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Remove the staple, label and string from the teabag.

1. Pour out the tea.
2. Unfold the teabag and stretch it out.
3. Use your finger to turn the teabag into a cylinder.
4. Stand the cylinder on one of its end on a plate on aflat surface.
5. Use a lighter or match to ignite the top of the tea bagcylinder.
6. Wait a few seconds.
Science Fact
The flame created by burning the teabagheated the air inside the teabag cylinder.When
the air was heated energy wastransferred to individual pieces of air calledair molecules.
The air molecules movedaround more quickly and spread out to takeup more space.
This means that the airmolecules were further apart from each otherand therefore the
air was less dense.
The warmer, less dense air rose above thecooler, denser air.
When the teabag burned, the teabag turnedinto ash and smoke. The smoke lifted
awayand all that was left was the ash. Ash is light, so it doesnt require much force to
lift it. The rising of the less dense (heated) air insidethe teabag had enough force to lift
the ash ofthe teabag.

How To Make Invisible Ink - Baking Soda
1-There are at least two methods to use baking soda as an invisible ink. Mix equal parts
water and baking soda.
2-Use a cotton swab, toothpick, or paintbrush to write a message onto white paper,
using the baking soda solution as 'ink'.
3-Allow the ink to dry.
4-One way to read the message is to hold the paper up to a heat source, such as a light
bulb. The baking soda will cause the writing in the paper to turn brown.
5-A second method to read the message is to paint over the paper with purple grape
juice. The message will appear in a different color.
1. If you are using the heating method, avoid igniting the paper - don't use a halogen
2. Baking soda and grape juice react with each other in an acid-base reaction,
producing a color change in the paper.
3. The baking soda mixture can also be used more diluted, with one part baking soda to
two parts water.
4. Grape juice concentrate results in a more visible color change than regular grape
What You Need:
Baking Soda
Light Bulb (heat source)
Paintbrush or Swab
Measuring Cup
Purple Grape Juice (opt.)

Discrepant Event - 'Telur Masuk Sendiri Dalam Bekas'

Matapelajaran : Sains
Tajuk : Daya
Bahan-Bahan Yang Diperlukan:
1) Telur rebus
2) Kelalang Kon
3) Mancis
4) Kertas
1) Telur rebus dikupas kulit kemudian diletakkan di atas mulut kelalang kon. Tanpa apaapa daya/ditekan telur tersebut tidak akan dapat masuk ke dalam kelalang kon.
2) Koyak sedikit kertas dan bakar, dengan berhati-hati masukkan dengan ke dalam
kelalang kon. Kemudian, dengan cepat letakkan telur tadi semula di atas mulut kelalang
3) Telur tersebut dengan sendiri akan masuk ke dalam kelalang kon!

Penerangan Sains:
Apabila kertas dibakar dan dimasukkan di dalam botol, memanaskan molekul udara di
dalam botol menyebabkan ia menjauhi antara satu sama lain. Apabila telur diletakkan di
atas mulut kelalang kon, api akan padam menyebabkan berlakunya fenomena 'Vakum
Separa' / Partial Vacuum. Apabila ini berlaku secara sendirinya molekul udara dari luar
botol akan ditekan untuk masuk ke dalam botol untuk mengisi kekosongan udara

disebabkan 'Vakum Separa'. Tetapi telur menghalangnya masuk ke dalam kelalang kon,
disebabkan tekanan udara di luar lebih tinggi menolak telur ke dalam botol. Telur jatuh
ke dasar kelalang kon disebabkan juga tindakan graviti.

Discrepant Event : Belon Kembang Sendiri

What you need:
empty bottle
baking powder
small funnel
Pour the baking powder into the empty bottle. It's easier using the funnel

Take the balloon and fill half of it with vinegar. Again, use the funnel.

Now put the balloon over the bottle top. Let the vinegar filled part of the balloon hang down at the bottle side, so that no vinegar gets into the
bottle yet.

Now that the balloon sits tightly on the bottle top, lift the balloon and let the vinegar flow inside the bottle. Swirl the vinegar around a bit to
make sure it mixes well with the baking powder.
Now the balloon will be pumped up.

So what happens here? Here comes the educational part...

The baking soda (also known as sodium bicarbonate) reacts with the vinegar (with the contained acetic acid to be exact) producing carbon
dioxide (among others). The carbon dioxide (CO2) usually makes cakes to rise, but here it builds up pressure inside the bottle and pumps up
the balloon.

Discrepant Event - Roket Panadol

Matapelajaran: Sains
Tajuk : Daya
Bahan-bahan yang diperlukan:
1) 35 mm bekas filem kamera dan penutupnya
2) Kad manila (untuk roket)
3) Pita selafon
4) 1 tablet 'Panadol Soluble'
5) Air

Pembuatan Roket:
1) Badan (6x9) cm
2) Kon (diameter 4.5 cm)
3) Sirip (1.5 x 1.5) cm
Prosedur :
1) Balut manila kad dan dapatkan bentuk roket yg betul2 muat dengan bekas filem
2) Lekatkan dengan pita selafon supaya berbentuk silinder
3) Lekatkan sirip pada badan roket
4) Bulat bulatan untuk memudahkan untuk membuat kon atau hujung roket
5) Lekatkan kon kepada badan roket dan
6) Siap sudah roket anda!

7) Masukkan air 1/2 atau 1/3 air ke dalam bekas filem.

8) Masukkan sebiji tablet panadol soluble ke dalam bekas filem tadi dan tutup dengan kemas. Dengan cepat tutup
bekas filem dengan roket dan undur beberapa langkah.
9) Roket anda telah terbang ke udara
Langkah Berjaga-jaga:
- Jangan menghampiri roket sebelum ia berlepas kena muka baru tahu =)
Penerangan Sains:
Newton's Third Law : every action there is an equal and opposite reaction ~ Setiap tindakan akan diikuti dengan
tindak balas yang sama atau bertentangan dengan tindakan tadi.

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