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Junto con la dieta, el ejercicio es una de las claves para disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar

diabetes o mantenerla bajo control. Ahora, un nuevo estudio ha detectado que caminar 15
minutos despus de las comidas puede ser suficiente para lograr este objetivo. A ti, qu te
gusta hacer despus del almuerzo y la cena?
Si tienes diabetes, ya estars familiarizado(a) con los tres elementos bsicos para cuidar de tu
salud diariamente: dieta balanceada, ejercicios y medicamentos. Muchos de mis pacientes
coinciden en que de estos tres, el que ms les cuesta incorporar es el ejercicio. Algunas veces
es por falta de tiempo, otras simplemente, por pereza o falta de costumbre.
Si ese es tu caso, he aqu un nuevo dato que puede facilitarte la rutina, pues un estudio
reciente muestra que las personas mayores con riesgo de contraer diabetes que caminaron por
15 minutos despus de cada comida mejoraron su nivel de azcar en la sangre. Ms an, las
tres caminatas despus de comer funcionaron mejor para el control del nivel de la glucemia que
una caminata de 45 minutos seguida por la maana o al anochecer.
Para llegar a estos resultados, que fueron publicados en la revista Diabetes Care, unos
investigadores de la Facultad de Salud Pblica y Servicios de Salud de la Universidad George
Washington, en Estados Unidos, les pidieron a 10 personas mayores, con un promedio de 70
aos de edad, que hicieran tres rutinas de ejercicio diferentes con una separacin entre ellas de
cuatro semanas. (Sigue
Al principio, los hombres y las mujeres tenan un nivel de azcar en la sangre de entre 105 y
125 miligramos por decilitro en ayunas, lo que se considera una condicin de pre-diabetes (el
nivel de la glucosa en la sangre considerado normal es de 70 a 100, segn los Institutos
Nacionales de Salud de los Estados Unidos).
Los hombres y las mujeres fueron clasificados como obesos, con un ndice de masa corporal
(IMC) de 30 como promedio. Los hombres y las mujeres caminaron en una cinta (estera) a una
velocidad de unas 3 millas (4,8 kilmetros) por hora (una milla cada 20 minutos).
En el estudio, las caminatas empezaron media hora despus de terminar cada comida, ya que
esto permite hacer la digestin primero. Luego de ese tiempo, la glucosa empieza a inundar la
sangre, que con el ejercicio se va hacia los msculos. Adems, el ejercicio ayuda a que el
pncreas haga su trabajo, que consiste en secretar insulina para que la glucosa pueda llegar a
las clulas y sea utilizada como energa (sacndola as de la sangre).
El resultado fue que las caminatas despus de las comidas fueron los que ms disminuyeron el
nivel de glucosa durante las 24 horas, al comparar el da sedentario con el de ejercicios. Un
paseo de 45 minutos por la maana fue lo segundo que funcion mejor; mientras que caminar
despus de la cena fue ms efectivo para reducir el nivel de glucosa en la sangre, que hacerlo
por la maana o por la tarde.
Si bien la muestra fue pequea, los resultados sugieren que las caminatas cortas pueden
disminuir el riesgo de desarrollar diabetes, si se practican en el momento adecuado. En este
sentido, se trata de uno de los primeros estudios que analiza la importancia del momento en
que se hace el ejercicio, con respecto al beneficio en el control del azcar en la sangre.

Lo importante es que comiences una rutina de ejercicios y que no la abandones al poco tiempo,
para as obtener los mejores resultados en tu cuerpo y en tu salud. Por supuesto, puedes
convertir una sencilla caminata en una verdadera sesin de ejercicios. Y ahora ya lo sabes, no
tiene por qu ser tan extensa. Ponte de acuerdo con alguien de tu familia, algn amigo o
vecino, o simplemente prepara a tu mascota para ir a dar un paseo. 15 minutos despus de
cada comida puede ser todo lo que necesites para evitar la diabetes.

La salud es uno de los elementos ms relevantes para el desarrollo de una vida larga y
cualitativa. En este sentido, la importancia de la salud reside en permitir que
el organismo de una persona, o de un animal, mantenga buenos estndares de
funcionamiento y pueda as realizar las diferentes actividades que estn en su rutina
diaria. La salud es un fenmeno que se logra a partir de un sinfn de acciones y que
puede mantenerse por mucho tiempo o perderse debido a diversas razones. La salud es
algo que se puede recuperar tambin pero muchas veces puede costar lograrlo. Cuando
hablamos de importancia de la salud estaremos entonces refirindonos al valor que la
salud tiene para que una persona pueda llevar una buena calidad de vida en todos sus
diversos aspectos.
Podemos definir a la salud como el estado en el cual un organismo no presenta enfermedades,
condiciones virales o complicaciones. Si bien es difcil a veces lograr un estado de completa
salud debido al estilo de vida agitado y estresante que llevamos a cabo, son muchas las
acciones que una persona puede tomar para asegurarse que ese estado de salud sea el que
caracterice a su organismo. Para estar sana, una persona debe combinar ciertas acciones o
actitudes tales como llevar a cabo una buena alimentacin, realizar ejercicios de manera
regular, no consumir sustancias txicas o adictivas como el tabaco, alcohol o cualquier tipo de
droga y realizar chequeos mdicos de manera regular para prevenir o controlar posibles
Todas estas acciones hacen que una persona lleve una vida lo ms saludable y segura posible
y aqu notamos entonces la idea de cun importante la salud es para que un individuo pueda
enfocar sus das con un mejor estado de nimo, con ms vitalidad y energa, con mejores
expectativas a futuro, etc. Normalmente, aquellas personas que no cuidan su salud o que se
encuentran en un estado constante de enfermedad no se detienen a pensar en lo importante
que la salud es y, por lo tanto, suelen mostrar afecciones causadas por ese constante estado
de ausencia de salud: malos estados de nimo, falta de energa, estados depresivos,
complicaciones del organismo secundarias, etc.

desde Importancia Escucha e salud sto: Tu

cuerpo es una inversin

de mucho valor (piensa cul puede ser el costo real de tu cuerpo). Solo para
comenzar: sabas que ...

Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social well being, and not merely the absence
of disease or infirmity. - World Health Organization
Many people do not realize the importance of good health, and even if they do, they may still
disregard it. Whether we work at home or in an office, we need good health in order to perform
our duties well. When people talk about health, they usually refer to the condition of the body.
However, health does not merely mean being free from physical pain or the symptoms of
disease. The mind is of crucial consideration in the overall assessment of wellbeing.
The necessity of good health is not limited to a particular religion, caste, creed or gender. Most
diseases have their origin in mind, or the manomaya kosha. A person can be said to be healthy
when his or her body is healthy and the mind is clear and calm. While many people may not
have material problems, they may be unhappy or agitated at the psychological level. They may
suffer from insomnia due to stress, or feel depressed, irritable and aimless. All these are the
result of an unbalanced mind.
Unfortunately, most of our attempts to become happy relate only to the body. We strive for
materialistic ends, such as lucrative income, status, a big house, an expensive car, jewelry and
so on, because we believe these things will make us happy. Seldom do we give attention to our
mind and soul, which the time and resources we spend in trying to fulfill our physical needs and
desire, we are still unable to achieve lasting peace and happiness through satisfaction of bodily
needs. This is because we have not learned how to listen to our mind and soul.
A human being is a composite unit of five sheaths. The ancient Ayurveda health system
propounded this truth more than five-thousand years ago when it emphasized the importance of
a balanced life, taking into consideration not only the body, but also the mind and the soul.
Indeed, the wisdom of Ayurveda is profound and enduring, as it heals the body, mind and soul.
It gives knowledge of die, hygiene attitudes and lifestyles that induce total health.
Everything we eat does one of two things: it either nourishes us or poisons us. Food that has
been over-processed and contains preservatives acts like slow poison. The entire modern food
handling process, where emphasis is on long shelf life, is turning our food into poisons. In order
to keep the body healthy, it is fundamental to follow a wholesome diet, consisting of fresh
vegetable proteins in the form of lentils, beans, milk products, dried fruits and the like. Besides
healthy food, we also need sufficient sleep, fresh air, and proper physical exercise, such as
yogasanas or other sports.

lps in the attainment of personal ambition

It favors personal efficiency
It contributes o an individual's lifespan
It has much to do with happiness and success
It permits people to conserve their earnings

Why is Health Important?

The importance of health can be viewed from different perspectives. In this article, we have
highlighted various facts on why is it important to be healthy...

When we are talking of health, it is not just about a healthy body but also about sound
mental health. Good health can be described as the condition where both our body as well as
our mind are functioning properly. The main causes behind poor health conditions are
diseases, improper diet, injury, mental stress, lack of hygiene, unhealthy lifestyle, etc. Over
the past few years, our lifestyle has changed and we often tend to ignore the importance of
healthy living in one way or the other.
Why is Health Important to Us?
There are several benefits of a healthy life. Your body becomes free from various forms of
disorders and thus, you get a longer life. You can live a life without suffering from any aches,
pain, or discomfort. In every sphere of your life, you will be able to perform to the best of
your ability. Doing excellent work helps you to be a valuable member of a healthy society.
Besides, when you are physically fit, it gets reflected on your face. So, you look attractive
and start feeling good about yourself! If you have a fit body, then you can lead a physically
active life even after growing old. This is because, the body can heal the regular wear and
tear associated with aging faster. In short, health and wellness brings about a drastic
improvement in the overall quality of your life.
Why is Health Important in the Workplace?
As an employee, you should take good care of your health, both in the workplace as well as
at home. This will make you feel more energetic and you will be able to carry out both simple
as well as strenuous tasks without pushing yourself too hard. As your mind and body is free
from work pressure and mental stress, you can handle the daily chores at workplace with a
positive attitude. You feel motivated to finish off the task at hand and will be interested to
work on more number of things. Your mind develops a natural tendency to focus upon the
positives and is not bothered much about the negatives. Most importantly, at the end of the
day, you can sleep well and you do not have to start the next day with a body ache or joint
pain or stomach upset. As a result, you do not need a medical leave too often and you will
get your salary at the end of the month without any deductions!
Good health has a positive effect on the productivity of the employees. Therefore, an
organization should also give the prior importance to the health care of its employees
through its policies. When the organization is showing interests in the well-being of its
employees, they in turn will also feel more responsible and loyal towards the organization. It
improves employee retention, reduces absenteeism and cuts down on company's health care
Why is Health Important for Children?
Staying healthy for kids is vital for proper growth and development of their mind and body.
They require enough energy to spend the entire day in school. They should be able to focus
in the classroom and fully participate in the activities on the field. For this, they need proper
nutrition which includes carbohydrates, proteins, calcium, minerals, etc. Today, most parents
have a basic knowledge of food and health related issues. However, they often fail to
understand that regular medical check-up is a must for every child. This helps them to learn

from the experts whether the child's development in terms of height and weight is proper.
They should also take the child for dental check-up and eye check-up on a regular basis.
Even child behavior has to be monitored closely. This way any major health problem can be
prevented in future.
Hope you have understood why is health important for every individual, young or old. It has
a huge impact on your overall performance and efficiency. In other words, you have a better
control over your life. For healthy living, a disciplined life is a must. You have to eat
nutritious food and exercise regularly. Stay away from unhealthy habits like smoking and
heavy drinking. It is also essential to keep the mind healthy by nurturing the right kind of
thoughts and proper stress management.
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