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/* file:


Dale Drinkard

First Quadrant CORDIC
This is a self contained, configurable CORDIC generator
The user can modify the `defines below to customize the code generation.
This code is for the first quadrant, but is easily extended to the full
circle by first doing a coarse rotation. For example, to compute the
arctan of -y/x, in the second quadrant, feed the cordic function y/x and
then add 90 degrees (or pi/2 if using radian mode) to the result. When
computing sin and cos of an angle, coarse rotate the angle into the first qu
by subtracting the appropriate number of 90 (or pi/2) increments to get the
angle in
the first quadrant, keep track of this value, feed the cordic the angle. Th
simply change the sign of the results based on this stored number.
To use the core comment/uncomment the `defines below. The user can change t
he number
of bits that represent the x,y, and theta values. The core can operate in e
ither radian
or degree mode.
**NOTE** Even though there are allowances for changeing many parameters of t
he code, it is
strongly advised that the user understand the CORDIC algorythm before monkey
ing with these
settings. By default, the core uses 16+sign (17 bit) numbers for x,y, and t
heta, and iterates 16
times in the algorythm. There are two arctan function tables,one for radian
and one for degree
mode. If more iterations or higher precision calculations are desired then
a new arctan table will
need to be computed.
The core will operate in one
of two modes:
ROTATE: In this mode the user supplies a X and Y cartesian vector and an an
gle. The
CORDIC rotator seeks to reduce the angle to zero by rotating the ve
To compute the cos and sin of the angle, set the inputs as follows:
y_in = 0;
x_in = `CORDIC_1
theta_in = the input angle
on completion:
y_out = sin
x_out = cos

The `CORDIC_1 above is the inverse of the cordic gain... or ~0.603

The input angle depends on whether you build in radian or degree mo
see the description of the `defines below.
VECTOR: In this mode the user supplies the tangent value in x and y and the
seeks to minimize the y value, thus computing the angle.
To compute the arctan set the inputs as follows
y_in and x_in such that y/x = the tangent value for which you wish
to find the angle
theta_in = 0;
on completion
theta_out = the angle

/* data valid flag
The iterative CORDIC implementations take a predetermined number of clock cyc
les to complete
If the VALID_FLAG is defined the core instantiates a dvalid_in and dvalid_out
signal. This
signal makes no sense in the COMBINATORIAL mode.
// `define VALID_FLAG
/* Angle mode
The CORDIC can work with the angle expressed in radians or degrees
Uncomment the appropriate `define below.
RADIAN_16 uses 16 bit values (+ sign bit for 17 bit accuracy). angle informat
is in the format U(1,15) where bit 16 is the sign bit, bit 15 is the whole num
ber part
and bits [14:0] are the fractional parts.
DEGREE_8_8 uses U(8,8) + a sign bit where bit 16 = the sign bit, [15:8] = the
whole number part
and [7:0] = the fractional.
The user can define other formats by creating a new tanangle function
// `define DEGREE_8_8
`define RADIAN_16
/* Bit accuracy for sin and cos
The X and Y values are computed using a `XY_BITS + sign bit accuracy. The for
mat is assumed to be U(1,15) + sign bit
However, the CORDIC algorythm really doesn't care.
`define XY_BITS

/* Bit accuracy for theta

The angle can be represented in either degree or radians. This define determi
nes the number of bits used to represent the
angle. Going to a higher number of bits would allow more iterations thus impr
oving accuracy. 16 bits is enough for
most applications.
`define THETA_BITS 16
/* Iteration accuracy
This is the number of times the algorithm will iterate. For pipelined options
, this is the number of stages.
This number is <= the number of bits used in the angles
`define ITERATIONS 16
/* Implementation options
The CORDIC core can be realized in one of three methods:
ITERATE: This option builds a single ROTATOR. The user provides the argument
s and gives the core ITERATIONS
clock cycles to get the result. A signal named init is instantiated
to load the input values. It uses the
least amount of LUTs
PIPELINE: This option can take a new input on every clock and gives results IT
ERATIONS clock cycles later. It uses the
most amount of LUTS.
COMBINATORIAL: This option gives a result in a single clock cycle at the expe
nse of very deep logic levels. The
combinatorial implementation runs at about 10 mhz while the it
erative ones run at about 125 in a
Lattice ECP2 device.
//`define ITERATE
`define PIPELINE
/* CORDIC function
The CORDIC core works in one of two methods: VECTOR and ROTATE.
VECTOR: This mode seeks to reduce the Y values and is used to compute an ang
le given a point.
Enter the sin and cos of the desired angle and the core calculates t
he angle. This
mode computes ARCTAN.
ROTATE: This mode seeks to reduce the angle. It can be used to compute the
sin and cos of a given angle
//`define VECTOR
// computes the arctan and square root
`define ROTATE
// computes sin cos
The CORDIC algorithm has an associated gain that is:
CORDIC_gain = for (i=0;i<n;i++) An = An*SQRT(1+(1/2^2i)
This quickly converges to ~ 1.647 as i goes to infinity.

For 16 bit numbers in the U(1,15) the value is 17'd53955

*** NOTE *** If you change the number representations
you will have to recompute these values.
`define CORDIC_GAIN 17'd53955
`define CORDIC_1 17'd19896

// CORDIC inverse

DO NOT EDIT BELOW THIS LINE ======================

/* Signed shifter
This module does an arbitrary right shift to implement'
the 1/2^i function on signed numbers
module signed_shifter (
input wire [`ITERATION_BITS-1:0] i,
input wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] D,
output reg signed [`XY_BITS:0] Q );
integer j;
always @ * begin
Q = D;
for(j=0;j<i;j=j+1) Q = (Q >> 1) | (D[`XY_BITS] << `XY_BITS);
/* Rotator
This module is the heart of the CORDIC computer and implements the CORDIC algo
Input values x_i, y_i, and z_i are micro computed based on the iteration step
and the arctan of that step. See the description of the CORDIC algorithm for
module rotator (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
`ifdef ITERATE
input wire init,
input wire [`ITERATION_BITS:0] iteration,
input wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] tangle,
input wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
input wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
input wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] z_i,
output wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
output wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
output wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] z_o
parameter integer iteration = 0;
parameter signed [`THETA_BITS:0] tangle = 0;

reg signed [`XY_BITS:0] x_1;

reg signed [`XY_BITS:0] y_1;
reg signed [`THETA_BITS:0] z_1;
wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] x_i_shifted;
wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] y_i_shifted;
signed_shifter x_shifter(iteration,x_i,x_i_shifted);
signed_shifter y_shifter(iteration,y_i,y_i_shifted);
always @ *
`ifdef ITERATE
always @ (posedge clk)
always @ (posedge clk)
if (rst) begin
x_1 <= 0;
y_1 <= 0;
z_1 <= 0;
end else begin
`ifdef ITERATE
if (init) begin
x_1 <= x_i;
y_1 <= y_i;
z_1 <= z_i;
end else
`ifdef ROTATE
if (z_i < 0) begin
`ifdef VECTOR
if (y_i > 0) begin
x_1 <= x_i + y_i_shifted; //shifter(y_1,i); //(y_1
y_1 <= y_i - x_i_shifted; //shifter(x_1,i); //(x_1
z_1 <= z_i + tangle;
end else begin
x_1 <= x_i - y_i_shifted; //shifter(y_1,i); //(y_1
y_1 <= y_i + x_i_shifted; //shifter(x_1,i); //(x_1
z_1 <= z_i - tangle;
assign x_o = x_1;
assign y_o = y_1;
assign z_o = z_1;
module cordic (
input wire clk,
input wire rst,
`ifdef ITERATE
input wire init,
input wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
input wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
input wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] theta_i,

>> i);
>> i);
>> i);
>> i);

output wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]

output wire signed [`XY_BITS:0]
output wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] theta_o
,input wire valid_in, output wire valid_out
`ifdef RADIAN_16
arctan table in radian format 16 bit + sign bit.
function [`THETA_BITS:0] tanangle;
input [3:0] i;
case (i)
4'b0000: tanangle = 17'd25735 ; // 1/1
4'b0001: tanangle = 17'd15192;
// 1/2
4'b0010: tanangle = 17'd8027;
// 1/4
4'b0011: tanangle = 17'd4075;
// 1/8
4'b0100: tanangle = 17'd2045;
// 1/16
4'b0101: tanangle = 17'd1024;
// 1/32
4'b0110: tanangle = 17'd512;
// 1/64
4'b0111: tanangle = 17'd256;
// 1/128
4'b1000: tanangle = 17'd128;
// 1/256
4'b1001: tanangle = 17'd64;
// 1/512
4'b1010: tanangle = 17'd32;
// 1/1024
4'b1011: tanangle = 17'd16;
// 1/2048
4'b1100: tanangle = 17'd8;
// 1/4096
4'b1101: tanangle = 17'd4;
// 1/8192
4'b1110: tanangle = 17'd2;
// 1/16k
4'b1111: tanangle = 17'd1;
// 1/32k
`ifdef DEGREE_8_8
arctan table in degree U(8,8) format 16 bits + sign bit
function [`THETA_BITS:0] tanangle;
input [3:0] i;
case (i)
0: tanangle = 17'd11520; // theta = 45.000000
1: tanangle = 17'd6800; // theta = 22.500000
2: tanangle = 17'd3593; // theta = 11.250000
3: tanangle = 17'd1824; // theta = 5.625000
4: tanangle = 17'd915;
// theta = 2.812500
5: tanangle = 17'd458;
// theta = 1.406250
6: tanangle = 17'd229;
// theta = 0.703125
7: tanangle = 17'd114;
// theta = 0.351562
8: tanangle = 17'd57;
// theta = 0.175781
9: tanangle = 17'd28;
// theta = 0.087891
10: tanangle = 17'd14;
// theta = 0.043945
11: tanangle = 17'd7;
// theta = 0.021973
12: tanangle = 17'd3;
// theta = 0.010986
13: tanangle = 17'd1;
// theta = 0.005493
14: tanangle = 17'd0;
// theta = 0.002747

15: tanangle = 17'd0;


// theta = 0.001373

wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] x [`ITERATIONS-1:0];
wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] y [`ITERATIONS-1:0];
wire signed [`THETA_BITS:0] z [`ITERATIONS-1:0];
assign x[0] = x_i;
assign y[0] = y_i;
assign z[0] = theta_i;
assign x_o = x[`ITERATIONS-1];
assign y_o = y[`ITERATIONS-1];
assign theta_o = z[`ITERATIONS-1];
wire [`ITERATIONS-1:0] v;
assign valid_out v[`ITERATIONS-1];
always @ (posedge clk or posedge rst)
if (rst) v <= 0;
else begin
v <= v << 1;
v[0] <= valid_in;
genvar i;
generate for(i=0;i<`ITERATIONS-1;i=i+1) begin
rotator U (clk,rst,x[i],y[i],z[i],x[i+1],y[i+1],z[i+1]);
defparam U.iteration = i;
defparam U.tangle = tanangle(i);
`ifdef ITERATE
reg [`ITERATION_BITS:0] iteration;
wire signed [`XY_BITS:0] x,y,z;
assign x = init ? x_i : x_o;
assign y = init ? y_i : y_o;
assign z = init ? theta_i : theta_o;
always @ (posedge clk or posedge init)
if (init) iteration <= 0;
else iteration <= iteration + 1;
rotator U (clk,rst,init,iteration,tanangle(iteration),x,y,z,x_o,y_o,theta_o);

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