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Medical Residency Typical Interview Questions

1. "Why do you want to go into internal medicine?"

I chose medicine because I like the intricacy of diseases states all interacting with
each other.
I dont like to memorize, but I like to understand.
It is what I learned in medical school and I want to be able to use and apply what I
have learned.
2. "What are your ultimate career plans? Are you planning on a subspecialty? What field?"
(Note that it is perfectly acceptable to say 'I don't know' to this question. An interest in a
subspecialty is not mandatory. Internal medicine is a broad area, and not knowing what
you want to do before you have started training is certainly reasonable. This question is to
get an idea of your area of interest and whether or not you may be heading in a certain
career direction. It is also fine to have more than one subspecialty in mind.
I want to have the option to specialize, I do like some specialties, but first I would
like to establish a strong foundation of medicine. I do find most specialties in
medicine to be interesting and I dont want to limit myself just for one specialty and
limit my exposure/interest in the other great fields that are available.
3. "Where do you see yourself in five years? ten years?"
Five years if Im not doing a fellowship, I would like to establishing myself in a
community. I would like to put in the framework to establish my own practice. I
would like to learn the ins and outs that are not taught in residency, like getting first
hand experience in the administrative procedures by joining a pre-existing practice.
I would like to give continuing education talks.
4. "How do you feel about the practice of medicine today? What about its future? (i.e.
malpractice, insurance, reimbursements, etc.)"
5. "What is your biggest fear in the realm of medicine?" (or questions concerning the state of
medicine in general)
6. "Why do you want to come to this program?"
7. "What makes this program appealing/special to you?"
8. "What do you hope to gain from our residency program?"
9. "Why should we want you to come to our program?"
10."What will you/can you bring to our program?"
Leadership and management roles as a pharmacist manager, president of a
student organization
Teaching others - tutoring in college, also tutoring medical students with MKSAP
Prior patient care experience I always made sure I added at the end I hope you
feel better
I work well with others during my sub-I, I was able to integrate myself with the
team and operate as an intern.
11."Briefly describe your student research project." (if applicable)
12."Do you plan on research as being a part of your career?"
13."Tell me something about you that is not on you CV."
14."Give me some one-word descriptors of yourself."
15."What are some of your strengths/weaknesses?"
Spanish I feel I can communicate basically and ask my questions, but I think I can
be back to my college speaking levels.
Reading journal articles I feel I need to find a few journal articles and read more of
them, not just the textbooks anymore and articles for when I do searches to look up
information. I have downloaded an app called Docphin, and I find I have access to
all of these journals by using my ipad/iphone.
16."Tell me about your hometown/college/medical school."
17."Why did you choose the college/medical school that you attended?"
18."Describe the best/worst incident that you encountered in your medical school career."

19."Who is your role model? Why?"

20."What are some of your hobbies/interest/extra-curricular activities?"
21."What is the most recent book you've read? Tell me a little bit about this book."
22.We have many good applicants. Why should we choose you?
23.Why did you choose to apply to this program?
24.What would you like to know about our program?
Tell me about the success of your applicants and how getting a residency at this
institution has helped them succeed.
Tell me what changes you have incorporated into this program and what have you
gained from these changes and why were these changes made?
25.What do you feel you could add to our program?
26.What have you learned about yourself from previous jobs?
27.How do I know you can show initiative and are willing to work?
28.What are your interests outside of medicine?
29.What would you say are your major strengths? Weaknesses?
30.Why did you choose this specialty?
31.Tell me about your medical education.
32.Tell me about your previous clinical experience in (specialty name).
33.Why are you so sure (specialty) is right for you?
34.Tell me about your experience with the USMLE exam(s)? (if candidate has so-so score(s) or
failed attempts)
35.Have you ever worked in an ICU (or other unit common to the specialty)?
36.Have you ever worked in an American hospital? Tell me about that experience.
37.How do you get along with nurses?
38.Have you ever taught medical students?
39.Do you have any publications?
40.Are you interested in research activity? Please elaborate.
41.Have you ever made any presentations before a professional group?
42.Have you assisted in surgery? On what procedures? Tell me how you were involved. What
are your long term goals?
43.Tell me about yourself.
44.Where do you see yourself in 10 years' time?
45.What are you looking for in a training program?
Supervised autonomy
Teaching that promotes learning and in a non-malignant way
46.Do you have any questions about our program?
47.What books have you read lately? Tell me about (book, article).
48.Do you plan to practice in (program's area or state)?
49.Tell me about the latest treatment for XXXX (a common disease treated by the specialty).
(This is often called "pumping an applicant" and is not as common as it once was.)
50.How would you describe your decision-making style?
51.Describe the most difficult decision you have ever had to make. How did you go about it?
52.Describe the worst or most disappointing clinical experience you've had so far.
53.What will you do if you don't match in (specialty)?
54.To what other (programs or specialty areas) have you applied?
55.What is your visa status?
US citizen with all US clinical experience
56.Describe a difficult time in your life and how you dealt with it.
57.Do you have any beliefs or convictions that might interfere with your willingness to deal
with the kind of clinical situations you are likely to be presented with in residency training?
(Usually asked if program director fears religious beliefs may prevent applicant from
performing abortions, birth control, etc.)
58.What do you do to cope with stress?

59.Have you taken any CME courses? If not, why not? (asked to measure applicant's initiative
in seeking exposure to US-style of health care delivery)
60.Have you held any leadership roles? Elaborate.
61.What factors would lead you to rank a program very highly?
Access to fellowships and supervised autonomy
62.What factors would lead you to lower your ranking of a program?

63.What kind of personality traits do you find most difficult to deal with in coworkers?
Narcisistic and people who take shortcuts and do the bare minimum.
64.What challenges do you foresee that will potentially affect this specialty in the next ten
65.What kind of patient do you find it most difficult to relate to? What tactics would you use
to establish optimal rapport with such a patient?

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