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2014 Report
Dear Ones,

It is a fact of great concern that some congregations of the Lords church are compromising the
truth. Recently the Fourth Avenue Church of Christ in Franklin, TN agreed to allow a young female
student at David Lipscomb University serve as their intern minister, reasoning that the passages
of Scripture in the New Testament forbidding a woman to usurp authority over men is a cultural
thing, and we in America have grown past such archaic prohibitions.

When people dont want to accept plain words, they create ways to get around them. It takes a lot
of creativity [denial] to get around what is said in 1 Corinthians 14:34-38: Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience as also saith the law. And if they will learn any thing, let them
ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church. What?
came the word of God out from you? or came it unto you only? If any man think himself
to be a prophet, or spiritual, let him acknowledge that the things that I write unto you are
the commandments of the Lord. But if any man be ignorant, let him be ignorant.

After stating the case clearly, Paul challenged the ones who were teaching contrarily. He chided
them with the question, Did the word of God come out from you? And then he said, If anyone is
claiming to be a prophet or to speak words from God, he must acknowledge that what I am writing
is a COMMANDMENT of God! And for those who refuse to acknowledge the authority of the
restriction concerning women, he consigned them to the dustbin of ignorance. Period.

And 1 Timothy 2:11-15 is equally difficult to explain away: Let the woman learn in
silence with all subjection. But I suffer not a woman to teach, nor to usurp authority
over the man, but to be in silence. For Adam was first formed, then Eve. And Adam
was not deceived, but the woman being deceived was in the transgression. Notwithstanding she shall be saved in childbearing, if they continue in faith and charity and
holiness with sobriety.

Betty (Mrs. J.C.) Choate

(Continuing the work begun
by J.C. in 1962)
708 Burton Drive
Winona, MS 38967
email: Choate@
Web site:

Liberty Church of Christ
689 Highway 25
Dennis, MS 38838
Co-worker with
Wayne and Janet Barrier
Byron and Gay Nichols
Jerry and Paula Bates
Louis & Bonnie Rushmore
Allon Brumley
Robin Dunaway

Please understand that by affirming the headship of men over women, I am not saying that
women are inferior to men. Both were designed to be the best in what God intended for them to do.

The Voice
of Truth

He made another observation that is worth noticing: ...she shall be saved in childbearing,
if they continue in faith and charity and holiness with sobriety. What does childbearing
have to do with a womans salvation? Having gone through years of mothering, I think I understand
what Paul was affirming. First, from the beginning, it was Gods plan that husbands and wives be two
halves that complete a whole. The husband is to be the head of the house, the provider, the protector,
the spiritual leader. The wife is to be the keeper of the home, the support of the husband, the nourisher
of the children, and all the thousands of other things women do every day! For a number of years,
as a mother, I attended worship services, wanting to concentrate fully on God and the message from
Scripture .... but little ones fidget and interrupt and have to be taken out, and on, and on, and on. If a
woman can persevere, remaining faithful in her commitment to God through those years of spiritual
distraction, then when she can devote her full attention to God and to her worship of Him she will have
grown to be a Trojan in spiritual strength! I believe that is the meaning of Pauls statement.


In re-stating the restrictions to Timothy, Paul completely by-passed the local culture anywhere
and any time by declaring that the reason women are to be in subjection to men is drawn from HISTORY. He went all the way back to CREATION and to the DECEPTION of Eve in the fall, and he
clearly said that those two events are the reason men are to be in the leadership role over women.

No man can do a better job of being a mother than a true mother can! And, yes, I know that in our current culture, it is often expected
that mothers, as well as husbands, will work outside the home. Sometimes there is no choice; usually, though, the choice is just to
have more money and things, and often it is at a high cost to the family. How can a woman work at a job all day, then come home and
see to the family needs [even if her husband is a great helper] dinner, homework, washing, cleaning, etc., etc. in the little time
left before she tiredly drags off to bed? Are we surprised that even many of our Christian homes are coming apart at the seams?

Whats Happening Stateside?

The Rushmores had planned to leave for India/Sri Lanka/Burma, and Singapore September 24, but a biopsy report showed that
Bonnie has another tumor. What heartbreaking news! They cancelled their trip, and have spent much of November in Jackson for
radiation treatments. She is also scheduled for chemotherapy, once a week for three weeks, and then skip a week, for perhaps six
months. We are grateful for the many prayers being offered on her behalf, worldwide. Of course her energy level is low, but Louis is
taking good care of her. When they are in Winona, most days she is able to spend a few hours in the office (and they have their computers with them wherever they go you know, we all love to work!).
The Bates and I attended the Forest Park Mission Forum the last part of October, which was celebrating the 44th year! What
an educational blessing it would be if more congregations had such days of emphasis on our Lords last command to the church: Go
and preach the Gospel! It was wonderful to see workers from a number of countries, many of whom are sponsored by the church at
Forest Park. They are a sterling example in many ways. Coming home, we stopped for the Sunday evening meeting with the Edgewood congregation in Columbus, GA, and Jerry gave a report on the work. It was good to have some time with Ruth Duke again.

Chris and Gill DuPreez from South Africa visited to select books to be shipped for their work, and John Dean from Visakhapatnam, India also stopped by one day. Jerry teaches each year in a preacher training school that they operate.

To the grief of many throughout the world, Ruth Orr of Lewisburg, TN, widely known for her very effective work with World
Bible School, died of cancer November 7. A number of men with whom she had worked in visits overseas conducted the service. It
was a very moving experience to be with the family of such a brave woman who has gone home to the Lord.

Heritage Christian University in Florence, AL is incorporating our Mission Training programs into its curriculum. Steve Williams and Joey Barrier did the teaching in the November session.

Of course, Steve, Melinda, Erin, and Jonathan came home for the Thanksgiving holidays, and then Sheila came on the 22nd of
December. She and I drove to Corinth to visit J.C.s brother, Don, and Betty, Michelle, and Janet, then we drove on to Hephzibah,
GA to spend a couple of days with Darla and Dave. I do love family time!

Horror in Pakistan

From Shahid in Pakistan: It is too much saddening to inform you about the brutal attack that has taken place by the
terrorists in one of the schools in Peshawar, Pakistan. One hundred and forty-eight students and teachers were shot dead in the
school premises and 121 are seriously injured. This is the same group of terrorists who targeted Malala Yousuf Zai but she survived and is now receiving the Noble Peace Prize and residing in London. This school is named as army Public School Peshawar
where most of the Army officers send their children for studying.

Jennifer and I are in deep thought after this incident because we send our son Sterling to a school which is run by nuns
and is named Convent of Jesus and Mary. We are concerned if such Army school could be the target of terrorists so any
Christian school could easily be on the hit. We do not have any other option left for Sterling to study in any school of the city
because there he would only face discrimination because he is not from a Muslim family.

This attack is on the future of Pakistan because our children are our future. We request you all to pray for all of the
innocent children who have died and pray for us also so that
we will be able to work better under such circumstances.

We are having regular worship on Sundays and Bible
Studies by taking help from different books and papers
sent by sister Betty and brother Asghar from Lahore.
Brother Asghar sent six books in Urdu (Khushboo-eSadaqat) which means The Essence of Truth and we
are using it in preaching as well for our brethren here in
Pakistan and we are thankful to him for this great help.
We have sent details regarding printing material and
other needs of the congregation to sister Betty so that she
can make a plan for the upcoming year. Right now we are
working on the tracts Do you know Church History?
and What does the Bible say about the Church? by J.C.
Choate and have translated them into Urdu for study of
new Christians and hopefully to print them and distribute Family members crying over the body of one of the fifteenyear-old victims of the slaughter by Taliban terrorists.
among the literate Christians.

On the 24th of November we visited 4 families in Muqadus Colony and they asked us to have frequent studies with them. In
the past weeks we have seen 30 families, but only a few are interested in knowing about the NT teachings.

We are thankful to all brothers and sisters in the U.S. who are committed to help the church in Pakistan and for your
prayers for the peace and stability of the church here. Church of Christ in Hyderabad is doing well and salutes you dear ones.
Your brother in Him, Shahid

I add my words of gratitude to Shahids for the monthly support that has been promised to provide an income
for his family, and for the printing and other work expenses they have from month to month. God bless each one
who is making this possible. BBC

Hindu Pressures against Christians in India

From Philemon Rajah and Kingsly in India: Yesterday this Hindu ruling government sent a letter to central schools
that there is no Christmas holiday for schools. Also they are not to celebrate Christmas in school functions. Other pro-Hindu pronouncements are being made by the government: First, one of the ministers of the ruling government said that, All the people in
India are children of Rama (Hindu God), and those who do not accept this may leave India.

Secondly, the government is taking steps to announce the Hindu sacred book Bagavat Gita alone as the national religious book.

Third, in some of the schools of north India, there is a rule being imposed that the Hindu goddess for education, that is Saraswathi, must be installed and also there must not be any Christmas or Christian functions distributing gifts.

Fourth, last week there was forced conversion of some 200 Muslim men to Hindu religion and also on 25th December they
have planned to convert 5000 so-called Christians to the Hindu religion.

These are the recent activities and speeches by the government of India and their supporters, against Christianity, so kindly pray
for us to make use of the available opportunities and time to reach more souls for Christ. Pray that the BJP people should not be an
hindrance to evangelize India. Last week from Arasaradi Church we went for street-to-street tracts distribution. A single young man
stopped us, then he called a group of BJP young boys and they gave us trouble. Then the local Police came, but BJP group said to the
Police that, This is none of your business. You go your way. We will handle these Christians. Then the Police compelled us to come
to the Police Station, but after one kilometer they let us go. We asked, Why have you done this? The Police said, We wanted to save
you all from that mob, so we took you away, as though we were arresting you. This incident happened 1km from my house in Madurai City. Please pray that our evangelism works should not be stopped by BJP.

Thank God for the 3 baptisms in Madurai and one baptism in Puducherry during last month. Good news is coming also from our
JC School of Evangelism in Andhra Pradesh that 2 souls obeyed the Gospel in baptism as a result of the Gospel meeting conducted
by them last week. Brother B.Vijaya Kumar wrote concerning the effect of the training classes, Brother, there is lot of change in the
local church, our monthly offering has been increased, and our church members were able to be involved in the Gospel meetings. We sincerely thankful to you for taking pain and conducting these classes.

Not only here in America is the anti-Christian element growing in power, but in other nations such as Pakistan
and India, Satan is gaining ground. We pray for conviction and strength to stand, even in the face of persecution
and that, if the atrocities of the first century are going to be repeated, the victories in the spread of the Truth will
also be repeated. We must never forget that we are in a spiritual warfare, and that satan is out to destroy us. BBC

Our Indian Brethren Continue to Report Conversions

From Rajanayagam: This is to let you know that we had TWO baptisms on December 6th, 2014 and they are ladies. It took
place in the town called Mayiladuthurai and it is the work that the church at Kangayam started a couple of years back. Please pray for
them. Racheal and myself visted and worshipped with them. Hope to have several more conversions before the year end and also pray
for this effort.

From Arjunan: The Lords ministries are going well here in our area of Tamil Nadu, India. Our magazine is being printed as
5000 copies. We plan to print the same continually, since our co-workers introduce our magazine in their places. We get many readers
through our TV and radio ministries too.

On 12th of November 2014 we had Preachers Meeting
at Thiruchirapalli. We discussed about our Lords ministry
and then distributed our World Evangelism materials to the
district preachers. They are issuing them in their places.

The third Sunday of November 2014, a young boy
obeyed the Lords word and took baptism. In the last
Sunday also 8 persons obeyed the gospel and took baptism.
Among them 5 are youth. These 8 persons are our TV viewers. We had given them the Holy Bibles, Bible Correspondence Course materials and our other materials.

We published Vol.3 of Radio and TV sermons.

Please pray for all our ministries.

Arjunan, center front, with some of the preachers with whom he works.

Dont Forget!!!

The fourth quarter of 2014 we submitted materials [for senior high students
and intermediate classes] to a number of churches for Beta testing. Before going further with developing the proposed literature, our elders felt that we needed to see how
students and teachers would evaluate what we have done.

Its time now for those forms to be filled out, with your suggestions, criticisms, and words of encouragement. It is important that you get these questionnaires to us as soon as youve finished the materials, so that we can benefit by your
input and can go ahead with making assignments for the subsequent quarters.
We realize that two possibilities lie in front of us: (1) Top quality materials need to be developed, dealing with
definitive truths that, in too many classes and congregations, have not been taught for decades. Because of this lack
of biblical teaching, grave weaknesses have developed and many congregations are sliding into apostasy. In order to
fill the spiritual need, touchy subjects must be dealt with with love and compassion, but with truth; otherwise,
the wrongs will never be righted and another generation in the church will grow up
without knowing the whole truth. What they wont know will, in many
cases, result in the loss of their souls. Our purpose with Into Gods
World is to develop materials that will appeal visually and biblically to
enough brethren that they will help to avert disaster.
(2) The second possibility is that, because of the time-lapse since this program was first launched, many of the concerned Christians who initially
volunteered to help with writing, layout, editing, artwork, and other necessary parts may have lost interest in helping. We need to state clearly: this
is not a business venture. It is a struggle, leading the church to help itself.
We dont have the funds to hire people. If we dont have volunteers, the
work will not be done. Will you help us to help the church? BBC
We now have 106 titles, full-color,
pocket-sized tri-fold tracts that will
be extremely useful to you in your
outreach ministry. In packets of 25,
they are only 10 cents each. BBC
Fall 2014

Place Label Here

Long-term workers in
Radio, TV and Literature
among the 1.3 billion
P.K. Varghese
souls of India

B. Arjunan

Francis David Rajanayagam

P.R. Swamy

Earnest Gill

Philemon Rajah

Do you receive
The Voice of Truth International, our 116-page
teaching magazine that is published quarterly?
Many have proclaimed these two magazines to
be the best in the brotherhood! Four issues of
TVOTI are $15, 8 issues are $25; or the congregation can enlist for a box of 35 copies of each
issue for $30 a month.

Joshua Gootam


oice of Truth

Volume Eighty-two

The new issue of Global Harvest has
arrived. Many will receive a free copy because
we are trying to make more brethren aware
of its existence. We do need you to order
the magazine ($10 for 2 issues), so that its
future publication can be secured. The
church needs this.

Dont miss out on these treasures!

Change Service Requested

Mrs. J.C. Choate
World Evangelism
P.O. Box 72
Winona, MS 38967

Non Profit Organization

U. S. Postage Paid
Permit No. 12

Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and
of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all things that I have commanded you;
and lo, I am with you always, even to the end of the age. Amen.
I will not leave you orphans; I will come to you (John 14:18).
[Angels are] ministering spirits sent forth to minister for those who will inherit salvation... (Hebrews 1:14).

The Gospel is our mission. The world is our home.

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