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September 2012


General English kurs jzyka oglnego

Upper-intermediate GE B2.2 (CEF global scale: B2)

Wyszy rednio-zaawansowany GE B2 (poziom B2 w skali Rady Europy)
Number of course hours: 60
Number of hours with NT: 6
Materials given to

Total English Advanced Students Book

Total English Advanced Workbook

Units done by the

Leading Teacher:

New Total English Advanced 1-5

Choose from the topics below they can be taught in any order.
The vocabulary should be presented in chunks, teach collocations.
Class nr.

Cultural differences
to belong to/ come from different backgrounds
prejudice/to be prejudiced
discrimination/to discriminate against
racial/religious tension
animosity towards sb
hostilityto/towards sb
open/outright hostility
to migrate/migration/a migrant
an economic migrant
a refugee
to seek refuge
to seek asylum
to experience culture shock
Ideas for questions:
1."Cultural differences cause problems. It is better for people to stay in their own
countries rather than to migrate to other ones." Do you agree?
2. Immigration should not be limited to people of similar race and culture. We should
welcome the opportunity of a truly multi-racial society."
3. Would you prefer to live in a monoculture or a multi-racial society? Why?
4. It is better to study major international languages like English rather than to spend time
on minority languages for the sake of regional identity. Do you agree?
5."Governments should give regions in their countries more autonomy so that they can
protect and enjoy their own cultures rather than serve the centralized policies of the
capital city." Do you agree?
6. Is it better to marry someone of the same cultural background?
7. Religion as a school subject should include all the major world religions - not only the
majority religion in the country concerned. Do you agree?

90 min


September 2012
Higher education

90 min

to go on to further education
free education available to everyone
high/low tuition fees
to receive a scholarship/a grant
to take out a loan (for your studies)
well-endowed schools
top-up fees
a high university drop-out rate
equal opportunities for all students/equality of opportunity
to perpetuate inequalities
Ideas for questions:
1. Should the government provide university education free or should higher education
be paid? (debate in class)
2. Does your country have good public universities? If not, why do you think there is
insufficient funding for education in your country?
3. Is it difficult for people without a college education to get good jobs where you live?
4. What are some important factors in determining which college to attend?
5. Do you think that most parents influence what university their child will attend?
6. What are some ways a person can continue to learn having graduated from
7. Does higher education guarantee a good job in Poland? How about in other countries?
8. What role do you think human capital plays in the development of countries?
9. Why do students cheat during tests and exams? How do they cheat? What is your
attitude towards cheating? How should teachers and parents react to cheating?

Male and female roles in the society

90 min

to fight for equal rights
gender/gender roles/the gender gap
gender discrimination/gender bias
to be underpaid
women earn less than their male counterparts
women undertake the majority of the housework
1.Would you agree with the statement that we live in a male-dominated world?
2. Do men and women have equal opportunities in the work-place in Poland, for
example: the same pay and promotion opportunities as men?
3. Is it easy for women to continue their careers after taking time off work to start a
family? Do companies provide crches or nurseries?
4. Do you think women and men should perform the same or different roles? Are men
usually the bread-winners and women usually the home-makers in your country?
5. Do parents and teachers in your country encourage girls and boys to grow up
differently? Do they play with the same toys? Do they receive the same education at
school and university?
6. Are there any "womens or mens rights" groups in your country?
for some inspiration (articles, video clips)

Behaviour. Teenage behavior

good/bad behaviour
eccentric behaviour
disgraceful/appalling behaviour
anti-social behaviour
to affect sbsbehaviour
to tolerate sbs behavior
to be on your best behaviour



September 2012
to play a crucial part in (Parents play a crucial part in)
to have an impact on sb
to lay down rules
to set a good/bad example
a role model
peer pressure
to be impressionable
to be at an impressionable age
to have a detrimental effect
Key Words for Fluency, Upper-Intermediate
Oxford Word Skills Advanced, Unit 18 (Behaviour& Teenage behavior)

Rich and poor

90 min

to live in poverty
to live below the poverty line
to live on the breadline
to live from hand to mouth
to hardly make ends meet
to be on a salary of
poverty-stricken families
to fight poverty
1. What kind of aid should the governments of rich countries give to poor countries?
2. Do multi-national corporations contribute to the lives of poor people in third-world
countries, if so how?
3. Is right for rich countries to have strict immigration controls to stop people from poorer
countries entering them and sharing in their better standard of living?
4. Should people be encouraged to do voluntary work to understand the problems of the
poor and make a contribution to help them?
5. What is your opinion about population control? Is it right to limit peoples freedom by
allowing them to have one child only (as in China)?

materials for
reference only

Innovations Upper-intermediate,
Key Words for Fluency Upper Intermediate
Oxford Word Skills, Advanced


Clockwise Upper-Intermediate Resource Pack, Cutting Edge Resource Pack, Instant Discussions,
Taboos and Issues

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