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N 2

The Great

Whats Wrong
With Herbal

SUMMER 2002 $7.00 US

PLUS: Grains Are not a Natural Food

Journey To Rawdom


Dear Readers,

is published by

Any movement of importance needs a voice. It needs not only the individual voices of speakers and writers, but the central voice of a publication. Our movement, the raw-natural hygiene movement, has been
lacking this for a quite while now. Publications on this subject are
scarce, infrequent and reach fewer people than they might. Often, their
messages are unclear or unappealing. It is with this in mind that I
started, then reestablished this magazine.
Your response to our efforts has made the first issue of the new volume a
success. Unfortunately, we printed too few copies, a result of a lack of a
certain organization in Raw Vegan. But the days of this condition are
numbered. In May, Andrew Durham, our Copy Editor and now, inhouse
consultant and architect, came to our office in Montreal. He is helping to
restructure the business and its physical context. We apologize for the
delay in this second issue. Yet we believe our quiet accomplishments of
the last few months, whose effects you are beginning to see, have been
worth it. The Autumn issue (October) will be coming out on schedule.
A combination of unique circumstances makes this magazine truly different and original. Our office is located not in sunny California but in a
land of snowin the last French bastion of North America. A polyglot
editor; an organizational maniac; a newly discovered, cosmopolitan
layout artist; generous contributors such as this issue's cover artist,
Charlotte Nicolin; and the incredible group of writers assembled here:
these give this mag an indescribable, vibrant feel.

We are aware of the amazing effervescence in the worldwide health

scene right now. Like you, perhaps, we have watched this occur and
considered what would be our place in this revolution. It is clear: to be
the leading publication on natural hygiene and the raw vegan diet in the
world. Our goals are bold, yet delimited and focused. They reach far in
the future. They call for more participation, perhaps from you. If I were
to tell you everything that JEAA is aiming for, it might spoil the excitement of seeing it for yourself.
I mean that we are available for help, open to whatever you might
come and do to expand our livelihood to include yourself. We are an
incipient tribal business (see Beyond Civilization by Daniel Quinn). We
haven't really any jobs or positions. Sure, there is work to do here, yet
we wouldn't presume to know how you can contribute. We are simply
open to people's making a place for themselves among us, as entrepreneurial equals. If this strikes a chord in you, please tell us what you
have in mind.
Yours for a saner and healthier world,
Frdric Patenaude









216 Loyola
Repentigny, QC
ISSN 1703-552X
Copyright 2002
Frdric Patenaude
All rights reserved.
No part of this
publication may be
reproduced without
the publisher's
Frdric Patenaude
Associate Editor
Andrew Durham
Art Director
Enrique Candioti

The information contained in Just Eat An
Apple is presented
solely for purposes of
education, and
should not be viewed
as medical advice.
Readers should educate themselves
thoroughly before
making important
decisions regarding
their health. The
publisher and distributors of this magazine are not responsible of any problems
resulting from the
use or misuse of the
contained in this


Im So Skinny


Durian Adventure Tales




Americans generally have two features in common: they are overfat and
undermuscled. There are reasons for both of these unhealthy conditions.
Going raw can help, but in both cases, going raw is simply a start.
By Doug Graham
Mystical. Mythical. Mysterious. What is it about this pungent, spiky fruit
that makes it so enticing? Is it the formidable covering? The exotic,
indescribable taste? The texture? The aroma? The stories?
By Rob Miller

Coffee, The Great Energy Sapper

Most of my readers are aware of the evils of coffee, and probably all
of them have given up this habit. However, I often meet raw foodists
or vegetarians who, otherwise following a healthy lifestyle, still drink
coffee. Its their guilty pleasure they say.
By Frdric Patenaude

Whats Wrong with HERBAL MEDICINES? [Part II]

This article continues, from the last issue, a hygienic examination of
medicinal herbs, their potential harm, and the radically alternative
approach we have in Natural Hygiene. By Art Baker


Grains Are not a Natural Food By Albert Mossri


The Journey To Rawdom: Awakening By Karen Knowler





EcoForest: Raw, Permacultural Eco-Community in Spain

Nail Fungus Disappears By Mary Ziolo

When Medicine Condemns A Sick Person By Albert Mossri

The Early Signs Of Disease By Albert Mossri

In Case Of Terminal illness: Should The Truth Be Told? By Albert Mossri

Letters from the readers
Whats Happening in the Raw Food World
Questions & Answers
Raw Recipes
Raw/Vegan Connections
Raw Classifieds

Isolated in South Africa

I am a vegetarian, experimented
with fruitarianism, loved the highs
and am now very lonely and isolated* in my practice of raw food
eating. I live in South Africa and do
not know many people here who
share my passion and ideal.
Unfortunately the produce, especially the fruit, in our area isn't
really good or easy to come by. The
usual variety in the shops is very
poor. I would like to hear how others cope with this problem.
Patricia Mtunzini
South Africa

* Long response from the editor:

Most of us face the problem of
isolation. It is worse when one lives
outside of a city, where there are
usually organizations that support
a vegetarian and raw food

The most important thing is to get

out of the isolation, and meet
other like-interested people. Partly
for this reason, we created JEAA,
which now has a three page listing
of people willing to meet others,
including in South Africa.
Another way to meet people is to
use the Internet. You can leave a
message on the guestbook, or get directly
in contact with people on a raw
food bulletin board such as:


The best way to meet people in

your town is to start a raw food
group. All you need to do is to post
flyers in natural food stores, produce markets in hip neighborhoods
and community centers. Notify
vegan and vegetarian activists (who
are getting into it en masse these
days). Say that you are organizing a
raw vegan potluck, where people
can share company, a meal and
ideas. Then once a month, the
interested people can meet at a
park, someones house or a community center, and everyone can bring
a dish to share. You can invite
guest speakers when the group
becomes large enough, go on wild
edible plant walks and eventually
organize weekend outings, visits to
museums, etc. Morris Krok and
Essie Honnibal are long time,
prominent raw foodist authors in
South Africa, so there must be
many raw foodists and I am sure
that some of them live near you.

As for the food quality, another

advantage of a group is that you
can all get together and start a
food coop. That way you can order
your food directly from the producers, ideally from organic farmers.
To counter poor, local food variety
and quality, drive to the nearest
urban center once a week and shop
at better stores. You can split the
costs and at the same time enjoy a
pleasant afternoon shopping for or
with your new friends.
Alone we dont get very far. The
key is to get together.

Looking Good on Raw

Ah, raw food. The "experts" will

try to scare you. They will say it
can't be done. That it isn't safe.
But it is, and ever so healthy, provided you eat a wide variety of
foods. (And I've never taken a supplement either.)

About 15 years ago, I read the book

Living Health by Harvey and Marilyn

Diamond. It was their sequel to the
best-selling diet and nutrition book
of all time, Fit for Life. That got
me started. The rest is history.
And, despite the dire prognostications of virtually everyone I knew
(who are now mostly physical
wrecks themselves), I'm walking
taller than ever and still looking
good. Oh, and did I mention feeling
ever so good? And loving life!
Good Luck!

From a message left on the website

Infection and Arthritis Gone

I have been a raw foodist for four
months and have been cleansed
from a two-year infection that the
doctors couldn't clear up! Arthritis
is slowly clearing up and I have
more energy than I have ever had!
I was just diagnosed with breast
cancer in January and sure am
hoping to get some statistics on
eating applies to cure cancer. I've
heard of cases here and there, but
are there any clear statistics? * It's
already done so much in other
avenues of my health. If anyone
has other suggestions I'd appreciate hearing from you.
Jay Tudor, Sarasota, Florida, USA

[*As the historian Carlyle said, there are three

types of lies: white lies, big lies, and statistics.
But yes, there are many books and studies on diet
and cancer. Check Ed.]

From Junk to Jammin!

Most of my life I was getting by on

a junk food diet: burgers,
McDonalds, cheese, sodas, pizza,
bottled orange juice and bread
with an occasional banana or an
apple. I always felt there was
something very wrong and unnatural about the way I was eating, but
the only veggies I had been exposed

to were cooked, and I found them

to be utterly disgusting. For this
reason I never ate vegetables.

I used to play in the woods as a boy

and pretend I was an adventurer
surviving off the land. This is my
earliest memory about thinking of
raw plant food. It certainly didn't
seem appealing to eat meat, especially if I had to catch it and prepare it myself, even though I ate
meat almost every day. I'd find this
disturbing that the food I was eating wasn't available in nature, and I
didn't grow up where fruit trees
were abundant. I fell for the protein myth just like practically
everyone. I had problems through
all of puberty (and before and
after) with depression and lack of
sleep. I had the cooked fooder
weight lifter body for a while (some
people think this is a good thing but
now I see it as just being puffy...
hee hee) Eventually things were
catching up to me.

Luckily I'd landed a job across the

street from a Jamba Juice. I started
drinking smoothies every day along
with my taco bell, mac n cheese
lifestyle. I then graduated to wheat
grass which led me to reading Ann
Wigmore (Wheatgrass Book) and
discovering enzymes. If all my food
was cooked, I wasn't getting any! I'd



by Tangerine Nectarine

Trained by Jonathan Bailey

100% Raw!

ordered The Hippocrates Diet by

Wigmore and a guy in the health
food store recommended reading
the book "Nature's First Law." I read
it and became 100% raw virtually
overnight. I had maybe 3 cooked
incidents during the first month and
I haven't had one since, over 16
months later now and am never
going back.
I stopped smoking marijuana (it's
cooked) shortly thereafter simply
because I got to the point where it
was bringing me down rather than
up. My neck, back and hand pain
has been greatly reduced, almost
to the point of nil. My sleep patterns are healthy for the first time
in my life. My depression is history.
I've got great muscle definition
now. More than ever, I enjoy eating, and I have no cooked cravings.
Mostly I eat mono meals of fruit
followed by leafy greens (whole or
juiced). Its been months since I've
had nuts, seeds or sprouts (just
don't get the urge) but I eat fatty
fruits (durian and avocado) and
young coconuts regularly.

My skin and hair are healthier and

softer all the time. Tanning is a
breeze. My energy levels are growing all the time. I've gotten to the
point where I'm pretty much high
all the time as long as I've had
enough sleep (and even when I
don't, quite often). A cloud has
been lifted from my body/mind and
things are only getting better the
more I detox the old. I no longer
have "morning breath" even if I eat
a lot of fruit and go to bed without
brushing. Life is awesome. I
recently met the girl of my dreams
(yes, she's 100% raw) and am now
heavily in love! I will definitely help
every person I can (email me if
you'd like) and am very thankful
(blessed) that I've found truth.
28 goin' on 15 (years old), and raw
since Nov. 31, 2000,
Brian, Dallas, Texas, USA

Freedom from Asthma and


I'm an Australian living in Holland

now (for the past 18 months). I
have been a "chronic asthmatic" all
my life, and I have also suffered
from hay fever and allergies.
It was one month after my arrival
here that I experienced a particularly nasty case of hives (itchy red
lumps all over my body, together
with severe stomach pain), which
the doctors here were at a loss to
explain. They told me I was just
acclimatizing to Europe; their advice was that I should get "more
fresh air," and take paracetamol
next time I get the rash!

After several bouts of these "hives,"

feeling physically worn out (not to
mention the unbearable pain) I saw
a different doctor, who
recommended that I see an allergy
specialist. Well, to keep the story
short, I found out that I am totally
allergic to milk - and all milk products (and have been all my life, the
last 32 years!) The doctor also advised me to avoid all processed
foods and foods with additives.

Meanwhile, I had also been doing

research on my own, and found
some terrific books at the American
Book Centre in Amsterdam. I read
about the Breath Retraining
Program for asthmatics, developed
by the Russian, Dr Buteyko. He
advises all asthmatics to avoid milk
and all milk products, and also do
not eat meat.
Well, Dr Buteyko was completely
right! A diet that includes animal
foods such as meat, milk and eggs
was making me sick. Suspicious of
processed foods also, I gave up all
the "convenience" foods I would
normally be tempted to buy, such
as tinned food, instant soup, any
and all kinds of processed food.
This has meant avoiding 95% of the
"food" at my local supermarket.
To my sheer amazement, within



weeks of giving up all animal and

"processed" food, my asthma just
stopped happening! I would not
wake up in the middle of the night,
reaching for my "puffer" (ventolin
inhaler) and becleforte (both immune suppressing steroids that
accumulate in your body and eventually damage/ruin your adrenal
glands) It stopped attacking when I
laughed, or when I walked up the
stairs, or ran for the bus, like it
always used to. I was so amazed
and overwhelmed, because for
years the doctors told me "there's
no cure for asthma", and I broke
down in tears with happiness.
Determined to stay a vegetarian,
and being concerned about getting
all the right nutrition, I continued
my search. It was while 'surfing the
net', that I found your website (and
a whole lot of other links).

Now I am totally free asthma and

allergies, such as hives or hay fever
and I've never felt better. I even
play tennis, and absolutely love the
fact that I can enjoy sport without

An intelligent raw food diet is

amazing. I am not 100% raw yet,
but when I go back to Australia at
the end of this year, I will invest in
all the groovy equipment. For the
moment, I am enjoying a diet high
in sprouts (I grow my own), wonderful salads (with lots of yummy
dressings made from my own homegrown herbs), and raw fruit and
vegies (especially avocado) and
nuts and seeds.
I am so impressed by the raw food
approach, that I want to tell as
many people as I can. The problem
is, because of all the hype and advertising we are bombarded with in
this modern world, the very
thought of something so simple
working so wonderfully sounds hard
to believe. Now I am inspired to
study nutrition in more depth, and
get a professional education in
health, so I can contribute to the
movement that I hope will become


the mainstream, in years to come. I

am very glad I was openminded
enough to try the raw experience. It has changed me, literally.
Many, many thanks to all the raw
foodists, and people who create
these helpful raw food information
sites. You are such helpful, inspiring, courageous folk.

Yours in the raw! (pardon the pun!)

Angela Jackson, Amsterdam,

The Raw Snowball Effect

and the Main Thing

Only eating raw stuff is EASY and

fun and everything about this
lifestyle will make you feel quite
the rebel. Ravers like me need all
the energy we can muster.
Spending $40 a month on food is
where it's at. There IS a snowball
effect with this lifestyle: the rawer
you are, the more selfsufficient you
become (no car, medicine, insurance, heating bills, junk to buy),
and the less you need to work. The
less you work, even less car you
need, and the more time and energy left over to travel and culture
jam and party. That is the main
thing. Good night beauties, keep
looking out for #1.
Evelyn, Vancouver,
British Columbia, Canada

Many Ways

It is interesting how people have so

many different ideas on the same
subject. I have also found that mixing greens with sweet fruit is a
great idea. I just love green leaves
and eat huge amounts. However I
don't eat nuts or seeds and very
rarely have any fatty fruits. The
only fatty fruit I have is avocado. I
find this diet ideal; it definitely
keeps you very lean.
Pam, Perth, Australia

Looking Good on Raw

I have been eating raw fruits and

vegetables for two weeks. I started
doing it for health reasons. I am
healing from a variety of conditions
known in the medical community as
Crohn's disease, nasal allergies,
depression/anxiety, eczema, and
acne. Prescription drugs I have
been on for many years include
Zyrtec for hayfever, Luvox for depression/anxiety, and Retin-A for
acne. So far on this diet, I am feeling great and have lots of energy,
clearer skin, and calmer composure. My acne has mostly cleared,
and there has been a 75% reduction
of oil on my face. My nasal allergies
have cleared, and I have
completely gone off my Zyrtec. I'm
finally able to wean off Luvox after
8 years. So far the diet is doing
wonders. I live in Orange County,
CA. I would be grateful for any
people in my area for support.*
Anne D, Irvine, CA

[*You're surrounded! Check Raw Connections for

the tip of the raw iceberg there. Ed.]

Looking Good on Raw

Hi Fred, I love your new magazine

layout; very polished! That was an
interesting article about nuts and
the protein controversy. I just
thought I'd share my experiences
with you on the subject. I used to
love to eat nuts, especially cashews
(though I realize they are not truly
raw). However, my body definitely
did not love the nuts. I found them
very difficult to digest and I would
wake up with a "nut hangover" the
next day. I really think they were
rough on my liver and my intestines. I tried cutting back, but that
didn't really work, because they are
so easy to overeat on. So, a little
over a year ago I went "cold
cashew" and cut out the nuts for
good. I feel so much better without
them and after a little while, I did-

n't even miss them. I just don't think

of them as food anymore. I really
believe that fatty foods can cause
problems for the body, unless eaten
in very minimum quantities. I
haven't eaten an avocado since last
July and am doing just fine without
them. However, I still eat small
amounts of shredded coconut
(about 1 oz/day). I have heard differing opinions on the subject, but
is coconut a seed or a starch?*
Lisa Hagelthorn
(a.k.a. rawvegangirl)
[*Coconut is a nut (a seed) high in fat, low in
protein, and low in starch. Ed.]

and I feel much better without

them (that was an excellent article
in JEAA). If all goes according to
plan, I will be 100% raw by the beginning of 2003. I do a lot of fasting,
which has really helped.
My approach has been to formulate
a plan of the foods that I will need
to eliminate before I go all raw, eg,
breads, pasta/grains, tofu, potatoes, cooked vegetables, etc. I
wrote down the cooked food meals
that I really felt that I would like to
eat "one more time" before going
raw (I call these "goodbye meals"). I
got myself to the point where I eat
cooked food just one night a week. I
had to start out eating it 3 times a
week. The goal then was to

decrease the number of nights per

week that I eat cooked food until I
could comfortably do it once a
week, when I have my "goodbye
meals". I scheduled a date when I
feel I can comfortably go all raw
(about when I have completed my
list of goodbye meals). The whole
idea behind the goodbye meal, is
that it is had one time and then it is
gone. It is not a meal that to eat
over and over, because then transition will be delayed. So I make the
meals really special, so that I will
feel satisfied.
From a website response

Good-Bye Meals

I learned about Natural Hygiene

and raw foods 15 years ago and I
have been in transition ever since.
It took me a long time to wean off
of cooked foods. In the beginning I
tried to go raw overnight from the
SAD and those attempts failed
miserably. What worked for me
was eliminating food groups one at
a time. Easy Does It is a good
motto for the transition.
I did not have any problem eliminating meat (I gave up red meat
almost 22 years ago and fish and
poultry 13 years ago), but sugar
and dairy were hard for me! I am
still not 100% raw yet, but I am
very close. There are 15 more
cooked food meals that I want to
have before the end of the year. I
don't eat cooked food more than
once a week. Most of the cooked
food meals that I want to eat are
comprised of vegetables and potatoes. Grains are basically gone.
Some people have a hard time
with breads but I did not. Also, I
eliminated nuts over a year ago



Whats Happening In

The Raw-Food World:

David Wolfe, author of Natures First Law: The Raw
Food Diet, The Sunfood Diet Success System and
the new book, Eating for Beauty, will be delivering
his famously dynamic lectures in the Heartland:
8.1, Eaton Rapids, MI, 517.663.1637
8.3, Union City, MI, 517.278.6260
8.8, Canfield, OH, 330.270.1807

8.9, Morland Hills, OH, 440.248.9838

8.10, Columbus, OH,

8.14, Chicago, IL, 630.836.1864

9.13-15, a retreat somewhere in Texas,


For the latest, please visit:

Paul Nison, author of The Raw Life, will be speaking on his new book, Raw Knowledge, with Dr. Fred

Forget About Vitamins!

here is no proof that vitamin pills reduce the

risks of heart attack, diabetes, cancer, or
other diseases. This was the result of one of
the most important studies ever done on the subject.
The British Heart Protection study, which was
conducted on 20 536 adults of the United
Kingdom, confims that those who take vitamins
are healthier because of their lifestyle, and not
because of the vitamin supplements they take.
Researchers concluded that the consumption of
antioxydants vitamin E and C, etc. is a loss of
time and money. Antioxydants are some of the
most sold supplements.
They have not showed any reduction in the
mortality or incidence of any type of vascular
disease, cancer, or any other affection. indicated
the studied published last month in the Lancet.
Source: Canadian Press (Toronto)


Bisci. 8.9-10, London, England.

For more information, go to:

2002 International Raw & Living Foods Festival:

speakers, workshops, panels & food demos. 8.2325, Portland, OR. 503.293.3039,, vendor applications at

First International Symposium on Healthful

Living: 8.8-11, San Antonio, TX. Healthful Living
International, 585.279.0242

Raw Passion Phoenix! 9.7, with Roe Gallo, Dr. Doug

Graham, Prof. Rozalind Gruben, David Klein, Dr.
Robert Sniadach and more!
For more information, directions, etc., call Charlie
at 480-496-5959, see or email
Send us your events: e-mail us at:

A: Yes, avocados are great, but in moderation.

The quantity depends on the person: from 1/2
a small avocado per day for the very young,
the small, the sedentary and the elderly, to a
maximum of two medium to large avocados
per day for very active, young people. We also
recommend eating only one fatty food per
day, ie, avocados and nuts on alternate days,
not both on the same day.
Q: Are nutritional yeast, Bragg's liquid
aminos, tempeh, and marinated artichoke
hearts raw and healthy? What types of
olives are healthy? Uncured?

A: Only sun-dried olives directly from beneath

the tree are raw and healthy. None of the
other products you mentioned are. Bragg's
Liquid Aminos is a cooked, bean-based, salty
(from sodium bicarbonate) sauce, whose
bizarre purpose is to add protein to the diet
and replace salt. Marinated artichoke hearts
are pickled with salt and vinegar, two nonfoods. Tempeh is a cooked, fermented soy
product. It's better to permanently cross these
things off the list of possibilities rather than
imagine one can backslide into them with
minimal harm. Consider them as "gateway"
cravings that lead to even more harmful pseudofoods.
That said, there are some things that are
less harmful (for those who are capable of
falling down only so far). A trick with saltcured olives is to first pit them, then soak
them in water for three days, changing the
water once a day in order to remove most of
the salt. Then eat less than 10 olives at a
time, combined with a meal of greens. It's
probably easier just to stay standing, yes?

Q: I have a friend whom I have influenced

into eating an all raw food diet. Only, he is
freaking out because of his dramatic weight
loss. He eats a ton of food, any thing from
lettuce to beets to oranges. He really is getting skinny with not much body to spare to
begin with. Do you have any information on
this topic?
A: There are several things to know about
weight loss on a raw food diet:

- Dont panic: it is inevitable while the body is

- The weight will come back, usually after 3-6
months (at least to a healthy level).
- Eating to keep on weight will not help.

I suggest that your friend be patient, to

rest as much as possible, and avoid strenuous
exercise until his weight bottoms out. He may
lose even more weight, but it will rebound
following detoxification.


Q:How many avocados should a person limit

himself to per meal and per day? They are
good but I don't want to overeat them. Is
there an amount you advise?

The diet should comprise: enough fruit to

provide energy, green vegetables, 1 or 2 avocados or one ounce of nuts a day and. If he
feels that things are moving too fast, steamed
vegetables, including potatoes, are easy on
the system.

However, you didnt give me much information about your friend. What was his weight
and height before? For really skinny people,
they have to be careful with such a change of
diet. Also, is he reading? It's an important part
of this diet. I believe he would find Doug
Graham's article in this issue extremely helpful.

Q: What about sprouted Ezekiel breads? I

belong to a religious group for which bread
is a part of ritual. I can't just "quit bread".
But I can change to a healthier form of it.

A: You can perhaps change to a less damaging

form of bread, such as true Essene bread. But
is not baked, like Ezekiel or even Manna bread
in the stores. It is sundried. It is tangy and
intense and it takes some work: perfect for
rituals. And everyone will understand if you
wish not to eat much of it.
Q: I'm sure most people have read the book,
"Eat For Your Blood Type." What are your
feelings about eating certain vegetables,
meats, etc., as they relate to a persons
blood type?
A: The blood type diet will be fully crushed in
our next issue, out in autumn.
Q: Why is it you don't recomend eating
canned pineapple? It isn't heat treated before being canned. Therefore it should still
have its healthful enzymes, right?

A: No, they are cooked before they put it in

the can, then cooked again. Anyhow, it comes
out of a factory.


are NOT
a natural

Adapted from an article

by Albert Mossri

ll true Hygienists are opposed to grain products.

These include bread, pasta, rice, flour, cookies,
crackers, etc. It seems very difficult for most people to understand this subject, because unconsciously
they refuse to abandon the habit of eating bread and
other grain products. Those who call themselves
Hygienists and still promote bread, even whole wheat,
are not true Hygienists. They don't understand that
Nature doesn't produce bread, that grains are meant to
be eaten by birds, who are granivores (a graminivore is a
grass eater, a granivore is a grain eater), and that humans are frugivores (also eaters of green leaves).
There are many reasons why grains are not suited for
humans. Among the most valid ones are those taken
from the science of biology the same type of argument
that vegetarians use to condemn meat eating.
A chart of comparative anatomy reveals that humans
have none of the characteristics of the carnivore. They
do not have appropriate teeth to bite the prey, not an
adequate liver to neutralize all the toxins, and so on.
Everybody can understand this easily humans are not
carnivores. But what I say is that humans are not granivores either. We are not biologically designed to eat
grains. For every class of animals on the planet, Nature
has provided a certain category of foods for them. Any
deviation from that will create all sorts of problems:
disease, cancer, etc.
A machine that is supposed to function well with a
certain type of oil will not function as well with a different type of oil. It will clog up and break down. This is
the major argument against grains. All other scientific
arguments, are only about details.
Nature has provided a special type of food for fish,



another type of food for cows, and something entirely

different for bears. And for us, Nature provides us with
our natural food: fruits and vegetables.
Nature is not a chaos. Every species eats the food it
was designed to eat. If horses would start eating meat,
and lions start grazing with the cow, it would be the end
of everything!

The gizzard

Bread and grains, even whole grains, are extremely deficient in minerals, compared to fruits and greens. They
are lacking in alkaline minerals like calcium. They are
indeed some of the most acid-forming foods. Our physiology is not designed to handle the digestion of grains.
The ptyalin enzyme in our mouth can only handle a small
amount of starch found in roots and some fruits. Species
that are like some types of bird, have a special stomach
called the gizzard. What is a gizzard? It's a sort of second
stomach that permits certain types of bird to grind hard
seeds in order to digest them. With that type of strong
stomach, they can even pulverize little rocks in no time.
In fact, they swallow rocks to help grind grain. Even
needles, swallowed by some young birds, are broken into
pieces, and rejected with no apparent damage.
Have you ever seen chickens and other types of fowl
eat rocks, nails, and other hard and indigestible
things? At that moment, you probably asked yourself:
why are these animals eating these useless and harmful things? Have they gone mad? Or are they simply
following to their instinct? They are simply introducing
hard things into their gizzard to help grind the hard
seeds that they just ate.
Birds and fowl have no teeth. That's why they have to
swallow whole seeds. But since they need to digest
them, Nature provides them with a most perfect grinding machine, attached to their stomach. Small rocks,
when eaten, are used as millstones.
But humans are much different. They do not have a
gizzard. They cannot grind hard seeds like grains or
legumes. That is why those foods are not meant for us.
Now someone will say that we can replace the gizzard with a millstone, constructed by humans, and cook
the grains, to soften them and render them easy to
chew and digest; and that's about what we've been
doing for several thousands of years. But this does not
solve the problem.
The digestive tract of humans, of all frugivores, is
too long for an adequate digestion of heavy starches.
These foods stay there for too long, and thus have a
tendency to ferment. Grains are natural foods for birds
and fowl, but not humans, who are not equipped with a
gizzard and other physiological designs, in order to
process grain properly.
Furthermore, humans cannot eat and enjoy these
foods in their natural state. They are simply not foods
we are biologically meant to eat. Our natural foods are
fruits and green leaves.

Ecoforest :

Raw, Permacultural Eco-community in Spain

What is it? Who are we?

Ecoforest is many things. It is an educational project,

providing people with many different opportunities to
learn about simple, natural, healthy and sustainable
living, including permaculture. We are also a raw ecocommunity. We are project workers, like Steve (from
England), Gaura (England) and Claude (Switzerland),
who, with others, have invested in the project to buy
the land. And we are visitors (lots!), both long and
short term.
For many people, Ecoforest is an opportunity to
take responsibility for sorting out their health in
body, mind and spirit and to cleanse and revitalize. It
is an opportunity to learn how to live simply and how
to simply live. And its an opportunity to take time
out, to change your life. This is a place where you can
be free from the frills and distractions of normal
life. Like a detox, this throws up some challenges,
but life is normally clearer, brighter and a lot healthier
on the other side.
As an organisation, Ecoforest is an ecological project, with charitable/non-profit status, with vegan raw
food being at the heart of our philosophy for sustainable, natural, vibrant, healthy living.
Visitors often stay for months, and some, like
Claude, become project members. There is also the
surrounding community, which includes Dao (England),
Shoshana (US/Israel), Yamuna and Joe (England) and
Carme (Spain). And then there is the wider community
of repeat visitors, like Chris Irving, who lived here for
eight months, and Augustin, who visits from Madrid
when he can. The whole thing is truly multinational.

News from Ecoforest

Well theres so much news that its difficult to know

where to start. Weve been running some great permaculture courses and have had a constant, steady flow
of visitors well over 200 since we started this project
in August, 2000. Many people who come here are new
to the raw food diet, so we get many converts, because its so much easier to go raw here than where it
is normal. Quite a lot of people are interested in
moving near Ecoforest, and this is as much a part of
our vision for raw community in the area as the land
we call Ecoforest itself.
Two fantastic raw childrens entertainers, Steve and
Kinsley, will be running activities for kids for a week
(or possibly two) in the first weeks of October here at
Ecoforest. So parents can be taking a much needed

break here, whilst knowing that their kids are having a

great and educational time, in a simple, natural, sustainable raw-food vegan environment.
After 18 months what are some of the main lessons we
have learnt?
Firstly, Ecoforest is an experience! We are on an
action-learning pathway - this means we take action,
observe the results, then modify our approach.
We have learnt about economic sustainability. Those
most active in setting up the project need to have
their own means of being economically sustainable.
These means can be: skills that are relevant to the
project (i.e. teaching permaculture); skills they can
sell locally; savings; income from renting out former
homes and other investments; work done during trips
back home; skills/products they can sell remotely, eg,
Joe and Carme sell ecological games by mail-order via
the Internet; and so on.
We plan to create a place that can sustain 5-10 people through the activities of Ecoforest. Those people
need to bring their own skills and a real commitment
to work for the wider benefit, and in exchange they
receive the many personal benefits that come from
living here. In 2002-2003 we are looking for three people to join, either for 6 or 12 month commitments, or
for longer.
We have also learnt lessons about the size of land to
buy. The first Ecoforest is just 1 hectare, or 2.1/2
acres - this is just about big enough, and has been a
good size for a starter project. It is big enough to provide a home for up to six project workers, or couples,
whilst also being able to cater to visitors. It is not big
enough for a larger community.
My own sense is that any new project of a similar
nature needs to be at least this size (ideally 2
hectares/5 acres) to get started - although size also
depends on land costs, what funds and other resources
are available, local building regulations and building
costs, how many people are involved, and so on.
However, my experience is that it is definitely better
to get started, and then to work from there, rather
than waiting forever to find the perfect bit of land,
with nothing happening in the meantime.
So, Ecoforest is evolving. For more information, to
participate and visit, contact:

Eco Forest
Apdo Correos 29
29100 Coin, Malaga, Spain

Tel: 00 34 661 079 950



by Dr. Douglas N. Graham

Is raw really that different?

Americans generally have two features in common:

they are overfat and undermuscled. There are reasons
for both of these unhealthy conditions. Going raw can
help, but in both cases, going raw is simply a start.
Here, we'll look at effective next steps.


People are overfat (different than overweight) because

they consume more calories than they burn. It is that
Overfat people usually tell me that they, dont eat
that much, really. They are probably telling the truth,
when it comes to the volume of food they consume.
The Standard American Diet has three main features
that make it easily recognizable: low water, low fiber
and high fat. Each of these three features reduce the
total volume of food while increasing the number of
calories per bite. It therefore takes very little food
volume on the SAD to provide more than enough calories for the day. Hence people gain, on average, a few
pounds every year.
The SAD, vegetarian, vegan and most raw diets tend
to have these same three features in common: low
water, low fiber and high fat. As raw-foodists we find a
meal of fruit unsatisfactory because we are hungry



Im so
soon after consuming it. This is no fault of the fruit.
Any meal where insufficient calories are consumed will
leave the eater hungry soon thereafter. We have
shrunk our stomachs to the point of deformity through
the continual consumption of concentrated foodstuffs.
By removing the fiber (juicing), by removing the water
(cooking or dehydrating), and by increasing the fat
levels above 10% of total calories consumed (cooked or
raw, plant or animal, fat is fat), we mimic the SAD
with many of our raw food dishes. This is surely an
unhealthy practice. Both water and fiber are essential
nutrients. Therefore removing them from our food
must be to our detriment. And health experts worldwide agree that we must make dramatic decreases in
our fat consumption if we ever hope to achieve health.
The solution to the shrunken stomach problem is to
eat more volume of fruit. This takes practice and determination. Essentially, it requires that you go on a
flexibility training program for your stomach, allowing
it to enlarge to the point of comfortably accommodating the food volume required for a proper meal of
fruit. Most folks find that within a few months they can
easily double and often triple the total amount of fruit
they can consume at a meal, without consuming anywhere near as many calories as they used to consume
from more calorically concentrated sources.
We go on the raw food diet and lose weight like

champions. This is a mixed blessing. Most of us have

weight to lose and are pleased at the initial weight
loss. However, if we are losing weight consistently and
dramatically we must be drastically under-consuming
calories. At some point we must learn to eat enough
volume of raw foods to satisfy our caloric demands,
else we fail as raw-foodists. Unfortunately, this form of
failure on raw foods happens all too frequently. Usually,
we blame the addictiveness of cooked food or our own
weaknesses rather than acknowledging that we were
eating a nutritionally imbalanced and unsustainable
raw food diet. Along the way, we develop various unhealthy habits, such as overeating fatty foods, occasional bingeing on cooked foods, relying on refined and
concentrated food sources, and the sedentary lifestyle
that often accompanies the malnourished state.

Illustration by Enrique Candioti


The inertia of the sedentary lifestyle must be overcome if we hope to enjoy better health through raw
living. Losing excess fat certainly is a step in the right
direction. Eating foods that use less digestive energy
frees up more fuel to use for activity. Still, I am asked
all the time, what do I eat to gain weight?.
After determining that the desired weight gain is
not to be in the form of fat or water, the question is
refined to, what do I eat to gain muscle?. The answer is, "There is no food that will cause one to gain
muscle. This can only be achieved by performing the
appropriate strength-demanding activities". Unless
demands are placed upon the muscles, the brain will
perceive no reason to direct growth of the muscles and
the muscles will likewise acquire no reason to hypertrophy. Strength-demanding activities are of two kinds:
work and play. Work consists of all the routine activities of survival; play consists of exercise, sport, recreation (non-mechanized). Americans do little of both.
Labor saving devices have become the standard in
America. Shopping carts, rolling luggage, moving stairways, vacuum cleaners, automatic doors, household
conveniences such as automatic hot water; we use
these things without giving them a second thought.
Even our labor saving devices often have labor saving
devices: Cars have power windows, steering and
brakes; sit down lawn mowers, battery powered toothbrushes and screwdrivers; television even has remote
control. Using them has had disastrous effects upon
our fitness. Never before in history have we, as a people, been so unfit, overfat, or unhealthy. In both test
case and real life scenarios we have found that a significant percentage of our population is too unfit to
make it down a few dozen flights of stairs, even if it
means saving their own life.
I went raw but I got so skinny that I went back to
eating cooked. I hear this again and again. I can only
reply that most people are skinny, but they hide that

(continued next page)



Doug Graham Photo Courtesy of 343 Publishing Co. 2001

clothing. The telltale indicators of low fat with muscular

development well-defined vascularity and the ripped
look to the musculature are simply not noticed or even
visible until bodies go naked into action.
Muscular development takes time. It is rare for a body
builder to gain more than one pound of muscle in a
month. By the same token, barring a total cessation of
physical activity, loss of muscular size is also a slow
process. Of the three caloronutrients carbohydrate, fat
and protein the body will always use carbohydrate and
fat before consuming protein for fuel. Hence, when we
switch our diet to raw, the likelihood that the body will
consume its own muscle tissue for fuel is practically
zero. At least, that is, until starvation is initiated, which
is not until all available carbohydrate and fat sources
have been utilized. When people say to me that they got
so skinny on the raw food diet, I can only smile and say,
"You have probably always been skinny, you just couldnt
tell because you were fat, too. Congratulations on losing
the fat, for it was only then that you noticed how undermuscled you are."
If you do what everyone else does, you will get what
everyone else gets. For uncommonly healthy results,
one must be willing to live an uncommonly healthy life.
Anyone who puts in the effort involved in building muscle will see the muscular development and will reap
the concomitant rewards. This can be done in various
ways and will be a focus of my next article: Four methods of increasing strength related performance.

In health abundance naturally,

Dr. Douglas N. Mono-Man Graham

fact under a layer of fat. We have become used to seeing

fat people; they are the norm. We are so used to it, in
fact, that people who are not fat look abnormal to us.
They look too skinny. Though, for my height, I am a normal weight (510", 150 pounds), I have been told that I
am: "thin, skinny, too trim and even, emaciated (This
last from a 510" man of 300 pounds).
We know the shape that we think humans should be,
what appears to us as normal. The undiscerning eye
usually does not differentiate between a person with a
low degree of musculature whose body fat levels are
double or triple- normal from one with adequate muscular development whose body fat level is healthy. When
inactive, they look similar, and even more so in street



80% of Adults
Take at Least
One Drug a

e recently learned that

more than 80% of adults in
the US take some type of
medication. Adverse reactions to
drugs are among the leading causes
of hospitalization and death in this
Americans spent nearly $150
billion dollars on these drugs last
year. This enormous revenue can
fund massive media campaigns to
get them to consume even more.
The sad tragedy is that all of
these drugs are doing absolutely
nothing to address the cause of the
Source: Health News Online

Dont Eat
Papaya Seeds

ome authors have hailed the

benefits of eating papaya
seeds, either for their deworming action or for their value in preventing pregnancy. However, it is not
advisable to consume them. A toxic
substance called carpine is present
in traces in black seeds of papaya.
Carpine in large quantities is said to
lower the pulse rate and depress the
nervous system. This substance is
only found in papaya seed. The
fleshy part of the fruit is completely
free from this toxic substance.
Hence, once the seeds are removed,
the delicious fruit can be safely
eaten. Besides, they taste terrible.
In India, they avoid giving whole
papayas to cows because it causes
them to miscarry.The plant makes
sure that the seed tastes bad so that
animals will only eat the flesh and
leave the seeds alone. Or in figs and

berries, they pass through, mostly

uncrushed. There is always some
scheme to promote reproduction.

Watch Out for

Potato Chips!

hips (called crisps in

England) have become a
major preoccupation of the
World Health Organization following
a meeting involving 20 experts. The
presence of a probably carcinogenic substance in chips,
acrylamide, that is also found in
many fried, grilled, or roasted foods,
gave some a few nights of insomnia
to our researchers.
According to the British Food
Standards Agency, eating is an activity not exempted from risks. But
eating what?
Swedish researchers discovered accidently last April that carbohydrate
foods, when they are fried, roasted
or grilled, produce acrylamide. Raw
or boiled, these foods do not contain
this substance. This discovery has
been confirmed by other teams of
Concentrations of acrylamide are
particularly high in chips. Next
follow French fries (called chips
in England!), cookies, cereals, and
bread. The substance proved to be
carcinogenic, according to the
studies. The conclusion should
be obvious.
Source: Canadian Press (Toronto)

In Need of
Vitamin C? Just
Eat an Orange!

esearchers at the University

of Southern California have
concluded that regular intake
of vitamin C supplements (pills) may
lead to thickening of the artery walls
(atherosclerosis), which can lead to

heart disease.
The researches used non-invasive
methods to study 573 adults
between 40 and 60 years old. About
30 percent of those used vitamin
supplements on a daily basis, including from 30 to 1,000 milligrams of
vitamin C. Over an 18-month period,
those taking about 500 milligrams of
vitamin C showed an ultrasounddetected progression of carotid wall
thickness that was 2.5 times greater
than those who did not take any
supplement. Smokers taking 500 milligrams of vitamin C showed a fivefold increase in the progression of
Study leader James Dwyer said
that the evidence suggesting that
higher intake of fruits and vegetables that is a diet high in (plantbased) vitamin C is protective
against cardiovascular disease does
not imply that taking high doses of
vitamin C from supplements will
increase that protection. Dwyer
added that people should be cautious about using vitamin C supplements.
The researchers found no evidence that elevated levels of vitamin C from natural food sources
(fruits and vegetables) promoted
atherosclerosis. This shows how
important it is to get your nutrients
directly from fruits and vegetables
instead of through vitamin pills. It
also makes one wonder about other
synthetic vitamins, and foods that
have been fortified with them.
Source: JEAA Vol. 1, #11


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Adventure Tales

ystical. Mythical. Mysterious. What is it about this

pungent, spiky fruit that makes it so enticing? Is
it the formidable covering? The exotic, indescribable taste? The texture? The aroma? The stories?
Over the past 1 1/2 years my wife, Anna, and I have
spent almost 11 months in durian growing areas of
Southeast Asia. Having eaten hundreds of fresh durians, maybe a thousand between us, weve learned a
lot about the fruit: its seed, the tree, its growing conditions, and harvesting and selection. It feels we have
a very different relationship with durians than before.
In sharing our experiences perhaps we can get a little
closer to the inexplicable allure of the king of fruits.
One of our first and best durian experiences was at
our wedding. In addition to an all raw menu, durian
was our wedding cake (photos at
Of course, we opened it ceremoniously, and joyously
fed it to each other. We shared many of the odiferous,
sweet, custardy fruits with our family and friends. It
was an amazing start to our married life.
But that was frozen durian, quite different from the
fresh fruit we would experience a few days later on
our honeymoon in Bali. We actually consider the frozen
fruit to be a different food altogether, kind of like
durian ice cream. Our friend RC probably said it best:
Dude. The difference between frozen and fresh
durian must be like the difference between eating a
frozen and fresh banana.
Yup, its true. Think of the taste and texture of a
frozen-then-thawed banana and youll get the idea.
Still, a frozen durian from time to time is better than
no durian at all. If you like frozen durians but would
like a genuine, fresh durian experience, then save all
your durian money for a year and buy an economy



by Rob Miller

ticket for a plane to Bangkok during durian season.

There are so many varieties of durian, with an even
greater range of tastes; colors (from white to all
shades of yellow to deep orange); textures (from thin
and loose to thick like fromage blanc); sizes (one of
the best durians I ever ate was baseball-sized; and in
Bangkok, I saw a grotesque monster that weighed over
23 kg/50.6 lbs); and shapes (round, oblong, gnarled
and everything in between).
Almost all imported, frozen durians are the highly
cultivated mornthong variety from Thailand. They are
bred to have a large amount of sweet, creamy, yellow
fruit with small seeds. The name means golden pillow,
but in other parts of SE Asia they are often called,
Oh, you mean that Thailand durian. Very big but not
taste so good.
Our favorite variety is what Thais call thurian baan
or house durian. In other words, the local variety.
Every tree is different and every fruit has a unique and
often incredibly delicious taste. House durians were

the mainstay of our most memorable durian encounters in Bali, Singapore and Thailand.


Each year in late November, Anna and I run a raw food

retreat in Bali at the height of the fruit season. This
takes place close to the village renowned for having
the islands best durian. Noontime would often find
the group of us lounging on the grass in the sunshine
with a pile of durians, mangos, and a massive jackfruit
before us. The pile would soon be reduced to skins,
pulp and seeds. We would be pleasantly high on
durian, a kind of giddy euphoria when one dreamily
says things like, Wow, I cant believe how good those
durians were.
Balinese durians are of small to medium size and
usually have a small amount of fruit on many small
seeds. The taste is less consistent than in other areas,
but a good one can be sublime. These are fertile and
strong fruits. I counted 34 seeds in one a few years ago.
People often say Balinese durians are wild, but this
isnt really the case. One doesnt go to
the wilds of Bali to forage them. What
is meant is that they are not heavily
cultivated, commercial varieties.
Rather, people plant seeds or nurse
saplings in the rich volcanic soil, then
leave the established tree to grow.
From seed it usually bears fruit within
10 to 15 years.

durian every day after lunch. He then proceeded to

regale us with durian stories from his youth, and his
secrets for consistently picking good $1 durians (see
So you can see that eating durians in Singapore can
be a lot of fun and a good education, too.


Our most profound experiences with durian were in a

quiet village in southern Thailand. Located in a small
verdant valley bordering virgin tropical rain forest, it is
quite different than the rest of Thailand. The locals are
exceedingly kind, and very concerned about the health of
the trees and forest. A rather sage sign next to the river
reads, If there is no forest, there will be no water.
The locals encourage the forest to produce more
fruit by planting a variety of fruit trees alongside many
of the native trees. They collect more than 100 types of
wild greens, and cut the undergrowth, leaving it as fertilizer, once or twice a year. They have been doing this
for a few centuries, and the result is a tropical fruit
jungle that is a sustainable ecosystem. There are many insects, birds
and animals, and the soil is strong
and healthy. They call their method
suan som lom, variously translated as
shade gardening or mixed orchard. It
is similar to the forest gardening of
Permaculture. This is decidedly not
strip farming or totalitarian agriculture as commonly practiced today throughout the
world. And it is superorganic, too.
We spent each day with the sacred trees, climbing
the hills through the
shade gardens, eating copiously of the
most incredible durians. We sat next to
the crystal clear
river, taking in the
radiant sun, and
enjoying delectable
durians. Each fruit
was a story unto
itself. In fact each
tree is individually
named. Many of the
villagers can taste a
durian and tell you
whose garden and
from which tree it
Soon after we
arrived a friend told
us, When I was a

There are so many

varieties of durian,
with an even greater
range of tastes; colors;
textures, sizes.


Singapore is an unexpected mecca for durian lovers,

especially since it is an urban metropolis with little
arable land. However, durians arrive daily from Malaysia
and Thailand. Many Singaporeans are serious about eating durian, and they can be quite opinionated about it,
Durian specialty shops offer the widest variety and
the freshest fruit. Many hundreds of durians are neatly
stacked, separated by variety and grade, and priced
accordingly. The brusque and busy durian seller will
promptly tell you that the durian you have selected is
poor, pick one that he considers to be better, open it
with a large and very sharp knife, shuffle you off to
your table to eat, then hurry back to his favorite spot
to wait around for the next customer.
Your fruit will likely have a fun name like Special
666, Sultan, or last years favorite, Red Prawn. The
D24 is also quite popular. Or it may just be from the
$1, Oh, that cheap one pile. But these can be just as
good as the $10/kg super-special variety.
We once had a particularly informative conversation
with an ethnic Chinese Singaporean who worked at the
Ministry of Commerce. He told us that he ate a single $1

(continued next page)



prefer tree drops.

Avoid fruit with holes or soft spots. These usually

indicate worms, mold or rot.

Look at the stem. It should be white in the center. If

it is brown, it has been off the tree for too long.
Smell. It should be pungent and sweet, like a ripe

Tap the spines with a heavy knife. If they flatten a

little it is ready.

Tap the bottom with a heavy knife and listen to the

sound. A deep and hollow sound indicates ripeness; A
tight, high pitched fruit isnt yet ready.
boy I used to take durians from my uncles garden on my
way to school. I would sell them by the roadside for
money so I could buy food to eat. I was very poor. He
made it sound as though it was a shameful and difficult
thing he had to do.
He was surprised when I said to him, But durians
are food. Why didnt you just eat a few durians rather
than go through all that trouble. It is much better
quality food. Not only are they free, you are rich in
Within a few days he proudly came to tell us that he
was eating fresh fruit, wild greens, and coconut from
his garden for breakfast and lunch, and putting off the
rice and other cooked food till dinner. A few weeks
later he even told us how heavy his stomach felt and
how tired he would get after eating rice. It will be interesting to see him on our next visit.
It is difficult for me to relate what we learned about
durians during those two months. How does one express
the feeling of touching a 300 year-old durian tree, then
tasting its fruit? One point we can definitely share is
that ripe durians usually fall during the night, most
often in the hour before first light. But whatever time
of day it is, dont hang out under a durian tree with
ripe fruit in it!

Choosing Good Durians

These are tips for selecting good durians that weve

gleaned along the way. They all help, but none are
foolproof. This list goes in order of the useful to the
Choose tree drops (groundfalls) for perfect
ripeness. Look at the stem. Is it naturally rounded
where the fruit let go of the branch, or is there a
straight flat cut (from a knife)? Most durian eaters



Color. Generally brown, green or somewhere in between is good. Yellow is usually overripe, but not always.

If it is split at the bottom or on the opening lines it

could be ripe, but it could also be overripe. Checking
the smell is important with these.
(continued from page 40)

New Book: The Raw Secrets






Chapter 1: The Raw-Not-Raw

Philosophy An oversimplification
Chapter 2: Detoxification
Chapter 3: The Law of Vital
Chapter 4: Giving up Bad Habits
Chapter 5: Supplements
Chapter 6: Raw Food Recipes
Chapter 7: Spices, salt, herbs,
and condiments
Chapter 8: Food Combining
Chapter 9: Hunger
Chapter 10: Digestion
Chapter 11: Quantities of Fat
Chapter 12: Sleep
Chapter 13: Protein Needs
Chapter 14: Nuts and Seeds
Chapter 15: Teeth
Chapter 16: Enzymes
Chapter 17: Grains & Beans
Chapter 18: Specific Foods of
Chapter 19: How to Determine
Our Natural Diet
Chapter 20: Times to Eat
Chapter 21: Quantities of food
Chapter 22: The 100% Dilemma
Chapter 23: Food Supply and
Quality of food.
Chapter 24: On the Difficulty to
Eating Raw in the North
Chapter 25: Juices & Blended
Chapter 26: Water
Chapter 27: Organic Food
Chapter 28: Compromises
Chapter 29: Binges & Cravings
Chapter 30: Fasting When
Chapter 31: A Prodigious

Appendix 1: Comments on Some

Fruits and Vegetables, Comments
on Some Popular Foods and
Appendix 2: Menus
Appendix 3: Replacements.
Appendix 4: Meal Ideas.
Appendix 5: Testimonials







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his book is designed to help you live on raw, vegan and vegetarian
diets and overcome problems others commonly encounter in doing so
. These diets, all based on logical and valid principles, have often
fallen short of expectation. Instead of improvements in their health, some
have experienced deterioration. Or, they may not have experienced all the
rejuvenation they anticipated, or they were not able to maintain balance
over the long-term. This is due to their (wholly amenable) lack of understanding of some guiding principles and the gross mistakes that result.
The Raw Secrets contains information is hard to come across anywhere
else. The author, fluent in five languages, has compiled rare information in
his research over the last several years. The 32 chapters give unique insight
on many topics, with dozens of tips to help you succeed with a simpler,
purer, more nourishing diet. The author is not trying to sell any nutritional
supplements. Rather, the guidelines he gives are based on his experience
and his careful research and keen reasoning.
If you are half-expecting the same, repetitive, boring information found
in nearly every book on this subject, then you are in for a surprise. If you
are looking for exciting, new research and unique insights on the subject,
then The Raw Secrets is for you.
Because the authors views have changed over the years, this book contains information different than-- even contradictory to-- what he has written in his first book, The Sunfood Cuisine. In all cases, the views
expressed here represent his latest thinking.
Word From the Author

The Raw Secrets is the culmination of six years of my research and experience. I had to make many mistakes and go through a lot of suffering in
order to find something that actually worked, not just something that
sounds good on paper. I wrote this book because I wanted to spare you all
I have long hesitated to release this book. But it is my deepest conviction that the knowledge and advise I have put in the following pages will
be of a great benefit to all those who have struggled to feel balanced on a
raw-food or vegan diet.



The Great
Compiled by Frdric Patenaude



ost of my readers are aware of the evils of coffee, and probably all of them have given up this
habit. However, I often meet raw foodists or
vegetarians who, otherwise following a healthy
lifestyle, still drink coffee. Its their guilty pleasure
they say. Others still have an occasional cup of green
tea, mat, guarana, or other caffeinated beverages.
Some may even think that these beverages are healthy.
For many, it's chocolate, which gives the same strange
pleasure as the beverages.
The effects of caffeine on the body are well
researched, but you never hear about it in your newspaper. You never hear about it anywhere because the
whole nation, if not the whole world, is addicted to
caffeine. Doctors, journalists, scientists, writers,
everyone drinks coffee. Those whose job is to inform
us are usually heavy coffee drinkers. And few of them
ever rise up to speak against this popular drug.
But one did, his name is Stephen Cherniske, and he's
a scientist who spent 10 years of his life researching
the effects of caffeine on the body and compiling them
in a shocking document, Caffeine Blues. On the first
page of this book we can read:

Caffeine can't provide energy, only chemical stimulation and induced emergency state that can lead to
irritability, mood swings, and panic attacks.
Caffeine's ultimate mood effect can be letdown,
which can lead to depression and chronic fatigue.

Caffeine gives the illusion of heightened alertness by

dilating pupils, quickening heart rate, and raising
blood pressure. In fact, caffeine does not increase
overall mental activity.
I have read Caffeine Blues and selected the most relevant information and quotes out of it for this article.

The Great Caffeine Hoax

You may have read somewhere, or have been told in

school, that as long as caffeine was consumed in
moderate quantities, it did not pose any threat to
health. You were reassured. Once in a while, you may
even read somewhere in the newspaper about the
benefits of drinking coffee. So far, so good. Who
could ever say anything against coffee? Mr. Cherniske
I had been told only that caffeine was a mild stimulant and its association with health disorders was
unproven. I was also told that caffeine is not addictive. Since I knew from my own painful experience
that the opposite was true, I reasoned that perhaps I
had been snowed on the whole topic.
What I quickly learned was that everyone has been

snowed researchers, doctors, journalists, and especially the public. The deception has been well coordinated by an industry whose goal is quite simple: to get
as much caffeine into our bodies as possible. The caffeine industry knows caffeine saps your natural sense
of vitality, leaving you dependent on their products to
get through the day. They know that you actually crave
their products and, more importantly, that you suffer
when you don't consume them.
It's a marketing dream, and it's legal. No wonder
more and more companies are jumping on the caffeine
bandwagon, churning out products from specialized
coffees and teas to 'herbal' caffeinated energy pills,
caffeinelaced fruit beverages, 'supercharged' soft
drinks, caffeinated beer, and even caffeinated bottled
water. (Caffeine Blues, page 4)

The Caffeine Stimulation: Not Energy

Caffeine is a poison. The body has absolutely no use

for it as it is a danger to its living function. It must
detoxify it through the liver and reject it with great
effort. The stimulation we feel after drinking coffee
is nothing more than the expended effort in eliminating this poison.

letdown, either subtle or profound. Advertisers and

coffee 'institutes' have kept this side of caffeine from
public view...
While caffeine users may feel more alert, the experience is simply one of increased sensory and motor
activity (dilated pupils, increased heart rate, and
higher blood pressure). The quality of thought and
recall is improved no more than the quality of music is
improved when played at a higher volume or speed.
The energy we get from caffeine is similar to the
energy a horse gets when whipped. It is not energy
gained but power spent responding to an injury.


About tolerance to caffeine, he says: What is tolerable for one person may be excessive for another.
Moreover, what is tolerable caffeine intake at some
point in your life may actually cause health problems
just a few years later. (Caffeine Blues, page 8)
We often hear that caffeine is only bad when con-

The Law of Excitation

Herbert Shelton clearly explained the delusion of stimulation in his classic book, Orthobionomics.
Whenever any irritating substance or influence is
brought to bear upon the living organism this occasions
vital resistance and excitation manifested by increased
and impaired action, which, always necessarily diminishes the power of action and does so in precisely the
degree to which it accelerates action; the increased
action is caused by the extra expenditure of vital
power called out, not supplied, by the compulsory
process, and therefore the available supply of power is
diminished by this amount
Under all circumstances, vitality or energy of
any character whatever is invariably manifested or
noticed by us, as energy, in its expenditure, never
in its accumulation.
In other words, what appears to give us energy is
draining our energies. The stimulation people get from
drinking coffee is an expenditure of vital forces, not
real energy which can only come from rest.
Cherniske who well understands this, wrote:
Caffeine does not provide energy only chemical
stimulation. The perceived energy comes from the
body's struggle to adapt to increased blood levels of
stress hormones... Using coffee for moodenhancement
is a short-term blessing and a long-term curse. While
the initial adrenal stimulation may provide a transient
anti-fatigue lift, caffeine's ultimate mood effect is a



sumed in excess, but when taken in small quantities it

is not dangerous, and could even be beneficial, raising
mental alertness. But since when can a poison be
good for you?
... of all the thousands of research papers that
have been published on caffeine, none have concluded
that caffeine is good for you.
The truth is that the moderate coffee drinker is a
rare gem, because coffee is so addictive that most
consumers eventually end up drinking quite a bit. And
the average person is a myth anyway. This person
described by scientists in their research papers when
they statistically analyze caffeine consumption simply
does not exist. Not everyone reacts to a poison the
same way, not everyone can detoxify it at the same
rate, and not everyone consumes the same dose.
Those who are purified by, for example, a raw
vegan diet, will react more strongly to caffeine than
the average person. Children are more affected too,
because their organism is purer. So the same dose of
caffeine will have different effect on different people.
So we can see the fallacy of recommending moderation - because it doesn't mean anything. Moderation
can only concern the healthy factors of life, not those
that are damaging to it. Moderation in them is impossible. Any quantity will be an excess.

But how did we come to drink


It seems that coffee beans were used as a drug long

before they were used as a food. The practice of giving
toxic substances to the sick has been in vogue for a
long time and has not changed much today. A large
percentage of today's pharmaceutical drugs contain
caffeine as one of their active ingredients.
It was not until the thirteenth century that Arab
monks made a revolutionary discovery. Roasted coffee
beans could be made into a drink. No more falling
asleep at prayers! The news spread from monastery to
monastery, then hit the streets in the world's finest
coffeehouses. (Caffeine Blues, page 14)
When coffee was first brought to European cities in
the seventeenth century, people were repelled by its
color and taste. They complained that it smelled and
looked like roofing tar. But after they experienced its
stimulating effect, the beverage was quickly
proclaimed to be one of nature's miracles. Historians
record this phenomenon without noticing the irony of
what they are writing. Caffeine is, after all, a
psychoactive drug, and human beings tend to crave
substances that alter their states among them
caffeine, morphine, nicotine, and cocaine. Indeed, all
of these alkaloids are chemically related and, while
they produce widely different effects, all are poison-



ous. (Caffeine Blues, page 17)

Now coffee has conquered the world to the point
where almost everyone drinks coffee, if not tea, if not
another type of caffeinated beverage, such as cocacola. Americans are the largest coffee drinkers in the
world - with a dazzling record of 420 million cups
drunk every single day.

Toxicity of Coffee

Coffee is not a food, it is not a drink - it's a poison. It's a

mild drug containing a whole array of toxic
substances. In addition to caffeine, coffee contains
hundreds of volatile substances including more than 200
acids. These the body must reject by a great expense of
energy, which is the strange stimulation perceived as
Caffeine is a biological poison used by plants as a
pesticide. The caffeine gives seeds and leaves a bitter
taste, which discourages their consumption by insects
and animals. If predators persist in eating a caffeinecontaining plant, the caffeine can cause central nervous system disruptions and even lethal side effects.
Most pests soon learn to leave the plant alone.
(Caffeine Blues, page 17)
But humans have fooled their instincts and tastes
bud and transformed coffee into a drinkable beverage,
often mixed with milk and sugar. The same holds true
for chocolate. No one would ever think of eating cocoa
beans, because of their horrible taste. So we mix it
with sugar and fat and call it chocolate. But our sense
of taste was right in detecting that poison - used by
the plant as a pesticide to repel insects.
Caffeine, like theobromine (found in chocolate), has
to be detoxified by the liver, and injures it overtime.
Caffeine is a poison for the liver. But caffeine is not
the only toxic substance in coffee.
Remember that coffee contains a host of chemicals, not just caffeine, among them a group of
extremely toxic compounds known as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs). You might remember them
as the cancer-causing agents isolated from barbecued
meat. (Caffeine Blues, page 53)


Chocolate contains a small amount of caffeine, but also

contains a good amount of another substance called
theobromine. This is an substance analogous to caffeine, producing similar physiological effects. When you
combine the caffeine and the theobromine contained in
a one-ounce piece of chocolate, you end up with the
stimulating power of 40 milligrams of caffeine!

But everyone drinks coffee!

When it comes to coffee, the most common reaction I

hear is, How can it be bad for you? People have been
drinking coffee for centuries.
To a scientist, this observation is meaningless.
History is filled with cases where millions of people
made serious mistakes. There are herbs in China, for
example, that have been used medicinally for thousands of years, and are still being used to treat sinus
congestion. But repeated use of these herbs over time
can cause cancer of the nose and throat.
Epidemiologists (scientists studying the distribution of
disease in populations) have estimated that this habit
has caused premature and painful death for millions of
Chinese people. Clearly, great numbers of people can
be wrong, especially when they don't know the facts.
(Caffeine Blues, page 49)
I have a saying: A lot of what popular wisdom holds
true is wrong. With so much misinformation spread
today, I rarely say this line inappropriately.
You should also question the sanity of common
statements that we hear from friends, celebrities, and
co-workers. In the movie Shadow of a Doubt, Joseph
Cotten's famous line was, I can't face the world in the
morning. I must have coffee before I can speak. Now,
substitute for the word coffee any other drug, say amphetamines. If a person said he or she can't face the
world without amphetamines, we'd call him or her an
addict. We'd whisk the person off to rehab and maybe
even throw him in jail. But because coffee is a drug we
consume ourselves, we wink and nod and say, 'Yeah,
ain't it the truth!' (Caffeine Blues, page 50)

Caffeine and Impaired Digestion

Impaired digestion is more of a problem than most

people realize - and it gets worse with caffeine. That
jumbo 32-ounce soft drink or the double espresso we
have with meals is a major contributor to the bloating,
pain, and gas that roughly 50 percent of American
adults experience after they eat. And these symptoms
are only the physical signs of indigestion. Unseen are
the harmful by-products of fermentation and putrefaction. Some of these by-products are absorbed back
into the bloodstream, and the toxins that stay in the
gut increase your risk of gastrointestinal disease.
(Caffeine Blues, page 60)

Caffeine and Sleep Disturbance

There is a popular notion that coffee before 3 P.M.

can't disturb your sleep. In fact, caffeine at any time
of the day can cause sleep problems, especially if you
are under stress.
It seems that caffeine disturbs the most important
phase of sleep, the deep-sleep phase. It's a vicious
circle: caffeine intake leads to decreased sleep quantity, which leads to increased caffeine intake, which

leads to decreased sleep quality, which leads to disease and fatigue, which leads to increased caffeine
intake, and so on.
We also tend to think that caffeine-related problems are mostly experienced by people in the workforce. In reality, those hardest hit appear to be the
elderly. Oven though seniors tend to cut back on coffee, the caffeine they do ingest is detoxified much
more slowly and their nervous systems are much more
sensitive than those of younger people. Research is
now showing that sleep disturbance among the elderly
is a major factor not only in age-related physical degeneration but in mental degeneration as well.
(Caffeine Blues, page 85)

Caffeine & Malnutrition

Coffee also causes many nutritional deficiencies.

Poisons in tea and coffee, including caffeine, cause an
increased loss of B vitamins in the urine. There is also
a loss of calcium.
Research just published in the Annals of Nutrition
and Metabolism found that caffeine increased potassium loss by nearly one-third. To make matters worse,
such mineral loss appears to be accelerated when caffeine is mixed with sugar. Studies show that the mechanism behind this mineral-wasting phenomenon may
have to do with the fact that caffeine impairs the kidney's ability to hold on to calcium, magnesium, and
other minerals. Most recently, zinc was added to the
list of nutrients depleted by caffeine. (Caffeine
Blues, page 90)
To add to this list, iron absorption is also impaired
when caffeine is taken.

Caffeine and Mental Illness

I have known for a long time that even a moderate

caffeine intake may cause a
small depression, the
blues. I have noticed this on myself a
couple years ago when
I started drinking green
tea, thinking
that this beverage only
had a tiny
amount of
caffeine in it.
I couldn't fall
asleep before 2
a.m. and
started to experience a mild

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 23

As soon as I discarded the green tea, it went away.

How many people feel depressed and tired for no apparent reason? And how many of them drink coffee or
tea and can't give it up?
If a person were injected with 500 milligrams of
caffeine, within an hour he or she would exhibit symptoms of severe mental illness, among them, hallucinations, paranoia, panic, mania, and depression. But the
same amount of caffeine administered over the course
of a day only produces the milder forms of insanity for
which we take tranquilizers and antidepressants.
(Caffeine Blues, page 124)

Coffee and Constipation

... many people claim that caffeine helps them maintain normal bowel regularity, but that is the same as
relying on laxatives. Either way, you're using a drug to
induce bowel movements, and ultimately many coffee
drinkers become dependent on this laxative action.
Without the caffeine stimulation, they experience
what is known as rebound constipation. (page 173)

Caffeine and Headaches

Forty-five million Americans suffer from chronic

headaches. Seventeen million are migraine sufferers.
The person with a headache doesnt know that it
was caused or triggered by caffeine, so he or she looks
for a painkiller (analgesic). Studies show that in 95
percent of cases, the analgesic drug contains caffeine.
Such painkillers work, especially if the headaches was
caused by caffeine withdrawal, but the caffeine ultimately triggers another headache. Ultimately, the hapless sufferer becomes dependent on the painkiller for
even a modicum of relief, but the headaches increase
in frequency and intensity. This may go on for many
years, creating a cycle of pain and depression that destroys the quality of life. (Caffeine Blues, page 185)
A caffeine deprivation (withdrawal) headache results from the normal opening (dilation) of blood vessels
that are constricted by caffeine. In other words, habitual caffeine intake keeps blood vessels in the brain constricted. When caffeine is not
consumed, these blood
vessels return to their
normal blood-flow
potential, and it
is this increased
circulation in the
brain that causes
the throbbing agony
of a caffeine withdrawal headache. (Caffeine Blues,
page 186)



Adrenal Exhaustion

Caffeine contributes to adrenal exhaustion, wherein a

raft of important hormones are depleted. The destruction is not silent. Youll feel it every day in many ways
as you simply can no longer command the vitality necessary for what were once everyday tasks. (Caffeine
Blues, page 197)

Caffeine and Women

Compared to men, research shows that caffeine is

much more damaging to women, producing adverse
effects at lower intake. The effects are even more farreaching when you consider the harm caffeine does to
fetuses and nursing babies. (Caffeine Blues, page 225)
Here are other facts about caffeine concerning
women: caffeine causes iron deficiency; increases
calcium loss and risk of osteoporosis; caffeine
produces short-term mood elevation, but contributes
to rebound depression.
Ecology: pesticides, rain forest destruction and land
use issues.
Coffee is the most important crop in the world. More
than wheat, rice, corn, or livestock. More than fruit,
more than vegetables, or any other staple crop - coffee
is number one. More than cars, more than steel, more
than everything, only third next to petroleum and some
metals used to make weapons. The reason: coffee is a
drug, nearly everyone is addicted to it, and its part of
the culture.
Coffee also happens to be one of the most heavily
sprayed agricultural crops. In the countries where it is
grown, there are few restrictions concerning pesticide
use, where there are fewer laws to protect workers
and the environment.
Coffee plantations use huge amounts of pesticides
that pollute the land, rivers, and destroy plant and
animal life around them. The beans go off to market,
but what happens to coffee pulp and the processing
water? This water, now laden with pesticides, fungicides, and nitrogenous waste, goes directly into local
streams, rivers, and lakes. With no filtration or reconditioning, the water pollution harms aquatic life as well
as the health of people who live alongside those same
bodies of water. And the coffee pulp? It sits in huge,
rotting piles, leaching out its high nitrogen discharge
into the groundwater and eventually into the same
polluted waterways. (Caffeine Blues, page 276)
Cherniske also mentions in his book how coffee
plantations have probably contributed to the destruction of Rain Forests more than any other crop in the
world, since large portions of the forest are destroyed
every year to make room for the coffee plantations.
Coffee culture is labor-intensive and requires large
portions of land and resources. These are astronomical
numbers once you get your calculator out and consider

that the world demand for coffee is 13 billion pounds a

year. Since the average plant produces one to two pounds
of roasted coffee a year, this will require 7 billion trees.
Judging from what the average farmer can get from one
acre, it ends up that 70 million acres are devoted to grow
this non-food, this drug, this poison that contributes to
human suffering and ruins the health of the millions without their being aware of it.
70 million acres devoted to the culture of coffee.

Lets ponder that for a moment. 70 million acres... If

we add to that the land devoted to cacao culture (for
the making of chocolate), tea leaves culture, sugar
cane (for the making of sugar), and grape culture (for
the making of wine), we would arrive at frighteningly
high numbers. Hundreds of millions of acres of the
most fertile land in the world exclusively devoted to
the culture of non-foods and beverages that contribute
to the suffering of humanity. Why
talk about a lack of food? Were
simply cultivating the wrong plants
for the wrong purposes!

Caffeines effects
on the body
Energy swings or periods
of fatigue during the day
Mood swings or periods
of depression

Gastrointestinal distress,
cramping, diarrhea

Constipation and/or dependence

on caffeine for bowel movement
Tension or stiffness in the neck,
shoulders, hands, legs,
or stomach
Premenstrual syndrome,
menstrual irregularity, cramps,
sore breasts
Painful/sensitive lumps
in the breast

Irritability, including
inappropriate fits of anger

Involuntary movement in the leg

(restless leg syndrome)
Irregular or rapid heartbeat
Waking up feeling tired

Generalized pain (back pain,

stomach, pain, muscles aches)
High blood pressure


Shortness of breath

Difficulty in concentration
and/or memory lost
Ringing in the ears

Coldness in the extremities,

especially fingertips
Hand tremor



Profound fatigue


Increased muscle tension



The corruption of the

health food industry.

Until the 1990s, caffeine was

one of the no-nos of the healthfood industry, like sugar and white
flour. Caffeine-free herbal teas
got their start in the healthfood
industry, where caffeine-free
products have traditionally been
the hallmark of natural food
choices. Now those same stores
have huge display bins full of coffee beans and many have coffee
bars serving pumped-up caffeine
concoction. How did this happen?
(Caffeine Blues, page 266)
The face of the industry
changed as the original visionaries
sold out to conglomerates for
whom profit superseded health
principles. The proliferation of
organic coffee bins in natural food
stores took off, and before you
knew it, manufacturers of health
food products discovered what the
food and beverage industry has
known for decades: Caffeine
sells. (Caffeine Blues, page 267)

Coffee replacement and

giving up coffee

We know it: giving up coffee is

rarely easy, especially for those
who have been drinking a few cups
a day for many years. The detoxification symptoms can include
headaches, depression, tiredness,
and many more discomforts.
Cherniske mentions a plan
where one can give up coffee with
little discomforts, by gradually re(continued on page 40)

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 25

Whats Wrong with

[Part II]
A hygienic critique of the latest fad

by Art Baker

his article continues, from the last issue, a

hygienic examination of medicinal herbs, their
potential harm, and the radically alternative
approach we have in Natural Hygiene. The dangers and
ineffectiveness of several popular herbal remedies are
exposed, as well as the false premise of the herbal

St. Johns Wort: Herbs for Depression

St. Johns wort has been shown to be effective for mild

depression in clinical trials. So has psychotherapy. The
difference between St. Johns wort and psychotherapy
is that behavior and attitudes are changed through
effective psychotherapy, thereby removing causes of
mental/emotional problems. When people feel better
taking St. Johns wort, they are neither removing the
cause of depression, nor supplying the body with an
unmet nutritional need. Rather, the medicinal herb is
having a pharmacological (toxic) effect.
By treating only the surface symptom, the underlying cause of depression remains. Using herbs is an alternative form of medical therapy, and amounts to
mere symptom suppression. Emphasis needs to be on
biologically proper diet and lifestyle that allows the
body/mind to heal itself, as achieved through Natural
Hygiene and Bionaturology.



Ephedra:Youre Not Always Getting

What the Label Says

The popular over-the-counter herbal stimulant,

ephedra, is used chiefly to promote weight loss. It has
been blamed for more than 30 recent deaths. Its safety
problems may have some roots in poor quality control.
HealthSCOUT (4.18.00) reported a new study of
ephedra remedies. In the Arkansas study, the active
ingredient (ephedra alkaloid) varied considerably from
product to product: from nothing to 18.5 milligrams
per dose, or 0-154% of what labels claimed. Different
brands varied and in four products, ephedra alkaloid
levels varied from batch to batch. One product contained no ephedra alkaloids whatsoever. These inconsistencies highlight troubles consumers have in choosing supplements.
Of 20 products labeled as containing ephedra,
half had more than a 20% variation from what the
label indicated. Some had dangerous combinations of
active ingredients, and five products contained a controlled substance, according to researchers at the
University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (UAMS).
Results are published in the American Journal of
Health-System Pharmacy.
Ephedra, also known as Ma Huang, Chinese Ephedra
and epitonin, comes from an Asiatic shrub and contains

ephedrine, a stimulant to the central nervous system

that relaxes the bronchial tubes. An artificial form of
ephedrine is used in bronchodilators and over-thecounter medications like Sudafed and Actifed.
Ephedra can cause serious side effects, ranging
from high blood pressure and irregular heartbeat to
nerve damage, heart attack, stroke and death. Many
people believe it helps in weight loss by speeding up
The most common alkaloids in dietary supplements
that contain ephedra are ephedrine and pseudoephedrine.
But five of the products tested contained
norpseudo-ephedrine, a potent nervous system
stimulant classified as a Schedule IV controlled substance. Caffeine is another component in many ephedra
supplements. Pharmaceutical
grade combinations of ephedra
alkaloids and caffeine were
banned by the Food and
Drug Administration in
1983 after numerous reports of
dangerous effects on the
heart and central nervous
system. Many supplements
claim they have natural
sources of caffeine. These
may be as problematic as
the banned substances.
In June, 1997, the FDA
submitted to Congress 133
cases of people who had
been harmed by ephedra.
HealthSCOUT (3.31.00)
released the FDA's latest report of 140 new
cases (for a total of
273) of patients who fell
ill, some fatally, after taking the popular over-thecounter stimulant ephedra.
While the FDA has no legal authority over the product, the agency has warned that ephedra, can cause
serious side effects, from high blood pressure and
irregular heartbeat to nerve damage, heart attack,
stroke and death.

Supplement Ingredient Tied to

Cancer: Diet Supplements Contain
Toxic Acid

HealthSCOUT (6.2.00) reported the FDA's warning to

herbal supplement makers to be wary of potentially
cancerous chemicals that may appear in diet aids. The
FDA says aristolochic acids (powerful carcinogens and
kidney toxins) have been found in dietary supplements

made overseas, and possibly in the United States.

Large doses cause immediate harm, but people who
take small amounts may not develop symptoms until
after serious organ damage has occurred. People in
Britain developed kidney problems after taking supplements containing the toxin. In the early 1990s in
Belgium, more than 100 cases of kidney damage were
traced to a dietary supplement containing aristolochic
acids. At least 70 of these patients required kidney
transplants or dialysis.
The FDA is calling on U.S. supplement
makers: 1) To test their products and
remove from shelves any that
contain the poisonous
compound. 2) To collect consumer reports of bad reactions,
specifically for signs of kidney
problems. If any cases
involve supplements
tainted with the acid,
or contain a species of
the Aristolochiaceae
bacterial family, the
company should contact the FDAs
MEDWATCH program.
Canada and the United
Kingdom have issued similar
warnings. The FDA has published a list of dozens of herbs
believed to have aristolochic
acids, of which there are at
least 14 kinds. Herbal ingredients that contain the
substances include aristolochia, asarum, bragantia,
stephania, clematis, akebia,
cocculus, diploclisia, menispernum, sinomenium,
mu tong, fang ji, guang fang ji, fang chi, kanmokutsu,
and mokutsu. Others are Dutchmans pipe, birthwort
and wild ginger. This plant family contains some 600
members, so the list is far from comprehensive.
These herbs have been linked to urinary-tract tumors. Animal studies have shown that aristolochic acid
causes cancer of the lung, kidney, bladder and stomach. Human patients have suffered kidney damage
after taking Chinese herbs, and have developed
urotherial tumors, a cancer of the urinary tract.
Patients taking aristolochic acid may be at
increased risk of developing malignancies. Traditional
Chinese herbalists in this country use plants similar to
those that contain aristolochic acids, but there are no
known cases in the United States of people being poisoned by the substance.



Herbal Supplements Contain

Cow Parts: The Offal Truth

HealthSCOUT (7.27.00) reported that herbal supplements may contain the organs and glands of cows,
including raw meat. A letter in the latest issue of the
New England Journal of Medicine. Products that contain raw meat are a source of the human variant of
spongiform encephalitis (mad cow disease is the
bovine form) called Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease (CJD). A
recent study shows that transmission of spongiform
does occur through consumption of tainted meat.
Worldwide, the disease only occurs in about one in a
million. CJD causes symptoms that resemble
Alzheimers, although it progresses faster and causes
the brain to become spongy and pocked with holes. It
is fatal, and there is no cure.
Herbal glandular supplements that contain bovine
organs such as brain, spleen, lung, liver, pancreas,
pituitary, pineal gland adrenal glands, lymph
nodes, placenta, prostate, heart, kidney, intestine and thymus gland are not safe, though
there has never been a case of mad cow disease transmitted from a beef source glandular product to humans.
The dietary supplements in question
are typically used by athletes, who
take the glands of animals for energy and purported anabolic effects, to increase mass and
strength. These tissues are
banned for use as food and
medicine, but not as a dietary
supplement. Companies may
make health claims, but not claim
the product will fight any particular
disease. There is no requirement that companies report where raw meat products originate. Herbal
supplement labels are misleading. Many ingredients
are disguised: for example, thymus can either be the
herb thyme or the thymus gland, and orchis (bulls
testicle) is not as flowery as
it sounds.

Garlic Does NOT Help Cholesterol

Problems, nor is it Effective in
Cancer Prevention

It is often claimed that garlic can lower cholesterol.

According to Annals of Internal Medicine (9.19.2000;
133:420-429), results of a meta-analysis indicate that
garlic reduces total cholesterol levels in patients with
hyper-cholesterolemia no more than a placebo.
Garlic appears to lower elevated total cholesterol
levels, but the size of the effect is minimal and questionable. Compared with dietary interventions, the ef28


fectiveness of garlic is unimpressive. On garlic and cancer, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition
(10.00;72:1047-1052), published the results of a metaanalysis whose purpose was to discover whether a relationship between consumption of garlic and the risk of
cancer in humans exists.
Dr. Lenore Arab and associates, performed the
meta-analysis of 18 articles which estimated relative
risk associated with garlic consumption. The average
intake of the highest consumers of raw or cooked garlic was 18.3 g/week (approximately six cloves), with
the highest consumption being around 28.8 g/week
(approximately 9 cloves).
It was found that consumption of garlic supplements
was NOT associated with cancer risk. The researchers
caution that the studies had several problems including
publication bias. The studies did NOT control for
total vegetable consumption, which has been shown to
have a strong inverse relationship
with cancer risk. Without controlling for this factor, no result can be
conclusive in relation to cancer risk.

Herbal Remedies Block

Fertility; Product Labels

If you take herbal remedies, you

should know that some interfere
with fertility. Echinacea, gingko
biloba and St. Johns wort reduce
chances of fertilization, and inhibit sperm
production. Fertility problems have
also been reported in people taking ginseng, kava kava and black
Fertility specialists say that patients seeking help
for infertility should tell their doctor if they are taking
herbs, though doctors generally know nothing about
how herbs affect fertility since they are not tested as
are drugs. In the United States, makers of herbal supplements face no requirements to disclose side effects
or interactions with prescription drugs.

Problems with Saw Palmetto

Many remedies do not contain as much of the herb as

claimed on the label, and plants vary widely in their
active ingredients. Consumer Reports recently commissioned the testing of thirteen saw palmetto products, one of the best-selling herbs to treat prostate
problems. The study revealed that only 8 of 13 brands
supplied the amount of herbal extract shown to be
beneficial in clinical trials. The other five brands fell
woefully short, with the pills supplying as little as 1%
of the desirable daily dosage, the report stated.

One of the products tested contained so little, that

to receive the recommended dosage, nine times the
amount of pills recommended (18 per day) would need
to be taken. This is an unregulated area, a reason we
feel its necessary to test, and quality control may be
lacking, explained Ronni Sandroff, health editor of
Consumer Reports.

Herbs and Asthma: Fact or Folly?

Some Studies Seriously Flawed: The 11.28.00 issue

of HealthSCOUT reports that, according to British
researchers, many studies claiming that herbs successfully treat asthma have serious flaws. Asthma is a
prime example of a chronic condition for which
people turn to complementary medicine, says lead
researcher Alyson Huntley, who teaches in the department of complementary medicine at the University of
Exeter in England. After reviewing 17 studies of herbal
treatments for asthma, the
researchers describe the overall quality of the studies as poor, with
outcomes of doubtful relevance.
They criticize the lack of blind studies, in which participants dont know
whether theyre taking an herb or
placebo. Other problems cited
include inadequate reporting
of dropouts, mixing children
and adults in the same study,
sample size calculations, and
method of randomization.
Studies reviewed included
tests of traditional Chinese,
Japanese and Indian herbal medicines,
marijuana, and dried ivy leaf extract.
One herb commonly cited in the literature is Tylophora indica. On the surface it
seemed the evidence support its use. A closer look
however, showed it was shaky with the two most recent trials suggesting its efficacy is less promising,
explained Huntley.
Analysis of multiple trials is very important and puts
things in perspective. Many herbal products tested also
have side effects with prescription drugs. For instance,
gingko biloba, considered one of the safer herbal medicines, causes headaches, nausea, bleeding and
seizures, and interacts with anticoagulant and
antiplatelet medicines.
Huntley says the point wasnt to discredit herbal
treatments. Four of the five classes of drugs currently
used to treat asthma have their roots in herbal treatments. In Britain, 60% of those with moderate asthma,
and 70% of those with severe asthma use alternative
treatments for their condition. Rather, better information needs to be made available. Considering the

popularity of herbal medicine with asthma patients,

there is urgent need for stringently designed, clinically
relevant, randomized trials for herbal preparations in
the treatment of asthma, Huntley writes in the review, which appears in Thorax (11.00).
Dr. Beth Corn, an assistant professor of medicine at
Mt. Sinai Medical School in New York City, says the
review confirmed her opinion that herbal treatments
arent the best option for asthma patients. The studies are poorly designed, and theres nothing convincing
[in the results], Corn says. There was nothing there
to make me put an asthma patient on anything but
inhaled steroids.
Corn says some people with asthma would prefer to
use herbal treatments, but the British review of the
dubious studies proves theres no conclusive evidence
that they work. If youre considering using these herbs,
dont base your decision on these studies, she says.

Bowel Cleansers

The Ultimate Cleanse is a product

that supposably speeds up detoxification by making possible several
bowel movements per day. There are
a variety of products such as Ultimate
Cleanse on the market that contain
potent herbs in combination with
plant fibers and seed husks. Products
that provoke the bowels occasion a
reactive inhibition of function.
The products literature says
that two to three bowel movements are ideal. There is no absolute number of ideal bowel
movements per day. The number
of bowel movements is a function
of food quantity and quality in relation to the energy of the person consuming it.
Healthy bowel activity is a function of adequate
fiber, fresh plant food nutrition, rest, exercise, hydration, and stress management. In other words, the same
biological factors that support overall health automatically promote colon health. But how to sell such simplicity in a bottle? It is impossible, thus uninteresting
to those who imagine our health is a result of their
products, herbal or chemical.
Use of these products result in a further difficulty in
normalizing bowel movement. There is a loss of natural bowel function caused by dependence on laxative
products, that weaken the colon muscular peristalic
action due to enervation, poor smooth muscle tone,
and prolonged absence of intestinal flora that normally
trigger peristalic action.
If there is trauma causing decreased bowel function, then perhaps a product containing psyllium husks

(continued from page 41)

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 29



By Karen Knowler

first learned
about raw eating back in
1993. By this
point I had been a
vegetarian for a
year, having spent some of my
teenage years working in my parent's
butcher shop, then going off meat
more and more with each passing
year. Although it was a challenge at
first, going raw for me was a revelation. I had grown up on a total junk
food diet, and by the age of 18 I was
in poor shape, though surprisingly,
without major health problems that I
knew of. That is, until I was diagnosed
with severe cervical cell abnormalities
in mid 1993, a few months after I had
first read about raw and living foods.
The short story is that, vowing to


avoid the traditional medical route, I

immediately went 100% raw. I used
wheatgrass and visualisation and reversed my condition completely, thus
avoiding laser surgery.

Since those early days my own journey to rawdom has

been filled with a whole array or feelings, observations,
experiences and new waves of thought and insight about
not just diet and health, but life itself. It is these inner
changes which have fascinated me the most and are the
subject of my next book, entitled The Journey to
Rawdom. (Publication was intended for early 2003, but
Nature has given me another creative project to work
on, creating a baby, my first child, due in September.) I
have eaten a high raw diet since 1993, and an all-raw
diet since June 1998, save three weeks during pregnancy
earlier this year.
So this column will reflect many of the subjects I
will be covering in my book. I hope that this and future
articles will help assure and reassure you in your own
personal journey to rawdom, no matter what stage you
are at.
As you journey on your dietary or spiritual path, inevitably you will experience moments, hours, or even
days of what could be called an awakening. In the
early days, when you are wholly engulfed by a new way
of living and being, you may experience exaggerated
swings between your old self and newly awakening
you attempt to maintain inner equilibrium, physical
swings are especially pronounced.

They can take the form of swinging from super

At the beginning, emotional detox is likely to be
healthy raw-food eating to binges of the most extreme very small scale and sporadic, especially if you are
kind. Although not often talked about publicly, I have
transitioning slowly. First signs of awakening might
known many individuals to go completely crazy on
include any or all of the following: Sensing parts of
cooked and junk foods after being raw for a while.
yourself (feelings) previously unnoticed; feeling more
After days or weeks of being good they hit a wall,
connected to nature; questioning issues from your past
whether it be physically, mentally or emotionally, and
which you have not had the time, inclination or energy
reach (or often dive!) for that bag of chips, the tub of
to question before; wanting to tie up loose ends or put
ice cream, or whatever feeds the part of them that is
matters to rest); wanting to be around more like-interscreaming for something else.
ested people; starting to notice your own habits and
As to what this something else is, it can vary from
patterns in day to day life. On and on it goes.
person to person. For some it is simply a return to familAs time goes by and your intake of raw-food
iar territory, and dead food is a great way to instantly
increases, your level of cleansing will get deeper.
ground yourself and halt any progress! For others it is
Physically thisoften means bigger detox symptoms.
indulging in naughtiness. Yet others will do it simply
Emotionally/mentally, this means bigger issues to deal
because their body is craving old foods so strongly they
with. By this point, any niggling emotional issues will
simply cannot go another day on all raw food.
have been addressed and cleared up, and more imporAll of these and other reasons are, of course, pertant issues will come to the fore. So it continues, until
fectly fine. I went through stages like this, constantly
previously huge worries or concerns are history, and
beating myself up about it, not at all understanding
you are at a point where your own issues have been
what was going on. Moreover, I definitely knew myself
largely, or completely, resolved. Your energy is freed
not well enough to be able to differentiate between
up to set to work on projects bigger than yourself.
what were emotionally, mentally or physically charged
This leads me neatly to mental clearing. By this, I
mean anything to do with your thoughts and the way
While this may not happen to everyone, it does
your mind works. Although the mind tries its hardest to
seem to happen to the majority. If you are going this
serve us well, at times, it is still anchored in the past
stage yourself, please don't waste another ounce of
(i.e. the place that brought us to our predicament).
energy condemning yourself. Let it go, and simply
Especially as we are trying to return to our natural inner
keep trying to make everything you eat be the result
and outer states, the mind isn't very keen at unlearning
of a conscious decision, even if your head and your
and relearning new and improved ways of operating.
body have differing opinions on what is good and right
When you push past the immediate concerns of the
for you. One day this will all be over.
mind (which is where most of the doubt creeps in), it
Examples of emotional turbulence as you go through comes to a point of what we could call surrender. That
this initialstage of awakening differ from person to
is, it realizes that the newly emerging body wisdom,
person. Although the journey to rawdom
(continued next page)
definitely follows a pattern, the details
We tip our hat to the living food community with:
and time spans involved vary enormously.
Raw organic Almond Butter, Sesame Butter,
The basic statement we can make
about your journey is that whatever emoMacadamia Butter, Cashew Butter,
tional/mental/physical/spiritual debris is
Olive Oil-Unheated, unfiltered, UNPRESSED
standing between you and your true self,
Dried fruits, Nuts and Seeds
you will, at some point, need to address
and release it. What happens on all bodily
We invite you to visit our website:
levels is the same process - good stuff in,
garbage out. Toxic food, toxic feelings,
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have to go in order for you to achieve your
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It is so worth it, and although it can sound
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are on the journey to rawdom it is actually very hard to turn back, as our old life
pales in comparison, on all levels.

Living Tree Community Foods



combined with the awakening intuition, is far superior

to anything it can come up with alone.
Depending on our strength in this area, mental
clearing can sometimes be the hardest work of all.
Many of us have what is often referred to as a strong
mental body (it is said our physical body is encased
by our emotional body, which in turn is energetically
encased by our mental body, which is further encased
by our spiritual body).
Our mental body could also be called our head
office. It is here that instructions are given to our
self. These instructions rely completely on what our
previous experiences have apparently shown to be
true. This is further colored by our belief systems, as
well as our emotional state. In short, while one person
sees a glass half empty, another sees it as half full. As
with our emotional body, as time goes by and our journey deepens, we begin to examine mental habits we
have acquired over our lifetime. We realize that perhaps there is another way of viewing things after all.
Examples of how the cleansing of your mental body
might look are: observing and then releasing some of
the negative messages you give yourself everyday, such
as I am useless or I am so stupid at times; experiencing an almost overwhelming desire to tidy up your
desk, room, home, office, garage - anything; finally
getting to that big pile of papers which have needed
filing or sorting for the past year or more; beginning to
read books on personal development, space
clearing/feng shui, simplicity or anything else which
could help you reorganize the way you think or operate
in your everyday life. Further down the line, as life
and personal space get cleared up, the bigger issues
are then addressed, such as: Why am I here? What is
my ideal career/vocation? What is really important to
me? and so on. Once more, the issues get bigger as
smaller ones become history.
Finally, we come to the subject of spiritual awakening. It is hard to define exactly what this could mean, as
spirituality is a term which has been bandied about so
many ways, both positive and negative, that its true
meaning has become forgotten or completely misunderstood. Let us just say that it means different things to
different people, and while many do not consider themselves to be experiencing anything they would want to
term as spiritual, others who go raw do experience
insights, intuitions or other non-tangibles unlike anything
they have ever felt before. It has become my
understanding that such experiences are examples of a
spiritual awakening - experiences which are beyond
thought and emotion. My own experiences mirror those
of many others I have spoken with. I believe it is safe to
say that many raw-foodists have come to experience a
deeper meaning to their lives which previously was im-



perceptible. Whether they come to label this as spiritual or not, is naturally a question of personal choice.
Nonetheless, these new experiences are more common
than not as the body detoxifies and becomes more open
to new ways of being.
Examples of awakening spiritually include: beginning
to have a stronger sense of your own energy and that of
other people; experiencing sudden flashes of insight
which seem to come from somewhere else; becoming
inspired to pursue another avenue in life which defies
convention and logic; experiencing moments of transcendence or oneness, as if melding into life itself; a
growing sense of an order and divinity in all things. As
time goes by the feelings/experiences become deeper
and stronger until it is a part of normal everyday life.
Before I close, I would like to clarify that for many, a
spiritual path came first and eating a raw diet came
later. If this is you, it's likely that you will have experienced many of the side effects mentioned here, and
going raw has highlighted them further. And viceversa. As with me, many began by eating a raw diet
first, and found that an awakened consciousness followed, bringing with it more gifts than I have the
space, time or memory to mention! What has become
more and more apparent to me over the course of the
past few years is that it's not about being raw or being
spiritual, or about which came first, or whatever. The
point as far as I can see it, is that we each continue
our journey to rawdom knowing that, although we
verbally or mentally differentiate between our mind,
body, spirit and emotions, in an optimally functioning
human being they are one whole unit where each aspect interacts with the others seamlessly. I see this as
being our ultimate goal. I truly believe that by learning
about, and experiencing a pure clean body for ourselves the commonly overlooked vital piece of the
jigsaw our chances of genuinely experiencing this
feeling of wholeness and completeness are multiplied
a thousand times over. It is up to each one of use to
decide how far we want to go.
Since 1998, Karen Knowler has managed The Fresh
Network, Europe's largest raw food network, based in
the UK. Recently, she and Fresh's founder, Susie Miller,
co-authored the book, Feel-Good Food: A Guide to
Intuitive Eating. In England, she is also editor of another favorite, international raw-food magazine called
Get Fresh! You can read all about Fresh and those
behind it at

Nail Fungus Disappears

By Mary Ziolo

teve, a harried executive, was hurrying to his

next meeting in the neighboring skyscraper. He
was not thrilled with the snow and slush on this
typical December day that slowed him down. He had
to be on time and close the deal.
As the buildings janitorial staff could not keep up
with the heavy traffic of incoming winter boots, the
expensive carrera marble floors were very wet. Steve
slipped and somehow caught his big toe under the revolving doorframe. Oh, #&%*! yelled Steve. He was
thoroughly upset to put it mildly. His big toe sent signals
of excruciating pain signals to his brain, but he had to
hurry. He had no time to look after himself.
When he came back home after midnight, he finally
took off his boots and examined the damage. The intensity of discoloration dark purple, reds and blues surprised him, but he told himself he would be fine and it
would simply go away.
Ten years later, this nail was still thick and extremely
ridged and curved. It had a black and white fungal
growth that would not go away, no matter how many
antibiotics the doctor prescribed. He would dig away at
the disgusting clumps of hardened black and grey material every so often just to make his shoes more comfortable. His nail and accompanying mass were so thick that,
at times, he felt he needed a saw to cut through it.
He knew that people did not die from these things but
hed had enough. He noticed that the fungus seemed to
be getting worse so he was willing to try anything after
all the other approaches that he had squandered time
and money on.
When I suggested a high raw diet and explained how
this would revitalize his whole body, and in addition to
healing his toe, would give him more energy, he was very
skeptical. He could not believe that by simply eating
food in its original Master Creator package he would be
rid of a number of minor health irritations for good.
Though he admitted that he still loved his Porterhouse
steaks with sour cream filled potatoes, he was willing to
undergo the experiment, just to see what happens.
Working with Steve over a six month period, we were
able to completely cut out all animal flesh foods. He let
go of red meat, then chicken, and then fish. Eventually,
eggs and dairy joined the black list.
At the same time, Steve was increasing his intake of
fresh, raw fruits and vegetables. Crunchy salads had
become the building blocks of his lunches and dinners.
Discovering exotic fruits beyond pineapples and bananas
brought new delights to a previously monotonous routine

of an occasional orange when he, felt he needed some

vitamin C. He never knew that there were so many
bright, colorful, juicy fruits to eat. Most of all, he was
thrilled with the fact that he could eat as much raw food
as he wanted without worrying about expanding his
waistline. Long gone were the days when he would feel
totally drained by his demands at work when numerous
cups of coffee and fast, meaty, oozing fat-filled meals
were his standard fare.
Stabilizing at a 70% raw food menu, Steve noticed
that his nail was getting lighter. The black/grey/white
mass was not quite as revolting as before.
Over time, the nail began to lighten to a yellow shade
and the growth underneath the nail became whitish and
flaky. Ultimately, the nail began to look clearer and even
the thickness returned to normal. What an amazing
change can occur with a simple change in diet! Even
though Steve only went to a 70% raw plant-based diet,
he was still able to achieve fantastic results with his
energy level and in getting rid of his nail fungus.
Others, eating 100% raw foods, still have fungal
growths under their nails. For these individuals, using an
external tea tree oil product in addition to being very
patient may help. You could also increase the quantity
of green chlorophyll in your diet. Anything green, particularly dark green leafy vegetables like kale, lettuce,
spinach, or dandelion, are what fit the bill.
What has brought interesting results is the inclusion of
wheatgrass juice. By applying wheatgrass juice to the
nail fungus with in the morning and just before bedtime
has brought some nice improvements. If you have patience, you can also cover the unhealthy toe with wheatgrass pulp for 20 minutes once or twice a day. By infusing
your sick nails with chlorophyll inside and out, you are
cleansing your cells and bathing your unwanted swells
with antiviral and anti bacterial puissance.
Many people have found that by simply changing to a
high raw vegan diet, any fungus, yeast, or candida problems tend to disappear just like Steves did. A constant,
conscientious, positive healing energy sent in its direction
can only enhance any physical efforts we make.
Healthy with...

Veggie Hedge

Mary T. Ziolo
1 416 599 3370

by appointment only

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 33

When Medicine Condemns

a Sick Person

by Albert Mossri

nce in a while, it happens

that a doctor, brought to a
sick persons bedside, condemns him to death, in the
short or long term.
He only has a few months or a
few years to live, she will say to



The stories of Claude and little Valerie

loved ones with a solemn and grave

look, with a distressed pity or a
faked compassion, as appropriate
for the occasion. But is she
Almighty God, to affirm with so
much certitude, so much authority,
an approaching end?

Of course, by dint of beating up

a sick organism, intoxicating it with
chemical products, suppressing
symptoms, treating this then that,
loading it with foods it cannot digest, and considering the very skim
reserves that it still possessed
they can predict, with some accuracy, its forthcoming end.
But does not medicine itself contribute to create this degeneration,
this end, with a morbid precision
that recalls chemical weaponry? In
effect, medicine can predict death
coming in two years, exactly like
the military can launch a rocket and
reach a target, located five thousand miles away, with a margin of
error of 30 feet! Both are rarely
wrong, because when it comes to
death, medicine and the military
are careful programmers.
Starting from their dismal prognosis, sensitive souls prefer to
shorten the suffering of the sick,
bringing their instantaneous death
by euthanasia. Yet tribunals show
clemency in front of a moved public unsuspecting of certain
abuses and the guilty and criminals
are released with a light sentence.
Lets be frank: it is an unspeakable crime to want to kill a sick person when medicine condemns him.
How many times did medicine err in
its prognosis? Often. Very often.

Claude was also condemned

Claude is a Belgian who suffered

from liver cirrhosis. Medicine gave
him 3-5 years to live. I consulted

Sheltons book, the 7th volume of

Hygienic System, to find that his
prognosis is the same, probably
copied from Dr. J.H. Tildens book.
The cause is alcohol, replaced by
abuse of sugar, of which he consumed one or two handfuls a day.
The man fasted for 40 days at
my place, and returns home satisfied, because the daily depressions
that used to accompany his drinking
were gone.
10 years later, an athlete with an
impressive set of muscles came to
visit me. It was he! He was not
dead, but actually living and enjoying radiant health. If he had followed the classical medical treatment, he probably would not have
lived over 5 years. Thus, the medical prognosis only concerns those
that follow the medical road. It
cannot be confirmed when the patient changes course.
So many desperately sick persons, feeling that the drugs were
making them suffer more than their
own disease, and knowing that
death will be meeting them anyhow, abandon all medical treatments. So many of them prefer to
die without getting the help of
anyone, and without being rushed.
If they have to die anyway, why
take useless pharmaceutical chemical products?
Thats when the miracle happens.
To the great surprise of everybody, and in spite of their doctors,
these dying people, abandoned at
the threshold of their graves, who
threw away all hope and drugs, do
not die! They live in spite of all
doomsaying, in a crushing refutation
of the pathetic medical prognosis.
And those that wanted to send
them to Heaven, by pity, through
euthanasia? Are they not committing an unspeakable crime? They
believe in medicine like others
believe in the Dear Lord.
Thus, stopping the medical
treatment sufficed to extend the
lives of these seriously sick persons,
and sometimes to recover totally,
especially when they changed

methods. Natural Hygiene, and to a

lesser degree the other natural
methods that are less scientific,
have contributed to the cure of
thousands of incurables condemned
by medicine.
When doctors condemn a sick
person, their prognosis will only
end up being right if the patient
continues with treatment.
Again, medicine cannot predict
what will happen to a seriously sick
person who does not treat himself.
They never observed such a case,
nor studied its physiological behaviors. It could not interest them,
because it would signify their own
If Nature does everything, what
use would we have of a doctor?

Valries True Story

In the 80s, television made a lot of

noise about little Valerie. Affected
with leukemia, she was subjected
to the barbaric treatment of cortisone and other pharmaceutical
poisons. To what end, since medicine had condemned her? To relieve
her, alleviate her pains, and delay
the fatal date so they said. It was
quite easy to affirm it without
proofs, because medicine does not
have proofs for what it affirms,
only for abridged statistics. [Any
honest statistician will admit that
statistics can only indicate a correlation of factors, not a causal connection between them. Ed.]
But why not affirm, with as
much confidence, if not more, that
this treatment increased her pains,
and dragged her faster to her end?
Would that they come with proofs
in hand.
The journalists interviewed the
girls doctor, Professor Olive, then
Valerie, and finally her mother.
Generally, journalists are on the
medical side. But this scandal
seemed profitable enough for them
to betray medicine, especially since
public opinion had been changing
for some time in favor natural

The hormone treatment forced

on Valerie, who was nine years old
at the time, led to awful pains instead of their alleviation. Since she
was injected with male hormones,
hair grew all over her body and
face. She had to shave and even
burn these hairs. She virilized, instead of remaining the feminine girl
she was.
The treatment finished without
positive results, of course, but negative ones, as we have just seen
The doctors wanted to start this
criminal treatment all over again.
What results did they expect? They
could not say. Was it just an experiment to them?
The little girl, facing even more
of the callous and bumptious treatment, refused at once. They were
handling her body, and she
intended to remain in control of it,
in defiance of medicine who
wanted to appropriate it. Besides
which a serious symptom also
started to manifest itself capillaries started to burst out all over her
small, bruised body.
On television, the journalists,
well aware of the magnitude of
their betrayal they who are usually so servile to medicine declared right at the beginning that
their reportage should not be taken
as an attack against the Faculty. It
was however, but their warning
glossed it over. They schemed to
attenuate the blows, to profit from
the scandal, and at the same time,
hold back the waves of antipathy
that it could engender.
Valerie declared that all the
medical treatments she received
were only experiments on her body,
done without her initial agreement,
and that she preferred to die at
home. She went back home, and
they could not prevent it. At least,
not at the moment.
They had told her that the
treatment gave 70% of positive
results, but she quickly replied,
They showed me no proofs for
that. We know that medicine is
the science of the lie, just as the

(continued on page 37)

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 35

The Early Signs

of Disease

by Albert Mossri

ccording to the Law of the

Evolution of Disease, studied
in my book "Put Your Health
into the Hands of Nature," the various diseases always begin with little-noticed signs. Long before
chronic illness comes light
headaches, bad digestion, a lack of
appetite, fatigue, a fogged and
unclear mind, pessimistic ideas,
bad mood, gas, constipation, vague
pains here and there, etc.
As soon as the first signs of discomfort or poor health are felt, the
appropriate measures should be



taken: rest, fasting, proper diet,

removal of the causes. The evolution of disease is thus stopped and
no complications will occur.
But if we neglect this or we ignore these first premonitory signs
perhaps for the sake of convenience: we don't want to stop working, or we prefer to dismiss the
symptoms in order to keep drinking
coffee, eating meat, bread, etc
then we encumber or stop the redeeming elimination. We prepare
the grounds of diseases that will
afflict us in a very precise order,
going from acute to chronic.
This is how we can foresee the
disease and detect it, without inef-

ficient laboratory testing and

analysis, and finally obviate its
harmful consequences with a simple hygienic prevention. Preventing
is better than curing, and it is while
taking care of the first symptoms
that we can prevent every disease.
Such a simple hygiene could not
interest these sirs of medicine, of
course. If all diseases could be prevented long before their appearance, the job of janitor would pay
more than that of physician. If the
health of the people would flourish,
the mortuary brotherhood would
disappear from the surface of the
Foreseeing and perspicacious,
medicine could not make itself a
worse future. Saving the sick, she
would sign her own death certificate.
Pretending to interest herself in the
pathological question, she creates
giant laboratories of so-called research. Their mission: to never find a
solution, to carry out their endeavors
until the end of time.
In this regard, they look like the
cat who chases his own tail, without ever being able to catch it.
Their face is thus saved at the
public's expense, which fuels the
"research" into cancer, AIDS, heart
disease, etc, these quests being
an abyss, a Sisyphean task, that
feeds the whole medical-industrial
Medicine boasts that it can treat
the most complicated diseases
cancer, meningitis, epilepsy, AIDS,
diabetes, heart diseases, eczema,
etc but it is incapable of curing
the simple cold! How can we trust
someone who promises to build a
house, when he is incapable of
pouring a foundation? The house
will crumble to the ground.
Here is the Law of the Evolution
of Disease, which I referred to at
the beginning:
When toxemia is not
eliminated, disease evolves from
the acute state to the chronic
state, and finally to the irreversible

pathological state.
So at the beginning of every
disease, the body possesses all its
strength, when it is still at the
acute state. After that, it weakens
and the disease becomes chronic.
For example, the acute symptoms of arthritis end up becoming
chronic, if one has not corrected
the latent alimentary causes. It will
become chronic arthritis. The same
for a cold that evolves to bronchitis, if one has not stopped the
bread and grains.
All serious diseases cancer,
ulcer, AIDS, arthritis, nephritis,
hepatitis, etc. have had their
small antecedents headaches,
colds, bad digestion, lack of appetite, etc.They are forerunners of
future illness, Nature's promptings
to cease our self-poisoning and
repair to her fold.
Translated and edited from the
book "Mangez Nature, Sant
Nature, Tome 2" by Albert Mossri,
dition Les Hyginistes, 74140
Massongy, Frannce.

(continued from page 35)

distinguished homeopath, Dr. Roger

Dalet, told us.
The accuracy and maturity of her
words showed that there was someone behind her a dissident practitioner who was telling her what to
say and what to answer. In fact, we
learned afterward that her mother
had consulted an homeopath.
Professor Olive, (her real name),
was upset that her prey was going
back home, slamming the hospital
door behind her.
Was it a hospital or a prison? More

a prison, but without bars. The sick

are not easily released. They are
held by all manner of intimidation,
pressure, threats and laws.
Seeing the needless sufferings of
her daughter, the mother sought
without success to meet with
Professor Olive. Impossible to see
her, not even for a minute. Its the
same everywhere with these doctors and directors of hospitals. We
can never meet them. They flee,
they hide.
And the nurses? They have one
rule, the same everywhere: Say
nothing to patients or parents, so
that nothing can be used against
the staff in case of accident. Let
slip only soothing, evasive words
quickly, on the go, like a thief who
does not want to be seen.
Everywhere and in every hospital,
its the same.
So Valerie came back home and
called a homeopath. Surely thats
what explained, her phrases, full of
maturity. For a balanced, thoughtful, nine year-old girl, someone
else had to stand behind her to
whisper the right words.
But Professor Olive not a green
olive, but a real black one did not
consider the game lost. She held on
to her prey, like the eagle to the
sparrow. She lodged a complaint
with the Childrens Court! A hearing
occurred and the tribunal ordered
the mother to send Valerie back to
the hospital.
But since when do judges settle
scientific problems and controversies? Especially when Professor
Olive had against her a registered
homeopathic physician, who, like
her, had studied medicine and was
fully accredited. Or else, allopathic
medicine becomes the state medicine, just like Catholic religion was
once the state religion. Having
abolished state religion, it is time
to abolish state medicine and leave
the citizens free to practice the
religion and medicine they prefer.

So, exclaimed Valerie on television, in front of millions of astounded viewers, we cannot die
where we want? We cannot die at
But her mother was determined
not to give up. Probably supported
by the homeopath, she went on
appeal. She won and the girl stayed
home, no longer fearing the leaders
of the Faculty, which had become
oppressive and dictatorial. But it
was not over!
The little Valerie, who was condemned by medicine, did not die,
according to their miserable prognosis. Of course, this prognosis was
based on continuation of the treatment, and could no longer apply
as soon as this treatment was
Her condition improved so much
that she was able to go back to
school and resume her interrupted
So many sick persons, after having tried all the official medicines
and physicians, one after the other,
finally see an outlaw practitioner.
At this state, these desperados are
in such ruin that we can qualify
them as eleventh-hour patients.
If the non-medical methods have
so much success, we can only imagine the phenomenal success they
would have if the sick could, at the
beginning of their problems, embrace natural medicines.
Valerie is now in her twenties.
She is happy and her health is better
than ever. And leukemia? Only a bad
memory, that nonetheless gets the
credit for opening her eyes to the
inanity of medicine. And to think
that some would have advocated
her euthanasia because of a stupidas-usual medical prognosis.
Translated from the book La
Nutrition Hyginiste by Albert
Mossri, 25 rue du Grand Pr,
F-10290 Rigny-la-Nonneuse, France.



Should the
Truth be Told?

by Albert Mossri

Translated by
Frdric Patenaude

he question is often asked of

the honorable pontiffs of
medicine: Yes or no, should
we tell the truth to those just diagnosed with terminal illnesses? On
one side, some want to spare the
person the bad news of his upcoming end; on the other side, others
want, in the name of truth and
transparency, that nothing be hidden from them.
In the first case, the doctors,
murmuring to each other in a remote part of the house, advise the
family not to tell anything to the
sick person, to spare him, to avoid
aggravating his case, to avoid demoralizing him, to soften his forthcoming death. The parents, wife
and children, surrounding the dying
man, trusting the medical
sentences, play the game, put on
the act. However, the oppressive
silence, the exchange of guilty,
distraught, lost and frantic looks,
the resignation that command all
their gestures and words all this
betrays them and lead him to discover their connivance right at the
What did the doctor say? he
He said that you will soon be
cured, they respond in a evasive



In case of terminal illness:

tone. Their eyes are cast downward

to avoid crossing his own, as if they
do not want him to be able to read
in those eyes what their words
poorly conceal.
But he is no fool. The lie is so big
that it reveals the true nature of
their thoughts. Instead of reassuring him, this distresses him even
more, leaving him speechless and
without strength to ask nor answer
more questions, from now on pointless. He lies in his bed, tortured by
dark thoughts.
In the second case, the courageous doctor reveals to the sick
person, with covered words, in
decent and well-selected terms,
punctuated with silences more revealing than the worst statements,
that the end was very near. It came
rapidly, because as we know, fear
kills faster than disease.
In the end, should the truth be
told to seriously ill persons, yes or
no? In both cases, harm is done to
the patient.
This question, debated without
resolution, is foolish and nave: it
presupposes that doctors know the
truth, further, that it is solely in
their possession. Unfortunately,
they do not know it, let alone, hold
it exclusively.

In fact, statistics have shown

that the medical diagnosis is wrong
in 33% of cases which means that
the prognosis is also wrong in at
least the same proportion. But how,
you ask, could such statistics have
been established, without risk of
error? Simply by compiling the discrepancies between peoples medical histories and their autopsies
following car accidents which are
very numerous. Thus, those that
were treated for a stomach ulcer
for many years were found without
one, and vice-versa. And so on for
countless other diseases diagnosed
by physicians. So much for medical
As for prognosis, just as important, and which naturally follows
diagnosis, it cannot be any more
precise, even given the most accurate diagnosis. How many times did
we hear this remark: My doctor
predicted my death would come
rapidly, but here I am, ten years
later, and still living in spite of his
prognosis. In the case where the
diagnosis is correct and precise, the
physicians strictly judge according
to their own medical knowledge
and experience and according to
the results of standard treatments.
But, if this treatment were to

change, the prognosis invariably

changes also.
What if the invalid does not follow any treatment? What if he
leaves the matter in the exclusive
hands of nature, following a natural
diet in the strict limits of his physiological possibilities? In these extraordinary conditions, medicine
can no longer give a prognosis,
because it never encountered a sick
person who did not follow any
treatments. Medicine, in effect,
does notcannot know the truth.
This is why those who follow
Natural Hygiene escape medical
prognostication. They heal outside
of the law! They can live ten
years longer than what medicine
allowed them.
In conclusion, when a very sick
person asks his doctor to reveal
the truth about his health status,
what we have is a dialogue
between two fools.
Translated from the book La
Nutrition Hyginiste by Albert
Mossri, 25 rue du Grand Pr,
F-10290 Rigny-la-Nonneuse, France.

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JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 39

Coffee, Energy Sapper

(continued from page 25)

placing coffee with herbal replacements until no more

coffee is drunk. However, this process seems a bit long,
and I personally would recommend a more radical
method, but people will go with what they think they can
do best.
It takes 60 days for your body to eliminate all the
caffeine and really see the results. But this could be
accelerated by a short fast, or a raw food, eliminating
diet, such as a strict raw fruits and vegetables diet.
There are coffee replacements that can be used to
give up coffee. Health food stores now offers a wide
range of products, usually made from roasted cereals,
that have a similar taste to coffee. However, you have
to make sure that you buy genuine, caffeine free replacements. Items such as guarana, kola nut, green
tea, mat tea, and ephedra are just other plant
sources of caffeine and other stimulant drugs. They
impair the bodys functions just like coffee does. There
is also a new product called Teeccino that brews like
regular coffee but does not contain any caffeine or any
coffee beans. It is made from dates, figs, carob, barley, etc. It can be found in many health food stores or
ordered from: Teeccino Caff, Inc P.O. Box 42259,
Santa Barbara, CA 93105, 800-498-3434,, email:
Caffeine Blues can be ordered at your bookstore or on
the Internet. Makes a great gift for your coffee-drinking friends. On the Internet, go to:

Write for
Just Eat An Apple!

We accept article submissions

from our subscribers.
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to request our
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(continued from page 18)

Run the knife along the spines, and listen to the

sound. Ive never figured out what this is supposed to
do, but I find myself doing it sometimes anyway.

Let the durian seller pick it. Be sure to ask if it is

guaranteed. That means you get another one if it is no
good. If you dont know how to choose a durian (and
even if you do), this can be your best option (and insurance).

After many durian choosing lessons Ive found that the

best and most reliable method is to follow my instinct.
And, of course, get as much practice as possible!
Rob Miller is a writer, speaker, composer, saxophonist,
flutist, world traveler, avid yoga practitioner, and enthusiastic raw vegan. He has toured and recorded
throughout the globe as a musician, lectured across
the U.S.A. and Asia on raw food and environmental
topics, organizes the annual Raw Food Vacations in
Bali, consults at restaurants and health resorts, and
conducts in-home raw food diet and lifestyle
programs. Contact:

(continued from page 29)

may have temporary value. However, a diet of fruit

and vegetables provide more than enough soluble and
insoluble fiber that, together with rest, exercise, hydration and stress management, restores and sustains
healthy stool formation and bowel function.
Master Cleanser is another herbal mixture including
cloves, clover, acacia and butternut bar in tablet form.
The routine includes a drink containing psyllium husks,
high in fiber. Also used is a cream, which stimulates
elimination through the pores of the skin.
Its makers claim that you get as much benefit from
two-weeks on the Master Cleanser as from a four-week
fast. In fasting, the body redirects most of its discretionary energies to internal housecleaning and systemic repair. The idea that the body can be helped in
its efforts by adding poisons is absurd. Todays health
seeker knows that drugs are poisonous. But they arent
aware that herbs are poisonous too. Most drugs originate from herbal sources.
When was any poison ever healthy? In fasting we
abstain from all nutriment except air and water (juice
fasting is really a juice diet). Master Cleanser is not
taken for its nutrients. The body is living on its
reserves during the fast. Does Master Cleanser really
cleanse the body?
All internal processes are conducted by the body itself, under the master direction of its brain. The nervous
system alone determines what is unwelcome, and what
needs removal. It alone has the intelligence to effect the
processes of life including- detoxification/healing.
Taking laxatives (psyllium is also toxic), diaphoretics
(as an herbal cream) and other herbal mixtures that
youd never eat as food, constitutes self-poisoning. The
body treats herbal poisons as it does other poisons: it
rushes them to the nearest exit with all the vigor and
energy it can muster. Caffeine, for example, seems to
help the body to accomplish more work, because the
body is stimulated. In fact, the poison called caffeine
causes such a frenzy (stimulation), that physiology goes
on emergency status, calling upon its nerve-energy
reserves to quickly effect caffeine expulsion.
Perpetual stimulant users eventually become nervous, exhausted, and experience coffee nerves. With
poisonous herbal concoctions you add to the bodys
burdens. Instead of directing its energy exclusively to
detoxification, it must eliminate the ingested herbal
poisons as well. Rather than enhancing detoxification
while fasting, the body is hampered by bowel
cleansers. It is forced to additionally deal with the
ingested toxic substances. A frenzy of excitement
caused by herbal ingestion accelerates body processes

in order to eliminate the unwelcome substance just

introduced, rather than uneliminated body wastes.
Acute diseases such as colds, flu, pneumonia,
rashes, sinusitis, etc., are body detoxification
processes. To cure them is detrimental, for they are
the cure. To purify itself, the body initiates and conducts an emergency detoxification process. The manner and place the system elects to conduct this
process determines the symptoms involved, and receives different names from the illness experts (doctors) such as asthma, cold, headache, allergy etc., but
it's all the same underlying toxemia.
By ingesting poisons, the body is pushed into double
duty. Rather than saving time, the body requires more
time to cleanse and heal. Natural living does not intoxicate the body. Consider: Are you eating too much
cooked food? Taking recreational drugs (coffee, teas,
chocolates, alcoholic beverages, tobacco products, marijuana, etc.)? Failing to get enough sleep? Overeating?
Eating biologically improper foods? Eating incompatible
food combinations? These are the simple, mostly underestimated habits that make or break health.
If you would be well, live so that you dont foul up
the body. If body wastes accumulate through stress,
dont pollute yourself further. Quit trying to help your
body. Aside from pure air, clean (distilled) water and
foods of our biological disposition, you cant help internal processes: you can only clear the way for
them... or throw a monkey wrench into the works by
partaking of poisonous substances.
All diseases result from a polluted body (toxemia or
toxicosis): a system laden with morbid matter that
undermines physiological integrity. To ingest a poison
from whatever source is to give the body an additional
problem: that of eliminating the newly ingested enemy.
The diversion of vitality may be so great enough to
totally inhibit the original detoxification process.
Herbs, as well as drugs, are indeed harmful.
Saxe, TG, Toxicity of Medicinal Herbal Preparations,
American Family Practice, May, 1987
Hazards of Natures Drugs, Emergency Medicine,
November 30, 1986
Eichler, I., Cryptic Illness From Self-Medication With
Herbal Remedy, The Lancet, February 12, 1983
Immerman, A., Use Herbs to Season, Not to Heal
September 30, 1981 Kingsbury, Poisonous Plants of The
United States and Canada, Englewood Cliffs, Prentice
Hall, 1964
Halmstedt and Kline, Ethnopharmacologic Search for
Psychoactive Drugs, USPHS, Publication 1947, 1967
Copyright 2001, Arthur M. Baker Self Health Care
Systems. World Copyrights Reserved.



raw recipes


SunFood Cuisine

ere are some summer recipes taken from my

recipe book The Sunfood Cuisine. Remember
that you can change the ingredients to suit your
needs, and omit garlic, spices, or other condiments.

Ultimate Gazpacho

2 cups tomatoes
1 cup cucumber
1/4 cup olive oil
1/3 cup lemon juice
1/2 to 1 tsp. jalapeo pepper, minced (optional)
1 medium garlic clove (optional)
Blend. Place in a bowl.

2 cups tomatoes, chopped
2/3 cup cucumber, chopped
1/2 cup red bell pepper, finely diced
1/4 cup onion, chopped
1/2 cup cilantro or parsley, chopped

All the vegetables should be chopped or diced very

fine. Using a food processor works great for this. Mix
the chopped vegetables with the ingredients that have
been blended. Serve cold on a hot summer day, or any
time! You can also garnish with summer flower petals.
The Gazpacho is a traditional Spanish dish.


2 cups fresh summer green peas

2T olive oil
1 lemon, juice of
1 medium garlic clove
1tsp. dulse powder (optional)
1/2 cup tomatoes, diced (cherry tomatoe halves are

Blend all ingredients, except the tomatoes, in your

food processor. Add diced tomatoes, then mix well. If
you use frozen peas (organic only), you will have to let


them thaw overnight. Add the dulse powder if you prefer a more smokey flavor. Serve as a dip with sticks
of celery, carrots, peppers, and green vegetables.

Mango Salsa

3 cups tomatoes, diced

2 cups fresh mangoes, diced
8 Tbs. onion, minced
1/2 cup cilantro, chopped
2 limes, juice of
2 tsp. jalapeo pepper, minced

Better Than Moms Tomato Sauce

3 cups tomatoes, diced
4 Tbs. apple cider vinegar
1 Tbs. honey, or maple syrup
1 Tbs. Italian herbs mix (a mix of basil, thyme,
oregano, and garlic)
1/2 cup fresh basil, or 2 Tbs. dried
1 1/2 cups sundried tomatoes
1 tsp. jalapeo pepper
1 medium garlic clove

Blend until smooth. If you do not have a Vita-Mix, you

will need to soak the sundried tomatoes in water
beforehand. Soak them for a few hours, then discard
the soak water. Makes 2 cups.

Chile Sin Coccin

2 cups either chopped broccoli, cauliflower, purple

cabbage, or a combination of all these
2 Tbs. onion, chopped
2 cups zucchinis, sliced into strips
1 cup red bell pepper, diced
1 cup Better Than Moms Tomato Sauce (previous
1-2 tsp. chile powder

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Add more or less chile

powder depending on your taste. Serves 3-4.

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Living-Foods Community
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Frederic Patenaude
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Repentigny, QC
J6A 5X2, Canada

USA and Canada: US$30 postpaid. Other countries: US$38 postpaid



Garden of Health
The Garden Diet
Raw Heaven

Raw Food Living
Arnold Ehret Club

Raw Life (Paul Nison)
Eat Veg!

Living Nutrition Magazine
Cheryl's Pages
Raw Food Chef

Raw Foods News
Raw Family

Ann Wigmore Institute

Fresh Network

Healthful Living International
Institute For Vibrant Living

Raw Food Eco-village Project
Urkost mit Brigitte (German)
TAPS: (Portuguese)

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 43



Dave Snowdon, Grenoble

Lena, Ina & Dierk Warburg
20, Rue du Congrs
F 06000 Nice




The Fruitarian Raw Food Network

PO Box 293
Trinity Beach, QUEENSLAND 4879
Patrick McCormack
12 Sparkes Avenue
Hamilton, QUEENSLAND 4007
Near Brisbane


London area:
The Fresh Network
PO Box 71
Ely, CB7 4GU
Karen Noble
7 Henley House
Friern Park
London, N12 94E

Alan Milnes
Central Fisheries
Wood View, Castle Ford
West Yorks, WF10 1PX
L. Proudman
Flat 7, George House
Lower North Street
Exeter, EX4 3ET



Gerd Rothermund
Bohlberg 7A
24943 Flensburg
fax 461.312280


Roland Prukl
PO Box 4175
Honeydew 2040


Communidad Crudivegana
Almuecar 18690, Granada
-Bilingual (Spanish/English) Raw food


Chantel Selman, St Micheal


Monique Hall, Stoney Creek

Wayne Gendel, Toronto

-Cooking in the Raw, lectures and
workshops, weekly yoga classes, etc.
Super Sprouts
720 Bathurst Street
-Raw food resource center, sproutdelivery business

Erika Wolff/The Power of Raw,

Certified Hippocrates Health Educator
Lectures, workshops, consultations.


QUEBEC (Montreal)

Jacques Langevin, #514.271.1909

Bob Harrison, #514.739.3830

-Raw-Food Support Group of Montreal
Sonia Ct

Frdric Patenaude


Wendy Alfar, Grecia/Alajuela

Casa Quintessence
5301 Carmona de Nandayure



Raw For Life

c/o Charles Thomas Mort
PO Box 5108
Phoenix, AZ 85076
-Support group 2nd week of month,
dinners, workshops.
Living Community Center
330 E 7th St
Tucson, AZ 85705
-Potlucks, lectures, events.


Joe Alexander
257 22nd St,
Fayetteville, AR 72701


Living Foods Community

Bay Area, North
-Meetings 2nd W

Elaine Nigro
Bay Area, South
-Raw food catering/delivery service

Jon Cotton, Berkeley


Kathleen Odor, Colton
Inland Empire Raw Food
support group meets 1st Sa
Carmen Breen, Crockett
-Inner Journey Correct
Thought Patterns

Living Light House, Los Angeles


Nature's First Law

Stephen Arlin & David Wolfe
PO Box 900202
San Diego, CA 92190
#888.RAW.FOOD or 619.596.7979
Raw Food Support Group
of San Diego
c/o Helene Idels

Matt Amsden, Santa Monica

-Raw dining Mondays
YogiSuzi, aka Susan Grimes
182 Main St
Willits, CA 95490


Doreen Moore, Hockessin


Theresa Bellmore
13648 Clara Lane,
Port Charlotte, FL 33981


Bill Steinberg, Atlanta
-100% live food lifestyle consulting


Andrew Durham
s e c r e t d e s i g n: New Tribal Tools


Werner Kujnisch, Dekalb

Health Educators Ltd, Wilmette

Ralph Roberts, MS, CHN #847.853.9393

Ken Hicks

411 Hill Ave

Owensboro, KY 42301


Don Meyer, Baltimore

Aria Nadii, Boston


Creative Health Institute

Union City, MI 49094


Marlene Nelson, Minneapolis



Raw Foods Foundation

PO Box 11496
St. Louis, MO 63105
Chris and Steve Ketter McDiarmid
-Newsletter, classes, meetings last Tu


Vicky Holbrook, Reno

-Certified by Hallelujah Acres School
of Natural Health.


Karen Ranzi, Ramsey


Roger Haeske, South River



Doris Kerrin
112 Lisa, Box 60
Chaparral, NM 88021

John Bishop, Santa Fe

-organizing loca raw-foodist network


Rob Miller, Brooklyn
-Brooklyn Raw Food Potluck.
Paul Nison, Brooklyn

Angela Fischetti, Brooklyn

-Certified personal fitness trainer.
Hygiea Center & Restaurant
18 East 23rd St
New York City, NY 10010
-Raw food potlucks 1st Sa, 6-9 pm


Lisa Hagelthorn, Charlotte



Linda Fensel
1012 Thicketwalk
Dayton, OH 45429
-Potlucks 2nd M


Angie Barrick
12591 S New Era Rd
Oregon City, OR
*Certified Instructor in Living Foods (by
Victoria Boutenko), author of Raw
Food for Dogs, phone consultations
Living Health Network
Habib Bailey
1538 SE 122 Ave, #49
Portland, OR 97233
Stacie Cohen, Portland

Victoria Jayne/Living Lightly, Portland



Michael Saiber, Saxonburg

-E3LIVE Aphanizomenon flos-aquae


Michael Bramble, North Kingstown



Christie Burlison
267-13 Alexandra Rd
Mt Pleasant, SC 29464
(listing continued next page)

JEAA VOL.2 NO.2 SUMMER 2002 45


Jerry Hasselmeier
1515 16th St. #2
Galveston, TX 77550
- Massage therapist, surfer, musician


Christian Blackburn
10705 NE 193 St
Bothell, WA 98011
Seattle Raw Food Community
1st Choice Nutritionals, Linda
151 Conner Rd
Port Angeles, WA 98362
#888.357.3456 or 360.452.9523
-Natural Health Products
Ethan Circle, Seattle
-International Freedom Fighter


John & Jean Clougherty

N202A County Rd. LL
Cedar Grove, WI 53013
Local Milwaukee vm414.357.6200
-Healers/Therapists, raw food
lectures, monthly gatherings, food
preparation, retreat leaders

Leah Faber
1014 E Gorham
Madison, WI
*Rawfoodist, massage therapist, seeking other rawfoodists


Loren Lockman
-Fasting center, monthly meetings


Enzyme Express
1330 East Huffman Rd
Anchorage, AK, 907.345.1330

Raw Energy Organic Juice Cafe

2050 Addison Street
Berkeley, CA, 510.665.9464
The Vegetarian
431 West 13th Street



Escondido, CA, 760.740.9596

Back to the Garden

21065 Bush St.
Middletown, CA, 707.987.8303
Garden Taste
1237 Camino del Mar
Del Mar, CA, 619.793.1500

320 Magnolia Ave
Larkspur, CA, 415.924.5004

Sprout Caf
1475 Holcolm Bridge Rd, 200
Roswell, GA, 770.992.9218
Akasha Organics
160 N Main
Ketchum, ID, 208.726.4777
Karyns Fresh Corner
3351 N Lincoln Ave
Chicago, IL, 773.296.6990

Organic Garden Restaurant

294 Cabot St
Beverly, MA, 978.922.0004

The Ecopolitan
2409 Lyndale Ave S
Minneapolis, MN, 612.874.7336

The Raw Truth Caf

3620 East Flamingo Road
Las Vegas, NV, 702.450.9007
-Dine-in or take-out. Books, juicers,
herbs. Hours: M-Sa 9-9, Su 11-6
263 East 10th Street
New York, NY, 646.654.1823
Caravan of Dreams
405 East 6th Street
New York, NY, 212.254.1613
Well Springs Garden Caf
2253 Highway 99
@Jackson Hot Springs
Ashland, OR, 541.488.6486

Source Of Life Juice Bar

(inside Everlasting Life Market)
2928 Georgia Ave NW
Washington, DC, 202.232.1700


The Book Storm

107-912 Portage Avenue,
Winnipeg, Manitoba, 204.774.1466
Les Vivres

4434 St.Dominique
Montral, Qubec, 514.842.3479

Some of these serve cooked dishes.

Know of others? Spread the love:


Get Fresh! -English

PO Box 71, Ely, Cambs

Fruitarian Network News -English

P.O.Box 293, Trinity Beach
Queensland 4879, Australia
Living Nutrition -English
P.O. Box 256
Sebastopol, CA 95473

Natrlich Leben -German

Bund Fr Gesundheit E.
V Talstr 36
D-52525 Heinsberb, Germany
Die Wurzel -German
Torwartstr. 22
90480 Nrnberg, Germany

Boletin Crudivegano -English & Spanish

Lista de Correos
18960 Almucar (Granada), Spain

Le Bon Guide de Lhyginisme -French

25 Rue du Grand Pr
10290 Rigny-la-Nonneuse, France
Natuur Stemmingen -Dutch

To be included in the Raw

Connection, simply send us
your info :
e-mail us at:
or write to:

216 Loyola
Repentigny (Quebec)
J6A 5X2, Canada


you: organic fruits, holistic
massages, raw vegan, vegetarian hospitality, help with
Dutch, Spanish, French. 1
km from Banco Nacional
(the way to San Rafal),
5301 Carmona de
Nandayure, Guanacaste,
Costa Rica. E-mail:
Asheville, NC Raw Food
Houseshare available! Come
be part of a community
household into raw-some
living, health and healing,
and supporting one another
on the path to aliveness.
Love of cats a must! Call
828-252-8314, or e-mail



The Eco Forest Garden Trust
(a non-profit organisation)
has bought its first land in

South West Spain near Coin

(Malaga Province). With
space for residents and visitors Eco Forest will be providing people with the opportunity to learn how to live
a simple, healthy and ecologically positive lifestyle
amongst like-minded people.
We are growing much of our
own food (organic of course),
building our own dwellings
and creating a place where
people can enjoy a very high
quality of life at very low
cost (including a river for
swims). We welcome visitors
and volunteers to come and
learn and help us with our
work to set up this unique
project. You will have the
opportunity to learn about
the joy and vast health benefits of raw food nutrition,
as well as permaculture,
forest gardening, low impact
dwellings, organics, and
living in an eco-community.
We also are welcoming

1 year
Canada (incl. taxes) 40$Can
Other Countries


In US or Canadian funds, please
send well-sealed cash, check or
international money order to:
216 Loyola
Repentigny, QC J6A 5X2

plenty of visitors of course

come and stay and pay 750
pta per day for camping at
this unique and beautiful
place. Caravan and tipi
accommodation may also be
Contact: Chris or Gaura at

If you know of any publication in any language (especially French, Spanish,

English, German,
Portuguese, and Italian)
about natural hygiene and
raw-foodism, let me know
or send me a copy. Perhaps
you are an incipient, international, tribal correspondent or scout for JEAA!
Show me your stuff.
Contact me at:
New raw vegan restaurant
and live food lifestyle cen-

2 years

ter being built in New York

City. 100+ seats, catering,
take out and delivery, proprietary brands ofspecialty
live foods; rawfood and
environmental events,
meeting rooms, etc.Nothing
like it on the planet. If you
are interested in working
there or participating in any
way, please e-mail EDENE@AOL.COM



Jaimerais adapter cette

revue en franais pour la
rendre disponible aux pays
francophones, et
ventuellement la rendre
autonome. Jai dj tout le
matriel, une bonne partie
en franais, ainsi que la
mise en page. Je cherche
des gens qui pourraient
soccuper de vendre la
revue, trouver les annonceurs, etc. Si vous croyez
pouvoir maider, contactezmoi:

JEAA #1 (Winter 2001)

CANADA: 12$Can
Other Countries: US$10

Contents: 101 Excuses to Overeat,

Vaccination, Nuts & Seeds Controversy,
Shrimps, Doug Graham on Staying Raw, and
more, Herbal Medicines part 1, The Meaning
of Health, Introduction to Natural Hygiene,
The Road Back to Health, and more.

Include all of the following with order:

City, State, Code
Subscription length: 1 or 2 years
Is this a resubscription? Yes/No



Return Adress:
216 Loyola
Repentigny, QC

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