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Ascended Master Kuan Yin, December 30, 2011 through Kim Michaels.

This dictation
was given in Almaty, Kazakhstan.

I, Kuan Yin, wish to take you on a journey in your imagination. I desire you to
realize that while you were giving this invocation, with the beauty of your hear
ts and with the beauty of the Russian language, you built a spiral staircase tha
t reaches high into the etheric and into the spiritual realm. During, and also n
ow after, this invocation, angels have been descending and the souls of human be
ings have been ascending this spiral staircase in the most beautiful figure-eigh
t flow that you could ever imagine. The beauty of this flow is so beyond what yo
u see outpictured in the physical on planet earth. But it is not beyond what cou
ld be outpictured and will be outpictured as the consciousness is raised.

Beauty is the universal unifier

Indeed, beauty beauty is the universal unifier, for all people have a sense of bea
uty. All people can be moved by experiencing great beauty, a beauty that is beyo
nd what they see normally, what they experience, what they expect, what they ima
gine. This beauty is what we in the ascended realm experience all the time and w
e, of course, desire our unascended brothers and sisters to experience that same
beauty. For only when you experience it within and accept that this beauty is r
eality, will you be able to accept that it can also be manifest in the physical
realm, in the material realm, on earth.
Truly, we have talked about closed systems, and ugliness becomes such a closed s
ystem whilst people are surrounded by ugly surroundings, by poverty, by lack of
dignity. They come to believe that this is all that the Mother realm could outpi
cture. And so, they become self-fulfilling prophecies, and we, of course, desire
all to rise out of this consciousness. And this is indeed why the souls of peop
le, those who are ready for this experience, have been ascending on the spiral s
taircase that has been built, not only by you who are here physically but also b
y the people around the world who have been studying our teachings and have been
applying them by giving the invocations.
Truly, all of you throughout the world, who have given some measure of invocatio
ns and decrees throughout this Year of the Mother, have been instrumental in hel
ping to build the spiral staircase, so that at the end of the year lifestreams w
ould be able to rise on it as high as their consciousness allows and then glimps
e that which is more beautiful than anything they see on earth.
And as they experience this beauty and take it with them back to their normal li
fe, they will carry it in their beings. Even if they do not remember it consciou
sly, they will have this inner knowing that it is possible to manifest greater b
For as my beloved brother, Master MORE, just said: "With God all things are poss
ible," but the limitation is, of course, that when it comes to the material real
m, all is guided by free will. And so, even though it is possible for God to man
ifest far more than what is manifest now, God, of course, cannot manifest anythi
ng more than what the people can envision and accepts.
And so, the first step towards manifesting more is to have a vision of the more
that is possible, and then beginning to accept that vision as a real possibility
, finally coming to the point, where you do not accept it just as a possibility
but you accept it as a manifest reality. And you affirm that this is reality, an
d the ugliness is not reality for it is a manifestation of unreality. This is th
e shift in consciousness that we have been working for a very long time to produ

ce, and it is coming closer and closer to being a reality because more and more
people can begin to accept it as a reality.

Journeying into higher realms

Thus, while you rise with me on this spiral staircase, you rise up. First throug
h the physical, then through the emotional, where you, sealed by my mercy, will
not be tempted to go into the many unbalanced emotions that seek to pull you hit
her and yon. But you will stay centered with me as we rise through the emotional
realm, then rise through the mental, where you also will be sealed from the man
y temptations that pull on you to go into some kind of argument, some kind of re
asoning or the attempt to solve some kind of problem for the mind so loves to solv
e problems.
But you, of course, stay centered in my flame of mercy, so you realize that the
problems that the mind loves to solve are the very problems that the mind itself
has created and they exist only in the mind. And so, you continue to rise on th
e spiral staircase without being pulled into seeking to solve anything, for we a
re on a journey towards something higher. And as we go into the etheric, then ev
en here you stay sealed from the temptation to go out and correct your own ident
ity or the identity of others. And so, you rise through the etheric into the hig
her etheric realm, into the spiritual.
And now we are as if we were in a spaceship hovering high above the earth, looki
ng at this planet from a great distance. And with distance comes perspective, fo
r when you are not inside the earth, the force field of the earth, when you are
not inside the mass consciousness, you can see more clearly what is happening on
earth. And as you then look, you see, that beyond all of the outer appearances
and seeming problems and manifestations, there is an underlying current.
And so, the question that I put before you is: "If you could go to the very core
, to the very essence of what is happening on the earth, if you could single out
one cause, one problem, one underlying current that is the cause of human confl
ict and human problems, then what would that one cause be?" And as you look very
carefully, you will see, that underneath all of the outer manifestations
the ma
nifestations that blur your vision while you are in your normal circumstance bey
ond all of these appearances there is one cause, and it is simply this: that so
many human beings do not love themselves.

The underlying cause of human conflicts

You see, when you do not love yourself unconditionally, you think that the only
way to receive love is to live up to certain conditions. And, of course, the mos
t basic need for all human beings is to receive love. And so, when you think tha
t you have to live up to certain conditions in order to receive that which your
lifestream craves the most, then you will be trapped in this never-ending work o
r struggle to fulfill whatever conditions you have come to accept as standing be
tween you and your direct experience of love.
You think that you can only receive love when you fulfill certain conditions, an
d therefore you cannot accept the love that is flowing, that is raining upon you
every second. And so, you are actively rejecting that love by looking outside y
ourself, seeking to live up to certain conditions. And so, you will see that the
vast majority of human beings on earth have an underlying current in their cons
ciousness, and it is this: they are attempting to compensate for what they perce
ive as a lack.
They think they have to live up to conditions. They think they are not currently

living up to those conditions, so they are seeking to compensate for this lack
that they perceive. And if you will take a closer look at human activities, huma
n belief systems, even human society, you will see this underlying current of se
eking to compensate for a lack. This affects every aspect of peoples' personal l
ives, every aspect of their interactions, every aspect of society, every aspect
of national and international policy. This attempt to compensate for a lack.
Why do people treat each other in such low, such cruel, such petty ways? They ar
e seeking to compensate for what they perceive as a lack in themselves by someho
w manipulating, controlling or putting down others. When you have a sense of def
icit in your being, a sense of lack, a sense that you need to compensate for thi
s deficit, then you can get into the consciousness of thinking that if you can p
ut other people down, so they are lower than you, then you somehow must have bee
n raised up.

God's love is beyond human conditions

But you see, my beloved, in the view of God, you can never be raised up by seeki
ng to put others down. All that will happen is that all sink lower. For, of cour
se, before you can put another part of life down, you must have put down yoursel
f. The universal cure for this malady is to accept God's love for you. But you c
annot accept God's love for you as long as you think that God's love is conditio
nal. Only when you begin to accept that God loves you beyond any conditions defi
ned on earth, can you accept God's love.
For you see, my beloved, all of the conditions on earth that make it seem as if
you are not worthy of God's love
as if you need to live up to these earthly cond
itions in order to receive God's love
well, my beloved, all of these conditions
spring from the consciousness of separation, the consciousness of the fallen bei
ngs. They were all defined by the serpentine mind and those who have become so s
killed in using the serpentine mind, that they are actually convinced that when
they here on earth declare: "This is so," then they believe that this is so even
in God's reality.
And thus, when they have set themselves up as leaders of religious movements or
political movements or companies, then they think they can declare how things sh
ould be and then even God will respect this. And that is why you see religions w
ho have come out promoting a certain image of God as if it was not an image but
a reality. Yet God is beyond any image that could ever be formulated out of the
mind of separation.
And when you have gone beyond the mind of separation, then you go into the mind
of oneness. And then, when you are in oneness, why do you need an image of God?
For you see, you need an image only of that which is distant. For when something
is there and you are in oneness with it, you have no need to perceive it throug
h an image for you are experiencing it in its fullness.

The Year of the Holy Spirit

Thus, these teachings that we have given, all of us who have spoken at this even
t, all of us who have spoken through the Year of the Mother, have been a prepara
tion for helping you pass the initiations of the Year of the Holy Spirit. For su
rely, in this coming year you cannot pass the initiations if you do not love you
rself, if you do not accept God's unconditional love for you.
If you have conditions, you cannot flow with the Spirit, as Mother Mary and Sain
t Germain and the Elohim said yesterday. How can you flow with the Spirit, if yo
u want the Spirit to conform to conditions defined by the mind of the anti-spiri

t? It cannot be so.
You will not ascend by seeking to make spirit conform to earthly conditions. You
will ascend only when you are willing to let the Spirit take you beyond these c
onditions. This, I trust, you can understand with the mind. But the challenge in
the coming year will be to go beyond understanding it but coming into oneness w
ith it and experiencing it in its fullness, experiencing the flow of the Spirit.
For only in the flow is there life; in still-stand there can only be death. Life
is a constant flow, a constant transcendence. Conditions are an attempt to stop
life, to hold it at a certain point, at a certain stage. And this is death, the
consciousness of death.

Forgiveness is the key

And so, as I said just a few days ago, but will say again: mercy, forgiveness is
the key to overcoming these conditions. If you hold a grudge against other peop
le, then that grudge will hold you back from flowing with the Spirit. If you see
k to change others, if you seek to make them see how wrong they are according to
your conditions, if you seek to punish them based on your own conditions, then
you will only punish yourself.
For you will create the resistance, and the more you hold on to your mental imag
e of how things should be, the more the Spirit will have to pull on you in order
to set you free. And so, eventually the force, the pull, will become so great t
hat it will pull apart your conditions. And thus, you will see in this coming ye
ar how those people, those nations where they have not forgiven, where they will
not forgive, where they will not look at their past and say: "We let it go. We
do not need to compensate for anything that happened in the past. We just need t
o let it go and love ourselves and love our neighbors."
But you see, those parts of the world where people will not come to this shift,
that is where you will see the greatest burdens be manifest. It may be warfare a
nd conflict, it may be economic collapse or problems, or it may be that nature h
erself will rebel against this hardness of heart, so that the hard conditions mu
st be shattered by earthquakes, floods, winds or what have you, that will blow a
part these walls that people have built around their hearts. For in the Year of
the Holy Spirit, the hearts of the people is what needs to be set free. For it i
s precisely the hardness of heart that prevents people from flowing with the Spi
Thus, this is our gift today. Master MORE and I teaming up to demonstrate that b
alance of the masculine and feminine that you also see outpictured by many peopl
e on earth. This balance comes when you love yourself, not as a man or a woman,
but as a lifestream that is beyond these earthly conditions. Then you can have b
alance, and then you can have true partnership with a person of the opposite sex
. For you see no opposition, you see no impurity in human sexuality. And thus, y
ou can enter into true oneness with your partner, and thus there can be balance,
the balanced expressions of the masculine and feminine in both, that then becom
es the key to the love flowing and becoming a magnet that magnetizes others.
Thus, my beloved, I give you our great gratitude to those of you who have organi
zed this gathering and those of you who have helped in many ways large or small,
and those who have come to this gathering and made it indeed a great gathering
of the pure in heart, the meek who shall inherit the earth. So, in the Flame of
Mercy that I AM, I give you my unconditional never-ending and infinite gratitude

Copyright 2011 by Kim Michaels

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