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Be Happier by Helping Others Meet

Directions: Practice saying the words with your

0-1 help /help /

0-2 agree /ri /
0-3 usually / juwli /
0-4 should /d /
0-5 start /strt /
Audio Pronunciation Guide

The man tips Cupid for his new romance.

EXERCISE 1: Unlocking Word Meanings

Directions: Read and learn new words and expressions with your tutor.

1-1 introduce [verb] to make someone know another person

[Example:] I will introduce my mother to my teacher.

1-2 relationship [noun] the connection you have with another person
[Example:] My boss and I have a good working relationship.


1-3 romance [noun] relationship between two people who love each other
[Example:] My brother had a short romance last year.

1-4 unlikely [adjective] something that is not expected

[Example:] Jess and I are unlikely best friends because we like different things.

1-5 choice [noun] something or someone that is picked

[Example:] Ben is the judges first choice for the award.

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EXERCISE 2: Article
Directions: Read the article per paragraph.
After each paragraph there is a statement, identify if this is TRUE/FALSE.

Be Happier by Helping Others Meet

Do you introduce your friends to other people? If not, you should start now! According to a study,
people who help create new relationships become happier. These relationships can either be for romance or
work. The study says people are happiest when they create unlikely relationships.
2-1 TRUE/FALSE: People become happy when they help create relationships.

The study gave several reasons for this happiness. Some said they felt happy when the people they
introduced liked each other. Especially when they introduce people who are unlikely to meet without their
help. Another reason was that they liked having other people agree with their choice.
2-2 TRUE/FALSE: According to the study, people liked having others disagree with them.

Experts have given advice for introducing people successfully. First, introduce people who you think
will get along. If they like each other, theyll probably start a relationship. The second tip is to avoid doing it
for rewards like money. So what are you waiting for? Start the introductions now!
2-3 TRUE/FALSE: The experts stated that you should introduce people that will like each other.

EXERCISE 3: What is the correct word?

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word or expression.






3-1 I ______ go on a date with him if Im not busy.

3-2 Who are your ______ friends?

3-3 John ______ be nicer to new people.

3-4 If it doesnt rain, I will ______ visit my friend.

3-5 Do you ______ with what your friend said?

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Directions: Read the statements below.
Decide if you AGREE or DISAGREE and tell your tutor WHY.

4-1 I enjoy introducing people to each other.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

4-2 A person is a good friend when he/she knows his/her friends interests.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

4-3 People who are alike get along better than people who are different.

You can say

I agree because
I disagree because

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