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of the maxillary sinus corresponds ( ‘middle meatus of the nasel foramen is the end of the palatine canal lnment of depressor sept nt of levator anguli ors, pconhal crest peau conten manutd ch Sa ee Ed seraeit medic pseces i a catalcl msiel 4. The descending lcrimal process and the edges ial maxillary surface - Y Shai ttess co aviciulabys with ermporet (teen | bas) the palatine bone is fase: oe process boider of the perpendicular plate is art ‘The inner surface of the vertical plate articulates with the inferior and middle 1 Are wird be sphenopalatine foramen the nasal cavi terygopalatine fossa Jy TAO. ponte, Mo fe a temporoman 1e posterior belly of the digast communicates with the 1 Cabo is false: andible backwards culating surfaces fit together Sp acca oF ale. nee tana ble The extemal caro @n a, The accessory nerve pierces bb. The accessory nerve crosses the deep surface ofthe trapezius 1. The cheeks are ». Bach cheek ep Also preseptin @n ve, are the inter “TRE h is the wrong statement about the anatomical elem erygoid Ne ry RYAN oF ‘carotid Jevator scapulae Bebcer: sphenate med Icha gies eee J FLD Legge wean i are situated 0 Uery uli TMAeOr 6 yes Monieeily nie ae ai yecum > Stn etree Shay belew 2 A frontal bossae @forsren magnum >" Pee esd AO 67 ie rina is har rs can move the entire scalp about the submmental triangle is wrong: ied, ig demarcated by both digastric muscles (anterior UA welbee So beeat audeee termporal fossa contains the following, excepting: PSE cara fee ote TE STINE va) bt inp 440) fa bo ld regs rail pes ‘Fategoe border 8TH SHOP tempor » z S foil ary ical avery * i autery gives off to the following branches with one exception: a 4, Which ‘one! of es: ‘The accel cept Hine and meltal is «> Imackavants ng surfaces fc 10 metre low ther ete Fe ficial temporal atery losafto the developing brain tet roan the alesy? a, ascending 4S c-buccopharyngel pat = Se mtr Se eed ee peer eT alas Gsew if SET 6, Subject { ‘1s each of the Katlowtng mmdhighe ce question whet the one snes wipryie a 1 AR the totiowing slfurmutions shen the epicranial aponrasosis are eoerect except one Foe et eet arma |< om emch sale the anteriow ana sepevior eurcwtit fansceg me" nce to At 2 Mas te memset an he deperion an ais A Ceyremor snglt erie at # lowe linet exigin how te Teal se of she ‘sume amt continent, the equine, el rl 89 dep a “tera i) 6 Some fees comtinge into levator Labs woes & Deperaior anguts ort continous below woth platyien and or vicnl Las \ar «© Somme of is filees may pass below the mental tubexche an exons the midline to lintevtace with their contralateral fellows: these conminute the tansversit ni ewacle (Ihe Wwental sting’) 3. Which afficmation about the 1 Ie hes below the mandible, ans extents fron the 4. Which one of the smeant from the following: , dorsal tothe developing brain sal sacs are separated from the oral cavi re of the oronasal membrane brings membrane the nasal and between the nasal id oral cavities are the pr or tothe primary palate ‘of retromandibular vein and posterior auricular ivision of retromandibular vein and posterior auricular vein vein ogular vein laryngeal muscles develop from myoblasts in the third and fifth branchial he secondary twelfth week 43. Inferior alveolar artery is a. Maxillary artery 4 Frontal bossae «foramen magni 45, From the following arteries which one belongs to the facial branches o artery? ascending palatine artery h supply the su id skin © inferior ery 46, The’ superior constictor af the phary acxicopharyogeal pa following parts, ex par aryngeal part «l-mylopharyngeal part . glossopharyngeal part A corresponds 1 “d Anteriory it has crest that ai ly fom most sues © Theswperil sus muscle 7 i ofits oral and ing neck oor contin the ist owing een ihe bi ‘the openings of the idle el yecrcod al acy arey haste allowing branches, efeeping ect newer? iy by the woes folds ages ‘oea fs an are “hepa conie be ha Gratepecee aregegwes ot 7 escent lat s6.Whie a itis mobite flap suspended f sloping down and back belven fold of sm su and neous gh €. Stemohyoid dd Thascends me hone «¢, Stomohyoid elevates the hyoid bone after ithas been depressed in dey ‘and is attached to the inferior border of the body of the hyoid artery with one exeeption: - wing branches with one exception: ial attery, anastomoses For each ofthe fo slopes downwacs a 44. The anterior be tric fossa on the base of ackwards cmiediate tend dy and greater comu of h one of les 8, soalenus anterior line of the i groups of lymphatic nodes are conce the lymphatic drainage prelarysigeal and pretracheal nodes ides ye terygoid part of the maxillary artery arise the following, ng are branches of external carotid artery with one exception: iaryngeal artery lar vein and facial vein vein and posterior auricular veins vein and posterior auricular vein posterior auricular ve vein and posterior jugular vein eee off to the Following branches nos excep) 4. Facial artery —_ 4nCPrerygoid venous plexus receives th 2 Sphenopslatine , Deep temporal yi ©. Pierygoid vein —— 45, From the following arteries which one belongs to the f nchies oft artery? —— a. ascending palatine artery —~ btonsillarartery — ~ glandular branches which supply the submandibular salivary gland xcent muscles. and skin 46. The superior constrictor of the pharynx has the following pars : a. cricopharyngeal part b. plerygopharyngett part ee axyngeal part Spnylopharyngea part . gfassophiaryngyal part a en ‘middle and anterior fibes f hich secs fo . Stemohyoid elevates 31. Which one of muscles: wralateral fellows “s cept one norm Suita Belloc seid proce ving atory muscle? eo Sersrea ie mastoid Be Nbr teraporal bone, and {Gaca WE base ofthe mandible near runs ina Gbrous sling that is// ans coment fw nen, cee) ae stfrat of enol ct) amy eign x vases Se 55. The opening ofthe nasolacrimal duct is situated in the: inferior meats : ee ukagemeha kernal edi sment about the palacal arches( palatal arch, the pataroglossat b. The palatoglossal arch descends to the side of and pharyngeal parts ie lagi 4. The posterior pa maxillary a ery and the superficial 8, except Which statement about the temporo-manelbut condyl posterior margin bes of the temporal muscle depress he The pllyna elev the manable and pharynx pe ards fom is posterior border ning muscle, descend laterally bane ee ible ine I facia passes othe mands over border, covering fascia pales othe mood tn on he medi the gland’s medi surface deep fascia Ste tm ichind lies the superficial part of the submandibul e Lateral is the mandible above the anterior part of the genioglossus 1 layer of deep ce ' inferior surface 62. semen tout Ginga arator leg he mcafee Xx ing ath lateral commissure to form the e. A small group of land eyelashes, is called the cil eg lohyoid line and medial is 63, The extn: a. Genioglos b. Hyoglossus .Styloglossus togloss E3voso muscles of the tongue are the following, excepting: ener aie process articulates posteriorly with the ve so the mye mess ofthe nas amen isthe end of the palatine canal Gl iface of the manilidjone ean notice: he magdibular coronoid process the digastric muscle depres the mandible Gis ital crest jculating surfaces fit together fement about the elemen (0 the submanit eee 65. Which is ty rong stm bout te naomi lene triangle? eo » er: 8, The accessory nerve plerces the levator scaputae erve crosses on the levator obliquely down and bat ied along the posterior border of the cleidom ‘mastoid process to the root of the neck (66, Choose the incorrect statement a ‘The cheeks are cont AreBach che c. Also pres . The mucosa external surfaces of the: 67. On wee Dee of the excepting: ape fs are situated on the superficial surface of the masseter epicranial aponeny mporal fasci superigialfascia nats can move the entice scalp vental triangle oe) lemarcated by both digastritmuscled (anterior Sw ioe juga agora fossa is oreetD orto a ¢ 2yBomatic processes ofthe frontal bone and maxia Supratastid crest continues the Tne of argn of ie zygomatic ing fascia elements na gi Tevey here z . The primary ps segment of rocninagete5omm ; cect: about a. Th anterior surface the pe foramen sfinosum ment i 3ached ccipitofrontalis il nasal fin branchial arch, tae part of body of tYe hyoid bone ovonasal membrane ication the nasal and al and oral cavities are the copanal isffncorrect) the’ fafyngeal ventricles form ylted by folds of mucous membrane that become L in heel Wott a is antero-inferorly fe dak 210LO AN 28-230 R657 906K O,0M \N Td ccumoral first pharyngeal arch consists, part oF mandibular prominence fand & ven The mesenehyme of Ie finity palate and the vecondary palate ih week a platysma, deep cervical fascia, straocteidamastoid seqnen cervical segment 6 : pat ofthe posterior triangle orders os the occipital tangle, except below where its 68, Choose the incorect statement about the ling, surrounding the oa orice“ AC YOO 7474 ee proper com a statements is incarec? fom paraxial mezenciyme ital process ofthe palatine. sphenopatatine foramen // 52. The gral wal gf ausanung ase following dels exept oe ing ofthe phatygatympant be of the is does nt participate ta form the Waldeyer rng: process, the uvul, projets downwards from its posterior borer folds of micoes containing muscle, descend laterally from in, excepting penile bone of he x© iv Leeroy cent yey arg ET ee ee ae ae te tee = samen Ce eee ne 1 eet tee tan? a et tere en rene eae ce rmmnaee ae Sete ween tc tan : ee mt ee tt tne tte pad —~ ent pr kinetin ea cases Bee Tn net a a ee tae err stl se $e ee Seman encom mm on ta, Vet Ste oe Ss gaan sce eee ST ate te nae — Sat re tenga Ef eo een gh tt tt mr ee Vraaae Yom seat ations ote airs oee s tecape $ © an 2 oe ety £ pstesag st te yer note ft yee so er ol ew nan oman a + Se teams te neo a veto + eee ee et ee 2 te rng es Phra es coma ene EE, ait, = {Ct te st ty tet se Te sewtons ine wee by 2 Bh teres ome A” gene — Se mete cea te aa Seen SDE Soe oe Se ne mote npc de tree eee 2 eecconees Sc8 nt on be won neo hg hee sce sm, ‘¢ Ye tp open we re te Ponanc wh PE nm 52s Sov See meen ee ge ant en pens a tt ee tn ‘soon en SLE alas + at Keone 2 Ce fe Sonn ate st em ne 4 nsmtnt ntoas myreotene te frre ST sot = root het wae Sm Ge Hey ge oe snr svn sti ——- ‘vn tt sons pam ees the Seto sieeste Net eens se ly hh the ener sss pewter repent . 5 he Neh oe sed sw Me sew 4 gine! ni me + ms foprnin, ber Speen ase 9 Fae emma te te Pee ai ee en a oceonaents Pome tn sone ee he ieee ae 4 awetyor geen Pan T tt Meme seat ase set mam ie Otsmmes, nd 6 meant tJ . - Pec omnteeate & sane pte he page mang — a comcecinene nn eens + ems Sue Sl oeeeele capi he sccond pat ofthe sube aceyis SQ? soeleidomastoid anys, deep cv membrane, pleura and lung sd the lower unk of he dle trunks ofthe brachial plexus rsele? he second (hyoid) branchial ach, with one of facial expressions sey stn tong vate: GQ) nut ich of following satements sont Ihe parotid land since? (Coie caps of tie pro land is derives om the super concave spetoesTaee i palatine presi tales pF abhi’. Trova ad phaeyngeat ot 6. The following skeletal stucues are derived fro cept one e second branch oid process lesser com 4 Upper part of bo Inc ) Ds? Mirae hyoid bone yon spn cov bh Uylingl (C208 Sage yes choanae The primitive choanae lie posterior’ nerves 2 bopry listed 3 fisa cervicaid cles develop from myoblasts i frrtsi i b Giv b¥Aninitl abe \ ff the nenrocranium are Falke prsver to appear atthe end of fir Tue to appear as a condeusat surrounds the developing brain. “Taae~ boundaries, o sides ofthe stomodeum @ Me pared mandibular prominences of the same arch constitute the cans regions: a dorsal ps prominence 4. From the following statements about the development of the face, correct? \The olfactory placades an fed between the nasal bone posteriorly and the ethmoid lary sinus corresponds to the middle meatus of the nasal end of the palatine canal war we a cnn Ore ving sate” ck vp oo maiehor 5° 32 B5 S2Rses Weal SqSeebes 2 agbgeE Fe,b2e td cee EES ase Sot 4, a ‘excepting: 2. The npper part of medial pterygoid N¢4¥ WAL eat beh-cer - geal artery RAK. ar Inca a) OF @Mhe mandibular nev Ne (pve ansver The facial nerve se Lied anv ie 8, The deep surface ofthe tempor “The teniporal fosst “Ms ‘yy Lateral pterygoid, the the mandibular Coronoid process ible Y fa ne mandi ble ey wn es velops from the dee fam “SN bere etaand regis or ghenstd bong ny bole eo euaeeaeies SIR SENS UTE ay _- tied othe skin by the fibrous superficial Ont Arista Post _Jeciy, the occipit forwards "fe oral Foss nd the zygomatic arch below bone and maxilla of the zygomatic led by the temporalis muscle and the overlying fascia ins the following, excepting P- Sem rer eyes e515] Uae pea id process (vaginal process) Bales biden a2 TiN) share ascle does not take insertion oF occipital belly ofthe oceiptofrontais-> ‘b. rectus capitis lateralis > epraan) ligastic 4 ‘ ihe B. the oper sind ipedutch Wo "an ne ethmoidal sinuses > a apper evar ob gel be ating Yom co o PEE tne Como) ine bone pub bela ne ALL EBvetjer arb. ‘The opening ofthe nasolacrimal duct is situated inthe: @ate le concha dmc | yume cen Hea ga yy pln elmupesjorconcha > Fra, vadsad_sartaze ot thrall Labo uiorty alory muscle? anew et pt id . > Tahini 4. Vertical muscle > Zahorure Mpeniogossss 5 Syranibe and extends from the styloid process tothe chin foid notch of the tempor nd greater comu of the hyoid bone gatvylay 9 nob Aimee! eco lor se “ ii priser igastic Sy, length of the mylohyoid line of the downwards font of the body lt Pes ee See Se ttere Ar eeomedl Mt SU baie ng, except one: ay ww phanne Unda layer ce PHN ates a) ac 9 eur ula, projects downwards from its posteror border about he epicranial apon folds of mucosa containing muscle, descend laterally TRU hed to the extemal protuberance and highest n dPanber 3-2 aim fan 2 9 ar gland Pe of the mylohyoid fine and med ic muscles of the tongue are the following, excepting: s cle Engst mes lle} ee Lng) dreuhea, bhaPer oedeptagul, [dayne east etches ete based vecon, I) cal nodes with one exce BS ee eats QMilny ste Ayr” ae at fe cast set Soon exci) neue age ‘ x © Zyggntitieo: i ‘ Q From the following arteries which one belongs tothe facial branches of the facial” TT arery? land and lymph Ce) parts, except one: 3 at by pkerygopharyngeal pan, @)ouccopharyngeal part it Mew” 8 5 lowing tonsils does not participate to form the -Weldeyer Ainlende <> pit Hel bool) impctome) Ln frown tape Fabel ' he soft palate to the upper is demarcated by the palatog YAK consists of the palatoph lowing, except: eh 9 IRS pe a aN share EINE AY Ine Pa” IS te. mnt CR OA cee be thal Se Cock) attaches to the lateral part of except of: diately bel ndlat conta yeni UUs hia of > Mabel baa Eanke UN la Bh : “isignte pea ya, “ern he externa cnt ater by he EL Selig one , Ras andi raphe b om pole wl ane Aver iment MeeFh CyiLathay ie NO rently "en “answer? ly by the vocal folds Dostriorly by the-arytenoid eat poe stylophary = ©. glossopharyngeal nerve Gute be Wag he posterior hypo the temporal. Fascia covers tempoalis is sponeurosis and part of ‘e Communicates “14. The following elements sre sinmled on the super uc mst sensren Is one can otic 6 The ese cot avery divide 6 verebea Tyco cartilages upper border {abi of temun, .e mylohyoid is incorrect? ‘posterior fibres pass medially and slightly downwards to the front of the body oid bone near its lower border ul anterior fibres from each stretches from the symphysis mento the hyoid bone. ‘anatomical elements in the ‘cervical artery and vein, vein desces nd the posterior border of the in the brachiocephalic vein lar vein receives the transverse cervi spular veins he extemal jugular vein is joined by » small vein crossing the ly from the cephalic Javius also crosses this triangle ry nerve a the tubal tons 4, the nasopharyngs «/€cerebellar tonsil anatomical elemet which isnot insestéd on the ericoid arch Acthe evicotyroid muscle ‘he ericopharyngeus pact of the inferior yngeal constrictor © the openings of the posterior eshmotdal sinuses ‘the bulla ethmoidal e. the openings of the middle elhmoidal auses 15. "The roof ofthe nasal cavity is formed by the following bones, exc «€ dhe ethmoid bone the frontal one ete nasal bone «the palatine bone the sphenoid bone, 2. Genioglossus re sub is demarcated by The frontal process is, bone anteriorly ry Sinus contesponds to the mid ie development ofthe face, ofthe ol oe LE LE ET eT I I eT eee

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