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Feasibility Report

Introduction and Pitch

How powerful are our feelings, words, and feelings? Words of kindness,
compassion, connection, and anger. They sink deep into us and shape us. I am
doing an experiment where human emotions are truly portrayed in a supernatural
way throughout our daily lives. It's called the rice experiment. Rice will be our
audience of emotions and we will observe how even inanimate objects react to
feelings and thoughts. There will be two samples of rice. Both will be cooked on
the same day, left in similar closed containers, and left in the same location. The
difference of the two is that one will be labeled love and the other hate. The love
rice will be receiving pleasant words and emotions and the hate rice will be
treated with negative emotions for a month. Both containers will be treated with
these respective emotions for two minutes daily and data will be gathered weekly.
The expected results will be that the love rice will spoil less than the hate rice.

1. Cook 1 cup of rice
2. Put spoonful of rice in three jars of medium size
3. Seal jars tightly so that no air can get through
4. Place indoors somewhere where it cannot be bothered by external stimuli
5. Record data

I believe that emotions and feelings are something that isn't just a chemical reaction in
our brains and hormones being produced by our endocrine system. I am recreating this
experiment to validate certain claims stated by scientists. With positive results, I will be
able to research more on this phenomenon, but with negative results, the claim that
words can stop rice from spoiling will be invalid.

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