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Website 1: http://personalbranding101.

1. Provide a QR code when marketing yourself. It will bring up information about you
instantly. All they have to do is scan it. It makes it easier for the consumer to find out
some quick information about you.
2. One is still a valuable number. After a while we forget to check how many twitter
followers we have or blog comments. They all blend into each other and we take them for
granted. We need to remember that each follower or comment is individually unique and
important. We need to research the people who are following us and network with them.
If they leave a comment on your blog, find their blog and leave a comment.
3. When branding yourself use 85% of your time to work on the behind-the-scenes
aspect, and 15% on actually showcasing.
4. You will be remembered for how you react and behave more than you will be
remembered for your accomplishments.
5. Do something unselfish that helps somebody else or promotes his or her work. Repeat
as often as possible. ~ @RyanRancatore
Website 2:
1. The first thing I noticed about the website was actually the layout rather than the
content. It had a nice clean layout and it was clean and organized. The interface was
intuitive and that is always something you want in a website. I think this is a good pattern
to follow as a communications major. If I want to market myself, I want people to be
able to navigate my website easily. This will make it easier for them to come back, and I
score more points with the client.
2. As I was reading through the companys history, I read that they have been around
since 1846. That is a long time for a company to be around and still be successful! They
say one of the reasons for this is because they adapt quickly to new technologies. I
think that is another important part in communications. Being able to adapt in this everprogressing world of ours.
3. This company also works very hard to be accurate and timely in their delivery. They
value quality, and it is evident. Another important skill for someone in communications.
4. They are very concise, and to the point, but at the same time very easy to understand.
This draws the client. Clients dont like to feel stupid or inferior, so they want to deal
with a company they understand.
5. They have networking. They have writers and journalists all over the world. They are
constantly talking to other people and have hundreds of people all working to keep this
company rolling.
Website 3:
1. They write articles that are relevant to me because I am LDS, but they also have
articles that are relevant to me because I live in Rexburg. I think it is important to find the
audience you want to target and gear your efforts towards them.
2. I like the variety of information you can find. Some articles are about local news, some
are about campus news, and some are to inform people. They I think its good to have

3. They have the most recent stories and news right where you can see it. Its easy to find
a story.
4. You can find them on social media. This is always a good idea for someone in
communications. Social media is one of the biggest medians for getting your name out
there. People are constantly on it sharing, and liking, and re-tweeting, and spreading the
word about all kinds of things.
5. I also like how it is student run, but how they use the latest technology that has a
reputation. When you use programs and technology people are familiar with and trust,
then they will trust you.
Website 4:
1. One important thing I learned from this website is the importance of being reliable.
Reliability builds trust, and that is a very important in communications.
2. Another thing I learned is flexibility. I think it is important to be easy to work with and
network. More companies will be willing to work with yours if you are flexible.
3. Having a newsletter is a good idea. This keeps people up-to-date on everything that
you or your company is working on. It will keep your clients, or potential clients
4. I think its a good idea to provide as much information as you possibly can to the
client. This website is all about time and dates and the weather, so they have tons of
articles that talk about anything about those subjects. Though the main topics are narrow,
there are lots of topics inside them. Its nice to have one site to go to for all of your
5. I think its also a good idea to have interactive tools. This way clients can find
information by themselves, and then if they have further questions, they can find them on
your website which they are already in because your interactive tools drew them in.
Website 5:,,,,,,
1. I think it is important to be experienced at what you are doing. The more experience
you have, the more reliable you are, the more knowledgeable you are, and ultimately the
more attractive your company will be to a client.
2. I think its important to develop a unique style. In a way it goes along with targeting an
audience. If someone is looking for a certain style, they will come to you.
3. I think its important to love what you do. The people who are passionate about what
they do produce the best work.
4. Branding is super important! It makes you recognizable right away. I knew who took a
photograph on that website right away because I recognized the logo at the bottom. She is
a well-known photographer on campus. Have a recognizable logo.
5. I think its important to know the principles and elements of design. Your products look
so much better, whether you know why they do or not.
Website 6:
1. As a student, it is important to get involved in competitions, conferences, and other
events. This is good for your resume, as well as helping you in your career later in life.

2. Along with the first point, I think its important to join an organization to make
connections and to network. You never know whom you will meet or how you can help
them and they can help you.
3. It is important to keep up-to-date on current trends in your area of interest and career.
Know whats going on and progress with it. Always update.
4. Make communication and contact easy.
5. Make information easy to find and readily available.
Website 7:
1. If its possible or feasible for you and your company, I think it would be great to get
your clients involved somehow, whether its through clubs or member associations, I
think it will build better relationships with the clients.
2. I think its important to have standards and principles that you and your company live
3. Another thing I thought of when I was looking through this website is, it would be a
good idea to list your credentials. Give your clients reasons to use you.
4. Always have an About Us page on your website. Give your clients some background
on you and your company. Tell them where you came from, what your mission statement
is, why you are good at what you do, etc.
5. Advertise yourself! Find ways to advertise your company. Get yourself out there. There
are whole companies that are dedicated to advertising. This is how important it is.
Website 8:
1. Looking at my grad plan, I realized how important it is to plan ahead and know what
you are doing. It keeps you on track and it insures that you get in everything that you
2. I think it is important to have balance. Dont overload yourself with classes for your
major in the same semester. If you want to do your best, mix it up.
3. I think its a good idea to use your electives to study other things that interest you. Add
some variety to your plan. I think this will also be good for balance. Find things that
might not be included in your major, but might help in the career you want to go in
They would be like complementary classes.
4. Know what you want to do. It is easier to decide in the beginning and just go with it
instead of waiting until the end to hurry and get all of your classes in.
5. It was nice knowing what steps I needed to take to get my degree, and Im glad to see
what classes Im going to take ahead of time. It really helps you know whether or not
thats the right major/emphasis for you.
Website 9:
1. I was looking through the web page and I found a list of all of the societies I can join
that have to do with communications. Any of them would be a good experience and look
good on a resume. I will have to look into them.

2. On this page I found a link to the Linked In registration page. I think it would be a
good idea for me to get an account while I am in school and studying my major so I know
my way around it and start networking before I enter the workforce.
3. Another thing that could be useful is getting connected with alumni mentors. These are
people who have graduated from BYU-I/ Ricks. They have been through it, and I bet they
would have a lot of valuable advice.
4. One thing I learned from the video on that page is how important visual media is. Most
people wish they had taken more classes about visual media. I am going to make sure I
get enough of those classes.
5. I also learned about all of the different elements of communication. There is more to it
than just visual and writing. There is learning how to work in a group, communicating
well, researching, and staying up-to-date on the newest tools and technology, and other
elements. The sooner you understand this, the easier it will be for you.
Website 10:
1. It is important to use a professional looking design. When presenting you want
something clean and simple. You also need something memorable and something that
matches your theme.
2. If your company makes templates, you should make them as versatile as possible.
3. If you have a product, make sure you provide clear instructions on how to use it. If
your clients cant use it or the learning curve is too difficult for the majority of your target
audience, then it will be harder to get lots of people to use it.
4. Brand yourself. Make an icon that is easy to identify. If people like your product and
they know it is easy to use, they will see your icon somewhere else and they will be more
inclined to look into whatever product you are advertising.
5. Be as cooperative and as user friendly as possible! This is important in any field of
communication! The client needs to know that you are on their side and that you are
willing to help and work with them.
Website 11:
1. One thing I learned from this website is that most people arent ready to answer
questions about their specific field during the interview. It is important to learn these so I
can be prepared to answer them as they come up.
2. There are different techniques when it comes to interviews. Find the one that fits you
the best, and it will make things go a lot smoother.
3. The more interviews you have, the stronger your professional network will be!
Interviews are going to help you whether they were good or bad.
4. There is a certain skillset that an interviewer needs to develop. There is an effective
method to interviewing. Learning how to interview will be a great skill in my future
career as a videographer.
5. When you are interviewing, there are some legal things you should be aware of. There
are specific questions you are not allowed to ask. It is important to be aware of that.

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