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Taglines though the years..

In 1976, when Apple Computers was found, the logo was a woodcut of Sir Isaac
Newton and an apple dangling over his head. The tagline was A mind forever
voyaging through strange seas of thought alone. This tagline was literally an
excerpt from a William Wordsworth poetry. The tagline and the logo did not sustain
for long and were soon replaced. But the mysterious and arcane nature of the
tagline was an attempt to launch Apple Computers to gather more intuitive eyes
away from the big brother IBM, who led the computers business at that time. The
medieval style tagline was soon considered to be little relevant to the potential
customers of Apple products and hence it was replaced with Byte into an Apple
one of the firsts of Apples official taglines. It was the wordplay and the relevance to
the new Apple logo with a bite that created the initial perception in the market
about Apple Computers. With little meaning at the semiotic level the wordplay was
just considered to represent the smart and fun nature of the people running the
company. This tagline was more relevant and allowed a layman to feel connected to
the idea of owning a personal computer more plausible. In the 1980s Apple moved
to Simplicity is the Ultimate Sophistication, a tagline that formally introduced
Apple II and coined the term personal computer for the world and also because
Steve jobs believed in simple and elegant designs the computer was made easy to
use for the common man. The tagline signified the essence of the principles that
Apple Computers was based on making complex devices simple for the masses to
use. It symbolized the influence of Buddhism over Steve Jobs approach towards
everything minimalistic, simplistic and focused on the basics. Humans naturally
tend to find more sophistication in simpler things since they seem to be more
focused and hence very optimum to the human mind. In 1984, Apple Computers
launched the Macintosh with the tagline The Computer for the rest of us. The
businesses used the advanced technology IBM computers then, and Macintosh thus
managed to grab the attention of the common man. The phrase rest of us was
used to signify the common man who could neither understand or use the
complex IBM machines at that time. It was a wise attempt to create an aspiration
around owning personal computers in the minds of the commoner who had only
heard of the magical machines that computers were. In the 1990s, Apple launched a
new campaign called The Power to be your best, the idea behind this campaign
was to communicate how the apple personal computer could be your personal
assistant and give you the power to be your best. It signified the 1990s emerging
culture, tasting success was considered to be the ultimate thing that could perhaps
allow you to conquer the world. With many drastic advancements that the 1990s
had witnessed, the campaign attempted to encompass the feelings of the working
man to make it big in life. After the 1997, the historic Think Different campaign
had succeeded to sustain the rest of Apple, Inc.s innovative and path breaking
work. The think different campaign was launched with the commercial to the crazy
ones, it showed snippets of famous personalities from all over the world who
followed their heart and made a difference to the world with their great work. It
ended with the new tagline Think Different. Considered as one of most successful
advertising campaigns, at a semiotic level it simply signified the top level of the
Maslows hierarchy of needs - Self Actualization. The native human tendency to

move above and beyond the societys way of thinking and making a difference with
what we think is right. It naturally appealed to everyone, and thereby influenced
thousands of minds across the world, for if they owned an Apple, they had achieved
the Zen level of realization.

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