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Street Children

When I go to some city like Jakarta and I stand at the traffic lights, saw the
children activity always remember with a music My dream to be rich.
Once loved, now I kicked some lyric by Teguh. Many innocent young
singers have their voice in the intersection when the red light. Then when
the light turns green, they step aside and begin to count the pieces of
coins. The phenomenon happens frequently in Indonesia especially in the
corners of the city, such as Jakarta. Street children are there who spend
most of their time on the streets, either singing, scavenging, shining
shoes, or doing other activities. The number of street children is
increasingly rising. Based on BPS data in 2009, there were 7.4 million
children come from very poor households. Including 1.2 million children
under five displaced, 3.2 million displaced children, 230,000 street
children, 5.952 children that have problem with judgment and more
children until now that basic need not fulfilled.
Increasing number of street children and abandoned children will inhibit
the growth and development of the state. Because children are not
educated will generate human resources that are not optimal. In this
situation, parliament must be have a contribution to give a solution. Based
on the law of Indonesia, section 34 subsection 2 UUD 1945 says poor
person and abandoned children managed by nation. We now the
meaning of the law that street children included in abandoned children,
and they are must be managed by nation.
Many factors that cause a person to become street children. Among the
economic difficulties that require a child to be helping families earn money
with the activities of the street. Disharmony household or family, will drag
the child becomes angry and frustrated they finally find freedom in the
streets. The negative impact of the increase in the number of street
children was so worrying such as, the emergence of thuggery, created
human resources incompetent and loss of the nation's future

To summarize, parliament should work more seriously about this. Because,

a result of the increasing number of street children would be very impede
development and economic growth of Indonesia. Street children are still
young and innocent children, they needs love to get close to them.

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