosystems composed of intertwined sustainable and community-focused
activities (BALLE - Business Alliances for Local Living Economies, Transition initiatives)
Fair &

5. Fair supply chains based on dialogue, transparency and respect, that seeks greater equity
among the actors of the value chain in terms of price, human rights, working conditions
6. Decentralised / distributed production of services (energy, water,...) and goods (Fablabs,
Makers movement, DIY,...)
7. Open and transparent systems that allow their designs to be used, replicated, modified and
distributed freely (open innovation, peer-to-peer models, contributive & sharing economy)

and Meaningful
to all

8. Governance models that favours agile and dynamic steering, power regulation among people,,
consent-based collective decision making and involvement of all stakeholders within
organisations (co-ops, holacracy / sociocracy, Commons-based mgt for shared resources)
9. Systems based on empowerment and autonomy, active participation, contribution and
engagement of all to the construction of their present...and their future (DIY hubs,, new
learning and educational practices, swarm economy,,,...)

Environmentally- 10. Closing material loops i.e. reuse, recycling, retrofitting, mutualisation of materials and products
sound & Low
11. Turning waste (aka end-of-life goods and byproducts) into feedstocks for other products
and processes (circular economy, industrial ecology, blue economy)
12. Substitution of product ownership with service / access systems in other words supply of
services that satisfy users needs without having to own physical products allowing (functional
economy, collaborative consumption, product-to-service, performance economy)
13. Reduction / substitution of toxic and harmful substances for people and environment
14. Maximisation of material and energy efficiency through
Nature-based design of products and processes (biomimicry & permaculture principles)
Improvement of existing production processes yields
Increase of product performance / functionality
15.Substitution of fossil resources with renewable and/or biosourced materials
16. Protection and restoration of natural ecosystems and related services incl. biodiversity

17. Affordable access to basic needs (energy, drinking water, healthcare, food, housing, education)
for low income / underserved people
18. Integration of excluded / socially disfavored groups (disabled people, migrants, retired people,
low-educated people,...) in local economic activities
19. Development of socially responsible financial channels / investing
20.Appropriate technologies (namely through frugal / Jugaad innovation) that are durable and
robust, locally controlled, easy to maintain by users and affordable to the largest population
Except where otherwise noted, content on this site is
licensed under Creative Commons.

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