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Congresso arqueologia da mdia at dia 06

In places online (web) marked by the coalescence times, the geological layers are
crossed voraciously with a trend of the shards Crush own (or better-preserved site) for
the web "surface. Or perhaps this behavior during frequent burial.
It is possible to " Invade " deep time web and audiovisual becomings authenticate it ?
Cultural web interfaces seem to be short " time " circuit when observing initiatives that
aim to preserve an attitude of what fades during the ephemeral ( Chun ) network . This
preservation, we review in principle constructs of memory, which among other " saved "
cultural products , makes us reflect on the audiovisual / audiovisual becomings /
audiovisualidades who signed up / enroll in online interfaces qualities . The research is
believed while a midio - archaeological dig because it is inspired by certain principles of
a " school" of media archeology , but dare to amalgamate with cartographic
dissecatrio - producing movements that come up in searches TCAV . If , in previous
research , intentions revolved around authenticate movements via remidiao
archaeological attitude to think that roamed the dynamic interface design , now we cut
to specific initiatives that propose themselves as the curators of the instances that
preserves / lost , end up " Loading " in their intrerfaces opportunities (more or less clear
) of the dig audiovisualidades ( web -or online technoculture ? ) that are buried , and
that once displaced explicitly shone in their original " local " .
Um ingresso exploratrio em sites que enunciam memria das mdias online
From Huhtamo to Chun: how web preservation initiatives help us discuss a web of
ephemeral screens
What web archiving initiatives teaches us about
wreckage traces remains notes on interfaces that enunciate memory
Searching through wreckage:
Searching through buried
First steps on interface dissection: ideas towards mapping traces of video via
the WaybackMachine.
Methodological ideias around interface dissection: the video that wasnt there
The audiovisual that hardly is: interface dissection as methodological approach
to excavate websites
interface dissection as methodolical approach to excavate websites

The audiovisual that hardly is: reflecting on the wayback machine as a media
archeological field for video and film.
O artigo tem por objetivo relatar um conjunto de incurses ao projeto The WayBack
Machine que conserva, pertencente orgnaizao sem fins lucrativos Internet Archive
(, que se caracteriza

The audio-visual that hardly is: reflecting on the wayback machine as a media
archeological field for video and film.
Dentro do espectro amplo de incurses em torno do conceito de arqueologia da mdia
e suas subsequentes abordagens e procedimentos metodolgicas, o presente artigo
visa discutir especificamente movimentos

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