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Air Quality Monitoring , Analysis and Assessment for

patients suffering from lung diseases.

AbstractIn this research deployment of a wireless sensor network for air pollution monitoring
is to be carried and the subsequent data collected is to be analyzed and used for Assessing the
pollution pattern. Compact wireless sensor stations or nodes will communicate with a backend
server to convey their measurements in real-time. Data stored on the server will be subjected to
intelligent processing and analysis in order to present it in different formats for different
categories of end users. User friendly Computations will be carried out for computation of an air
quality index to disseminate the data to the general public.The data so collected at the server will
be analyzed and will be used for assessing the pollution pattern of a particular area in real time.
This analysis and assessment will be carried out with a suitable software package.
Index TermsAir quality monitoring, data processing, data analysis, wireless sensor networks.
Air quality monitoring and analysis is needed in order to provide decision makers with reliable
information about the pollution situation so that they can take appropriate measures to mitigate
or prevent negative impacts whenever there is a need [1]. Air quality measurements can also be
processed and presented in real-time to public end-users in a user friendly format in order to
spread environmental awareness among the general population and allow sensitive groups to take
necessary precautions when needed. Bulky air quality monitoring stations are traditionally used
for measuring the concentrations of certain pollutants of interest. Due to their large size and cost,
these stations are deployed in limited number. Measurements in these stations are made by
reference analyzers that provide very accurate measurements, but require frequent calibration
and maintenance. They are also powered by the mains power grid. With the advances in microelectro-mechanical (MEMS) systems, deployment of sensing stations with low cost and smaller
size presents a more attractive solution [2]. These stations can be deployed in larger numbers as a
wireless sensor network (WSN) and many types can be powered by solar panels. In [3], a sensor
network dedicated to air quality monitoring is discussed. The authors propose the use of artificial
neural networks (ANNs) to deal with problems related to sensor dependency on the ambient
temperature and relative humidity. Pollution models based on emission distribution are studied in
[4]. An auto calibration method for air quality sensor networks based on mobile sensors is
described in [5]. Other works related to sensor networks and air quality include [6] and [7].
Scope of work
This Research work will be limited to deployment of end-to-end system based on wireless sensor
networks for air quality monitoring, analysis and assessment in any given area. An intelligent
platform will be used on the server. This platform will serve as a window to the database and
will help in accepting the data from the wireless sensor nodes ,filtering the data and processing
this data and presenting this data in formats as required by different end users.
Problem statement

Air pollution has turned out to be a deadly silent killer always on the move affecting we the
humans right from an infant to an adult , plants ,animals alike.Air pollution has always been
there but was never thought of as a threat, but of late has turned out to be a gigantic threat, a
threat which has the capability which may not kill you directly but will make you suffer like
anything, without you being able to nothing much.
Development of a system ,with the help of which any end user ,maybe an expert , a layman, an
individual , a private group, or a government agency
The contributions expected to be carried in the research work can be summarized as follows:
Deploying an air quality monitoring network using relatively small sensor nodes instead of
those traditional bulky stations and thus allowing a possibility of deploying a large numbers of
Data so gathered will be processed and analyzed on the backend system and advanced data
presentations and reporting techniques may be implemented
Detailed data assessment will be carried out to dissiminate the information in user friendly
formats to promote environmental awareness among the experts as well as non expert group.This
assessment may help to alert a sensitive group eg. People with asthama, by providing to them
with accurate estimates of the pollution status in the near future the next 24 hours , so that
they take necessary precautions.
[1] World Health Organization (WHO), Monitoring Ambient Air Quality for Health Impact Assessment, WHO
Regional Publications, European Series, No. 85, 1999.
[2] K. Martinez, J. K. Hart, and R. Ong, Environmental Sensor Networks, IEEE Computer, p.p. 50-56, 2004.
[3] O. A. Postolache, J. M. Dias Pereira, and P. M. B. Silva Girao, Smart Sensors Network for Air Quality
Monitoring Applications, IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurements., vol. 58, no. 9, p.p. 32533262, 2009.
[4] B. And`o, S. Baglio, S. Graziani, and N. Pitrone, Models for Air Quality Management and Assessment, IEEE
Transactions on Systems, Man, and CyberneticsPart C: Applications and Reviews, vol. 30, no. 3, p.p. 358- 363,
[5] W. Tsujita, H. Ishida, and T. Moriizumi, Dynamic gas sensor network for air pollution monitoring and its autocalibration, In Proc. IEEE Sensors, vol.1, p.p. 56-59, 2004.
[6] K. K. Khedo, R. Perseedoss, and A. Mungur, A Wireless Sensor Network Air Pollution Monitoring System,
International Journal of Wireless & Mobile Networks (IJWMN), vol. 2, no. 2, p.p. 31-45, 2010.
[7] J.-H. Liu, Y.-F. Chen, T.-S. Lin, D.-W. Lai, T.-H. Wen, C.-H. Sun, J.- ,Y. Juang, and J.-A. Jiang, Developed
Urban Air Quality Monitoring System Based on Wireless Sensor Networks, In Proc. 5th International Conference
on Sensing Technology, p.p. 549-554, 2011.
[8] Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), 40 CFR Part 58, Air Quality Index Reporting; Final Rule, Aug.
[9] The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Air Quality Index - A Guide to Air Quality and
your Health, EPA- 456/F-09-002, August 2009. Available at: aqi brochure 08-09.pdf.
[10] New South Wales (NSW) Government, Environment and Heritage, Air Quality Index (AQI) Map, htm.
[11] Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (DEFRA), Daily Air Quality Index,
[12] D. Carslaw and K. Ropkins, Tools for the analysis of air pollution data, Package OpenAir, Kings College
London and the University of Leeds, April 2011.
[13] The Physics and Chemistry of Ozone, OzoneChemistry.htm.
[14] B.J. Finlayson-Pitts and J.N. Pitts, Chemistry of the Upper and Lower Atmosphere - Theory, Experiments, and
Applications. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. USA, 2000.
[15] The United States Environmental Protection Agency (US EPA), Ground Level Ozone - Basic Information,

[16] B. Yahya and J. Ben-Othman, Energy Efficient and QoS Aware Medium Access Control for Wireless Sensor
Networks, Concurrency and Computation: Practice and Experience, vol. 22, no. 10, p.p. 1252- 1266, July 2010.
[17] B. Yahya and J. Ben-Othman, Towards a Classification of Energy Aware MAC Protocols for Wireless Sensor
Networks, Wireless Communications and Mobile Computing, vol. 9, no. 12, p.p. 1572-1607, 2009.

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