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Die NEUE UNO --- braucht die offene Mitsprache und

Vernetzung aller Menschen --- nicht nur der Regenten und Eliten!
Und wo eine Order von "Oben nach Unten" gegeben wird, muss
es eine "Kontrolle und Vetorecht von Unten nach Oben" geben.
Alle Menschen, unabhngig von Geschlecht, Rasse, Bildung,
Religion oder Weltanschaung haben GLEICHE RECHTE und
Das bedeutet, dass die ELITE KEIN RECHT hat sich als
"UNANTASTBAR" und unkontrollierbar darzustellen! Denn dies
ist die "WURZEL" allen BELS!
The NEW --- UN needs the open participation and open networking of all people --- not only
the rulers and elites! Where an order is given by "Top to Bottom", there must be a "control
and veto from bottom to top".
All people, regardless of gender, race, education, religion or worldview have SAME RIGHTS
This means that the ELITE has NO RIGHT to portray themselves as "un-violable" and
uncontrollable! For this is the "ROOT" all EVIL!

The United Nations Exposed: Who Is In

February 26, 2013 by Arjun Walia. 66 Comments.

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We are told that the United Nations (UN) is an

international organization that aims to facilitate co-operation through social progress,
economic development, international security and international law. They promote
themselves, and are outwardly promoted as a reputable body that deals with peace, security,
development, human rights and humanitarian affairs. With this being the case its no surprise
to see the UN at the forefront of all international conflict and instability, since these exact
events give them the ideal atmosphere to promote themselves as bringers of all that I
previously mentioned. Throughout history, authoritative figures have always tried to paint a
perception of themselves in hopes of influencing and brainwashing the masses into a desired
By promoting themselves, I am referring to the UNs use of mainstream media networks, like
CNN. CNN is owned by Time Warner (1), which is owned by JP Morgan Chase and Company
and Dodge & Cox Inc, to name a few (2). It also has a select group of direct holders, like
Jeffrey L. Bewkes. Mr. Bewkes sits in the head office of Time Warners two towers built in
2001 -buildings purposely built to resemble the once standing World Trade Centers of New
York City. Bewkes is also a member of The Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) (3),which is
headed and funded by the Rothschild and Rockefeller families (4)(5). In fact a large majority
of mainstream media network owners are all members of the CFR, as well as the trilateral
commission. Another example of this is Richard D. Parsons. who served as Time Warners
Chairman of the Board from May 2003 to January 2009. Currently Mr. Parsons is a member
of the Board of Trustees and is a Senior Advisor to the Rockefeller Foundation(6). I could
even go on to look at Frank J. Caufield, another major direct holder of Time Warner Corp,
who is also a member of the CFR(7). Let me remind you again, that CNN is owned by Time
Warner Corp, which is owned by a number of individuals and corporations that are run by a
few families. These families hide behind the corporations they run, using the employees and
politicians they hire to do their dirty work. Why we continue to hand our perception of what is
happening on the planet to a select few who show no regard for the human race is beyond me.
As a child, I did not understand how a human being could have such negative intentions, and
create so much conflict through the use of trickery. To this day I still believe that a human
being cannot do what these governing bodies and multinational corporations do. Whether or
not it holds the same effect on you, I hope the connections above at least raise an eyebrow for
There is no need for me to point out the JP Morgan (major institutional holder of Time
Warner)/ Rockefeller connections, which also played a big role in the creation of the Federal
Reserve System in 1912. So what does all this have to do with the United Nations? Well, the

same ones that own all of our mainstream media networks, also own, run and created the
United Nations. The owners of the United Nations use their media networks to influence the
perception of billions of people. Not many people know that our mainstream media networks
are owned by less than 5 multinational corporations, and all of these corporations have ties to
the Rothschild and Rockefeller families. If you dive in even further, all of the same
corporations are directly related to suppressing clean energy technologies, like General
Electric. You can find out more about free energy suppression here. More ties can be made in
the food and medical industries as well. Our planet is owned by a small group of families and
the corporations they run, this is no longer a secret, no longer a conspiracy theory. Its
becoming evident that these people do not have our best intentions at hand.
League of Nations/Treaty of Versailles
The forerunner to the United Nations, was the league of Nations. It was created under the
treaty of versailles in 1919 (8)(14). Many believe the idea of the UNs creation was due to the
second world war, it wasnt. A plan for global control through a well disguised body of peace
started long before 1945. The League of Nations was an intergovernmental organization
created at the Paris peace conference that ended the First World War. Development of
international organizations due to conflict is a way of trickery. The UN was created in 1945 as
a result of World War 2. Anytime there is global conflict, something is created out of that
conflict, to give the illusion that whatever is created out of that conflict is a direct solution to
that conflict. Have you ever thought that the ones who created the conflict, are doing so in
order to propose the solution? What a scam that would be, wouldnt it? What a trick, using
and controlling our will. Handing our will over to those who look to take advantage of us, to
those that are not in service to others, but to themselves. The League of Nations was created
by the Rockefeller Family, they were responsible for funding the entire operation(9). At the
same time, the International Labour Organization was developed, which is and was heavily
funded by the Rockefeller and Rothschild families(10). It is clear that the Rockefeller and
Rothschild families both created the United Nations, without them the development of this
global organization would not be possible.
The Same Groups That Funded Nazi Germany Created The United Nations? Both Sides
of the War Were Funded by the Same Group?
A key question we must ask ourselves when it comes to international global governing bodies
is, who is in charge? Who is making the decisions? What connections can be made between
the United Nations and the other major governing bodies of planet Earth? How often do we
ask these questions? And how often do we make the connections? If the United Nations was
created for peace and stability in conflicting War time, why would the same parties fund both
sides of the war? Was it just for profit, or did they want to create War, to create government
bodies that would control our entire planet? The United Nations has branched off into the
World Health Organization, which has other branched within it like Codex Alimentarius and
the Food and Drug Administration.
Im talking about Paul M. Warburg, a German-born banker, who was an appointed member of
the Federal Reserve System, on the board of governors(11). Isnt the Federal Reserve a United
States entity? He was heavily involved with the creation of the Federal Reserve, and his
family was heavily involved with I.G Farben. I.G Farben was the largest chemical company in
the world during its time, and one of the largest industrial booms next to the Rockefellers
Standard Oil Company, and General Motors. I.G Farben was responsible for numerous war
crimes, supplying the Nazis with weapons and even funding the Nazi party(12)(13). Why

would the federal reserve system and the Rockefellers be involved with I.G Farben? Isnt the
federal reserve an American entity? Did they not fund the United States as well? Paul
Warburg and his family were involved with the creation of the Federal Reserve, the Warburg
family headed I.G Farben, a company that supported the Nazi movement. So what is going on
here? There is a lot of evidence to show that both sides of World War II were funded by the
same people, so I think a fast one has been pulled over our eyes. The Federal Reserve is still
in tight with the Warburg family, as they have transformed themselves into several
multinational corporations and financial institutions, like Warburg Pincus(15)(16).
Its no secret that the Bush family also heavily profited from the war. Did you know that the
Bush family also had members connected to the federal reserve, and that the Bush family is
also very close to the Rockefeller family?(17). Its not a secret that the presidency has always
been connected to the Federal Reserve. Prescott Bush even worked for the Nazis, he worked
with and profited from companies that were funding Hitler. With all of these connections, it is
easy to see how the real founders of the United Nations (if you follow the money) were
connected to many inhumane acts. So what makes you think it has stopped today? What if the
United Nations give you the illusion of a peace making body, in order to drive chaos, fear, and
to fulfill an agenda that started long before we were all born? How can the UN protect us
against mining corporations for example, that commit atrocities all over the world, when the
same ones who created the UN own all of the major mining corps, like the Rockefeller
Hughes Corporation(18). Ive provided sources for all of my claims, at the same time I like to
leave a few out to inspire the readers to do some research. Feel free to look into the Bush
connections yourself! Keep in mind, Ive used only a few examples and connections in this
article, there is a tremendous amount that you can make on your own if you are sparked to
further your research.
One aspect of the current consciousness shift is waking up to new facts and possibilities of
what really happened in our recent human history. Many people take different paths to
awakening, but in the end it all leads to one thing: we have to be the change we want to see.
Weve seen a lot of turmoil throughout the years on this planet, and in turn its created a very
dense energetic state for planet Earth. More people are starting to find peace, they are
experiencing more joy and desire change for all on planet Earth. Through awakening, we are
changing the vibrational frequency of the planet. Weve been blind to many things for
thousands of years. We are living in the age of transparency, everything has presented itself
for us to see from the darkest experiences to the lightest. Either way you look at it,
everything that has and is playing out on planet Earth is all an experience for the human race.
Events happen, in order to jolt us into waking up to truth. 9/11 for example, woke many up.
Whether its the truth about hemp, the federal reserve, the illuminati, extraterrestrials,
spreading love, or anything else, the age of transparency is leading to a new truth within
billions of people, and that truth is love. Love is required as a necessary building block for a
new world. We are responsible for what is happening here, when we awaken from our sleep,
Im sure we wont let continue what weve let continue for so long. No longer will we be used
to uphold a system that does not resonate with us, instead we will create a new one that makes
the old one obsolete.
There are multiple sources that go beyond mine, I could have used many more. Please feel
free to do your own research to further verify some facts.


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