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Journal of Scicnti fi c & Industri al Rcsearch

Vol. 58 , February 1999, pp 76-82

Energy Conservation in Sugar Industries*

A N Pathak
Council of Science & Technology, UP, Yi gya n Bhavan, 9 Nabi ull ah Road,
Suraj Kund Park, Lucknow 226 018, India
Suggestive measures for minimi zing energy and heat losses in Indian sugar industries are discussed. Suggestions are
enumerated to achieve the target of effecti ve conservation of energy, heat and fu el through modernization of equ ipments and
technology. Use of al ternat ive sources of energy like so lar energy, bioenergy, etc. for power generation and utihzati on of
byproducts of suga r industry by value additi on, to increase the profitabi lit y of t'his sector is also di scussed.


Indi a is the top ranking sugar producing country in

the world. Yet average size of sugar factori es in our
country continues to be undul y small. The capacity
range of sugar factori es varies from 400 TCD to 7000
TCD. The breakup of about 425 sugar factories according to th eir capac ity range is given in Table I.
The sugar consumption in India is increasing at the
rate of about 7-8 % per annum. The total intern al consumption in India by the year 1999-2000 is ex pected to
be 16.94 mi llion M.T. and per capita consumption is
ex pected to grow to 16.75 kg per annum. Recovery in
the sugar mills varies from 9 to 12%. A reduction in tota l
sugar losses and energy consumption can be made possible throu gh implementation of n; odern equipment,
modern techno logy, newer systems and techniques. The
energy costs are ri sing steadil y and the ava il ab ility of
fuel is becoming scarce. Therefore, the conservati on of
energy in sugar industry has become a matter of great
signi ficance. The suga rcane bagasse is a renewabl e
source of bioenergy . Many factories are using sugarcane
bagasse with so me add itional fu el to meet their energy
requirements. The usage of this additional fu el can be
avo ided by modern ization and energy conservati on in
sugar plants. The excess bagasse could be used as raw
materi al for va ri ous va lue-added products. The other
by-products like filtercake and molasses can be used for
production of alcohol and down-stream products which
can significantl y improve profitabi lity of the suga r ind ustry 1-)-.
"Thi s paper \Vas presented by the author on the occasion of Energy
Conservation Day, 14 Dec 1997, at Shak ti Bhawan , Lucknow

The target of sugar production and the installed capac ity needed to meet it for the 8th and 9th plan peri ods
are given in Table 2.
The energy requirement in various un its of a sugar
mill is given in Table 3.
Adoption of new systems and designs, as required for
better performance and higher efficiency for improving
the economics of sugar industry, is l}' 'must' , as suggested by Sood 6,7.
Major Processes involved in a Sugar Mill

The units employed in a sugar mill are:

I. Juice extraction Plant (JEP)
The juice ex traction plant in a cane sugar factory
primari ly consists of sugarcane unloadin g, conveying,
cane preparati on and milling.
1.1 Cane Handling .- The cane unl oadin g can be
done both manu all y and mechanicall y. The sugarcane is
mechanically unl oaded from tru cks and bu ll ock carts on
a moving slate conveyer through mechanical unl oaders.
Some sugar factories are also equipped with an arrangement of truck or wagon trippl ers whi ch I ift the truck or
Table I -

Break up of sug <lr fac tories of Indi a acco rdin g to

their production capacity


Si ze Ran gc, TCD

B ~ l ow


Num bers



125 i - 2000


200 1 - 2500


2501 - 3500



Above 3500



Table 2 - The target of sugar production and install ati on


Table 3 - Energy requirement in different units of a sugar plant


capacity required for 8th and 9th Plan periods



Installed capacity
(million tonnes)


Energy Saving

8/h Plall



1990-9 1




Sugar Cr ystallization


12. 07





12.8 1

Energy Requirements at
Vacuum Pans






14. 12














17. 12



Target of
(million tonnes)


Energy Savings
At Vacuum System
At Cooling System
Continuou s Pans
Pan Automati on
Install at ion of
Mechanical Circulators
Molasses Conditioners

Energy Requirement at


Sugar Centrifu gals

5. 1.

Energy Saving at
Continuou s Centrifugals


Selection of Process

5. 3.

Su gar Drying


Choice Mag ma


Schemes of sugar
conveying and grading


Steam Generation


Mill Speeds

Efficient Usc and

Generat ion of Steam

Pressure Feedin g

Steam Press ure

42-45 kglcrn2g

Mill Tra nsmission Geari ng

Steam Temperature

4 15C

Power Requiremcnt

Des ign of Boilers

Tab le 3 -

Energy requ ireme nt in dilTerent unit s of a sugar pl ant

(Tota l Power-5000 kW)


Unit s



Juice Extract ion Plant

40-45 %


Cane Handling



Cane Preparation






of Mills

Automat ion
Juice Purilication Plant

Furnace Design
10- 15 '1(

Des ign of Accessories

Heat Recovery units


Jui ce Heating

Bagasse Drying


Treatment of Jui ce


Boiler Operation




Boiler Automati on


Saving of Steam During



Powel' Gene.-ation

:1 0% 01 tot al
steam required
for sligar pl allt

Arrangement Models

10-15 %


Energy/Steam Sav ings

3. 1.

15-20 %

Design Selection

91h Plall



7.1 .

Coge neration of Powe r


Cogenerat ion Models

5-10 %



wago n loaded with cane to an ang le fac ilitat ing direct

di sc harge of sugarcane to th e co nveyer. From energy
saving view point, trippl er arrangement is superi or to
1.2 Preparation - The sugarcane is prepared into a
fibrou s mass with the help of a set of cane cutting kni ves
or shredders. The bulk density of the whole cane is about
150 to 160 kg per cubic metre, whi Ie that of prepared
cane ranges between 350 and 475 kg per cubi c met re.
A good preparati on or cane is essenti all y required for
(i) a hi gher through put, and (ii) reducing energy co nsumpti on durin g the process of juice ex tracti on. Installed power req uiremen t for preparation of can e can
be 50 to 100 HP tonnes fibre per hour. It is proved th at
app licali on of hi gher power in cane preparati on res ults
in ove ra ll reducti on in power and hi gher ex tracti on in
the cane mi li s. However, it is to be optimi zed. It has also
been proved th at a sequence of establishment of different sets of cane kni ves results in proper cane preparati on
and redu cti on in energy co nsu mpti on.
The energy can be saved by proper use of electroni c
motors with 15 to 17% slip for dri ving cane kn ives.
Automat ic electroni ca ll y regul ated cane feed ing equipment helps in reducing th e power consumpti on. Steam
turbin e drives are not beneficial in cane preparati on and ,
therefore, th ese shou ld not be used.
1.3 MiLling Operatioll - The prepared suga rcane is
passed th rough a set of 3 or 5 ro ll er cane mills for
ex traction of cane juice by hi gh hydrauli c pressures . The
mill s are operated at a speed of 10- 15 mt/minute through
a steam or electri c drive with th e help of a set of
reduct ion gears. The cane ex tract ion plant co nsumes
about 40 to 45 % of total mechani cal/electri ca l energy
req uired in sugar pl ant - 15-20% for cane preparati on
and the rest 25 % for ca ne milling operati on .
Energy consumpti on can be optimi zed using 5 numbers of ro ll s in 3-roller mill s, by adju stin g th e mill speed
to 10-1 I metre per minute, by 2-roller pressure feeders
and roughin g hard surfaci ng of the mill ro ller ce ll s,
optimi sing operatin g speed of th e mill s in close proximit y or the rated speeds of the mill turbine and by using
in close mult i-stage helical gear boxes to imp rove transmi ss ion efficiencies. However, the crow n pin ion wou ld
remain a maj or loss of power during transmi ss ion whi ch
ca n be overcome by in stal l ing individu al hydrauli c motors on each rol ler of a mi ll.

Power Saving

During th e millin g of cane the power is co nsumed by

the following un its:
(i) Bagasse
(ii) Fri cti on between shaft s and bearin gs of the rollers
(iii) Fricti on between bagasse and trash plate
(iv) Fricti on of scrapers and toe of the tras h plate
again st the roll ers, to which should be added th e work
of di slodging the bagasse at these points
(v) In drivin g of the intermediate carriers, and
(vi) Gea rs .
The consumpti on of power can be calcu lated by the
formul ae given in Handbook of Cane Sugar Engineerin g
by Dr E Hugo!. The sugar factory owner has to necess itate care in selecti on of the hydrauli c loading at the mi li s,
selecti on of mill bea rin gs, des ignin g and s ttin g of the
tras h plate, des ignin g of th e intermediate carri er gea rs,
etc, such that all these res ult in minimu m consumpti on
of power durin g milling operation. However, aut omation for co ntrolling the milling operations may result in
impro ved suga r ex tracti on and reduced energy cost. The
areas of automati on can be: feeding, co ntrol of mill
speeds, applicati on of macerati on water fo r j ui ce extracti on, etc.
Juice Purification Plant

The purifi cati on of juice in vo lves remova l of vari ous

non-sugar inorgan ic salts, colloid s, organic acids, co lourin g matter, etc. Thi s is achi eved by heatin g of j uice
and treatment wit h chemi cals li ke lime and sulphur and
separation of the prec ipitated impurities.
The equipments depl oyed are heat-exchange rs fo r
heatin g of juice, equipment to prepare milk of li me ,
sulphur di ox ide, etc., reactors, settl ers, clar ifi ers and
industrial fi lters. The poss ibili ti es of energy saving during these steps are:
(i) Juice Healing - The ex haust steam from the
pri me movers or vapours led from the evaporat ors is
used fo r heating of juice in a set of mu lt iple pass juice
heat-exchan gers where it is heated from 20 - 25 C to
102C in one or more stages, depending upo n th e se lecti on of process of cleanin g. Substanti al heat energy in
the form of latent heat released on condensati on of
steam/vapours is co nsumed for raising the temperature
of th e ju ice. Jui ce heaters should be properl y lagged and
condensate shou ld be suitably recyc led. The automati on
of steam/vapour entry for heating ju ice lTlay result in


energy savings. Total steam consumption should be

optimized in a sugar factory .
(ii) Treatment of Juice - The loss of heat during
treatment of juice with various chemicals results due to
flashing and radiation practices of receiving juice in a
separate tank after treatment and before pumping to next
section of the plant. It should be discouraged. It should
directly be pumped from the reactor itself which should
be properly lagged to prevent heat loss due to radiation .
(iii ) Separatioll - Settlers or industrial filters retain
juice for 2 to 3 hours which results in appreciable loss
of heat and drop in temperature to less than 90 D C from
more than 100De. This heat loss can be minimized by
reducing the retention period and lagging the clarifier
shorter retention time with 30 to 45 minutes, which is
very common in the Australian Sugar Industry. It should
be adopted by sugar factories in India too .
The factories in which the juice is filtered, the washing of filter cake should be done very carefully because
these washings have to be evaporated, resulting in more
consumption of steam. Minimum water for maximum
recovery of sugar from filter cakes should be used. This
can be achieved by maintaining cake porosity, by application of water in a mist form from correctly designed
nozzles and by maintaining the desired pressure at the
wash nozzles.
The quantity of filtrate return in case of rotary vacuum screen filters should be carefully controlled because its excess may result in heat loss. It has been
observed that this quantity may vary between 7-20% on
cane weight basis and, therefore, it offers a good scope


Further Reduction in Steam Consumption

It is possible to reduce further the consumption of
steam through the use of thermo-compressors, mechanical vapour recompressors, liquid heat-exchangers for
heating of juice, etc.

The automatic control sys tem of the evaporator
should be des igned in such way that the syrup, leavi ng
the evaporators has a predetermined consistency. This
design should also take care of the time-lag between the
admittance of steam and exist of sy rup . The control of
steam should also be linked with th e flow of va pours for
heating and boiling of juice.
The maintenance of consistent hi gher brix of syrup at
the evaporators is essential in view of the multipl e effect
advantage at this station compared to the other stati ons
like juice heating and pan boiling.

Sugar Crystallization
Energy requirement by Va cuum pans
Through proper controls, energy can be saved at this
stage which is estimated to be 15-18% of the total en ergy
required in a sugar plant. This could be reduced to about
10-12% by taking remedial measures. The automation
of vacuum pans can be of great advantage in reducing
both the mechanical/electrical energy as also the heat
energy requirement in this area of operation. Molasses
conditioners should be installed in line to feed from the
storage tank to the vacuum pans. The inline conditioning
of the molasses avoids the chances of molasses cooling
during the storage.

for reduction.

Energy Requirement by Crystallizers

The variou s configurations of evaporators' arrangement are possible to evaporate juice from 14-16 Brix to
60-65 Brix, which accounts for about 30% of the total
heat requirement in the process. The evaporator arrangement should be such that it is possible to provide about
130-150 kg of vapours per tonne of juice for heating in
the juice heaters and about 230-270 kg of vapours/tonne
of juice for crystallization of sugar in the vacuum pans.
Therefore, a total of about 250-400 kg vapours/tonne of
juice additionally should be available from the evaporator station to meet the requirement of juice heaters and
vacuum pans .

The massecuite when discharged from the vacuum

pans is received , stored and cooled in a set of cooling
crystallizers, the massecuite is subjected to either air
cooling in case of high grade massecuite or water cooling in case of low grade massecuite. The degree of
supersaturation further increases during cooling, resulting in deposition of more sugar on the avai lable/existing
crystal surface. The energy requirement of crystallizers
can be reduced by installing continuous vertical crystallizer which will then dispense with the use of a large
battery of batch crystallizers. A large number of factories are already making use of the continuous crystallizers and their use should be spread to as many more
factories as possible.



Sugar CentriJugals
The energy consumption at centrifugals is also related to the selection of the process. The methods being
used for cooling, conveying and grading of sugar can be
modified to save energy. This primarily may require the
use of fluidized bed drier for cooling and conveying. The
design of the graders can also be modified so that a fewer
number of graders can handle the required through put.

Steam Generation
The factors responsible for efficient use and generation of steam are:
Steam pressure
Steam temperature
Design of boilers
Design of accessories
Design of furnaces
Use of heat recov,ery units, and
Bagasse drying.
The commonly used furnaces in the sugar factory
boilers are : (i) Step grate furnace, (ii) Horse shoe furnace, and (iii) Spreader Stroker furnace .

boilers. Energy can also be produced from bagasse and

other byproducts of sugarcane industry8-IO

Energy Audits and Measurements in a Sugar

An energy conservation project should be initiated
with an energy audit of a sugar factory to achieve the
most economical reduction of energy costs in order to
save the maximum energy at the lowest cost. The manner in which the total energy utilization at the plant is
managed between the different stages is determined by
energy measurements, to be able to draw up an energy
balance for the plant.
The energy audit comprises
(a) Acquaintance with the energy systems of the
(b) Infonnation collection regarding energy utilization, production, etc. to base these energy balance,
(c) Planning and execution of energy measurements,
(d) Infonnation collection regarding the energy systems development to serve as a base for drawing up
energy savmg measures.

Boiler Operation
The automation in boilers can be of immense use in
achieving a higher boiler efficiency and hence reduced
energy costs. The automation in boilers can include
cont rol of C02 and/or 0 2 per cent, steam flow, feed
control, excess air control and excess 0 2 monitoring
system, etc .

Power Generation
Many sugar factorie in the world are producing or
co-generating additional power for tran sfer to the grid
or for use in the ancillary industry . Almost all factories
are equipped with turbo generators which are generally
of the back pressure type. Live steam from the boilers is
used for operating turbo generators set for producing
power. Exhaust steam is used for this process .

Use of Non-Conventional Energy in Sugar

Solar energy and bioenergy can be used in the sugar
industry for energy conservation. Water to be fed to
boilers can be preheated through solar water heaters.
Bioenergy in tenns of methane gas can be generated
from sugar/distillery effluents which could supplement
the fue l consumption by 50% in oil-fired or coal-fired

Energy Saving in a Sugar Plant

The various means through which the Indian sugar
industry is attempting to save energy and/or fuel are:
(a) Efficient production of steam
(b) Efficient use of mechanical/electrical energy
(c) Efficient use of steam
This can be further elaborated as under:
Maximum generation of steam per unit bagasse
or fuel
Maximum generation of power set unit of steam
Minimum consumption of power
Minimum consumption of process steam
Minimum line losses both on account of steam
and power transmission
Maximum heat recovery through reclamation of
a hot condensate, flashing, etc.
Minimum usage of chilled water.

Technologies of the 21st Century in the Sugar

Various new and futuristic technologies and processes that could be used in (he sugar industry are:



(i) Cane Handling - Computerized cane weighing

machines should be used . The present mechanical
weighing scale can be replaced by electrical scales .
(ii) Cane Preparation- Many factories in Australia
and South Africa use heavy duty shredders to achieve
the preparatory index above 90% and this should be
evaluated under Indian conditions.
(iii) Milling Juice Extraction Technologies - Mis
Taxmaco Ltd, Calcutta has collaborated with Walkers
of Australia for a new design of a constant ratio 5-roller
mill. This design of the mill has capability to give higher
milling efficiency and low energy consumption. It has
already been commissioned in a sugar factory in Tamil
The indigenous development in the field has not been
lagg ing behind . Mis WIL, Pune, have developed self
setting 3-roller mills and a milling tandem of this design
have already been commissioned in a sugar factory in
Tamil Nadu.
The possibility of adopting diffu sers in the cane sugar
industry should be reevaluated from the view point of
capital cost, maintenance cost, energy consumption and
extraction efficiencies.
(iv) Low Pressure Extraction System - The power
requirement of the system is claimed to be about 0.6 kW
per TCD.
(v) Cane Sugar Separation Technology - The industry is rapidly replacing the steam turbine drives with
variable speed DC drive, which results in fuel saving and
gives a better flexibility in operational control. Hydraulic motors for operating the mills can be a breakthrough
for the sugar industry in India in near future.
Modifications in design of other accessories like imbibition equipment, etc. would also bring about saving
in energy and costs.
(vi) Juice Treatmenl- Use of hydrogen peroxide for
treatment and removal of colour in syrups has been
found highly successful in Karnataka. This can be
adopted for a better removal of colour with reduced
sugar losses. The possibility to use short retention clarifier should be evaluated to avoid losses due to inversion.
Use of membrane filters and bag filters also offer good
potential for achieving better quality of filtration in
future. Extensive studies have been conducted for c1ari. 0 f"JUice b y mem b rane f'Iltratlon
. ))-) 3 .
(vii) Evaporation - The combination of extensive
vapour bleeding, condensate flashing and recirculation,
use of thermo-compressorsIMVR' s, etc. can reduce the


process steam consumption to about 30% on cane

against the present 45% in the Indian Sugar Industry.
(viii) Sugar Crystallization - Use of continuous
vacuum cooling crystallization system developed by a
French Sugar Group (Beghisay) can improve the performance of crystallization section .
(ix) Centrifugals - To save energy, Mis Krupp,
Germany, have developed a new design of continuous
centrifugals where two centrifugal baskets are mounted
on a common shaft and driven by a common motor.
(x) Sugar Handling - A firm in Bangalore has
developed a sugar drier cum conveyor on the principle
of fluidized-bed drier. It has been installed in Karnat aka .
The size of this equipment is 5m x 1.2m x 5m which can
handle up to 150 bags of sugar/hour.
(xi) Steam Generation - The sugar industry can opt
for modem design of boi lers and new furnaces based on
following principles :
(a) Boiler with membrane wall construction
(b) Furnace design for mixed fuel
(c) Fluidized-bed furnaces
Ponni Sugars at Erode has installed a Igni Fluid make
boiler of 25 tonneslh capacity and 45 kg/cm 2 pressure
which is very compact in design and is highly efficient.
It can use coal, sugar pith and lignite and other alternate
fuels too.
The concept of tap power directly from coal is under
development of BHEL and BARC, Bombay. it is estimated that this technology can offer an overall efficiently of 60% against 30% at present through steam at
turbo generators .
(xii) Power Generation - The conventional method
of producing power through back pressure turbines can
be replaced with production of power by extraction-condensing turbines or by topping turbines. In this manner
additional power can be produced for use in other industries or for bleeding to state grid.
Automation at various sectors of sugar plant shall
result in improved productivity, reducing sugar losses
and energy cost. The author affirms that if the above
mentioned improvements are incorporated, there could
be 30% energy conservation in the sugar industry .

Recent developments in the sugarcane processi ng in
the small scale sector have been reported by Gehlawat )4.
There are a number of other actions and precautions that
can help to minimize energy and heat losses in a sugar
plant. These include:



(a) All pipe lines, tanks which conveyor receive hot

juices, steam, bled vapours, etc. should be properly
lagged for avoiding radiation and condensation losses.
Similarly, all heat-exchangers should be lagged.
(b) Pumps and motors should be carefully selected. it
has been seen that many factories install over size pumps
to cater to any future requirements during expansion.
This is an incorrect approach and results in a recurring
loss of power.
The type of pumps should be selected after matching
the duty requirements with the performance curves of
the pumps to achieve maximum efficiency. The use of
screw pumps, wherever required, would also result in
saving of power'.
(d) The slat and rake type conveyers should be replaced with belt conveyers, if possible.
(e) The power factor of the electric distribution system should be maintained above 0.95 through use of
capacitors, wherever possible.
(f) Hot condensate should be collected and suitably
recycled to the boilers or to the process. A proper recycling of the condensate can totally eliminate the use of
cold water in the process, and at the boilers. The flashing
of condensates should also be recovered.
(g) A proposal to generate electric power at 3 k Y or
11 kY should also be considered and high tension motors
at all major consuming ends, to reduce transmission

The author is thankfu l to Dr (Mrs) Abha Srivastava
for her help in preparing the manuscript.

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