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Obstetrical emergencies postpartum

Obstetrical emergencies postpartum

Obstetrical emergencies are practiced very strictly in a way that

if it left untreated or even by a smaller mistake can prove to be
fatal. An obstetrical emergency is a very vast topic in the field of
MRCOG. This topic is discussed under the MRCOG module.
There are many obstetrical emergencies like in pregnancy,
during or after labor or postpartum. Topics of Obstetrical
emergencies in pregnancies and during labor and delivery have
been discussed in detail in our previous blogs. However this
blog is dedicated to Postpartum Hemorrhage or infection.
Postpartum Hemorrhage or Infection:
The basis of hemorrhage is indomitable, blood transfusion and
IV fluids are given as necessary. Oxytocic drugs might be run to
support reduction of the uterus. Maintained placenta is a

consistent cause of continuous bleeding and surgical amputation

of the enduring fragments (curettage) may be required. Drugs
that egg on coagulation (clotting) of the blood might be run to
twig the bleeding. Occasionally, hysterectomy is requisite.
In case of infection, intravenous antibiotics course is referred.
Commonly postpartum infections develop themselves in the
lining of the uterus or sometimes they are also caused by a
placenta that is reserved. In that case it may require a surgery.
Shoulder Dyscotia:
Usually the mother is sited in a position with her knees to her
chest, the position is known as McRoberts maneuver, with an
exertion to free the childs shoulder. To widen the vaginal
opening, episiotomy is performed. If the shoulder cannot
extricated from the pelvis, the babys collarbone might have to
be broken to finish the process of delivery unless the occurrence
of lack of oxygen that can cause serious brain damage to the tot.
Prognosis is usually beneficial for mother and the child if the
pain is detected at the full term stage i.e. 37 weeks. With
moderation in neonatal care, more or less 85% of the tots having
weighed less than 3lbs to 5oz endure. And these tots are
delivered before 28th week. Although infants at preterm require
serious medical consideration they might have some disabilities
occurring in them. The rate to that can be 25 to 50%. Not only
that they also have serious chances of learning disorders and are
likely to be diagnosed by ADHD (Attention Deficit
Hyperactivity Disorder).
How to prevent Obstetrical emergencies?

The best prevention to that is to have proper prenatal care by a

good obstetrics. Do look for an Obstetric who is specialized
by MRCOG, a most proficient degree in this field. When these
problems emerge, the women who are seeking aid by their
OB/GYN regularly are more likely to be diagnosed at early
stages and therefore will get proper and successful treatment to

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