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How To Increase Focus In Your

The key to being productive at work is to be able to manage your mental state and know how to
focus even when you dont feel like it.
Most people are well aware that time management is a vital part of increasing productivity,
but to have the best chance of managing our time correctly we need to be able to control our health
and energy levels as well.
Following these eight tips will give you more energy to focus on managing your time and increasing
your productivity.

1: Get Enough Sleep.

Some people write to me and say, I only need four hours of sleep or in my country
sleeping means laziness. Well, those people will fail and die young. James Altucher
Trying to squeeze an extra couple of hours out of your day by cutting back on your sleep is a
counter-productive way of increasing your output. Whatever you gain in extra time, youre going to
lose more of by being slower and more careless when youre performing your tasks. Sleep is the
foundation of good health so its difficult to build a productive and happy life if you dont even
have the basics covered. The difference in productivity between consistently sleeping 7 hours a day
and sleeping 5 hours a day is enormous.

2: Addicted to Coffee? Gradually Transition to Tea.

Tea contains a chemical called theanine which gives you the same upsides of caffeine without the
side effects. If you feel that you couldnt possibly quit coffee and still function at your job, just
remember that you dont need to drink coffee to be productive. This feeling of dependency is just a
habit and a false belief that youve ingrained through years of repetition.

3: Drink plenty of water and avoid sugary drinks.

Most people underestimate how much water their bodies need. Far too many people are functioning
in a state of slight dehydration and seeing their performance slip as a result. Common symptoms of
not drinking enough water are headaches and fatigue. Sound familiar?

4: Go for a walk and catch some sunlight.

We need at least 15 minutes of sunlight a day to make sure were not vitamin b deficient. At the very
least make sure you sit near a window so that the extra light can boost your mood and creativity. A
lack of sun deprives us of much needed melatonin and serotonin. Serotonin increases your energy
levels and makes you feel awake. Look for natural solutions to fatigue instead of getting sucked into
artificial energy boosters such as energy drinks, caffeine and sugary snacks.

5: Drinking Alcohol is a Waste of Your Health.

Most people have had to endure work hung-over. Lifes numerous social pressures can put us in this
awful situation from time to time, especially the morning after birthday parties or special events like
Christmas or New Year.

While the negative effects of turning up to work absolutely smashed are obvious to most people, its
less appreciated just how detrimental even a couple of beers can be to our sleep and overall level of
alertness the next day. Stressed out people incorrectly believe they are relaxing when they have a
few drinks after work, but the harsh reality is that all youre doing is placing your body under
stress and making it work harder to clear the poison out of your system.

6. Exercise

Exercise is incredibly difficult to fit into a busy work schedule. Most people have no problem doing it
for a few days, or for inconsistent bursts during periods of time when were particularly motivated,
but the reality is that these bursts of motivation fizzle out as other things become more important to
us at different stages of our lives.
Make sure you set low expectations. Think quantity over quality, and consistency over
impressiveness. You dont actually have to do much as long as you show up and do something. Even
if you just do a light workout thats ridiculously easy, its better than planning a punishing 2 hours
session that youre probably not going to show up to. When you inevitably get through the easy
workout, you feel good about yourself and build positive associations with exercise. Getting into the
habit of showing up to exercise without succumbing to excuses is 90% of the battle to better health.

7: Avoid Stimulants

Long working hours all too often result in a dependence on stimulants. Most people get fired up
with nothing stronger than a double espresso, but some crave an even bigger kick to boost their
focus and help them stay alert. Popular alternatives include Adderall, Modafinal (Provigil), and
various types of Nootropics.
When youre under extreme pressure with unrealistic deadlines, it can feel like life is boxing you into
a corner and making you choose between surviving work and maintaining your health. Quick fix
comfort food seems more and more appealing when faced with 12 hour days, and we feel that we
deserve a reward anyway for sacrificing so much during the day.
You can get away with this while youre young, but if you want to maintain your health and
productivity for the long term its a slippery slope. Relying on stimulants to get through your work
day is a dangerous game to play, and while it can undoubtedly pay off if you get the balance right,
its a fine line that can spiral into dependency.

8: Prevent Insulin Spikes

Ive personally found that that the best way to get more long term energy and better focus is to
drastically reduce my sugar intake. Sugar triggers an insulin response, which is bad news because
consistent surges of insulin exhaust your body and result in grueling energy crashes. In fact, one of
the biggest productivity gains that Ive ever achieved in my life is preventing the insulin responses
that were making me tired.

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