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Violence linguistically knew: that the breach

concerned and lack of compassion, which is
the opposite of compassion, and the
heaviest thing, take it badly, and taunting is
scorn and blame. "
In philosophical lexicon: anti-violence
kindness, and is synonymous with the
severity and cruelty, violent and is
characterized by violence, all done very
contrary to the nature of the thing and be
imposed from outside is in some sense a
backlash. "
It is known in the social sciences as: "use
the setting or the illegal use of force or not
in conformity with the law would influence
the will of the individual."

It knows by Social Science Research: "coercion

physical reality of a person to compel him to
conduct or obligation other words is mal-use of
force, and mean inter harm and damage to the
physical integrity of the person (killed - beaten injured), may also use violence against things (the
destruction -vandalism - damage) where assume
these terms a certain kind of violence and
violence is synonymous with the severity and
cruelty. "
Through the above whole can define violence:
that any behavior leads to hurt someone for
someone else may have this behavior verbally
includes simple forms of attacks verbal or threat
may be behavior actually physically battering
severely, rape, arson and murder may be both
may lead to physical pain or psychological injury
or suffering or all of that "

There other definitions know violence servants

towards children as a psychiatric disorder, a
definition Woertz and Omat (Wurtz and
Lomette,) who believes that violence servants
towards children "is inflicting pain to achieve a
certain goal against society, To gain someone
or get satisfaction myself intended Eelam
victim. "
As Neil Smiller Neil.s in Resheed.k)) finds that
violent behavior served to children is only a
deviation of patients, generates forces to
achieve a balance, so balance is maintained
structural and functional in society.



Self reasons:
Are those that stem from motives with the
same rights and which led to domestic violence
and this kind of motivation can be divided into
two parts:
intrinsic motivation that formed in the same
maid result of external circumstances suffered
by such neglect, abuse and violence suffered
by the man since his childhood to other
conditions that accompany rights, which
confirmed to the accumulation of desires
psychological different, and resulted in
contract psychiatric led in the end to
compensation foregoing circumstances to
resort to violence within the family.
the motives that man-portable since its
composition, which arose as a result of the
behavior of violating the laws of the parents
had committed which reflected the impact of
the composition on the child, and can insert
genetic factor within these motives.

Social reasons
Is this kind of motivation in the customs and traditions
parties, which this society and that require maid by
the family with which to work:
A) This type directly proportional to the culture by
society on the degree of family culture, the more the
community a high degree of education and
awareness, and the smaller the role of these motives
so lacking in upscale communities, and on the
contrary, in communities with low culture, as different
degrees the impact of these motivations depending on
the degree of degeneration of the cultures of
B) It also identifies some reasons amnesty familyoriented children as having ancient roots stem from
past problems or violence earlier by both parents or a
family member, the effect being Vtkon roots problem
existing for example loss of a husband or father to
work, you may pay for the exercise of violence

Economic reasons
These motives involved with cruel violence other
with violence towards children by servants but the
difference between them is in the goals aimed from
behind the violence motivated by economic, but this
is a definition of the shipment disappointment and
poverty that reflected its violently by the servants to
children while in non-domestic violence The
purpose behind the use of violence but it is getting
material benefit.
Migration in search of livelihood and employment,
and indulge in it to some extent forgotten wife and
children, and attention to collecting money and
made him the first target, all that authorized the
existence of a state of idleness and lack of
discipline in the affairs of the family.

First: its effects on the individual

Target individual suffers violence from the
bad effects in various areas of mental,
psychological and ethical.
We find that children who are exposed to
development and assimilated and the
proportion of verbal intelligence and the
power of their focus. Psychologically child
suffering from persecution and repression,
depression, poor self-confidence, and
sometimes lack thereof, are also suffering
from anxiety and isolation preference.

Second: its effects on the family

Violence occurs in the family building
dislocation may lead to undermining
it, Valxrah the pair for example, may
lead to bickering and slander and
vilification and falling into schism
prolonged so hard to reform, and
cause the divorce case of instability
leads, a new episode in the series
extended from violence and counterviolence, hurting the throughout
(home Sweet home) values tranquility
and love and compassion.

Third: its effects on society

He says} Taking God Charter of the
People of the Book to people not
Tktamonh {(An'am: 82). It is the lack
of security in the community if the
violence and injustice way and
approach, and we in fact Western
societies of connotations and there is
no need to comment.
The reported statistics prepared by a
council of heads of health and trade
organizations in America that one
million American teenager

Usually retains server abused the child incident

assault a secret between him and the child lips
child need not disclose Sarhama In this case, may
realize the child to the wrong side in the assault is
divulging secret in itself and not the assault is
assumed that if told to his parents notkeeping a
Require disclosure of the Child on the incident use
of the words he knows to be obscene previously
punishment may be used, and therefore reluctant
to declare the incident to his parents for fear of
reprimand, which will receive when he uttered
those words.
Some children believe that relate to his parents is
transferred to others friends , and then deliberately
hide the incident bad happened or a secret of
their own

Child dies socially and thus live

scared pale and often looks
confused stare fear in the eyes of
others, he hates assaulted him and
who are his age or share with him
some of the features.
Loves hung one of his parents
without the other and feels he can
provide him protection of them bore
traces of fear when he goes to the
place in which they occurred fatal
incident is harassment

Child live hateful hating on around him

may be fierce too loves assault on those
who are younger, loves games hazardous
and proved through it strong and try to
terrorize children personality arrogant and
fierce is thus but have Azth those stab
psychologically and killed his pride and his
actions trying to alleviateThe brunt of the
pain that runs the holds.
Be who broke their psychology and their
many harassment until tomorrow to have a
way to attract and bring others of the
opposite sex who may be started enjoying
harassment and requests with over time.

Than ever, has become undoubtedly the

happiest houses those in which it operates
good maid received good treatment from
her employer and the maid turn kids home
and vastly.
For this to happen to be a good choice
maid onset and control behavior with
children, and treat them have suffered
greatly in order to leave her children and
working in other countries far away, and
follow-up continued discover head of the
house if these servers that are worth
entrusted to his children or better
demobilization charitably.

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