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arr Missing Miss THE VAUGHAN REVIEW Una miss en paradero desconocido. 1s pblished nomily ands Vevghon System pblice ial Ta lot’ 3 ied ety nl By the way “io lose the plot Pair significa “perder la chaveta”’. as, ignifica “perder la chavetc fet or Contdinors in ehief “miss” Ian Ate Cos | Comins Er: seated pemen Hg oe - Ss _ Sinton 1No te lo piesdes i sustains epee I really miss my friends from back home i Seen neti Realmente echo de menos a mis amigos de mi pais. i oestecn reve our eta N daslons Ba The man has been missing for over a mont jou will dad "The Varghen Revlew" a reftshing cone Ei hombre leva un mes sin dar sefates de vida. | Shee your ug pleme eat te ‘ T'm sorry | missed your speech, Siento haberme perdido tw diseurse Sorry, | missed what you said. Lo siento, no of lo que difiste, Ican’t believe he missed! | ee No me puedo creer que fallare. Eduardo Duo, 3in Vad. Pitho) Telephone een: ? 1-39 4 30 mater econ Now that I work I miss having time for myself. elie lan Ahora que estoy trabajando, Fido echo de menos mi tiempo libre. Deposit egal Staion You're missing the point Iss Meet he 1698-48 No me has entencido bien. The car just missed the man. El coche per poco le da al hombre. VW There were so many people that we missed each other, Haber tanta gente que no nos vimos. Vaughan’ ‘Systems sented) pooteLanguayean! Cosnuniaton Dee CURLS The “cision fields” A section in which we focus on the way we slide one word into another creating “new words” which sound uninte- liigible to 4 Spaniard. For example, when we say “its” we are actually using three words you know peifeetly well itis +a, Itis essential to lear these “new words” as it will help you understanding of the spoken enguage ‘enomeusly. Recogsiaing these cortracto sions, represonts the key to reaching a beter understanding of Fglish as spoken by native speakers. It isthe key 10 “English Paradise". Don't forget thatthe “Blision Fiolds" are right before the “Elysian Ficlds” Last time we looked at a Chinese sounding “word”. This time I would like 1@ draw yourattemion wo a “word” ‘hich sounds as if is were of Arabian origin - “AYMA™. This is how we say “I'ma..” Knowing this, Task you not to tam the pege thinking how easy ths exersise is going to be. Many Spaniards have difficulty pronouncing. them” sound in this particular case preferring she unintelligible and elumsy-sounding* “AIN A". The "m" is strong and must be audible. The stronger you make it sound the quicker you will be able to speak and the more ratwal your English will sound. * que sens torpe 1m poco confindl AYMA bit confused AYMA coming, Fay AYMABALUT © call her ero a penta de Hamarta, AYMA reaches a Soy profesor L AYMA litle bit stressed, | Estoy en poco estresado. rain es Do you iow what AYMAFREID of eSubes to que me da miedo? thnk AYMABAUT to stecze! Hanne Pn ae sez! ‘Creo que estoy a punto de estormudar! Nacho The Sensitive and Artistic Touch of a Lawyer naa 1gracio Femndodez Peon, or Nashows we cell him, is our aristic director, webmastes, graphic signer, ard fiend, He and J have «special relationship. Lil! found Nacho. the aesthetic and artiste policy, as Well asthe actual expression of this policy at Vaughan Systems, was mine. You can imagine the elie? when the presilert of a company car filly delegate an impomant area of | responsibilty. But the rolof was oven greater when Trelized how close Nacao and I were in our appreciation ofthe eesetc. We av always on the came werve-lonsth Empower the right person and you will feel empowered Before met Nacho, {te peviealy capable ot preducing good! arsvork For our outside graphies and print suppliers id the desian, ‘worked the layout. chose the reture and colors, and supervseé the ottsourced production. t took tte away from athe tasks but | ‘vas uncompromising’ on quality and tase. Then Nacho walked in he door, freed-me oF all these eshs and unknow'mgly*tught me A valuable lesson in delegation and empowennent. Within three montis the creative and aristic power of Vaughan Systems had doubled and my own artistic sensitivity and mindset‘ had doubled as vell, Now L am relemless a ‘iy quest for aesthetic quality nthe presertatn of our company because Nacke ne'er fa te produce an endless stream of quality the five citfewen: Vougtan wetsits, te famous ‘Vaughan calendar, the ataetive brochures the subile* high immact of logs, poser, ‘and neon displays he biiant photography [Nacho isthe operitions arm of my’ own ereatviy. At nevererding sours cenhance’ the image that Vaughan Systems projects and 10 belp the RED department ofthe company ins ongoing" predlustion of teaching materials I need an artist! Find me a lawyer! dans nd proposals to Nacho is a lawyer by study and by sade, He worked far 10 years in Tegal consulting, moonlighting” as a web desighes. By a sok: of Tuck” Vaugnan ‘Systems found him and pei him to design our fet serious website, For me it was sear tha wanted his Spanish lewyer to leave law fo: geod" and help mv creae the most erstially oromted language taining company in Spain, As sual, struck geld inthe most unexpected place. Vaughan Syserns hts strange aac!" for finding suserb eolleboritar smong people whe never studied for the Helds ia question. Nacho, the lawyer is simply fone more example that talent sane fous anyarhere and oe where you Inst exec it ‘Now Nacho has 160 people helping hie and T envisage him baving 10 before the endof this decade. He may vot realize it but Nacho hes taught me that good delegation erapovvers me tremendously: Now it's fis turnto eare this lesson, delegate to others and see the vast power of his own creativity. Richard Vaughan 1 otwa 2 ats teens J mauetcin 4 ei 5 sinaberto ‘ 7 impacebe 5 3 8 ramet 10 eid 13 hacer phniepieo 14 golpedesute 1S pose sme 15 habit P ameginer Perec cent enna Miss vs Lose 1 Existe mucha confusion a la hora de seleccionar con éxito el verbo “miss” o “lose” cuando uno quiere expresar el verbo “perder” en inglés. “Miss” significa “perder” en el sentido de “no coger, no ver, no oi, no marcar, no aprovechar” ‘Se e pasaron res errores enel texto, She missed three mistakes in the we | Dehido al réfco, perctmos el partido, | Due te the tailic jam, we missed the mateh, Pendié una epornunided de oro He missed a golden epportunity No puedo creer que fallara el ponctt Tenn't believe he missed the penalty Lo siento, no 0 lo que me dijiste. Sorry, | missed wha you said Sigamos con més ejemplos. Veras que también “miss” significa afiorar o echar de menos. Perdi el autobns ast que tive que coger 1m taxi | | missed the bus s0 Thad to get asaxi Al final, perdimos fa rewni6n, In the end, we missed the meeting Echo mucho de menos a mis amigas de mi puebio. [really miss my friends trom back home Ecko de menos a fa gente con valores tradtcionales. [miss people with tdlitional values. Echo de mers fa comida ce mt madre Tiss my mother’s cooking 2 ee OS Miss vs Lose 2 “Lose” es mucho mas comin que su hermana pequefia “miss”. Loempleamos pare significar “perder” en el sentido de “no encontrar” o “no ganar”. He perdido las taves de mi coche, No lav enctiontre on minguona parte. Pose elpapelito ane me dite, ‘Spi Semen ea pela cess Ela siempre piende juga o las carts Perdieron el partido en et tlio minuto Pye lost my car ey. can’t fndshem anyrwhers. Test the piace of paper you gave me, Tim soahseut-minded’ ['m always losing things They lost the match inthe “Lose” es ademas el verbo que utilizamos cuando hablamos de perder a un ser querido. Nommalmente “me perdi” no se dice “T lost myself” sino “T got lost”. Pend a abuela cuardo tenia 20 ons Eneldesasne pervcieron 1, Me perdien tos barrios pobres de Barcelona: Code ver queso plerde siempre pide aye. Melo puedes repiti? Me ests Hea [lost my grandmother when I was twenty Fifleen lives were lost inthe diester 1 got lost in the the buck streets of Barcelona Whenever she gets Tost she always ashs for help Can you repeat that? You're losing me. Vaughan - The best English teachers in Spain. Cloverdale’s characters 1Li Tong has been ‘aking Enaish lessons for the past four months. At frst, he thoughthe ‘wasolt capatle of learning even the simplest forms of the language. However, than the holp bis daughter has given im and thanks to 2 postive teacher change in the language school, Li's made excellent progress. Every bight he ad is daughter study dhe language for about $0 mmutes. the new teacher that Lt hhas in the language school speaks periect Chinese, He's fom Ireland, but he's been living in Shanghai since be was 4 yeurs old His name is Pat Riley and he's 24. Bos of his Parents are professors atthe Shanghai University. Over the past three weeks, Pa hes spoken to Li several tes about what he should dot speed up the leaming process. He gave Lian audio tape and told him to take it to work and leave't on al day while ne was working inthe faciory, He told him not to worry if didn't understand what the penpie were saying inthe tape In fac, he told iin not to listen tt, Due to pay srtetion this work, keeping the English sound wihin earshot. According to Pa, Li would slowly aglish sounds and become familiar with the cadence, IFLi did this over a period of one year, for example, le would prowsess tw get used te hearin (onation, nd phones 3s fast because he'd find the aew forms taught in class easier to assimilate Tae sounds would be familiar to bien, Pat remanded him thet children absorb their mother tongue quickly because they ace surrounded by it 1S hours a day over several years, He told Li that be should take advantage of the eight hours be spends everyday at bis worktable to simulate this kind of language atmosptore. Li followed Pat's advice and has been keeping tho audio tape on at his worctable for the pest nvo weeks. He even plays the tape st home as background masia. He's aleady ctaring to recognize certain sounds and, more importantly be's starting to feel comfortable with tho language during the class sessions. 1 How long hs Li Tong ber takiag Eagish eesone? 17. What ide tel him specially no 2 What i be think abou: bis eapbities at fst? 1 What did tel him Wo pay atention w wiilehe ape 5, What kad of progress hat ie madelany? was uniog? 4 Whutewo fio hve indneed his posts? 19, Accoting Paw wold Li shomly ot wed? 55 When d> Liand his douse sty Engh together? 20, What would become taney How mach tine dothey deoteto Ui syst 21, Accorling to Pa, how much faster Weald Li rogess 7 BesidesEoslst, what cher anmuageéoes With is Englsh he id his for year? ‘Lienou teacher pe? 22 Why would be proses fate? i Waresbe fom? 25, What Pat emind Li of soucesing chide? 9 How fag ashe bse ving ia Shang? 24 How many hoses aay iL the ator? to, Why has he be lsingin Sbangha: fora Lng? 25. How ed Pat sggest that Li sould ake atc 1 Whats his ame” ofthoe eight urs every day? 12. How old abe? 126, Did Li flow the teaches adres? 13, Whats Pat Roy spon o Li stout everthe pas ow bghashe lees heping the ape oot wok? three weeks? 28, What does be do at heme ths egal? us, What dhe give Lit 129, Whatishe already staring to zognine? 15, What dif heel Lito do wih the siege 0, How isbestaing wo fel sending te laxzuaae? 16, What dl heal ot ony about? 00 p: Tray “NORMAL” vs AUXILIARY VERBS The Logic of the English Language (I) Every year and irs the same old story. Hundreds of thousands of Spaniards suffer the misconception® thatthe English lan- guage i one ong succession of iegilaities. Nottre! From astractural point of view, Enals is actually extemels staight- jorward. Theexcepiions tendo aise in matessconesming spelling or verbal usage die, pat, to he ac tha ct aber thonetc langage Mas developed in parallel aver the pest few cents on either sds ofthe pond (Mantic Oesan) wth no governing body in the shape ofa Royal Academy to hold itback in its excesses However, in order to grasp the workings of English itis imporantto ave a clear concep! ofthe language as. whole. Meny ‘people are under the misapprehension® chat you can divide all the veros into two essential groups ~ regular and iregular. A bisa Anyone wo ils you ts misguing* you and utiratey Tag yout yewpei am whi he angusze self looks rather complex Let's imagine all the verbs in the English language. On the one hand we have regular and inegular verbs which make up ‘99,09900859 percent of all the verbs inthe English language. 1 will reer to these as “normal verbs ‘Then, on the other Fand, we have all the ausiliary ard moéal verbs which we can safely duce to bwelve for everyday xe. ‘These serbs are Must, Should, Might, May, Will, Would. Shall, Can, Ought to these first nine have arly ane Form). the verb “to Be" wiich does not always function as an auniliry verb but always behaves like one, the vers “to Hleve” when it means “haber” and not “tener” and the verb to Do (not when it means “hacer” but when ased to form questions and negatives with all ofthe 99.999999 percent oF verbs we mentioned earlier} ‘Thokey to English is understanding ihe behaviour of this second group —the ausiliaies, When you fully comprehend the ins and ous of this verbal group, eversthing will suddeniy seem extremely easy: “The affirmative The word order isthe sime for both groups — “Ausillary Verbs: Subject + Verb 1 - can Normal Verbs Subject + Verb I + Live ‘The negative There is ALWAYS an auxiliary verb in action in nogative verkal exprossions Auniliary Verbs: Subject + Auli is Not + Infinitive ‘Verb 1 + can + Not + @ ‘Normal Verbs Subject + Auuiliary + Not + Infinitive Verb (Present) 1 +. Do + Net + Ge Past) I a Did + Not + @ * El prefio “mis-” equivale al prefijo espaol “mal Sa “NORMAL” vs AUXILIARY VERBS The Logic of the English Language (II) ‘The interrogatve ‘There is ALWAYS an ausiliary verb in action in the You ALWAYS have to invert the subject and the ausiliary verb to form a question with ANY type of verb, Auxiliary Verbs Auxillary . Subject + Infinitive Verb cm + you + lay? Normal Verbs Auxiliary Subject + Intintive Verb (Preent) L - you play (Past) Di you pa Negative Interrogative ‘There is always an auxiliary verb in action in the negative intertozative The order is ALWAYS - Auiliary Verb + Not + Subject ~ Intinitive We usually use the contraction in the negative question Auxtiary Yerns Awxiliary Nu + Subjecc + —Infiative Verb cu + 1 * you think? Normal Verbs Nat cS Sabject, = Infinitive Verb (Presen) De % at + you + think (Pasty Dit + ne + you + think? rae “NORMAL” vs AUXILIARY VERBS The Logic of the English Language (II!) Ir wi This verb is often mistaught*. Tis is not the fusure tense. In fact, in English we don't have a future simple tense ‘We have six different ways of expressing the furure in English but none of them constitute the future per se Wild's an euxiliary verb, and like most ausiliary verbs, it functions in conjunction with the infinitive ‘Therefore you can never say “Do you will come?” Why? Because willis an auxiliary verb in itself ane does aot need st secoud auailiary w formulate a question, Affirmative Suinject + Ausiliry + Inintive Vorb 1 + Will + Go | Negative + Auviliry = Nor Intiitive | Verb 1 - wil + Not + Go Interrogative Auniliry + Suijest + Inte Verb wil + you + 60? Have as “tener” Have isa verb which can miskad because when it means “rezer” it functions as @ normal verb and when it means “haber” it Functions as an auxiliary verb. To further complicate maters, we have 1wo ways of saying “vo tengo” in the present -“T have” (nermal verb) and “I have (euxiliary verb) got,” The equivalent question is “Do you have” or “Have you got?” and NEVER “Have you” Ler’ look atthe interrogative in both cases. “Thave* as Ausilisry Subject + Perfect = ojeer | Ausiliary Verb Verb Participle (Present Only’) Have + you sot + apreblem? “Have" as Ausiliary 2 Subject - Infinitive + Object Normal Verb Verb (Present) Do ~ yu > hve + aprablen? (ass Did - you > hve + aproblen? *Mistaugit - see bottom of p oars “NORMAL” vs AUXILIARY VERBS The Logic of the English Language (IV) Adverbs of frequency ‘The identification of one verb as a “normal verb oras an ausiliary / modal verb {also crucial mn cetermining the positioning of most aéverbs of frequency (never rarely / sometimes often / always ete) ‘Normal Verbs Ifthe verbis a “NORMAL VERB" the adverb of fiequency soes BEFORE the verb. Adverb of frequency Sabje ' Adverb + Verb Never + never + drink Rarely He + racely + goes out Sometimes You + sometimes = Otten We - often se Always They + always Auxiliary / Modal Verbs he verb isan AUXILIARY / MODAL VERB the adverb of Fequenty goes AFTER the verb. Adverb offrequeney Subject - Vero + Adverb Never 1 - am + ever Jae Rarely She + will - rarely = eaveeaily Sometimes You ' are ~ sometimes + tate Often We + can + otter + tell Always They + have + alvays + You see just how straiginforward English ean he! Richard Brown THE VAU Adjectives ending in “ful” NTT ‘Todo el mundo conoce la palabre “seaurifit” pero sorprende porque, a posar de ser una palebra tan comin, hay pocos es pafoles que fa pronancian corredtarente. Loimporante aquies ser consciente de no pronunciar Ia iti silaka com “fu", Se promuncis “Yor”. Respecte a la ertagrafia solo hay un adjetivo deuso frecuente que acaba en “ful (con “II")y 2 precisamente nussitoadjetive para “Tleno”—"fill. Todos los dems aeaban en una sola Ave Beautifal Boastfil Careful Cheeril* Deceitiul Gratetul Powerit! Respect Tearful Thoughtful Horrible Precioso Hermoso Fanfarrin Cuidhcdoso, Prudeme Alegre Falso Engatioso Agraleetdo Poderoso, sspenoso Lioraso Ponsotio, sent Un acheive nary comin Poon ‘The weather's awl at he moment! She was the most heantifal woman [had ever seer. Pron’ {can’t sand him, He's s0 boastful, Prom ‘You'll have to be careful about what you say Pron She's such a happy, cheerful litle soul Pro He was so dectitfil towards his wife Prom 'm extremely graceful you made te effort come. Pron: ‘The United Staes isthe most powerful nation on Earth Pro Ihave always becn respect ef people's re Prom She had a warful look in her eve Pron You look thoughfil, What's on your mind? Prom (Paveces pansatixn. ¢En qué estin pencanc?) “fol” Bit fot ‘Bosal ‘Quéfot ‘Chiafo! Desitfol Greifor Pai aft Tia fol Zisfol Adjeriva estrella, Ali emsie) Creepy Comer® El temible ... Will you can?i, “Will you can come to the meeting?.” ‘Lobe oido mis de una vez! Esta monstruosided inv deja secuelas graves. [No puede haber dos verbos auniiares en ura pregunta Elverbo “can” es incomplete, Para formar el futuro tenemos que recurtir a un verbe compuesto “to be able to”. Godnis? = Will you be able wo? (Pods vent? WILL you BE ABLETO come? (Padre furnar? WILL [BE ABLE TO sncke’ Pedra participer? WILL be BE ABLE TO whe :Pocrén solueionarel problema? WILL they BE ABLE TO (Pod ella entenderles? WILL sie BE ABLE TO. Pods encontru el vestaurante? WILL youBEABLE TO inaite ss {Por qué ro podra terminaclo a tiempo? Why WON'T he BE ABLE TO finish it in time? {Por qué ellano pod dejar de fumar? Why WON'T she BE ABLE TO give up smoking? Por qué na pode hacer Why WON'T he BE ABLETO do ie? {Por cus no podtiin comprario? Why WON'T they BE ABLE TO buy it? {Porqué no pedré montar ls mesa? Why WON'T I BE ABLE TO put iogether the table? Por qué no podremos aleanzar le curmbre? Why WON'T we BE ABLE TO reac’ the summit? LEB Setr gy ate ees RTS AN REVIEW Business Letter 16 Fstimadi Sosa Le escuibo en eespuests asa carat gue expend ints en teahgjar one deparamente de markstig de aoetta snipes. {Lei sa curielum ¥ me reas muy inaresune Sin embargo, desaforunadamente, nesta empresa esti soretida ‘un ampieinso programa de restictrzcon o que sgntics que 4 momento no cortemplancs la onraticon de pesoral nuevo Dicto esto, en cuam as cows se asemen un poco es simple nem cues de ics:s-me gusts niche que nos viesanoe {que larga experioeis rabaende enol mercado sudaererict- 1 sigue muy de ceva a linea de os planes de expansion que ‘iene nucsts empresa para los préximns cinco ato. Siento no poder dvie una vespuesa mis satitatrie pen enna seguramente render ls cireunstansias algo instal, no ‘o permien, Me ponéeé en ents con used a princnion de verano. Gracias de revo por si interés en uabaiar pa GAT S.L. Arommament, | mse wil une Dear Suan, [ovr in resposew your leu in wich you expressed an inte ‘atin working inthe merken depen ef oat company | read hrcugh your CV which Hound of grt intrest However, unforunutely our compeny is coment undergoing an sbi resinctutng programine Wich means thes we are net ‘contemplating takirg on any nee sa forthe ine being. That sai, a Soon as thngs sete down a bi—i"s simply a mat- ter oF mons ~( would very much ke co meet op as ou lng ‘experience worhing ia the Sou American mathe is very mah inline with th plans our company has fo expansion over the rext fives, Tamm sony [cant give you a snore saistactory response bit, as sl fhe ther uaa crcumsianees aac allow: mew, 1 ill hein wed inthe eaiy part of suet ‘Tank you ain fo your interest in working for GAT ple Yours sincerely, invich ‘As we are being specific here we carmot use“ slthough iedoest sound as forma the eative prenoun, “Where” is ancther posit expressed animrest_ The indfinie atl is ptonal here so don't wen f yu haven vinta i esd ous “The wed “heughi notalogthernecessiry but des convey he des orang # document horeughly and wit intest ov {iso longer common ro wre et te fill Lain words “Curcuhe Vie" wtih mens Don't forget the “Shere! Thee only ene reaion given so the verb mus: bein he singular taking on ‘Hore th verb souads mh tem than the rou in Enish_ OF couse you may hve sel “hiking sorting” ch are cceptable forthe rime teing Thies the most usual way of expressing the Spanish “de momento", “Fore moment pot ncomect but dese’ sound very natura nee up \We often ad the reposition “up” = Yo mee up ven We suggest mecting samen "Let's Nee Up" 6 very ‘Heguemly su long experience ake sure you hanen' wsten “lenge experience” which would bea raher stage way of saying “Nast experience Pe sonyt sesetalto peat the subjecher afer ibe word “Sony donotallow me In Spanish you ca usea normal chject ronoun “lo” (i) 1 avid repeating a yertal clase. [n English it isnewessery {a say the word "Io" afer he seecnl verb “Lcamot give you (a ore satisfatory response) but creumstances do not allow me 1 (gives mere satsfaeory response), Why? Bvuuse “canna” does nn equi "0 nut allow” does. Naar nda. PST Secretarial 1 - List 9 Vaughan Systems | Pénte a prucka. Tapa la columna derecha con un papel y traduce al inglés las frases en | espaol, comprobando tu nivel de dominio a medida qui progresas por la lista oy'a potir que le manden ores (alls) ‘Frm going o order some flowers tobe sen toe L Empievoa mand os Chrismas eis semanas cnte de Navidad. 1 str sending out Chrismas exes si Weak ke [8 eet meme seta a | A EiSe Rec reside Mr. Beez wil hath meeting i {i Cuindo quiere usted que ecrrvequemas ta reunién? When db you want us to call the meeting? : | [a reunidn se cellar en la sala de consejos. ‘The meeting wil be hald in the hosrdracen, i | 20 de Gena. Hde Honduras... 1 de lalla Ga in GoW, Has in Motels in India 23. Qde queso... R de Roma... Sde Sevilla Qas in Québec... as in Romeo... 8 as in Sie sto lisa de 23 frases de ws0 comin forme parte de a verte de lista smaares, ev exe caso de présima aparicia, gue suman, et ‘su tnd, 35.900 frases, sda devo de wr inglés relevent rcs uraPuaas tamdic en CD. Cia rime de The Vaughn || Review contend varias sis como éita. Si dasoa conocarsste mera 0 tka vu vigucea, poded ancontrarte cn wwseanhan ‘eda com 9 ien andar ncarren dt axrianas meys.co0) rea A bit of optimism (2) | Last month we looked st ter hew much” which is used with uncountable nouns | and a0 matter how ~ adjective" Ths time I would like to concentrate on the other two possible u "No maiterhow many” to be used with countab 28 of this structure, jural nouns and “no matter how + adverb" Personally I wy not to use these expressions too often as I prefer @ more positive approach :0 life No matter how many... Por mucha gente que have en ta fiesta, No matter how many people there are atthe party segairas sintiéndote soto. ‘you'll sill feel lonely Por muchas ejercicins ewe hagas, No matter how many exercises you do, munca conseguirés meterte ese vestido, you'll never fit into that dress, Por muchas libros que lean, ‘No matter how many books vou read, munca seris tan sabio como Sderates. you'll never be as wise as Socrates. Por machos amarcias que pangas en fa selevisién, No matter how many adverts you put om television ni pirate muce venders més que ef lider de mercado your product will never outsell the market lead: Por muchas fotos que ne hages No matter hew many photos you tke, you'll never get a good one of | No matter how + adv... Por may rdpide que escrbas, No matter how quickly you write, ‘anea Hlegaras a apumtar tod ta informacion. you will never get all the infomation down, Por muy bien que jucgues af tenis, No matter how well you play tennis, nusice serds canpodn you'll Por may temprano que te levantes ‘No matter how early sou getup, theve will aways } Irobns siempre olgnion delamte de ie ia cola | bbe comeane in front of you in the ques, | | Por mucho enidede que tengas al volante, No matter how carefully you drive, siompre fe un riesgo there's always a tisk, Por niche que te concenires, No matter how hard youcorventrte. you'linever | nunca recortards radios fos nombres de fa Aste. remeraber all the names on the lis. | | een NTT: To Pick Up (1) Pick up Picked up ‘Picked up El verbo “to pick yp” (recoger) es uno de los pocos verbs compuestos cue los espaitoles éominan Estards de acuerdo, Pero zestés seguro al cien por cien? Por primera vez en esta seccidn, no sdlo nos vamos a concentrar en un verbo y sus diferentes significados segiin la preposicién que le acompana, sino en un verbo con le misma Preposicién y aueve posidles equivalentes en castellarc. iEsto es lo bonito del ing Por gjemplo no es necesariamente lo mismo “a pick someone up at the station” (recoger) 0 "to pick someone wp ut the station” (ligarse con alguien). Exactamente la misma frase, pero de inuy distin significado. Exasperante, ;verdad? Picking up the lingo, | picked up a lot of Italian when T was in Milan lest year, It wasn’t by means of the traditional aca- demic path, mind. I did pick up a good Italian grammar book in a second-hand bookstore but it did- a’Lreally help my Italian. In fact I spent most of the first month speaking English with some friends I made from Manchester. I even managed to pick up BBC radio four on my radio. One day every- thing changed. 1 was riding my scooter when I had an accident. My scooter was a write-oi so | picked myself up and decided to hitch a lift back into town, An elderly man picked me up. He twr- ned out to be a retired Italian teacher and we soon became friends. He picked up all my mistakes until | began to pick up on them myself. Inevitably my Ttalian soon picked up and | even picked up something of a Milanese accent. Aprendi macho italiano cuaneo estuve en Mitdn ef alo pasaclo, No obstante no fue por el wadicio- nal camino académico. Consegui un buen libro de gramética italiana en una fibreria de segundo mano pero no aytedé mucho a mi italiano. En realidad pasé gran parte del primer mes hablando inglés con unos amigos que conaci de Manchester. Hasta logré captar le cadena cuairo de la BBC. Un dia todo cambio. Estaba conduciendo mi vespa cuando tuve un accidente, La vespa quedd hecha chatarra asi que me levanté y decidi volver a ta ciudad en anuostop. Un anciano me recogic. Results ser un profesor de italiano jubilado y pronto nos hicimos amigos. Et me corrigié todos ios ervores hasta que empecé a dare cuenta de ellos yo mismo. Pronto ¢ inevitablemente mi italiano mejor6 e incluso adquiri algo de acento milanés. PEN CIeemcel a) To Pick Up (2) ick uy Recoger vernon | picked up my son from school, (Rocogh a mi hijo del colegto} 1 picked up te old lady when she fallin ibe sree (Levant® a la sera mayor iano se cay en ta cate) | Aprencer | pleked up a tt of useful tps inthe course prend mnchost Sue | The more you practise English the more words you'll pick up. (Cucaato. msi practiques ingles, ‘mas polabras aprenderis.) Tonickup Mier 1 picked ie up atan antiques fi. es ogni eu ft de anagdedades.) Whore did so pick up that jacket? (Dénde consegusie ag chagueta?) Thad problems picking up you radio sition (ime problemas pera captar In Andalusia, ies possible vo pick up Moroccan elevsion. En Av faelevsisn manag iia es penile eager ToRRE Up Can you pease pisk wp your things off your bedroom face? (Por favor, ecoye 1s nasi suelo dem dorritorio) 1 was old to pick up my things mmm desk and leave immedi: Tonkkup Haversacar ttinero) picked up 1.000 pounds for a hows work! (S08 mil fac po de tabu.! She picks up over two grand a neck (Ella gave nde do dos mi tibras| ala senara A good tescher will always pick ‘you up an all your mises. (Cin ban profesor siempre comegird todas tus errors) | would like o pick you up on vo points (Me gustaria comegirie ds cosas Lo Sales tave really picked up over tine pasttwo months eas vemas han mejorado consi dorablemente ep fs win cs He's teginning w pick up after his operation. Empiezat mejorar ras su operacién.) an - Los de Tonickap Topickup Ta Conese Mejor Dae event de olga I picked up on what she was implying immediately (Me dt cena inmadtamente eo quo ola estaba insimacide,) 1 ido pick up om the fet shat he was a foreianee. (No me dl enonta de (que era exranjera) Tray Something to chew over ;Algo para pensar! Elrein de este mes Abajo encontraris una serie de fases, Solo una es correcta en cada ceso, bien sea por razones gramaticales, bien sea por eleontexto, Piensa Ja respuesta muy bien antes de contesar piensa el porque de ls respuesta correcta y de as incorrectas ‘Como siempre, jas espuestas viener en la pagina 24 can sus cortespondiertes explicaciones. La “Huryup! I'm waiting for you.” “I'm going Lb “Hurry up! I'm waiting for you” “I con Le “Hurry up! I'm waiting for you.” “I'm coming. 1d “Hurry up! I'm waiting for you.” “I go.” 2a (Waiter serving you a drink) “Teke it!” 2b (Waiter serving you a drink) “Hold it!” 2c __ (Waiter serving you adrink) “Here you are!” 2a (Waiter serving you a drink) “Take!” 3.a__ Did you marage tocoverback the bag you left onthe tus? 3.6 Ded youmanage wo get the tag you let on the bus back? 3. Did you manage to find the bag back you lef on the bus? 3 Did you manage to recuperate the kag you lft onthe bu 4. Are you married or solitary? 4.0 Are you marred or sing! 4c Are you mamied oralone” 44 Are you martiedor lonely? Sa 1 didn't realize the difficutitwas, Sb Ididv'crealize dificult i was. Se [didn't realize whatlifficul twas, Sal [didn’t realize how difficult ic was 6a “Pove the yout 6b Ja. They look so alike. Ialweys get them confused vp! ib They look so alike, always get mixed wp ther! Jue They looks alike, Lalvaye get ther mixed up! 7 Thay look so alike. Valways get confisee them up! 8a hs paper’s plane. 8b It's a plane made by paper 8. Its aplane from paper 8 It's paper plane. Answers to page 22 ar oir lado, cuando decimos “me voy Tm going. ‘ona intencii de alejamos dela otra persona decimos CCurioso. ;Lina frase ten eotiiana y la poca gente que hay que sabe decislo bien! 3. ‘B’, “Recuperar un chieto personal” To recuperate significa “recuperarse” después de une enfermedad, 4. “BY. “Sinoestiscasado eres “single”. “Softay” significa “sottario” mientras “alone” es para cuando estamos soles y “onel,” pra cuando nos sentimos sobs. 8. ‘D”. La palubra clave aqui es “how Otros ejemplos: 1 cht knoe how important it wats No sabia fo importante que era Fada realize how big tt was No me di cuenta de fo grande que era, 6 “{Pobreciwo!™ Tenemos des formas pare deelresto: ‘poor pou!" 0 “poor eased thing! 2 ‘Cuando no somos eapaces de distinzuir una persona de ota expresamos nuestra sonfusién de las siguientes dos formas: Taiwan get then mixed 10. Talia get then confused.” “Un avién de paper” que tanto gusta los nines es“ paver plane’ Lapalbra “pape adjetivn, Enos exsane pocemos wtlzae grit sajén pong el nein ne pertonses al papel Cando | Aecimos qe abet est hecho de alg material slemos vara pteposcin "of a were “om imeiona agut come “The hax was made of woad TESTI} rer Mastering the Interrogative (10) Don’t miss this Itest opportunity to brash up your question asking ability. This is nota waste of time. Ifyou don't work on (ais section EVERY month you will lose face the next time you are in a situation where being able o ask questions realy counts. So get down to it (ponte manosa ls obra), there's not 8 moment io lose. ‘Tapa lacolunna derecha e intenta formula la pregunta que provozaria Ie respuesta correspondiente y columra izquierd ennifer ha been elected vice-president twice ‘Themew law went into effect lst manth, ‘The new rule has been in force fo: half «year Youcan stay here aslong zs you want. ‘You dién’tknow because ro one informed you He broke it last night They're expecting us at 10. pan I've heen waiting for you for 30 minutes ‘We're leaving later ths afternoon Tm going to Bats tomerrow. He's coming o see vs tomorrow moming, {He's going toresign later this vea. ‘he leter was Signed by the soretary general. te was sentio all the members This book is mins. “That idea was Jennifer's ‘aed them up by sing caleustor. ‘The sun rose a 7.13 this moming We fev up « 2.600 mte Tsed the elevator gx dis los the second drat oft 1 got th ti in. small neighborhood shop. Thebill was paid one IT Nobody spoke whim because was il that ds: 1: stopped raining shortly after lurch Thebaby ie doe inno months Youshould put it in aplste tag YYoushould Keep it fr thre dave Tfnobody calls, you should fix them a notification. Nothing wont wrong used afr extinguishes to put out tke fre There are no sentences ke ‘Youneed improve sour pronunciation ‘You're weak in grammar and veth tenses. broke it. Throke it because [was careless. He did aothing abo it. ‘Yes,I've been to Rome. Noy I've never seen a UFO. ieut ere tsimtns ympraébalo en la How many tines has Jennifer been elected vice-president? When did the new kaw go into efec How fang has the new rie been in force? Hew lang ca Ista here? Wy didn Fens When dial he break it? What time are they expecting ws? How long have you been waiting for me? When are you leaving? Where aré you going tomorrow? When is he coming to see us? When is he ging to rests? Who was te eter signed by? Who was it sent io? Whose books this? Those tar wes that? Flow dt you act them up? hase dt the arse this morn How high dtd you fy? Which eleva die yow ae Which draft ofthe report sly lose? How was the rark ergs” Where did yeu get sate Ben vas tho Bill paid? Win dit coved speck 10 hive? When did it stop raining? When isthe baby ce? What sould pus in? How long should Fkeen i? What should I do nobody calls? What went wrong? What did yo use to per othe fre? How many sentences are there lef? Wheat do I med inprove? Where am I neok? Who broke it Why a rou break it? What did he do about it? Have vou ever been to Rome? Have you ever seen a UFO? PURO Beaaty’is variable. Ugliness is ecastant”™ Elunuundo de la cosmetics Es importante usar wa buen have de naguitaje clara Los productos antl envejectmiento esicin ce mode. Me gusta el perfume que Hevas. Esta crema de noche deberiaaptearse ata cara Se me ha covrido elrine Te has salido con el pintatablas Prefiero el endurecedor al esmalte ate uitas. J Nome muevas, me estoy halendd la rave | Estaré tista en cuamo ermine ce medulla. Siempre wilz'erema hidratane | Vo creo que las erertas realmente aera dimer (as args. | {Me gusta comprar mi meagultigje en endas especiales suecsibee [Gato conte mes una creme pare las manos. ¢Usas brio de labios a veces?” No me gusta ponerine mucha sombrra de ojos. Acabo de cambiar mi acondicionader (Senon? | Uso locidy corporal para pieles sonsibles, | Suelo usar champii para cabelto graxo. Me da vergiienca comprar champei anticaspa. The world of cosmetics 11 importa o use 2ond foundation that doesnt show Ant-ageing products areal heave 1 like the fragrance you're wearng. This night cream should he apie t the face. My mascara has ru! ‘Your lipstick hes smudged! 1 prefer using nail hardener to nail varnish, inet Don’tmove Tm putting or my ee Til beready [always use moisturizing cream 1 don’t think ereams really help get rid of wrinkles Like to buy my makeup in specialist shops, 1 get dureugh one hand cream a month De you ever wear lipgloss? | don’t like wearing heavy eye: shadow, Tse just changed haircondisiones (Cen you tll the difference? use body milk for sensitive sin usually usea shampoo for greesy hair | feel embarassed about baying antitancruff'shempoo istic learning objective PT El Gimnasio Don't miss this opportunity to become more agile with verbs! Hoy nostoca opin sobre preciosa que nes dari ma opertunided para wabaja el verbo Yo be" Tobeabargain ‘Tobe nppsd of (oer wichulto, (ser tia) ‘Were there many harzins onthe stock matket ast year? “Have there been any barwsins on thestock market his veer? Arethere any bargains on thestock mart atthe moment? Arethere likely to be any barzins onthe stock marke soon? “Stock mankersignifea “laboba Were you rpped of est year? Haye you keen ripped his year? ‘Are you ofien ripped off?” ‘Do youthink the shareholders will be ripped off? ‘Shareholders sgniia “acetontstas Sere dove shares undesprced? Have these shaves bee1 underpriced? Arethese shares underpriced? Are these shares likely be wnderpriced? "Shares" signif “accion Conta afirmativametea las siguientes prezunas de forma compiles, pando lasrespuestas comers, Tobe underpriced. (ter hayato porto que es) Tobeoverrived — Cerca por loguees) Yes, there were many hanzins onthe scck market ast year, Yes. there have been some bargains cn the stack market this yar. Yes, there are some barzans cn the Sock marke: athe moment, Yes. there ae likely to be some bxnuains on the stockmarket scon Yes, [wes ripped of last yea Y¥ss. have beer rgped of this yea. ‘Yes, am of ripped off ‘Yes, think he shaeholders wil esppe ol ‘Ripped se promincia “rp “Yes those shares were underpriced. ‘Yes these shareshave been underpred, Yes these sharesae unerpriced ‘Yesthese shatesareicely be widexpriced, “Cade priced” we prosuncta “dnaeyprense ‘Yes thought hat company was overpriced. ‘Yes, think tbat company has boon overpriced, ‘Yes, think tbat company is overpriced ‘Yes, atoompany i gngto be overpriced TOT Translation list 19 - Say & tell (1) Translation booket 6 [ms 1s ome from a tov collector of 800 tts compiled m9 $5 booker. These INK fo} exact 28.290 sentences Im Spans snd in English These 23.284 sentences are lao recorded on CD with Spanish, English end American voices. ifyoe are ircereted | in perchaving onc or several booklets fom this exensive collection, comact Adriana, edvianaivauxyscomt | By the vay, 25 of the 35 booklets (11,500 sentences) are about markcting, finance, accounting, pablic speaking, negotiation, mac ‘economics, general management and mich, much more. 1 Ditwnombre. Say your nan, [a Nowmseneonaie, 4, They it el os sytig 15. sCuindo vas deco? 4 Wegopilymayil [id yadiome vine sla é neaveanets 14. Di toque quiens. 9. Say whatever you want ‘aid ine 14, ,Qué han dicho? ‘What did they sy? (seuss el pasado en inglés) 115, :0uéte han dich 15, What id they tl you? P16, Nome digas 16. You don EIT. Hay un éicto en inglés que dice lo mismo, 17, There's a saying in English that says the same, 18, St por us fos que evs ena 15. Lean et rom your eyes wat your eng. Los tombres siempre dicen mens 19. Men always ies Name he echo menten 26, The nevertold lic 2, Mae WS. 21, ve never ad anything bad about hin, | 22. Blame dio os bueno dis 22. She sd good mormne 0 ne iaclo porque lo digoyo! 23, Doi ectuseT wy so! [2 Dita pubes misin 24, Sey the age weed Dinos lo que pas. Tell us what hapoened, Translation list 20 - Say & tell (2) Translation booket 6 This feb one font u anal cotecon of 800 ts complied ina 35 bookles. Hse thts otal execty 23250 sentences in Spanish ard fin English, Those 2 1. Nosdieron gue nos ekrumos pris, 2, Salula atu prin, | Dilesu nombre 4, Pero qué dies S. Yo sais quite a paar Ya elo dis 6 iNopoteros ir? :Quiénle die? Que djeron cuando te levantase para ire? S._(Fitisdctendo que no debemoe hacer? s etoyccerdo que. lo tags 10, Siempre igo une oracion ates ge cen. 11, 8 conté una historia acerea de amiga jefe 12, Dime 13, Di lo qua eats pensordo 14, Les dije que me esperaran 13, Paeperson Di loaue diiste anoche 17. Diles to ne dist an 18. Nos dijeron que no djgramos nada Ella siquiera me salad, | 20, Saludales «porta mariana) Saskidate, (por lated - posto) Saldales. (por la tard - re) Despdete de els. (de neche) Despite de ellos. (en goers!) iS Salles. (en general) Er muse pe i 1280 sentences are ao recorded on CD with Spanish, English and mcricun vtec Ifyou are meres bs purchasing ane or several buotes fram this extensive collection, contact Adiiana,adrinarsamscom By the vey, 25 of the 38 booklets (12,500 sentences) are about marketing finance, accounting, pullc speaking, negotiation, mecro= economic, general management and wu, sch more 1, They told usto huey 2. Say hello to your cousin 6. Can't What did they say w 8, Are you saying we shoulda & 9. I'm elling you not o do 10.1 always say a prayer before having dine: 11. He told astry about hs ot bo Tall me 13, Say what's your ming 14 Lik them to wait oe me 5. Say yoursory. (apologize) 16. Say wba yow sid at night. 17. Tel them wat you tol me ast night 1 They ole us motto say anything 19, She dn even sy hallo te 20, Say good mornin to ther. Sey svodafemioon to ter 22, Sav good evening to them, 23, Say goodnight to them 24, Say good bye to them 25. Say belo to hen, SL

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