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Mary Magdalene

11:1 Fire Element Channelling 2009

Channelled through Michelle Eloff
Johannesburg, South Africa 27 December 2008
To find out more about Michelle Eloff and The Lightweaver, please visit
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Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with
the Channelling being and a similar process facilitated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in
the presence of the channelling Master; however the effects are just as powerful.
Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channelling. You
will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan, Timing and Purpose.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to

I am Mary Magdalene and I come into the presence of divine light and divine love to
enfold each of you in the energy of tranquillity, of serenity and the light of all divine
Todays celebration is one that begins a very important journey of travelling through
the dimensions of your higher awareness. Moving into the sacred aspects of ones self
reveals many dimensions of ones truth as well as the illusions that one still holds
onto. This we can call a journey of detachment, in other words detaching from the
illusions that cloud your vision and your heart, as well as your memory.
This day the 11th of January 2009 is opening the internal dimensional portals to the
Promise of New Life encoded within your DNA, this requires of you to focus on your
intentions, your motivations and to understand where your actions will take you. By
this I mean having a certain amount of cognisance relating to the intentions behind
your actions, in other words, what motivates your behaviour? By opening yourself to
these dimensions of self you travel into the worlds that exist within parallel and
alternate aspects of your collective soul. As you begin to familiarise yourself with these
aspects you reclaim aspects of your power, which will be integrated in a beautiful way
resulting in added qualities that empower you and ensure that you motivations lead to
actions that bring about outcomes that support the greater good of self and others.
You have all entered the Master Dimensions of the great world of the Universe of Fluid
Love. By walking and working within this level of greater consciousness the Masters
will lead you into Temples of Initiation, into higher schools of learning and into the
Worlds of Mastery. Each of these journeys bring you closer to understanding what an
alchemist is all about however, before you can truly practice as a master alchemist
you need to understand the dynamics that exist within consciousness, within energy,
awareness and the projection of these energies, which you call intention. This is the
time of moving into a world that reveals to you the many avenues that will enable to
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move beyond the physical fate of an entrapped soul, a soul bound by the karma and
fate of the physical world. This moves you into your own state of being a guru. When
you can work and live as your own guru you are truly empowered in a way that allows
you to understand the dynamic far beyond anything else that has ever lived and been
within your life. This will show you how the Masters managed to master certain
aspects of their journey. No Master achieved their status, as you perceive it, by
shirking responsibility, by denying their own weaknesses and projecting their fear or
their short comings onto others or any aspect of their life. This was the process of
moving deeply within and taking charge of the parts of you that are considered
perhaps immature or less evolved. You must understand that you hold the power and
although there are parts of you that still lack that level of power required to bring about
the mastery that you seek, you will see that parenting these parts of you is what
enables you to eliminate the debilitating patterns that have flowed through the
When you enter these more expanded worlds of greater learning and higher teachings
you move through Fire Gateways; these Fire Gateways dissolve the illusions I spoke
of earlier on. Now in order to dissolve these illusions you need to be in a position
where you are fully ready and willing to take your power back, to reclaim it from the
darkest recesses of your being, to go into those dark recesses of your mind, your
heart, your soul and your spirit and to ensure that those are brought into the light
therefore, this key date activation takes you into the depths that lie beneath that have
not seen the light of day, that have not as yet been touched by the love that you have
been magnetising and magnifying and drawing deeper and deeper into your DNA.
As these expanded dimensions become more active within your DNA you will begin
witnessing your change in terms of your ability to perceive your life from a different
perspective. Observation empowers you, when you observe self and ones actions
and that of others and then you act, you hold your energy within your core, when you
are scattered or when you simply react without objectively addressing these parts of
your life you are buying into the old paradigm of reactive behaviour.
Remind yourself that when you feel anger, when you feel any kind of negative emotion
and most specifically anger, it takes you a minimum of twenty minutes to calm down
and to move back into your centre therefore, I urge you to allow yourself a minimum of
twenty minutes before you deal with any situation that has brought up anger for you
this is an important part of your initiation for a Master is fully aware and conscious of
the actions being taken.
Reactive energy is very dangerous and often leads to regrets, sorrow, pain and grief.
By allowing yourself those twenty minutes you begin to see that it is in fact a power
play, you learn that the subconscious is propelling the actions not based on truth but
based primarily on past programming. One might think with all the work that you have
been doing that you would not be affected by past programming anymore, this is not
entirely the way it works, the way it works is that you address levels at a time, you
cannot walk into the centre of a raging furnace, it is impossible with the state and level
of awareness and consciousness that you currently embody. The alchemist can walk
through the inferno because the alchemist has mastered their own Fire Element and
the Fire Element is the most difficult one to contain and to master therefore, your
training has begun.
It is vital that you allow yourself to partake in activities that give your Fire Element an
avenue to express itself. It is vital that you get your body moving simply because the
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muscular system of your body will undergo many changes during this time because it
represents the support in your life. When one does not exercise the body, the mind,
the soul and the spirit everything begins to slow down, the strength is not present that
could be present if it is fed what it needs. Anger is a very debilitating energy and
creates an immense amount of acidity in the body which can lead to physical
illnesses, physical pains and discomfort.
So be aware of what the Fire Element is doing inside of you. In the near future
specifically from the period of the 14th of February of the year 2009 to the 28th of
February 2009 there will be a group who are travelling to Egypt who will be passing
through the Fire Gateways and the chakras will undergo these same Fire Initiations.
All of you are encouraged to work with the same energies even if you will not be at the
sites in your physical person still work with the energies, you will be amazed at how
deeply you begin to understand your own anger, what enrages you and what it does to
your body, to your mind and to your spirit, how it impacts on your environment and
how you can master it. Bear in mind that mastering the Fire Element will not manifest
for you in a few short hours or a few short days, I say this simply because you are
working with many different levels of that consciousness and the understanding of
what it is, what that energy is for and how to utilise your anger and your rage for
positive outcome. This does not mean that you will swallow that pain or that you will
stifle or suppress that anger, we are speaking of the management of your Fire
Element, learning what it is inside of you, its language, its dance and its message. I
assure you that when you are able to dance with the fire inside of you, you will have
achieved a very important level as a Master Alchemist.
As the energy builds up to the Third Ascension Wave of 2010 all of the pools of
energy where anger is stored, all the places where anger is trapped will have to
release, be it in the body of a human being or in the body of Mother Earth therefore,
over the next eighteen months we will be working in releasing these pockets of very
destructive, very dark and debilitating anger energy. The Fire Element will increase its
intricate pattern of focus and creativity in each of you, and over the next three years it
is the Fire Element that needs to be mastered by all who have chosen to walk through
the Second Ascension Gate.
In 2010 you will experience the Marriage of Alchemy with the Master of Fire inside of
you, which consists of a God and a Goddess. This fire aspect of self will merge with
the Earth Element and that God and that Goddess which reside within what we call
your Earth Element; as fire and earth merge so you will see how the crystal worlds
that are a part of your divine signature begin to reveal themselves to you and your
ability to travel between these worlds will become easier and more conscious. These
Crystal Cities have been in existence for thousands and thousands of years, there are
only a handful of human beings that have ever been taken into these crystal cities.
The Master Alchemists are opening the gateways for many more of you to come, but
you need to have mastered a very real level of your Fire Element in order to journey
into these cities.
The energy of Quartz Crystal is a receiver and transmitter as well as an amplifier of
energy therefore, should you journey into the Crystal Cities prematurely and you have
not mastered or healed and dealt with aspects of your untamed Fire Element the
Crystal Cities will amplify and receive and transmit those aspects of yourself therefore,
I trust you understand why this is so important.

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On the 21st of January a Sirian Goddess by the name of Alchemaya is coming closer
into the network of Beings who are working with those of you who have been attracted
to the teachings and the initiations we are presenting. Alchemaya is one of the core
Fire Goddess of the Blue Fire of Sirius; the White Fire is a counterpart of the blue
flame, the Blue Fire, and when the blue flame and the white flame merge so it is that
you penetrate other dimensions and universal portals that you have not accessed
before therefore, ascension is the ascending of the Stairway to Heaven so to speak.
I, Mary Magdalene, will be present to facilitate and to assist each of you through this
extraordinary time of self-empowerment and this incredible time of reclaiming your fire.
The fire energies need to increase in their velocity at this time to ensure that this
collection of energy can burn through the barriers that have been created in the
external worlds of your mind, your subconscious, your heart and your soul - these
were created by the dark aspects of your self. I urge you not to feel any kind of guilt or
shame regarding these dark aspects. You need to see them for what they are and to
use the Fire Element to bring them into the light of day and master those parts of you
by turning the base aspect into Golden Consciousness. You will achieve very little if
you succumb to guilt and shame, your power lies in your ability to look into your fear,
to look into that which has caused you shame and to address your guilt and to move
yourself out of it as quickly as is possible without missing any parts. If you go too
quickly and you deny any part of that dark self the light and the love it requires you will
simply be taken back, it will feel as if you are reversing, regressing and it will be such
for the purpose of ensuring that all aspects come into the light.
This is an incredible time for all people who are open to empowering themselves to
working with the light and grace of Mother/Father God to truly see the extent of their
light, in other words, you seeing the extent of your light, experiencing how far your
power reaches and how much you can do with that therefore, utilise this Key Date
Activation with wisdom and love.
Ask yourself what your Fire Element looks like, if possible draw it or find pictures or
words or anything in nature that best represents your Fire Element and every month
ask yourself the same question and observe how it is changing your representation
of your Fire Element, how you define it, how you experience it and how you express it
will be changing and that is a very good way to be able to measure it and see it in a
tangible way. If you are motivated to do this in some other way by all means go
ahead, what is important in this case is that you are able to understand the fire inside
of you. This means the solar plexus, the sacral chakra, your sun chakra and your base
chakra will undergo phenomenal transformations. There will be many experiences of
transmutating these aspects of your life. I suggest that you write down everything that
you are experiencing in your life at this time, everything that comes to mind and to put
this away and on this day next year open that which you have written and look at how
much you will have changed, how much of your power you will have reclaimed and
you will see that the Promise of New Life was delivered unto you therefore, rejoice as
we step into Worlds of Fire walking through the Fire Gates mastering the divine flames
within you and we will all witness an incredible time of merging with Spirit, merging
with your light and merging with God/Goddess.
I will be present as always. My gift to each of you working with this energy today and
those of you who choose to walk through the Fire Gates and fully embrace Fire
Initiations, a crystal Magdalene Rose is placed with your heart chakra, which will
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become your access code to the crystal cities when you are ready. Celebrate your
journey and may it be one blessed with much joy, revelations, insight and liberation.
I am Mary Magdalene, au revoir.

To download the audio version of this channelling go to

Michelle Eloff
11:1 Fire Element Channelling 2009

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