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Kaya Kalpa in Siddha Medicine

Siddha medicine
An ancient system of medicine of South India
The word Siddha comes from the Tamil word
for perfection
The basic philosophy is the individual is a
microcosm of the universe.
The human body consists of the five
primordial elements - earth, water, fire, air
and space, the three humours-vatha, pitta and
kapha and seven physical constituents.

The equilibrium of three humours Dosha Mukkurrtam is considered as health and its
disturbance or imbalance leads to a diseased
There is equal emphasis on the body, mind
and spirit and strives to restore the innate
harmony of the individual.
Basic philosophies are similar the Ayurveda

Kayakalpa is a specialized field of practice
revered within the Ayurveda and Siddha
medical systems of India as the ideal
treatment for health, vitality, longevity and
higher consciousness.
he name is from the Sanskrit
kaya body
Kalpa rejuvenation.

kayakalpa frees the vital energy by purifying

and nurturing the body, mind and psyche with
specific medicinal and therapies.

Methods of Kayakalpa in Siddha

The methods prescribed in Siddha medical science in
the treatment of Kayakalpa are as follows:1. Preservation of vital energy of the body by diverting the
internal secretions to the circulation of blood by control
of breathing through yoga practice.
2. Conservation of sperm by using it for regeneration.
3. Use of the Universal salt, such as Muppu in Tamil,
prepared by certain Siddhic process for rejuvenation.
4. Use of calcined powders prepared from metals and
minerals such as mercury, sulphur, mica, gold, copper,
iron etc.
5. Use of drugs prepared from certain rare Indian herbs.

Method 01 - 03
The methods 1 to 3 can be accomplished only
by yogis and Siddhars for attaining immortality
and the methods 3 and 4 are for prologuation
of life of man freed from the degenerated

Amirtham in the Body

Siddhars hold that in the upper edge of spinal
cord in the cervical region and above the Tonsil,
there is a portion similar to that of a conch and a
disc. Here a substance, namely mucus or phlegm,
is formed. It has its own poisonous effect on man
and injurious to his well being and good
health. This is called Pitha Neer in Tamil. This is
described as the eclipse intercepting the union of
sun and moon in the cerebrum as well as the
passage for the secretion namely Amirtham

Purification of Body
It is therefore obvious that those who
concentrate on Kayakalpa treatment, should
make an attempt to get rid of this poisonous
effect first.
The herb recommended by Siddhas for
emitting the poisonous substance is Eclipta
alba (Golden coloured), Karisalankanni in

The next obstacle in prolonging the life span is

constipation. The very first injunction for the
treatment of Kayakalpa is that the bowel
should be completely cleaned and evacuated

The next most popular drug in Kayakalpa used as laxative is

Terminalia Chebula (Kadukkai) in Tamil. Its virtue is highly
appreciated by Siddhas and used against all internal
The following is the direction to be observed while taking
the powdered myrobalans as per Kayakalpa treatment: To be taken with palm jaggery during June and July.
To be taken with purified Sodium chloride Impura (Induppu)
To be taken with sugar during October and November.
To be taken with decoction of dried ginger during December and
To be taken with honey during February and March.
To be taken with Amuri during April and May.

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