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Description of the machine synchronous

a. 3 it is the commutated of the complement of 1

2. What is the natural commutation?
a. -> In that loading a circuit voltages applied current is less than that of sustainability.

3. In what year was the first development DC motor?

b 1832.

4. Choose which produces an evil effect of power factor on an electricity supply network.
b. The percentage of harmonic waves of the current increases, the current curve is
distorted and no compensating currents flowing through the neutral conductors and
c. When the power factor is bad, the power company has more work when installing the
network, for example, drivers who have larger cross sections

5. In a 3 Machine the stator it corresponds to the static part of the machine, while the
rotor is the dynamic part. For the case of a generator, a continuous current (DC) should
be injected to the rotor so that in the one reeled of the stator a field magnetic variable is
induced in the time.
-> the statement is correct. the consequence is false.

6. In the following figure, which number ubicate the switch or collector?

d 10

7. Cuando se hace relacin a un proceso de rectificacin, estamos hablando de:

Select one or more:
e. Como el proceso de conversin de corriente alterna en corriente directa.

8. What is PWM?
-> a. How to perform power control.
-> c. This technique consists in generating certain frequency pulses either to transmit
information through a communication channel.

9. It is the relationship between power consumption and apparent active power consumption
in an electrical appliance:
e.Power Factor

10. The fundamental frequency control is used to

-> a. generating rectangular signals with amplitude Ud / 2

-> d. generating alternating current voltage from

11. Si bien Faraday realiz sus pruebas de induccin por medio del transformadores toroidales,
estos hoy en da siguen siendo de gran utilidad debido a:
Select one or more:
-> Gracias a su forma, concentra campo magntico en el centro, reduciendo as ruido
producido por el efecto magnetos friccin y a si mismo reduciendo las corrientes
-> Los ncleos toroidales son diferencialmente reluctancias que no permiten la dispersin
del campo magntico, razn esta que justifica sus bajas prdidas.
-> Son ms eficientes debido a que en ellos existen menos perdidas de potencia debido al
efecto joule y las corrientes parsitas

12. Los cicloconvertidores conocidos como inversores, se utilizan para el control de

velocidad de motores trifasicos o monofasico, ya que actuan directamente en la

variacion de frecuencia, manteniendo un voltaje constante.

Los siguientes bloques forman parte de un CICLOCONVERSOR:

Select one or more:
-> Etapa Amplificadora de Potencia
-> Rectificadores tipo P o tipo N
-> Inversor de Frecuencia

13, En lo referente a la velocidad de giro, para todas las maquinas asincrnicas se cumple que:
-> b. Variacin de la frecuencia F1.
-> d. Variacin del nmero de pares polares.

14. How do you decrease the loss in the transformer?

-> Increase the resistivity of the core to reduce Foucault currents.
-> With a toroidal core.

15. What elements make up the regulation of active correction power factor?
Select one:
-> a voltage regulator and a current intensity regulator, the output of the voltage
regulator multiplied by the normalized input voltage provides the variable reference
current regulator

16. Para los motores de cd mayores de unos 10 hp, un sistema de manejo trifasico es
superior a un sistema de una fase
un sistema trifasico proporciona mas pulsaciones de voltaje de armadura por ciclo de la linea
de ca.
Select one:
-> Si la afirmacin y la razn son VERDADERAS y la razn es una explicacin
CORRECTA de la afirmacin

17. What happens if you increase the supply frequency of a transformer?

-> d. Eddy currents increase.

18. AFFIRMATION: When the magnetic flux varied by the spiral cut, ie when it grows, shrinks, or
reverses direction. The value of the voltage induced by the generator action at any instant of
time, depends on three factors:
REASON: The flux density of the magnetic field through which moves a conductor (the
larger flux density, the higher the induced voltage);The moving speed of the driver
(the induced voltage increases as the speed of the driver);The angle at which a
conductor cuts the flow lines (the highest voltage is induced when a conductor cuts the
flow lines at an angle of 90 .
-> e. If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation of the

19.In the practice of line commutated converters.

With the motor bipolar stepper takes more magnetism than with unipolar. However, the
power electronic servolemeneto with lamp current for the motor requires twice bipolar
power transistors.

20. The imges is the schematic of a:

-> dc machinee

21. Una UPS es una fuente de suministro elctrico que posee los siguientes componentes tpicos:
Select one or more:
-> Inversor, conmutador y Filtro de rmonicos.

22. Para el control de un robot industrial se utiliza la mayor parte de las veces motores de
paso a paso hbridos debido a que:
-> d. Su rotor posee una inercia bastate baja, lo cual le permite una conmutacion bastante
-> c. Ofrecen la mejor relacin peso / corriente entre todas las clases de motores
-> Son los mas econmicos en el mercado.
-> Son mas silenciosos y no generan ruido elctrico, ademas que poseen un torque bastante
gbrande que depender de la velocidad del motor

23. Affirmation: The modulation by vector of space to main frequency of

clock allows the generation of sinusoidal currents with harmonic minima

Commutated: by means of this modulation can induce common in the
machines of field rotating.
a. The Affirmation and the Commutated is true.

24. the following figure shows:

d. shematic diagram of a DC machine.

25. Modulation in amplitude: Frequency of commutated (fs)

Affirmation: The frequency of commutated is the frequency with that the semiconductors
of power change of state.
Commutated: A cycle of commutated is the result of a connection and a disconnection of

the semiconductors of power.

-> b. The Affirmation and the Commutated is false

27. Indicating the start frequency of a stepper motor?

-> the maximum frequency at which you can start the engine without forget positions.

28. What parameters are used to improve the positioning of stepper motor.
a. Increasing the slope of the ramp.
b. Increased frequency of stop.
d. Increased starting frequency.
29.Voltage converters can say:
-> converters with DC link voltage are the most common model of converters in the
power range of medium and low

30 An additional advantage of the packet switch (besides the data transmission security) is:

c. It magnifies the amount of information.

31. El metodo de control de velocidad en el que varia If (llamado control de campo) tiene la
siguiente gran desventaja: la reduccion de If reduce la densidad del flujo magnetico B del
motor, que es uni de sus constituyentes de produccion por par.
gs to the fa
La capacidad de creacion de par del moto se degrada al mismo tiempo que la carga mecanica
demanda mayo par para poder girar con mayor rapidez.
Si la afirmacin y la razn son VERDADERAS, pero la razn NO es una explicacin CORRECTA de la

32. The control loops cascade used for?

-> d. They are control loops which combines two operational variables that are
integrated in the same transfer function of the controlled process.
33. Por lo general se suele utilizar varias configuracion de las inductancias para arrancar motores
tanto sincrncos como asincrnicos. Si solamente se desea utilizar el motor para mover a una
velocidad constante una banda transportadora, lo mas recomendable es colocar.
-> Una configuracion estrella para optimizar el consumo de corriente del motor
34. active power, P, and the line voltage
e. negative torque in the counterclockwise direction.
35. What are the differences between the stepper motors and asynchronous

b. a)
In an asynchronous machine the stator field rotates continuously, while
the stepping motor stator field is pulsed.
36. Shorted machine belongs to the family of the:
b. Asynchronous machines.
37. AFFIRMATION: The shape of the illumination on and off can be automated, under different
control possibilities, depending on the needs of users.
REASON: The lighting can be done automatically regulated depending on one or combinations
of various parameters as time and PROGRAMMING presence detection.
b. If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation of the assertion
38. According to the graph.

c. The phase angle of 180.

39. What are the basic modes of operation of a stepper motor

a. Half Step.
c. Full step.

40. Las aplicaciones tpicas de los inversores de potencia pueden ser:

*control de potencia
*interruptores de potencia
* Sistemas de alimentacin ininterrumpida
*Accionamientos de motores de CA de velocidad ajustable.

41. Unas de las principales desventajas de los motores paso a paso son:
Select one:
-> Sobreoscilaciones que dependen del tipo de control

42 What switching seen in the picture?

b. Circuit Switching

43 AFFIRMATION: A The value of the maximum frequency of a stepper motor that the motor can
not operate at that frequency limit and still safely reach each position. The maximum
frequency is also determined by the load
REASON: This means that the greater the torque that must be overcome, the
frequency is maximum.
tengo una pregunta muy parecida y la respuesta es la ,
If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation of the assertion
en el archico de electrica pag 13

c. If both assertion and reason are FALSE.

44. Una UPS se encarga de monitorear la entrada de energa, cambiando a la batera apenas
detecta problemas en el suministro elctrico. Ese pequeo cambio de origen de la energa
puede tomar algunos milisegundos. Esta UPS es del tipo:
-> Switched-mode power supply, SPS On Line
45. AFFIRMATION: Excitation in shunt inductor winding is connected directly to the brushes
and therefore in parallel with the armature.
REASON: In any case, work as a generator or as a DC motor, a current is applied to the
inductor to generate the main magnetic field.
-> a. If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation of the

46. How can you give the origin of the rotating magnetic field in the machines with

slip rings and reluctance?

Select one or more:
e. For smooth rotor poles
a. Salient pole rotor
b. Reluctance broken
47.Statement. The rotor must rotate at the same speed of the rotating magnetic
field produced in the stator so that the electric torque medium can be different
from zero. Because if the angular velocities of the rotating magnetic field and
the rotor of the synchronous machine are different, the average electrical
torque is null
b. If the assertion and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the assertion
48.En la mayor parte de las aplicaciones se suele utilizar los motores paso a paso para colocar el
eje del motor a una posicin determinada; esto se logra de dos maneras, una programando el
motor que gire a una posicin desde su punto inicial y la otra desde el ultimo punto de
posicin; en aplicaciones tales como el control de posicin de un cabezal de impresin cual
cree usted que se utilizar ms?
d. Utiliza ambos tipos de posicionamiento por retorno.
49. AFFIRMATION: An The static frequency converters are used to power loads that require AC
power at a fixed frequency different from that available on the net. Using an intermediate
conversion into DC, the team is able to deliver that power to the required conditions.
REASON:Thus a unit shall consist of two sub-systems: - Rectifier: converts AC input voltage
into DC, - Inverter: converts the DC voltage into the AC outlet at the required frequency.
e. If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation of the assertion
50) The AC current and voltage can have any phase relationship, that is, the phase angle
between the voltage converter and the current can cover all four quadrants.
This assumes a DC system and an AC system connected to the two sides of the converter.
-> R= The statement is false but the reason is true (correct)

51. An electric machine has a magnetic circuit and two circuits. Normally one of the circuits is
called excitation, because being traveled by an electric current produces the ampere turns
required to build the flow established in the whole machine. A relay functionis to actasa
switch controlled bya circuitin which,bymeans of a coilandan electromagnet,driving aset of
one ormore contactsfor openingorclosing otherindependentcircuitry. But what happensinthe
engine when connecting the relay
**The rotor jumps regular steps
**The rotor is held in its corresponding position
52. In the figure shown refer to corresponding numbers one, two, three:

e. 1-On-peak, 2-End Value, 3-Error

53.When does the 3rd harmonic

d. Usually in single phase electronic loads

54. What are the parts of a hybrid stepper motor?
c. Stator teeth.
e. Three-part rotor.

56. Dado que los motores sincrnicos giran con la misma velocidad del campo magntico del
estator, entonces una de las siguientes caracteristicas no es porpia de dichos motores
-> Deslizamiento
57. The switch machines are widely used to control:

b. Torque
d. speed

Which of the following characteristic parameters controlled systems without

c. The proportional coefficient

59. The drives operate on the principle of:

d. Synchronous speed of an alternating current motor (AC) is determined by the
supplied AC frequency and the number of poles in the stator.
60. Transformers with low losses in the iron core and low vacuum currents are heavy and
expensive units BECAUSE if you decrease the solid iron core section also increase your losses
and current vacuum.
-> If the statement is TRUE but the reason is a FALSE proposition.

61. El efecto Joule es uno de los efectos indeseados en los transformadores

debido a que:
Select one:
Respuesta: Hay choque de electrones entre el alambre de los inductores que al
ser muy largos hay perdidas a lo largo del camino debido a la friccin del

62. That is what the function does exactly multipulse?

-> with the desired ignition angle, the ignition pulse is repeated until the natural commutation
thyristor returns to block

63. Cuando se pone en corto circuito los puntos A y B en el circuito mostrado, el valor de las
potencias en cada una de las resistencias vistas de izquierda a dercha, son:
->36 y 72 watt

64. A proper explanation to the previous image is:

Select one or more:
a. A conductor is located within a magnetic field by the driver, a current flows
perpendicular to the magnetic field produces a force perpendicular to the direction
of current flow and magnetic field.
d. The direction of current flow in conductor depends on the direction of the force
produced by the magnetic field.

65. What is the main application of the switch in a switched current machine?

b. Reverse the direction of rotation of the torque of the machine.

66) The followingfigure shows
-> b. Equivalent circuit of a synchronous machine
67. Selecciones cuales son las principales ventajas de los motores paso a paso:
-> Cambio de posicin paso a paso.
69. Los motores de cd son importantes en el control industrial
Son mas adaptables que los motores de ca de campo giratorio a los sistemas de velocidad
Select one:
-> Si la afirmacin y la razn son VERDADERAS y la razn es una explicacin CORRECTA de la
70. What is the value of the form factor and crest factor?
-> With these factors can estimate the effective values through the shape of the

curves of the alternating voltages.

71. That tension relationships in the inverter single phase power must be taken into account
when analyzing the practice.
-> The relationship between the input voltage of the circuit and the DC link voltage.

72. In the following chart we can say that

d. The slope of the curve has the same value regardless of the operating point
c. The slope the Kp is a proportional coefficient

73. The machines that rotate at high speed, and are therefore subject to strong

centrifugal forces, the pressure of the windings of the poles on the heads of the
poles, may become intolerable, why, in the machinery subject solicitations
74. A DC motor connected in series has the following features
Respuesta_Fernando: Sensitive to changing load current (pack)

75. According to the following picture when an ac power source is connected to a transformer
current flows in the primary circuit, although its secondary circuit is open circuit. This current
is the current required to produce a flow in the ferromagnetic core real. This consists of two
-> Current losses in the core, which is the current required to compensate for losses due to
hysteresis and eddy currents

76. What effect does the armature circuit resistance on speed?

The speed drops

78. Por lo general se colocan condensadores paralelamente a los dispositivos inductivos para

disminuir las corrientes adicionales que se presentan debido a la energa reactiva de los
inductores Que accion hace el condensador dentro de esa configuracion?
Adelanta la fase de la corriente ya que la inductancia lo atrasa a un angulo Psi

80. Cual puede ser la forma de corregir los fallos en el factor de potencia en los reguladores, para
obtener una ptima regulacin ?
Colocar un filtro PI en la regulacion de voltaje; as se compensa el adelanto de la corriente.

81. The graph shows a test for induction machine, do you mean this:
d. Starting torque

82) What element is composed basically a frequency converter drive?

A rectifier which converts alternating current into direct current input.
83. AFFIRMATION: The stepper motors are ideal for building mechanisms which require very precise
REASON: The main feature of these engines is being able to move one step at a time per pulse is
applied. This step can vary from 45 th to small movements of only 1.8 , ie it will take four steps in
the first case (45 ) and 200 for the second case (1.8 ), to complete a full 360 .
Respuesta: If the assertion and reason are TRUE but the reason is not a CORRECT explanation of the

84. What role does the armature circuit resistance on speed?

Respuesta: The rotational speed drops.

87. In the offset system, the output variable

It is the controlled variable.

90. Current converters working with switching frequencies of between 1 and 20 kHz. What can be

said about the influence of the switching frequency seen in the following graphs?
-> If the switching frequency is above the threshold of human hearing, the engine
works without additional noise.
c. The high switching frequencies generate higher switching losses in the inverter.
d. The higher the switching frequency, the smaller the ripple of the motor current.

91. The slicing of a quadrant are similar to


93. En un cicloconvertidor, las ternas negativas producen el semiciclo negativo y ternas positivas
producen el semiciclo positivo de la forma de onda de ca y las ternas negativas producen el
semiciclo negativo.
Cada terna contiene dos SCR, uno por cada fase de la linea de ca Trifasica.
-> Si la afirmacin es VERDADERA, pero la razn es una proposicin FALSA

94. In the following chart we can say that

-> The slope, the Kp is a proportional coefficient
-> The slope of the curve has the same value regardless of the operating point.

95. Que sucedera si a un motor trifsico sincrnico se alimenta primero el estator y luego
se alimenta con corriente directa al rotor?
No girar por que se ha establecido un enclavamiento magntico, lo cual lo unico que har
es vibrar

97 Where is located the inductor in a synchronous machine.

e. Stator

98. The factor of Power.__________________

-> It indicates which is the relation betwee
the consumption of apparent power and the consumption of active power of an
electrical device.

99. When signal converters indicate natural commutation?

-> the output voltage pulse width modulated

101) Control of speed Select one:

-> Control of speed of twist whose adjust was the most exact possible.

102) According to their knowledge acquired during the development of the practice of
PAP motors (stepper), state its advantages.
R= Position fixed and determined.
104 What are the types of winding that exist in a DC machine.

a. Excitation winding
d. Winding Induction

105. What is shown in the following image?

-> 2 switching periods for performing active correction of the power factor

106. Para el control de velocidad de un motor trifsico de alta potencia, es preferible usar:
Sistema de conmutacion forzada.

107. With respect to the Lorentz forces select the incorrect statement:
-> The Lorentz force is due to a conductor through which current flows within a moving
magnetic field.

108. According to their prior knowledge to practice MOTOR SWITCH, this statement is true
or false.
-> True

109. The function is represented mathematically by


, Respuesta d (1.11)

110 Rotor in a slip ring machine is

synchronous with the frequency

111. The power of three- phase generators is equal to the power shown in the
b. Yes, when you have delta circuits
c. If both delta and star.

112) What constitutes a line of force?

R= It provides the curve whose tangent field direction at that point.

114. The relationship between active power and apparent power is

Power Factor
115. Find the correct statement:
Respuesta: The output voltage can be divided into fundamental oscillation
component distortion component. The rms value of the fundamental oscillation
magnitude is useful. It transmits power and torque generated in the rotating field

122. Which of the following should be taken into account when choosing a converter?

**Operating a single or multiple engine.

**Necessary bandwidth control and accuracy?.
**Impact on grid inverter adopted.
**Does economic sense to foresee a return of energy? (Braking Regenerative).
**Response speed to adapt to changes in setpoint.

124. How does the load with maximum frequency in a stepper motor?
^*The higher the torque to be overcome, the frequency will be higher.
**When the torque is less, the frequency will be lower.
125. Indeed, an induction motor does not have:

b. Brushes and slip rings

128. With regard to the connection of the machine (Star or Delta), select the options true:
-> In the star circuit in the windings, the voltages are lower and higher currents.

-> In the delta circuit in the windings, the voltages are higher and lower currents.
129. One of the differences between the 3 induction motor and the 3

induction generator is the way of feeding the machine, in accordance with

the above mentioned selects the correct answer:
131. What is the sense in which to turn the rotor.
-> No matter the direction.
132. Types of loads which exhibit a lagging power factor:
Respuesta_Fernando: Motors
133. AFFIRMATION: The shape of the illumination on and off can be automated, under
different control possibilities, depending on the needs of users.
REASON: The lighting can be done automatically regulated depending on one or
combinations of various parameters as time and PROGRAMMING presence detection
-> If the assertion is FALSE but the proposition is TRUE.

If you look at the circuit. What should be done with the output signal
variation before transistor stability control to be better?

-> Expand the variation


AFFIRMATION: To completely cancel the armature reaction and thereby eliminate the

displacement of the neutral plane and the flux weakening, was developed different
technique includes the provision of compensation windings grooves carved into the faces of
the poles parallel conductors rotor to cancel the distortion effect of armature reaction.
BECAUSE REASON: These windings are connected in series with the rotor windings, so when
the load changes on the rotor also changes the current in the compensating windings.

If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT explanation
of the assertion

137. Que parmetro es fijo al aumento de la velocidad del eje del motor cuando se usa
una configuracion de incremento Rampa?
la aceleracion angular

138. it is known that asynchronous motors are machines, which have greater
application in industry and household appliances. these are the main converters
electrical energy into mechanical. what are the two types of engines
asynchronous machines
*Of squirrel cage rotor
*Slip ring rotor
139. A principios de la evolucion de los semiconductores, en las grandes industrias de
manufactura y procesos de ensamble se sola utilizar motores DC; esto se debi a que:
-> Los motores DC eran mas robustos, aunque esto implicaba costos adicionales debido a
su mantenimiento.
_> Debido a que en los motores AC eran dificiles de realizar controles de velocidad
adecuados, sobre todo a los motores trifsicos de jaula de ardilla
-> *No existan en aquella epoca motores paso a paso.
140. An electronic controller typically comprises a microprocessor or a driver circuit
BECAUSE the first detects the variation of the currents and the second regulated.
Respuesta: If the statement is TRUE but the reason is a FALSE proposition.
141. Por lo general se colocan condensadores paralelamente a los dispositivos inductivos
para disminuir las corrientes adicionales que se presentan debido a la energa reactiva de
los inductores Que accin hace el condensador dentro de esa configuracin?
De acuerdo a la aseveracin anterior, el objetivo de la correcin del factor de potencia es:
c. Evitar sobrecargas en los aparatos, prodicidas por los excesos de corrientes reactivas.

d. Optimizar los servicios producidos por el proceso en donde se encuentran lois

dispositivos Inductivos

142) If the coil is short-circuited in the field of the synchronous machine rotor, it is
possible in certain cases the rotor speed like a rotor induction motor winding. In the
electromotive forces are induced field with the slip frequency when rotating stator
magnetic field intersects the field conductors. The electromotive force induced in the

rotor circulation strength of this winding currents. Although the electrical torque can be
very small, sometimes this method can be used to boot into the synchronous machine
without mechanical load coupled

If the assertion and reason are true and the reason is a correct explanation of the

144. Of the following statements are correct What?

-> The quadrant slicing a work with a DC voltage. y e. The quadrant chopper can
adjust a voltage nearly lossless

146. Los motores de reluctancia Variable son una de las varias topologas de motores paso a paso
cuyo principio se basa en la tendencia de reducir la reluctancia entre el estator y el rotor. A
nivel fsico, este tipo de topologa presenta una ventaja sobre las demas en el sentido de que:
Su respuesta es muy rapida debido a la poca incercia que posee el Rotor
147. Selection the most important parts of the Dc motor
Respuesta: Rotor and Stator
148. In the following chart we can say that
The slope of the curve has the same value regardless of the operating point.

149. Por que cree usted que es mejor el mtodo de transmisin por variacin de frecuencia que
por ancho de pulso?
Por que se elimina el problema de ruido en la seal por ancho de pulso.
151. stepper motor:
They are electromechanical actuators that convert electrical impulses into mechanical motion.
152. Los rotores bobinados poseen una conexion llamada anillos colectores debido a que:
*Son mucho mas silenciosos, lo cual contribuye a disminuir la contaminacion auditiva en una

^*Se evita generar chispas para que no se queme las inductancias y por qu ela nomra lo exige
* Se evita el desgaste que se genera por el movimiento de los rotores que poseen delgas
153) What represent the following graph?
R=Static behavior of a linear system.
154. What influence does the pulse frequency in the case of inductive resistive loads?
Respuesta_Fernando: The shape of the current varies in accordance with different pulse

The feature that provides a circuit for facilitating the flow of current is called

157. In what year was the first development DC motor
Respuesta: 1832
158. A que se debe que los motores de Paso pierda su punto de referencia?
A la variacion de frecuencia de pasos del motor.
159. Characteristic of AC regulators:
*provide a critical voltage ia Freq less than or equal to the frequency of the input voltage.
*provide a voltage with a harmonic content.
*need not blocking thyristors forced through the natural passage by zero of the intensity.
160. A que es llamado factor de potencia segn lo aplicado en las prcticas de laboratorio:
Select one:
El factor de potencia indica cual es la relacin entre el consumo de potencia aparente y el
consumo de potencia activa de un aparato elctrico.
162. Select the false statement:
Do not have a fixed position.
163. In the International System of Units, the suceptance is given in:
164. the angle formed between the intensity Io and the tension Vo when analyzed a single-phase

circuit in the Kapp diagram leads to:

The active power losses due to the material
165 by what mode automatic power control works stepper motor?

Disconnecting phases
167. In DC motors can say that the speed is proportional to:
-> Armature voltage.
168. Active correction of the power factor.
1. The power factor expressed in general terms or not the
phase shift relative to the current and voltage used is used as indicator of
correct utilization of the electrical energy, which can take values between 0
and 1. As the unit (1.0) the maximum value of FP and therefore better use of
According to this theory that has the best value energy efficiency.
-> Which lies between 0.9 and 1.
170. AFIRMACION: Los transformadores toroidales presentan numerosas ventajas con relacin a los
transformadores tradicionales de chapas metlicas
PORQUE RAZON: Ofrecen una ganancia de volumen y peso importante, adems, los ruidos de
induccin y el campo magntico radiado son pequeos.
Si la afirmacin y la razn son VERDADERAS, pero la razn NO es una explicacin CORRECTA
de la afirmacin

171. Select the correct statements:

->There is a greater waste of material (sensors) in the case of closed loops.
->In the case of open-loop measurement is not necessary control variables.
->The disadvantage of the closed loops is that in all cases requires a measurement of the
control variables.
172. En un motor existe una diferencia de voltajes entre el estator y rotor, lo cual posee un
comportamiento similar a un transformador giratorio debido a la relacin entre sus bobinas.
La aseveracin es verdadera

173. Two of the following statements are true and two are false, Say which are true
The rotation of a continuous machine shunt excitation is clockwise when no armature winding
and field winding permuted not permuted.
The rotation of a continuous machine shunt excitation is clockwise when the armature
winding and field winding permuted permuted.
174. When a machine is presented a higher voltage to the current is said to be:
Corresponds to star connection
175. It is true that in Figure 2 shows the current flow and direction of flow for the operation
in the midd
Respuesta_Fernando: False
176. The fundamental circuit control is the easiest way to generate alternating

voltage from continuous tension. There are four different switching

methods, one of these methods is shown in the figure above, the correct
justification for what is happening in this circuit is:
-> Both switches V1 and V2 are closed, this happens banned, because if this situation
occurs the intermediate circuit is shorted.

178. How creates a rotating magnetic field? (Select one or more)

Select one or more:
. Magnetic fields can be represented by a particularly illustrative of the "magnetic field lines".
When the current flows through one winding, the flow generates a magnetic field with a
defined orientation. They have then the north and south magnetic poles.
e. inside the stator, the three magnetic fields overlap and add forming a total magnetic field.
179. What is the quality that has been imposed on asynchronous machines in the industrial
segment of medium and high power?
Respuesta: that are robust, compact and require little maintenance
180. En que aplicaciones son idelaes los motores Sincrnicos?

Select one:
Para procesos en donde interesa la velocidad de giro, como por ejemplo bandas
transportadoras y procesos de Textiles

181 How to reduce radio frequency interference generated by the PWM circuit?


Placing a controller near the load


Performing a filtering of the power supply

182) Affirmation: The direct converter is the modulation of the fixed frequency of
entrance of a system of current 3, to obtain values smaller of frequency of exit.
Commutated: His operation develops with synchronous engines of big power and with a
low number of revolutions.

R= The Commutated and the Affirmation are true.

184. which is the main difference between the drives controlled and uncontrolled
In uncontrolled converters output voltage depends on the load, in Controlled converters, you
can adjust the output voltage
185. According to the modulation supersenusoidal:
-> Through the sinusoidal modulation is achieved a degree of modulation of about
0.9, leading to an increased control, high harmonic free, is used supersinusoidal or
trapezoidal modulation.
186. Describe the response that occurs when the permanent magnet rotor is in position

exactly perpendicular to the excitation field (ie in the area where the pole pieces)
The magnet is rotated in one direction only
187. AFFIRMATION: When the magnetic flux varied by the spiral cut, ie when it grows,
shrinks, or reverses direction. The value of the voltage induced by the generator action at
any instant of time, depends on three factors:
REASON: The flux density of the magnetic field through which moves a conductor (the

larger flux density, the higher the induced voltage);The moving speed of the driver (the
induced voltage increases as the speed of the driver);The angle at which a conductor cuts
the flow lines (the highest voltage is induced when a conductor cuts the flow lines at an
angle of 90 .
Respuesta_Fernando: If the assertion and reason are TRUE and the reason is a CORRECT
explanation of the assertion
188. The rotor of a motor of squirrel cage comprises two cages, one upper and one
lower. How is the resistivity and the section in them?
**The upper section is smaller and high resistivity material.
**Lower section is larger and low resistivity material
189) In a switched system conversion, the main objectives of the control system are:

-> Maintain a constant output voltage and current

-> Active control and protections.
190.What are the function of integral type component of a PID controller
-> The integral type component (component type I) error processes signals that have
occurred previously, even if they are few, because such signals integrated in time.


The stator consists of:

d. A crown of ferromagnetic material

193. Dado que los motores se les debe inyectar una corriente 4 veces mayores a la nominal

para arrancarlo, se suelen utilizar diferentes configuraciones de arranque que van desde
un incremento de la frecuencia hasta un arrancador con otro motor.
Para motores cuya funcin es encender una bomba se suele utilizar una configuracion:
Control caracteristico V/f2
195. Statement: The inverter converts the direct current into alternating continuous and
controls the power quality intended anything on the network
Reason: For the sine wave is as possible using a more sophisticated technique: pulse width
modulation (PWM, Pulse Width Modulation). This technique allows to regulate the frequency
and the rms value of the output waveform, see Fig.

The statement is true and the reason is true.

194 Transformador de impedancia

Este tipo de transformador se emplea para adaptar antenas y lneas de transmisin (tarjetas de
red, telfonos, etc.) y era imprescindible en los amplificadores de vlvulas para adaptar la
alta impedancia de los tubos a la baja de los altavoces.

d. Si se coloca en el secundario una impedancia de valor Z, y llamamos n a Ns/Np, como Is=Ip/n y Es=Ep.n, la impedancia vista desde el primario ser Ep/Ip = -Es/nIs = Z/n. As,
hemos conseguido transformar una impedancia de valor Z en otra de Z/n.

196. The following image shows the effect of storage spaces. After the sudden disappearance of
the current generates a voltage pulse. If then an inductive load is connected, this effect is
reinforced. Why medium is determined the magnitude of the effect of surge storage pure?
-> d. For the conduction current. e.
-> For the blocking delay charge.

197. What kinds of powers are used with converters DC voltage?

Respuesta: Small and medium powers
198 Affirmation: The factor of crest values magnitudes in form of pulses.

Commutated: it Is important to keep this factor of maximum crest for

protection against on modulation

d. The Commutated and the Affirmation are true

199. Por sus caracteristicas inherentes, los motores ca no son tan adecuados para las aplicaciones
de velocidad variable como los motores dc.

su velocidad no puede controlarse satisfactoriamente mediante la simple variacion de voltaje de
200. That switch machine changes its speed to a lesser extent if the load varies?

-> Used with shunt excitation

202. The following chart shows the step response and the command block diagram of what
type of controller.
-> PI controller.

203 El campo del estator de una maquina sincrnica se genera con:

-> Corriente trifsica

204 In the offset system, the output variable

-> It is the controlled variable

-> Tends to assume a constant value
205 An automatic control system, it is defined as actuator?

-> The element that receives a command from the controller or controller
and adapts to an appropriate level as the output variable required to
drive the final control element, plant or process
206.What are the most important types of drives? (Valid 2 replies)
a. converter with average current circuit
208.As the powers vary when a given load is divided into two:

e. Powers vary inversely with load

209. To properly design a converter is necessary to obtain the model of the

power which has disadvantages: whom do the following?

-> The converter is a variable structure system. Their differential equations depend on the state
of the switch
-> Is a nonlinear system, the relationship between the control variable D and the other variables
listed in product form
-> It can be a multivariable system with many transfer functions
210. Name two advantages that the electric switch machine in front of it DC Machine:
High grade of knowledge and domain of the same ones, dynamic Discharge.

211. The next model shows a control system. What features have this system?
-> Has negative feedback y a. It is a closed loop system
212. A system in which the controller is switched in the same value for example t = 0 is called a system:
-> drivers conmutad
213. What elements make up a slip ring machine?
-> Winding rotor, slip rings.
-> Stator winding.

214. Por lo general los motores asincronos trifsicos poseen un rotor que puede estar en
cortorcircuito, como el caso de los de jaula de ardilla. Que efecto fsico Influye sobre su
funcionamiento que es el causante del asincronismo?
Efecto Faraday en donde se genera una tension tal que circula una corriente sobre los
conductores del rotor.
215. AFFIRMATION: A power line or flow line, usually in the context of electromagnetism,

REASON: is the curve whose tangent gives the direction of the field at that point. And as a
result, is also perpendicular to the equipotential lines in the conventional direction of high to
low potential.
-> If the assertion is FALSE but the proposition is TRUE.

216. What are the basic methods of operation of switched power converters?
a. Boost mode
c. Buck mode.

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