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I ELT S Essay , t opic : C apit al Punis hme nt

Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or
violence increase. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this
Serious crimes need capital punishment so that the offender are unable to
get involved in the crime in the future. However, If they want to stop the
acts of violation in the future then it would be better to forget him and judge
him for a change .
Overall, I agree with the fact that punishment is the way to avoid thecrime
to be increased and hence our lives become more secure. If the wrongdoer
wants to be a good man and there is a particular financial or personal
problem that led him to the wrong way, then it would be the nice option to
forgive him and try to solve the problem he have. Although by this way,
some bad man may become effective part of the society but some do not
bring themselves to the right path because they are very much used to of it.
The person that _ involved in the crime and never try to stop the lawbreaking act should be punished inthe extremely serious way. However, it
totally depends on the nature of crime. Some crime led to a capital
punishment and some may require a small penalty. The law-making
institutions are responsible to bring the bad man to the right level of
punishment that he deserves. If there is weak legislation to properly handle
the offender, it maybecome our society less secure for the good man. The
government should be the responsible authority to provide a secure and
better state to live. Laws should be implemented and executed in the most
proper way that do not allow the offender to commit violent acts or to break
the law in any way and to any extent. To sum up, it is the responsibility of
the state runner to stop people to involved in crime. It may be done through
solving the problems of the people that led them to commit that violence act
or by the punishment accordingly.
Where are the paragraphs? This is a good essay; however there are
many small mistakes that might cost you dearly. There are also
several unclear expressions and grammatical errors.
You should rewrite it, giving more thought to what is required, e.g.

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: Ed uc atio n with o r witho ut a teac her

Some people think that they can learn better by themselves than
with a teacher. Others think that it is always better to have a
teacher. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons to develop your
It is certainly said that learning is an ongoing process .Every
personlearn something new according to their age, experience, knowledge
and education. According to my point of view it is always better to
have _teacher or guide for study.
One teacher has adequate knowledge to teach their student. He knowsall the
possible ways to make subject easier for the students, moreover, he teaches
them in an effective manner. For example, some students are weak in some
subjects but a teacher always guidesthem according to their mental
capacity. He teaches them as fun. Some people can learn better in group by
discuss the topics with others. In class people can know the views of
others, even they know how we can learn effectively. Where the teacher
always gives an easy direction to learn.
In the todays competitive world, everybody is busy, some people think
that rather to waste their time to go for classes they can learn better their
subject _. They can attend online classes by using the Internet at home.
They can get relevant information from the Internet regarding their topic.
There is not specific time or age limit to learn something new. Some new
things we can only learn from experience for example new facts, new
habits and so on.
In sum up, I would like to say that it is always better for the people to have
a teacher because a teacher has good knowledge, experience and is
educated how to teach others. People will learn from a teacher in an easier
way rather than on their own.
Where are the paragraphs in this essay? You must be very careful
using definitive words such as always and making statements
about facts. The essay is for you to provide an opinion and to
provide supporting arguments. Also, the other side of the argument
about teachers that have limited knowledge or people that learn
better on their own is not presented here.

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: A po p ular ho bb y rath er than a favorite

p ass ti m e
Nowadays people like to change their day by day activities according to the
latest trends and also they are following popular things what their
surrounding peoples make them popular in their area. This essay will explain
the reason why the people are spending more time
for popular hobbies rather than their individual activities.
Hobbies and interest are different for everyone; this is the human
nature,which is given by god. The current generations peoples are very
much interest in the latest trend which makes them happy and
alsohelp them to make more money. For example, cricket is the most
famous game in many of the country, children and teen ages are
starts playing it whenever they have free time in their daily life. This makes
them will become a star in this game when they reach a certain age in their
life. In addition, this popularity will help them to make lots of money in their
life. Beside this, there are many hobby changes the peoples entire life into
different way.
Those are from poor family aiming to spend more time to make money
rather than on their own interests. However, some of them are
notworry about the popular hobbies and interests. For instance, drinking
alcohol is one of the popular hobbies between low income and high level
budget peoples interest.
In conclusion, _spending more time for popular hobbies and interests really
depends on their surrounding peoples activity and environments. It may be
a helpful for them to become a star in their life or spending time with many
Avoid statements such as This essay will explain the reason, your
essay should present a point of view including supporting
information and examples. The essay needs to be easy to follow, and
in addition your English should be accurate and appropriate.
I suggest that you read several essays that have been awarded high
band scores and think about how those writers have structured their

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: U nivers ity mo ney b ett er s p ent on lib raries
o r sp o rts
Universities should allocate the same amount of money to their sport
activities as they allocate to their libraries. Do you agree or
Yes, I do feel that universities should have an equal budget for their libraries
as well as _ sport activities. It is our general belief that a good player can
not be _ good student and hence we restrict our childrens sport activities at
college level. Moreover, an academic degree has much more value than sport
activities which naturally compels students to focus more on their studies
than their interest in sport.
Most of the universities keep sports at last number of their priority
list,because of which good players do not get enough facilities
andequipments to improve their skills and eventually they loose their
interest.Universities can play _ substantial role in shaping this upcoming
talent by providing good trainers and equipments which is otherwise too
expensive to afford. Also it will attract other studentstowards sports and
inculcate importance of physical fitness in them.
Universities should produce genious in all fields rather than only
concentrating on progress of scholars. Hence, I feel that universities should
allot equal amounts of money to liabrary as well as sport activities.
Your essay too short, the introduction is good, as is the first
paragraph but you must offer more arguments regarding why you
agree or disagree. There are many spelling, punctuation and article
errors. The essay is easy to follow but has the appearance of the
writer running short of time.

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: Mo d ern m ed ic ine helps to live lo ng er

Modern medicine helps to live a longer life. Do you agree?
The modern medicine is very important for living a long life. It is depend on
new technology. People take very easy and quickly. Also modern medicine
is very quick absorbing to human body. It is helps to back to normal for
people health condition. Therefore I agree that the modern medicine is
helps to live longer.
First of all, the modern medicine can prevent incurable diseases. Doctors can
find some diseases very early. Then doctors can give suitable medicines to
patients. New modern equipments are helpsdoctors is going to correct way.
Also intelligent people in the world live a long life on helps from modern
medicine. That is very important in the human society because their creative
things are coming with them and they can help others for a longer time
when they are living in long life with comfortably.
Beside, old population is increasing in the country. It is badly effect
incountrys economy and especially for third world countries. But old people
are very important in human society because their experience definitely
helps to living safely and planning to new project. Experience is better than
qualifications However, old people are living a long life; it is helping others
to live a long life because we can get advice from them and they are
covering our culture and society.
Moreover, modern medicine is being addictive for some people, so that they
cannot live without medicine. They should take medicine all their lives. Also
modern medicine is very expensive. Therefore most of poor
countries couldn?t take modern medicine and it has taken a commercial
shape, also it is depending on money. In the modern medicine have not facts
of human kindness. People who have money can take modern medicine. But

indigenous medicine has well human friendly shape. It does not depend on
To summarize; in my personal view, modern medicine is helping to live a
long life with comfortably. Modern technologies are being supported to
find unburnable diseases very early. So doctors can take correct
path immediately. Therefore, may I not hesitate to agree with the above
mentioned statement.
Your essay has several confusing sentences, where your meaning is
You mix advantages and disadvantages of the modern medicine in
one paragraph when you should divide them have advantages in
one paragraph and disadvantages in another.
If you agree with the statement, you should have 2 paragraphs
supporting your opinion and one supporting the opposite opinion, in
your essay it is 2 against and 1 for.
The structure of sentences is not very good here and so is your
grammar. Try reading more essays of Bands 6 and 7 to see how you
can improve your writing. Read more tips in IELTS-blog and Ace
The IELTS or Target Band 7 e-books.

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: th e m o ther s and fath er s ro le in a family

Boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls are most
influenced by their mothers. Do you agree or disagree? Use specific
reasons to support your opinion.

It is true that nowadays parent have a great influence over thechildren.

Some people hold the opinion that the same sex is the major determination
of influencing parent, but others have a negative attitude. As far as I am
concerned, I agree that boys are most influenced by their fathers and girls
are most influenced by their mothers. My arguments for this point are listed
First of all, a father is the person who have already passed that wayswhich
are his son is passing now, in other words, sons are following their fathers
footsteps. So, based on experience it is easy for a father to notice his sons
drawbacks and to influence them.
Secondly, it is true that a boy is countedas a strong characteristics
human , but a girl is a subtle and fragile one. It is hard for mothers to
influence their sons, because it is not likely that vulnerable somethingcan
affect a strong one.
In conclusion, it seems to me unfair that boys are most influenced by their
mothers. Based on at least two points above I strongly agree that children
are influenced by a parent of the same gender.
This essay is too short, 190 words instead of the minimum
requirement of 250. It doesnt say anything about girls being
influenced by their mothers, which is also a part of the task
therefore the task is only partially covered. The sentences are not
complex enough, there are grammatical mistakes and inaccuracies
(see comments underlined in blue). Overall, this looks like a Band
5.5 essay

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: keep ing p ets to live a m o re enj oyab le life

Some people believe that having a pet such as a cat or a dog helps
old people to live a more enjoyable life and to stay healthier. How do
you think old people benefit from having a pet? Do you think there
are any problems related to old people who have pets?
Pets have become far more familiar within mankind community, and indeed,
the importance of relationship between human beings and their pets has
been proved to be slightly exaggerated in some nations. However, although
problems regarding animals hairs may affect the health conditions of old
people, the benefits that these lovely animals bring to them, physically and
mentally alike, are clearly undeniable.
In term of physical benefits, the well-being conditions of elderly people with
pets are more favourable compared to those without pets, since not only do
they have to take care of themselves, __ the responsibilitythat ensure
their love one being fed and well looked after encourages them to become
even more active. Due to these extra activities, thisthough might not have
an obvious influence on their health, but at least this could help them to
avoid bad living styles. Coupled with physical side, their mental wellbeing
will also be improved, and the reason is that having someone to take care of
would reduce the chance of feeling loneliness. Therefore, their depressing
rate could be minimised.
In spite of the above advantages, the threats of too close interaction
between pets and vulnerable old people still exist. One of the major concerns
is the harmfulness of these animal hairs on their tracheas, especially
those with asthma. Because of the virtually invisible in the air, many asthma
symptoms are caused unconsciously by pets. In addition to the fact that old
people might experience difficulty in looking after their pets, as their health
conditions are limited, whichcould become even more challenge when they
try t take care of others.
In conclusion, it is true that obstacles still exist for elderly people in adopting
pets, but the benefits of this topic outnumber its shortages. For such
reasons, instead of discontinuing them, further support would be far more
You have made an attempt to accomplish the task response.
However, there are quite a few mistakes in the essay the main
problematic areas are grammar, sentence structure and word
choice. In addition, the length of the task response could be
reduced. This task response needs to be worked on and improved.

Revise grammar and work on your sentence structure. Avoid writing

more than 280 words to save time and reduce the number of
mistakes, and remember to always proofread your work once youre
finished. Overall, this looks like a Band 5.5 essay

IE LTS Es s ay, top ic: N atural res o urc es c anno t s us tain ec o no mi c

g ro wth , ag re e o r dis ag ree ?
There is no longer enough natural resources to sustain current levels
of economic growth. To what extent do you agree or disagree with
this statement?
Recently, the demands of natural resources have risen dramatically across
the world due to population growth. Some people state that wehave
not enough resources. However, there are some individuals who disagree
with this opinion. In this essay, the issues behind this phenomenon will be
On the one hand, some people state that if the number of natural
resource will continue to degrease we cannot have a comfortable life
because natural resources are limited. According to a government research
in the USA shows that if this situation will continue, the petrol will lose in
2050. Moreover, it is widely said that the number of population in the
world will increase. This will make the amount of natural resource decrease.
On the other hand, there are some individuals who disagree with abovementioned perception. The demands of natural resources will be lessen
owning to improving the technology. For example, thedevelopments of
technology such as electronic cars gave a positive impact in the society. By
using this, we can decline the consumption of natural resources. Eventually,
we will not need natural fuel. In my opinion, decreasing of
natural resource is quite crisis, I think the loss of it give a negative

impact in the society because even we wont have a comfortable life any
In conclusion, I agree with the idea that there is no longer enough natural
resources to sustain this situation. In order to defense our life, the
governments every countries should tackle this issue.
This essay needs work, in particular in the areas of grammar,
sentence structure and word choice (mouse over the words in blue
will show suggested corrections). The arguments could have been
more convincing. The word count is only 245, whereas at least 250
words are required to avoid being penalised. Overall, this looks like
a Band 5.5 essay.

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