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Geometry - Plane Figures Problems and Solutions

Plane figures, solved problems, examples

1,Example: The area of a circle is 6 cm2 greater then the area of the square inscribed into the
circle. Then, the area of the circle is?
Solution: Given Acircle = Asquare + 6. Acircle = ?

2.Example: Into a quarter of a circle with the radius 1 + 2 inscribed is a circle, find the radius
of the inscribed circle.
Solution: Given R = 1 + 2. r = ?

3.Example: Which polygon have two times more diagonals then sides?
Solution: The number of diagonals in a polygon,
where n is the number of polygon sides.
where n is the number of polygon

4.Example: Given is a regular hexagon with the side a into which is inscribed a circle, find the
area between the hexagon and the circle.
Solution: Given a. A = ?

5. Example: If the ratio of the greater angle between diagonals of a rectangle to the smaller
angle is 2 : 1 and a > b then, the ratio a : b of sides of the rectangle is?
Solution: Given j : (180 - j) = 2 : 1 and a > b. a : b = ?

6. Example: Into a circle inscribed is deltoid (kite). If one of its angles between equal sides
subtends 60 then, the relation of the longer to the shorter diagonal is?
Solution: Given a = 60. e : f = ?

7.Example: Determine the least n (the number of sides of a regular polygon), for which the
interior angle of a regular polygon is greater then 163.
Solution: Given a > 163. n = ?
The interior angle of a regular polygon,

8.Example: Deltoid with sides length of 1 and 2 is inscribed into a circle. The ratio of greater to
the shorter diagonal is?
Solution: Given a = 2 and b = 1. e : f = ?

9.Example: One side of a parallelogram is 4 cm, other 6 cm, and the diagonal 42 cm, length of
the other diagonal is?
Solution: Given a = 6 cm, b = 4 cm and d1 = 4square root of 2 cm . d2 = ?

10.Example: Find the area of the rhomb (diamond) with the side of length 20 cm and the
diagonal of length 32 cm.
Solution: Given a = 20 cm and e = 32 cm. A rhombus = ?

11.Example: Length of the side of the right decagon is 12. Find the radius of its circumcircle.
Solution: Given n = 10 and a = 12. r = ?

12.Example: In a circle with the radius 2 cm, on its chord 22 cm long taken as a diameter,
constructed is another circle. The area of the part of that circle, which is outside of the greater
circle, is?
Solution: Given r = 2 cm and t = 22 cm. A = ?

13.Example: Distance of centers of circles with radii, 20 cm and 10 cm, is 50 cm. Their common
external tangent touches one circle at a point D1 and other at D2. Find the length of the segment
Solution: Given r1 = 20 cm, r2 = 10 cm and S1S2 = 50 cm . D1D2 = ?

14.Example: The chord of a circle is long 12 cm and cuts of the circle segment whose height is 3
cm. Find the radius of the circle. Height of the segment equals the difference between the radius
of the circle and the distance of the chord from the circles center.
Solution: Given t = 12 and h = 3. r = ?

15.Example: The perimeter of a circle is divided to the four parts whose arcs relate as 1: 2 : 4 :
5, what are the values of the corresponding central angles?
Solution: Given arcs relationship, 1: 2 : 4 : 5. the corresponding central angles ?

16. Example: Into a circle of the radius r inscribed is a square, to the square inscribed is a circle
and into the circle inscribed is a square, find the length of the side of the latter square.
Solution: Given r. a1 = ?

17.Example: Into a sector with R = 9 and a = 60 inscribed is a circle, find the radius of the
Solution: Given R = 9 and a = 60. r = ?

18.Example: Two circles with radii 3 cm and 1 cm touch externally. The distance of the point of
its contact from their common external tangent is?
Solution: Given R = 3 cm and r = 1 cm. d = ?

19.Example: The ratio of the area of the circumcircle and the area of the inscribed regular
dodecagon is?
Solution: Given n = 12. A circle : A12 = ?

20. Example: In a circle the chord AB subtends the central angle a and the chord CD subtends
the central angle b, if given are, d(AB) = a and angles a and b, then d(CD) is?
Solution: Given d(AB) = a, a and b. d(CD) = ?

21.Example: The area of the sector A = 64 and the perimeter P = 32, find the length of its arc.
Solution: Given A = 64 and P = 32. arc l = ?

22.Example: Bases of an isosceles trapezium are, 21 cm and 9 cm, and its height 8 cm. The
radius of its circumcircle is?
Solution: Given a = 21 cm, c = 9 cm and h = 8 cm. r = ?

23.Example: Find the area of the intersection of two circles with the same radius r = 8 whose
centers lay on each other circumferences.
Solution: Given r = 8. A intersection = ?

24.Example: The area of an annulus equals the quarter of the area of the inner circle. The ratio
of the radius of the inner circle to the radius of the outer circle is?
Solution: Given Aanulus = 1/4 Ar2. r2 : r1 = ?

25.Example: The ratio of the radius of the incircle to the radius of the circumcircle of a right
triangle with legs, a = 3 and b = 4, is?
Solution: Given a = 3 and b = 4. r : R = ?

26.Example: An isosceles trapezoid with the height 5 has perpendicular diagonals. Find the area
of the trapezoid.
Solution: Given h = 5. A trapezoid = ?

27.Example: The ratio of the radius of the incircle to the radius of the circumcircle of a regular
heptagon (n = 7) is?
Solution: Given n = 7. r : R = ?

28.Example: Circumference of a sector is equal to double diameter 4r of the corresponding

circle. The area of the sector is?
Solution: Given P = 4r. A sector = ?

29.Example: From the midpoint of the side of a square of the length 2 circumscribed is the circle
of the radius 2. The area of the intersection of the square and the circle is?
Solution: Given a = r = 2. A intersection = ?

30.Example: Through the centroid of a triangle ABC, parallel to the side AB, drawn is a line l
which intersects the side AC at the point A1 and the side BC at B1. If the area of the triangle ABC
is AD = 27 cm2 find the area of the trapezoid ABB1A1 .
Solution: Given AD = 27 cm2. A trapezoid ABA1B1 = ?

31. From the right triangle ABC shown

40 cm and BC = 30 cm. Points E and F are
point D from hypotenuse AC to the
legs AB and BC, respectively. How far is D from AB so that length EF is minimal?

below, AB =
projections of

EF and BD are diagonals of rectangle EBFD, thus, EF = BD. Length of EF is minimal only if BD is
perpendicular to AC (BD as altitude through B of triangle ABC). Therefore,

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