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1 Explain what is meant by electric current.

Current is the rate of flow of electric charge through a given cross-section of the conductor'

2 Define charge and the coulomb.

Charye is lhe properly of some elementary patticles that causes them to exerT electric force
on one another- The charge that passes through a given point is the ptoduct of the steady
currentflowing past the point and the time during which the current flows.
The coulomb is the quantity of electric charye that passes through a given point in a circuit
when a steady current of one ampere flows for one second,

3 (a) A cuffent of '12 A flows for 20 minutes into an electric cooker. How much charge passed
through the cooker? [14400 C]

O = tt = (1 2)(20^6q = ua00 c
(b) If 18400 C of charge flows through an air conditioning unit every hour, what current does it
draw? [5.11 A]

t= Q/t = 1u00/(60x60) = 5.11 A

(c) A current of 3 A flows into a television set. For how iong would it take 1500 C of charge to flow
through it? 18 min 20 sl

t. qI = 1500/ 3 = 500 s. I min 20 s

4 A beam of electron is emitted from a heated filament, resulting in 0.01 C of charge being released
in 20 s. (Given that the charge on a single electron, e = 1.6 x 10 c)
(a) What is the current? [5 x 10 A]

(b) What is the rate of electrons emission? [3.13 x 1ors]

Q=I t= Ne where N is the number of electrons and e is the charge of a single electran.
Therefore, Mt = l/e
= 5 x 101 A / 1-6 x 1o"e c = 3.13 x 1015 per second.
.,-\ _- T j-
L! J_L 0=-rt
Ne=ar I
4 J_
A high potential difference is applied between the electrodes of a hydrogen discharge tube so that
the gas is ionlzed. Electrons then move towards the positive electrode and protons towards the
negative electrode as shown ln Fig. 5.1. ln each second, 5 x 1ors electrons and 2 x lOrB protons
pass a cross-section of the tube. What is the currenl flowing in the discharge tube? [1. 12 A]


The current due to the flow of protons. nee/ t - (2fl014)0.6x1o4e)/ 1 = 0.32 A

The current due to the flow of electrons = n.e/ t = (5x1O13)(1.6x1,aey 1 = O.8O A

An electron charge -1,6x101e C moving to the teft is equivalent to a positive charge of

1.6x101s moving to the right,

The total current I = 0.32 + 0.80= 1.12 A

DeIine potential difference and volt.

The potential difference between two points in a circuit is the amount of electrical energy
dissipated when a unit charge flows from one point to the other. lt's Sl unit is volt (v).

The volt is the pd. between two points in a circuit if one joule of energy is drssrpafed
between the two points when one coulomb ot charge flows,

The potential difference between point P and point Q is '15 V and the current flowing through is
0.025 A. During a period of time t, the energy of the charge carriers changes by 6 J when moving
from P to O. Determine the valLre of time f. [16 s]

Since ,,W
t=16 s
0.025 r f

(a) Define resistance and ohm

The resistance of a conductor is the ratio of the potential dilference across the
conductar to the current flowing through the conductor.
It is measured in ohm (!).

The ohm is the resistance of a conductor through which a current of one ampere flows
when a potential difference of one volt is maintained across it.

(b) Calculate the resistance per metre of a copper wire of diameter 0.500 mm and resistivity
1.7x 10 3om.[8.66x10'?()m

R= p p 1.7x10-s
= 8.66 x 10-2 c)m 1

r@lzf * (o.soo, ro '/z J
Figure 9.1 shows a rectangular block with dimensions -x, 2x, 3r .


Electrical contact to the block can be made between opposite pairs of faces (for example, between
the faces labeled P). Between which h]Vo faces would the maximum electrical resistance be
obtained? [Q]

"'- __ox
,._oi _1fol "o-A-
p/ p(3x)
A-ixtzx\ 6\x) x(2x) 2l.x )

'' er ptzx)
-l( e \
^-- / 3x(x) 3tx'
Maximam electrical resistance would be obtained between the faces labeled Q.

10 The resistance of a thermistor decreases significantly as its temperature increases. Sketch a

l-V gtaph to show how current / in the thermistor depends upon the potential difference I/
across it.

'11 Explain why heat is produced in a cuffent carrying conductor.

when current is flowing through the conductor, free electrons collide with the laftice ions.
As a rcsult" their kinetic energy is being transferred to the lattice ions, The ions vibrate with
increased amplitude, and cause heat to be produced.
12 A potentjal difference ydrives a current / through
(a) the filament of a torch bulb.
(b) a piece of lntrinsic semiconductor.

Sketch graphs, one for each case, to show how , depends on Vas yis increased from zero to
value which causes significant heating.

(a) the filament of a torch bulb. (b) A piece of intrinsic semiconductor,

As the temperature gf filamenl rises, the amplitude of vibration of the meta! ions in the
lattice increases, The drifting electrons will collide more frequently with the metal ions
causing the resistance of the filament to increase- Thus, the value of V/l increases as the
current increases. The graph of I against V becomes /ess and ress steep as the current
increases from zero,

lntrinsic semiconductot is essentially pure such that the impurities in it do not appreciably
affect its electrical behavior unless it is heated up. The electric resrslarce of a typical
intrinsic (non doped) semiconductor decreases exponentially with the temperature: the
increase in thermal energy of the valence electrons due to the temperature rise enables
more of them to break the covalent bonds and become free electrons, Thus more electron-
hole pairc are produced which can act as carriers of current, At the same time, there is also
an increase in rate of atomic vibralion. However, the decrease in resistance due to the
increase in no. of charge carriers predominates fhe rncrease in resistance caused by the
increase in rate of atomic vibration- Hence, the overall effect is that R decleases as y

13 An electrical heating element is to be made from nichrome ribbon 1.0 mm wide and 0.05 mm thick.
The element is designed so that the power dissipated will be 750 W when connected ta a 244 V
(a) Calculate the resistance of the wire required. [76.8 o]

p=L = n= /' =240' -'/6.8 a

(b) Calculate the length of the ribbon required. [3.49 m]
(resistivity of nichrorne - 1.1 x 10 6 o m)

J-! ,r,r t?o.Rtl(l lo 0.05 10 I
1q > I -'"' -Ll- Ll.l0' - r.4o m
4 p
14 A water heater is mafted 230 V, 3000 W. lt is switched on for 5000 seconds For this heater,
(a) the current through the heater. ['13.0 A]
the currcnt through the heater, I = PN 2 3000/230 = 13'O A

(b) the resistance of ihe heater. [17.7 O]

the resistance of the heater, R = U/l =230/13.0 = 17.7 o

(c) the energy supplied by the heater dudng this time. [1.5 x 10' J]

the eneryy supplied by the heater during this time E = Pt

= 3OO0(5OOO) = 1.5 x 107 J

15 A 240 ymotor runs an electric power drill. Calculate

(a) the power when the drill runs freely and the current is 0.2 A. [48 W]

Power, P - lV = 0.2(240) = 48 W

(b) the power when the ddll is ddiling a hole in a piece of wood and the current is 2 A. [480 W]


(c) the efficiencywhen drilling wood, jf thedrill bit does 1B00 J of workperminute. 16.25%l

Power output = 1800/60 = s0 # W

etficiency when drilling wood = Pouy' Pi" X'l00ok= 301480 x lOOo = 6.25%

'16 A wire of length 2.50 m and diameter 1.60 mm carries a current of 1.25 A. The wire dissipates
energy at the rate of 0.810 W. Calculate the resistivity of the material under the above condjtions.

P-tR -> n j.I' n*lo-o.stro

nl RA (0.518)[z(1.60 10'+2)'lr-4.17.1r;'om
:::., o= -,--]--2.50
17 Define e.m.f. in terms of energy. State and define the S.l. unjt of e.m.f. What is the function of "the
source of e.m.f."?

fhe e.m.f- of a source is defined as the energy transferred by a source in driving unit
charge round a complete circuit.
The s"t unit of e.m.f- is VolL The e,m"f" is said to be one volt when it delivers electrical
energy of one joule in driving one coulomb of charge round a complete circuit'
A source of e.m,f, is a device capable of transforming other forms of eneryy into the
electfical form so as to dtive a unil charge around the circuit,
18 A cell is connected in series with a 2 c) resistor and a switched as shown in Figure 18.1. A
voltmeter connected across the cell reads 12 V when the switch is open but I V when it is closed.
What is the internal resistance of the cell? ['1 O]

Fig. l8.1

Let internal resistance be r,

E -12 U V4 tR .- t. U/R - 8/2 = 4 A.
Ee l(R + t) -t r!E/l -R212/1-2-1a

19 (a) State the equation relating curent /, charge Q and time I

for steady current , Q: lt or I ='1Q

(b) There is a current of 6.0 A through a component for 200 s. Calculate

(i) the charge which flows past a point in the component during this time. [1200 C]
e = tt = 6.0 (200) =1 200 c
(ii) the number of electrons whish pass the point during thrs time. 17.5 x 10211

Q = ne 1 n - qb = 1 2oo/(1.6 x 1 o1s) =7.5 xI 0'?1



Fig. 19.1 Fig.19.2

The circuit of Figure 19.'1 is used produce the lV characteristic of the lamp. This
characteristic is shown in Figure 19.2,
(i) A voltmeter and ammeter are required in order to obtain the necessary readings. Copy
Fig. 19.1, and show the two rneters in appropriate positions.

(ii) For the lamp operating under normal conditions with a potential difference of 12.0 V
across lt, calculate
f. ihe resistance of the larrp. [4.0 O]
From the graph, when V= 12.0 V, l= 3.0 A
Thus R = U/l c 12.0/ 3.0 = 4.0 a

2. the power supplied to the lamp. [36 W]

Power suqqlied = lV = 3(12.0) : 36 W

(iii) Calculate the resistance of the lamp when the potential difference across it is only
6.0 v. [2.5 o]

From the gtaph, when V = 6.0 , I = 2,4 A

Resistance R. u/l . 6.0/2.4 - 2.5 a

(iv) Explain in microscopic terms why the resistance in (iii) is less than resistance in (ii).

when current is smaller, the frequency of collision of the electrons with the laftice
ions is lower. As temperature of the filament is lower, the vibration amplitude of the
ions will also be smaller, and will not result in fu.ther collisions with the drifling
electrons. Thus the resistance decreases,

(v) Sketch a graph showing how the resistance of the lamp varies with the potential
difference across it.

From V= 0V to v = 2v, the graph is linear - resistance (V/l) is constant

AftetV= 2 V, the gradient becomes gentler ) resistance Ml) increases

20 (a) Use energy considerations to distinguish between the terrns potential difference and
electromotive force.

Pd- is used when electrical energy is being converted into other forms of energy when a
unit charge passes frcm one point to another, wheteas e-m-f. is used when electrical
energy is being produced from other foms of energy to drive charges round the circuit.

(b) using the definition of potential difference, show that P, the power dissipation in a resistor of a
resistance R is given by

where y is the potential difference across the resistor-

By definition of potential difference,

W W/t P
Q Q/t I
where t is the time and I is lhe current.

.t p =
tv = (:)v = i Ghown)

(c) A battery of e.m.f. E and internal resistance r is connected in series with a resistor of
resistance R as shown in Fig.20.

(i) Give expressions, in terms of E, r and R for

1. the current / in the circuit,


2- the power P,? dissipated in the externa' resistor

Power dissiDated- P.= fR = ! r;

(ii) The battery generates total power Pn Show that the fraction fi is given by

e tR-f

Pr= l'z(R+t)

P.'' = l'R =:+


+= 76-n= B-i

(d) A car batiery of e.m.f. 12 V and internal resistance 0.014 O delivers a current of 1'10 A when
first connected to the stafter motor.

(i) Calculate
L the resistance of the starter motor, [0.0951 Q]
12 = 11o (R + 0.014)
R = 0.0951 A

2. the fraction of the total power which is dissipated in the battery. [0.128]

Frcction of totat power dissipated in the battery = Z

P, r 0"014
o 1?B
Pt (R+r) 0-0951+0.014 -

(ii) After prolonged use, the intemal resistance of the battery may increase. State and explain
how the performance of the battery is affected by the increase in internal resistance.
The performance of the battery correspond to the powet PR of the motor given by
the equation from c(i),

An increase in the intemal resistance wiu hence reduce the power of the motor,
reducing the peiormance of the batlery according to the equation.

*** End ofTutorial ***

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