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Global warming effects

There was a time, when scientists said that its high time when we
develop a serious understanding for the global warming effects, and
make efforts to lessen the severity that they are causing to our Earth. But
we humans have crossed over that high time and have still not made
ourselves aware of the disaster that we are going to face in near future,
because of the ever-increasing global warming effects.

Do we make a conscious effort to use only the required amount of

water? Have we maintained the habit of switching off electrical
appliances when they are not in use? Do we try to make minimal use of
our vehicles so as to create less pollution? Have we ever sacrificed our
wish for burning fancy crackers to celebrate different occasions? Or,
have we thought even for a minute before felling one more tree to the
I do not know how many of us have the answer to all these
questions as 'Yes'. But I am certain that most of us are whispering

ourselves a silent 'No'! And the more number of 'Nos', the more severe
the global warming effects are...

What is Global Warming?

Global warming, is one of the hottest topics on the platter of
scientific studies. And by now, everyone must have come to know about
this undesired effect that is taking place in nature. Carbon dioxide,
methane, water vapor, nitrous oxide and ozone are the main greenhouse
gases. Now what do these gases do is, they allow the sun's radiation to
enter the Earth's atmosphere. However, they create a blockage to stop
the heat to get radiated back to the atmosphere. This process is known
as the greenhouse effect, and is actually necessary for the sustainability
of life on Earth.
Now what has been happening is that the level of greenhouse
gases has been increasing to alarming levels. And this is causing the
atmosphere to trap more heat than required. This process is increasing
the average temperature of the Earth. And this very increase, which has
been in progress since the mid-20th century, is termed as 'global

Generally speaking, there could be no count of the number of

global warming effects on Earth we are encountering or have to
encounter in future.
One of the most obvious effects of global warming is associated
with the polar ice caps. Due to the increased heat, the ice caps have
already started melting. Over time, this will increase the water levels in
seas and oceans. Experts have estimated that if all the glaciers are
caused to melt, it would result in the water level to rise to about 230 feet.
Also, it must be known that ice caps are supposed to be a source of
fresh water. Once they start melting in large amounts, they would begin
mixing with the seas and oceans thus, making them less saltier. And
when this happens, there would be a huge impact on the ocean currents,
eventually jeopardizing the regulation of temperature. This is one of the
severe global warming effects on weather that is predicted by scientists.
The second effect that increasing levels of global warming would
have is related to the survival of the wild animal species. The increasing
level of sea water would cause the lowland coastal areas to incur flood.
The most obvious repercussion of this would be the destruction of plant
species, which ultimately would impact the diet of the herbivores, and
eventually the carnivores. One example which can represent the global
warming effects on animals could be the extinction of polar bears. These

animals use the sea ice for hunting. And if there is no ice, there would be
no hunting, and eventually, no polar bears.
With the temperature on the rise, more and more places would face
incidences of drought and diseases.
Another one of the severe The effects and consequences of global
warming is again related to the melting glaciers and ice caps. The
meltdown would cause the oceans and seas to get totally exposed to the
sun's heat. This would result in more absorption of heat thus, warmer
waters. The end result of this may be the creation of stronger and
frequent hurricanes.
Increasing temperature, elevated levels of carbon dioxide,
malfunctioning precipitation and many other factors would jointly
contribute to drastic climatic change. This would have its effects on
agriculture and food production around the world.
People who love to eat salmon, would also feel the global warming
effects when this very fish species is wiped out completely from the
waters of the Earth. Scientific studies have shown the disappearance of
the pacific salmon from 40% of their habitats.
Those who fancy growing wildflower species, may have to part with
their love with the wild plants.

There could be no Christmas trees in near future. There is this bug

known as the pine bark beetle which munches on these kinds of trees.
But their population is kept under control by winter temperatures. So if
the temperature goes on rising, these insects would thrive thus, killing
more and more of such trees. And this would be among the worst global
warming effects for humanity.
There would be an increase in heat-related heart and respiratory
medical conditions, if the temperature keeps on rising. This would result
in more deaths over time.
As there could be an instability in food and water supply, one of the
worst repercussions to this could be threats for war and conflict. It may
be an obvious fact that countries which suffer water shortages and crop
loss, could trigger instances which might lead to next world war.
"We cannot stop global warming, but we can do our bit to reduce
the effects. This would prolong not only our existence, but that of our
future generations to come!"...

We can reduce the problems of global warming by doing many

things like planting a lot of trees and recycling the objects. Lets start with

recycling. When we were in the schools, the teachers used to tell us

about recycling our used staffs like toys and books.
At first, I thought that recycling mean to throw the old objects. But
later, I had a general back ground about how important is this word to our
earth. There are many ways to recycle the old subjects, and there are
special ways to recycle each subject.
For instance, we can recycle papers in special way that is different
than glass material and the plastic material. We can help our
environment by buying products with the smallest packages, and that will
help to trim down the waste.
It seems to be an easy job. All you have to do is to recycle the
staffs that you really dont need instead of throwing it in the pin. The
other way that we can reduce global warming problems is planting a lot
of trees. Did you know that one tree can absorb nearly 1 ton of CO2
during its life time.
It seems really amazing!! And it seems very easy way. In fact, it is
the easiest way that we can do to overcome the global warming. All we
have to do is to plant a lot of trees everywhere.
In conclusion, the global warming is a serious problem that can
lead to climate changing and desertification;however we can deal with it

by planting trees and recycling. I believe that the human are the
responsible of this problem. So they must all agree in a possible way to
solve it before the bad consequences happen!!

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