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FIT Contract and any security pledged against the contract

A feed-in tariff (FIT, standard offer contract)[1] advanced renewable tariff[2] or renewable energy
payments[3] is a policy mechanism designed to accelerate INVESTMENT

in renewable

energy technologies. It achieves this by offering long-term contracts to renewable energy producers,
typically based on the cost of generation of each technology.[1][4] Rather than pay an equal amount for
energy, however generated, technologies such as wind power, for instance, are awarded a lower
per-kWh price, while technologies such as solar PV and tidal power are offered a higher price,
reflecting costs that are higher at the moment.
In addition, feed-in tariffs often include "tariff degression", a mechanism according to which the price
(or tariff) ratchets down over time. This is done in order to track [4]:p.25 and encourage technological cost
reductions.[1]:p.100[5] The goal of feed-in tariffs is to offer cost-based compensation to renewable energy
producers, providing price certainty and long-term contracts that help FINANCE

renewable energy


1. The Political, cultural, economic and social atmosphere in the host country (specifically
pertaining to any risk in the host country

Social atmosphere
the transformation from an industrial to a post industrial society has brought with it new social
constellations with greater emphasis upon services and intangible things making culture from being
a mere soft into a hard factor. At the same time, family and reproduction patterns change with
many more women preferring to work rather than staying at home. Even though social policies vary
throughout the European countries certainly the concern about the family as core social unit has
intensified with shifts in demographic structures reflecting an ageing population with less and less
new borns who could sustain once they have entered permanent employment the ever more
expensive social SECURITY SYSTEMS .

Economic atmosphere
Economic conditions are best described by policy being directed towards growth rather than
retaining an economic development which fulfils social conditions. Here cities need to look at
development in terms as to who has the economic force to alter things and redirect the flow of goods
and commodities. No longer the private sector as such can demand things but more so the
combination of the private with the public sector can lead to overt development patterns which harm
the rest of the urban development possibilities. This is certainly the case in Metropolitan cities in
which subdistricts differ greatly from another in both economic base and investments made out of
earnings gained from having some very specific economic activities in the area. For this can lead to
the demand of having a new access road, a demand differing greatly from developing the
public TRANSPORTATION system.

Cultural atmosphere
Culture communicates in many even subversive ways lead models which people have identified as
the successful ones in such a system and which they tend to imitate. This is because culture is
largely determined by the media. As a matter of fact the media culture is such that it makes
everything else into its own tool. Crucial is, therefore, whether or not a city and its social and
economic groups can come to agree on keeping FREE some areas of their culture from over
commercialization while still giving in to such money based activities as they mean a net return for
the city in terms of cultural investments made. The accounting system of a city has here a special
task. It starts with measuring the non-measurable and does not end there but demands a clear
trans-sensitivity from economic costs to political gains out of each and every cultural action and
event. That there are special tasks added such as preserving and promoting identity is not put into
doubt but rather adds to the kind of cultural administration set up in order to bring some practical
routines into what is doing business with culture.

Political atmosphere
Politics reflects what constellations of INTERESTS favour which model of development, including
just an economic growth model. Lately politics has come under the increasing influence by a certain
rich class which has powerful links to BUSINESS, media and politics e.g. Berlusconi.


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