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Save final MDD+DDF in folder Data

Open the setup workspace.

2. Define.dms

Open Define.dms
Set projectID to the MDD+DDF file name. This should always be the SID
of the project; rename the MDD+DDF files if need be.
Set ISIS format 0000000-00 ( DPSpecs)
Fill in defPG
Fill in nr_cores (if the case) 0 if none
Fill in defCC (if the case) 0 if none
Fill in defBS (0 not present, 1 to 3 depending of number of frames) (line
66 Project Specs)
o Fill in defBSLtr with the letters of the BS variables used. Ex: I,E .
Leave as "" if no BS.
o Fill in defBSForm with the number of forms for each of the BS
variables. Ex: "2,3". Leave as "" if no BS
Fill in sampleBS1/ sampleBS2/ sampleBS3 with respective category
Fill in catpurch1/ catpurch2/ catpurch3 with category purchase/usage
Fill in defKids
Uncomment one of kids_label
Fill in one of isNA/ isEU/ isMENA/ isLATAM
Fill in on country
Save Define.dms

3. Open and run get variables.mrs this will check variables that have
been asked on link
4. Open and run saltofication.mrs this will add property
SaltoExport=true for variables to be included in RLD Salto files

5. 00_Check.mrs
Open and run this file. This file does the following:
- Checks that the DP shell is set up properly
- Checks that the base is a correct NC base
- Creates UDL connections in the Data folder to both the raw and the
processed data for easy access to queries
- Creates workspaces with scripts to be modified and ran. NB: some
of the scripts dont yet exist but they are included.
- Edit_ projectID_workspace setup project
- TOPS__Output__Workspace.sws run toplines/ssum tables
- BS_ projectID_workspace (if brandshift exists) run
brandshift/hitabs tables

After running, close Base Professional and open the Edit_


6. Define_mod.dms

Fill in TC labels in TC_1/TC_2

Fill in labels for br_xxapi1 / br_xxapf1...
Fill in labels for br_atbe1 or/and br_atb1 or/and br_atb2 if the case
Fill in timeframe_cp1/ timeframe_cp2/ timeframe_cu1
Fill in cp1_code/ cp2_code/ cu1_code
Fill in timeframe_cpbr1, categ_cpbr1, timeframe_cpbr2,
categ_cpbr2, timeframe_cpbr3, categ_cpbr3
Fill in brdcorr/ brdincorr/ brdnocnt if available; else leave { _0}
defAddATC default set to 1, controls setting additional atc
dkvalues to be completed after MI codes available
open ended question coderames - to be completed after codes

7. 01_incCreator.mrs
Open and run this file. This file creates some of the script sections that are
to be included in the varied executions. The scripts are created based on
the project.

8. inc_BS_edit.mrs
- Fill in with grouping from DBS file

9. inc_labels_add.mrs
a. fill in label for tested category purchase/usage
b. fill in labels and axis syntax (only for diagnostic questions) for
additional questions
c. if country not UK (countryGB==0) fill in English labels for atbe1/
atbe2/ atbe3 and atb1/atb2/atb2 , if the case
d. fill in labels for bsipre/bsipost, bsepre/bsepost, bsgpre/bsgpost if not
set up from SW


inc_OE_def.dms (EU/LatAm)

- fill in with codes


inc_OE_edit.dms (EU/LatAm)
a. Toplines / Brandshift
i. Add editing for irbrdOE
b. Ssum
i. Add OE codes; Main Idea, Reactions, Ido, Taf, Total Com, Total
Com2, Likes, Dislikes are preset in OE_def.dms



inc_weight_def.mrs - define weighting variables

inc_weight_edit.mrs - edit weighting variables
a. uncomment all lines
b. fill in weighting variables, target values and additional filters if the case


- Setup breaks: label + populate
- if there are any core targets set up variables targetdef1, targetdef2,
targetdef3 according with their definition
- if there is brandshift shown on link, cleaning is made as following
a. _3 cleaning for first brandshift (as in defBSLtr)
b. _4 cleaning for second brandshift (as in defBSLtr)
c. _5 cleaning for third brandshift (as in defBSLtr)
Run 02_Edit.dms

Open TOPS__Output__Workspace.sws


a. check compage categories
b. check if tables for all additional questions are included
make sure this was properly set up by incCreator
- if cpbr&cppr fill in cppr codes for each brand in cpbr
- check if tables for all additional questions are included
a. check if tables for all additional questions are included
a. change siglevel if the case (90 is default)
b. Salto - set up headerdial
c. For NA: set startheader and numheader as the same value
representing the header you want run. The tables will be saved with a
name ending in banx, where x = numheader+1


Open this file.
Change deftables, defweight and defSalto to define what set you want
then run the file.

if Brandshift is tested: Open BS__Output__Workspace.sws

21. inc_axis_pers.mrs make sure this was
a. fill in codeframe for each frame

b. fill in sbmakeaxesBS for each form requested


Open this file.
- for unweighted table sampleArr is already set
- For fina/unweighted you will be requested to uncomment one of the
variants: Final or Weighted
- Change deftables, defweight and defSalto to define what set you
want then run the file.

- Open this file.
- fill in header
- fill in groups.txt from tables folder
Run hitabs application and check with brandshift tables

Coding for NA
- Make sure your files are named EventID_*.txt; rename if otherwise;
- Run the EventID_codebooks.txt file through Codebook Prep;
- Restart the tabulation process from 01_incCreator.mrs.

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