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black borders narrow the image

making the image seem mysterious;
its as if its limiting
this is because
what we are allowed to see. The black

borders also allow for the pink and
green tilting
to appear better.

The image is edited to have a blue tint

to it, creating a mysterious and cool
mood but also a numb feeling. This has
given me inspiration to do something
similar to our poster for INGRID.

Already from a first glance at the poster

we acknowledge
that she Nikita is the
protagonist and the film surrounds her.

We can see that she is a woman but in
the environment
that she is in (holding a

gun), you would not expect her to be
looking very stereotypically feminine by
wearing a dress and heels.

This is the first and original poster for the film La

Femme Nikita (1990) which is what the TV show Nikita
is based on. The title itself translates from French to
The woman Nikita. However this links to the title of
the film La femme Nikita, which after looking at the
image the word femme seems to be emphasised from
the mise en scene presented.

Billing block

Both Nikita posters include a slogan or tag line

which shadows the protagonists voice.

The poster is a close up of

their face which doesnt allow
us to make many
of the film because it doesnt
reveal their body

This is the second version of La Femme

Nikita made in 1997. This poster is edited in
this Persian blue colour which was also
common in the original poster for this film.
Connotations of the colour blue are that it
shows peace respect and confidence. It is a
colour of trust, loyalty and sincerity but it
also creates cool feeling which reflects the
genre of the film. The loyalty and trust
reflects the character of both Nikita and
Ingrid. This has influenced me to
incorporate this colour into the titling,
poster as well as the opening sequence

The poster
shows both a male and female who
are physically close to each other. This could

connote that there is a close relationship between
them in the film. The female is looking straight at
the character which allows us to see her full face
and see her facial expression.

Surprising the title is very small

and placed at the corner of the
poster which isnt vey eye

The circle w
ith the cross in
centre tells us that he is a target

and the fingerprint
that is placed
on the left side of the poster also

represents the idea of him being
a person involved
with the

government, whether its good
or bad.

The film Bourne Identity was released in

2002 which was an updated version to
the 1988 TV mini-series. Matt Damon,
the protagonist of this film is placed in
the centre of the screen attracting all the
focus to him.

This poster also foreshadows that he is

constantly on the move; running and being
chased because of his pose.

The specific c olours of blue and orange
are complementary colours which

allows for everything
on the poster to
stand out evenly
without having one
stand out more than the rest. The
colour blue is a very large convention
of action thriller films. It is used in all

the previous posters I have mentioned
and is also used
within the film as an
overall visual colour.

The orange coloured photos in

the background imitate the look
of a film strip. It creates the sense
of them being watched or
someone looking into their lives.
These photos reveal that there
are fights scenes as well as
romantic scenes.

Billing block

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