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January 7, 2015



Strategy List: 35 Dimensions of Critical Thought

S-3: Exercising Fair-mindedness
As a person, I must say that I exercise my fair-mindedness because I consider
others viewpoints but not totally accepting. I am doing this because I know that in a
society, there are different people which have different notions on a certain topic.
S-5: Developing Intellectual Humility and Suspending Judgment
When I am thinking or saying something, I make sure that I am not claiming it
more highly than the others viewpoints. I give fair judgment and as much as
possible, I stay humble when considering the perspectives of other people.
S-6: Developing Intellectual Courage
When I am thinking or saying about something, there are these instances that
I encounter mistakes which sometimes hinder me to continue what Im about to do.
But then, I know that I will conquer it and that I am not thinking it as a threat but
instead, I consider it as a challenge for me to be true to my thinking.
S-7: Developing Intellectual Good Faith or Integrity
As a thinker, I make sure that when I am thinking of something, it is true to
myself. Also, I know to myself that sometimes, I encountered discrepancies and I
admit it for I can just improve it for the next time.
S-13: Clarifying Issues, Conclusions or Beliefs
When I am dealing with issues or conclusions, I make sure that before I
believe in it, it should be clarified first clearly. Clarifying is needed in order to
identify whether the interpretations, opinions, judgments or theories are true.
S-14: Clarifying and Analyzing the Meaning of Words or Phrases
In clarifying issues, I also take into account that words and phrases stated by
the people are important and those should be analyzed clearly. In this way, I will not
be having a hard time in dealing with it and I will not be confused with the
necessary parts of the concept.
S-16: Evaluating the Credibility of Sources of Information
When Im looking for resources, for example if I am making my thesis or even
when researching articles for my assignment, I make sure that I have my references
correct. Im doing this to give credits to the owner or the author of the reference I
used, and sometimes, I disregard resources which do not have references because
for me, the information there are not that reliable.
S-18: Analyzing or Evaluating Arguments, interpretations, Beliefs, or
In analyzing arguments, I make sure that it is clear and I use evidence and
facts to understand reason. In this way, I can make sure that the arguments are true

and because of this, I dont just agree or disagree to a certain argument because
Im struggling the things which must be accepted and not.
S-21: Reading Critically: Clarifying or Critiquing Texts
One of my most loved hobbies is reading, and when I read, I make and
formulate questions before, during and after reading so that I can fully understand
the reading text. I believe that if you just read a text without comprehension, you
did not critique it in a right way.
S-22: Listening Critically: The Art of Silent Dialogue
Im really not that good in listening; but when I listen, I make sure that I did it
actively and critically so that I will fully understand what the speaker is saying. To
make that information clearly and reliable, I ask questions to the speakers.
S-31: Distinguishing Relevant From Irrelevant Facts
When Im thinking of something, I always distinguish what issues are relevant
and which issues are irrelevant. Thus, I just focus to relevant fact and give time in
fully understanding unlike those irrelevant facts which I dont give much time
understanding those.
S-35: Exploring Implications and Consequences
When I am claiming, thinking or saying about something, I always take into
account that I will consider whatever the consequences of my actions. Thus,
knowing the consequences of my actions lead me not to just derive on a certain
decision but instead, I think deeply until I make sure that it will be reliable.

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