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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, China, March 2327, 2009


Effect of Seed Pretreatment by Magnetic Fields on Seed

Germination and Ontogeny Growth of Agricultural Plants
Ahmad Majd1 and Azita Shabrangi2

Islamic Azad University, North Branch, Tehran, Iran

Physics Society, Plasma Physics Research Centre, Science and Research Campus
Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran

Abstract Lentil belongs to Fabaceae family which has been cultivated since 8000 years ago.
Nowadays different varieties of lentil are considered to be optimized because of its nutrient important and some medicinal properties. An experimental study of the influence of external magnetic
field on the germination, ontogeny growth and anatomical structure were carried out. In this
research, seeds of Lentil (Lens culinaris L.) were magnetically pretreated by different magnetic
field intensities from 0.06 to 0.36 tesla (T) for different periods of time 5, 10, 20 minutes. Some
seeds were plunged into the water during exposure to magnetic fields. Then seeds were placed in
germinator and seed germination rate and seedling excretion rate were measured. Mean germination time showed a reduction for most of magnetic treatments therefore their rate of germination
was increased. The range of greatest increase of germination were obtained from 0.18 T to 0.24 T.
15 days seedlings grown from pretreated seeds, which were plunged into the water during exposure to magnetic fields with 0/06 tesla intensity in 10, 20 minutes treatments, showed less and
disorder growth in comparison to control. This decreased growth in 20 minutes treatment was
more than 10 minutes treatment. On the other hand, 15 days seedlings grown from pretreated
seeds in the same condition, but without water, showed more growth and leaf size increased
too. Anatomical examination were carried out on 15 days seedlings, which were grown up from
pretreated seeds in green house condition with natural light cycle 14-h light/10-hdarkness and
253C daily night temperature. The results of experiments suggested that stele and xylem
vessels develop and grow more than control and parenchyma cells are larger than control. The
greatest difference was observed in leaf section. Air chambers and parenchyma cells were larger
than control. These results suggested that some intensities of magnetic field improve significantly
seed germination and growth of plants.

Over many years, the effect of magnetic fields on plant life has been the subject of several studies. It
has been reported that external magnetic fields influence both the activation of ions and polarization
of dipoles in living cells. As early as 1930 Savostin reported 100% increase in the rate of elongation
of seedlings under the influence of magnetic condition. Later Murphy [13] reported changes in seed
germination Also, It was reported a strong magneto tropic affection on root development [2, 15].
Smith found that using different field combination one could separately alter the root mass, Leaf
size and stems thickness [17]. In general the enhancement of growth under magnetic conditions
appears to have been confirmed by many scientists [3, 7, 15]. Magnetic field were used widely
as pretreatment for seeds to increase seed vigor, seedling growth and yield [1, 16]. However its
physiological and mechanism are still poorly understood. In this study, we used Lens culinaris
which is the most abundant species of Lens genus from Fabaceae family. We object to determine
the optimal range of magnetic field intensities for increasing germination rate, growth and health
of Lentil and generally finding the effect of magnetic field on plant in different aspects.
2.1. Germination Test

Seeds of Lens culinaris cultivars (obtained from dry land agricultural research institute, IRAN) were
selected for uniform size and shape. They were placed in the glass tube subjected to magnetic fields.
Magnetic fields were generated by zeeman system with different magnetic induction (B1 = 0.06 T,
B2 = 0.12 T, B3 = 0.18 T, B4 = 0.24, B5 = 0.30 T, B6 = 0.36 T).
In this experimental design three replicates (n = 3), with 20 seeds in each one were used. Thus
groups of 50 seeds were subjected to each magnetic treatment, and analogous groups were used
as control. Magnetic treatment was Provided, varying the exposure time (5, 10 and 20 minutes)
and magnetic field induction (from B1 to B6 ). After pretreatment seeds were spread in moist filter

PIERS Proceedings, Beijing, China, March 2327, 2009


paper on Petri dishes and were placed in germinator. Some seeds were sowed in homogenous garden
soil. The natural light cycle was 14-h Light/10h darkness and temperature 23 3 C. The number
of germinated seeds were registered 24h after pretreatment two times per day, and also seedling
excretion rate was registered 48h after pretreatment. These parameters have been calculated using
the seed calculator software for seed germination data analysis specifically developed by plant
research international. The seed calculator program fits the accumulated germination data, using
an equation which starts at zero value at time t = 0 (control)and ends at time 20 minutes. The
software then calculates the germination parameters of the three replicates and mean germination
data, including standard errors.

Figure 1: Set up of zeeman system.

2.2. Statistical Analyses

Seed calculator software analyzed the cumulative germination data, percentage of germinated seeds
and time required for germination. A student t-test was done to find the significant differences
between each magnetic treatment and control. Statistical analyses of the data of growth was
performed with SPSS for windows software. The results were subjected to an analysis of variance
(ANOVA) to detect differences between mean parameters of pretreated seeds with control.
3.1. Seed Germination and Seedling Emergence

intensity of magnetic field

Figure 2: Mean germination percentage after 24






20 min





10 min







5 min




seedling excertion rate



seed germination rate

Cumulative germination data and seedling data including standard error were calculated. Seed
germination rate increased 33.7% (P < 0.05) in 5 minutes pretreatment by 0.18 T, which shows
the most augmentation, and it decreased 16.7% (P < 0.05) by 0.06 T pretreatment. But in 10
minutes pretreatment by 0.18 T, seed germination rate increased 11.36% (P < 0.05). Beside that
0.24 T increased seed germination rate by 33.7% (P < 0.05) in 20 minutes pretreatment. These
results showed that the best range of magnetic field intensities in order to augment seed germination
rate are 0.18 T to 0.24 T. Fig. 1 illustrated the germination characteristics of the seed for various
applied magnetic flux densities and exposure times at each fixed pretreatment time period of 5,
10 and 20 minutes. The percent germination of the seed is shown to have increased values of 1.5
times in 5 minutes pretreatment when the magnetic field intensity of 0.18 T was applied. The same
augmentation was observed in 20 minutes pretreatment when magnetic field intensity of 0.24 T was
applied. In 5 minutes pretreatment 0.18 T increased seedling emergence by 23% (P < 0.05) which
shows the most augmentation in seedling emergence.
When immersed seeds in the water were pretreated by 0.06 T in different times (10, 20 minutes
with a pause for 2 hours between them). Seedling after 15 days showed significant unarranged and

intensity of magnetic field

Figure 3: Mean seedling exertion percentage after

48 hours.

Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, China, March 2327, 2009


less growth than control. But pretreated seeds by magnetic field without water in the test tube
grew more than control, especially in 20 min treatment with a pause between treatment. (Figs. 3,
4), water temperature exposure to 0.06 T increased up to 4 C.

Figure 4: Seedlings yielding from pretreated seeds

without water. They grew more by increasing exposing time.

Figure 5: Immersed seeds in the water pretreated

by magnetic field (0.06 T) showed unarranged and
less growth by increasing exposing time.

3.2. Anatomical Structure Observation

Thin section cut using a Mod, 1130 Biocat microtome were observed by Olympus microscope.
Stem sections of the 15th days seedlings grown from seeds magnetically pretreated. These observations showed that stele and xylem vessels develop and grow more than control. Parenchyma
cells are also larger than control. In root sections xylem vessels grew and developed more than
control. Stele showed little development in comparison to control. The most significant alteration
in structure was observed in leaf which has been illustrated in Fig. 5. Parenchyma cells (especially
spongy parenchyma) looked larger. Air spaces seemed more volume and sub-stomata chambers
were observed significantly larger than control.

As one of physical pre-sowing seed treatments that increased yield of cultivated plants, the feasibility of a magnetic flux density field treatment on biological objects had been discussed for more
than a century. Our results showed that magnetic fields treatment can change and mostly enhance
seed germination rate and seedling emergence rate which was consistent with many previous studies [10, 13, 20]. The authors found that suitable MF-pretreatment (0.18 T) could speed up seedling
development and increase biomass. Similar result were also reported in cauliflower, tomato and cucumber [21]. In general the rate of germination of pretreated seed was higher than untreated seed.
Carbonell found that magnetic treatment produced a biostimulation of the germination. Florez
observed an increase for the initial growth stages and an early sprouting of rice seeds exposed to
125 and 250 mT stationary magnetic field [18].
The mechanisms are not well known yet, but several theories have been proposed, including
biochemical changes or altered enzyme activities by Phirke et al. (1996). Garcia and Arza [9] carried
out an experiment study on water absorption by lettuce seeds previously treated in a stationary
magnetic field of 1 to 10 mT. They reported an increase in water uptake rate due to the applied
magnetic field, which may be the explanation for the increase in the germination seed of treated
lettuce seeds. It seems changes in intracellular levels of ca2+ and in other ionic current density
across cellular membrane (Lyle et al., 1991) cause alteration in osmotic pressure and changes in
capacity of cellular tissues to absorb water [9]. By analyzing the changes in ca2+ distribution and
contents in cells of pea flax, lentil, onion and radish seedlings exposed to weak magnetic field, it was
concluded that such a stress has resulted in serious disturbances at the cellular level. Magnetic fields
cause effects related to interference with cytoplasm ion currents or ion distribution [20]. Therefore
potential sensing component could be ca2+ ions. The increase of ca2+ level is fully consistent with
assumption of the parametrical resonance model (Ledney 1996). It is believed that primary link in
the chain of events triggered by weak magnetic field action in a biological system is the ca2+ ions
connected with ca2+ binding site of the proteins [4, 5]. We also observed seedlings growth from
treated plunged seeds in the water that showed unarranged and less growth than control. On the
other hand seedlings grown from pretreated seeds without water in the same condition showed more


PIERS Proceedings, Beijing, China, March 2327, 2009

growth by increasing the exposure time (there was a pause between times of treatment). Considering
that these plants have ferritin cells, and each ferritin cell has 4500 Fe atoms, it is obvious that they
have an outstanding role in the plants growth. As the last spin magnetic moment of the Fe atom
posed to an external magnetic field, the composition of them creates an oscillator in the system.
Then we have a moment of force on ferritin cells. This oscillator exerts its energy, then damps
and finally locates in the field direction. The relaxed energy increased the internal temperature,
as a result it is situated in a proper temperature for growing. This phenomenon occurs in the
initial minutes of applying the magnetic field. So it depends on the number of times of locating
the plant in magnetic field (Vaezzadeh M. et al., 2005). Different growth rate in different growth
condition (such as immersed seeds in water) suggested that response to magnetic treatment would
be different. Therefore, the response depends not only on the magnetic induction and its gradient
(Wittkind et al., 1990), but also on the physiological state of experimental organism as proposed
by Mcleod et al. [19]. As a result we need to concentrate on defining the environmental conditions
accompanying the response to magnetism.
Anatomical structure observation showed that stele and xylem vessels develop and grow more
than control. This may be attributed to peroxidase enzyme augmentation which causes more
lignifying and it speeds up making secondary structure. Parenchyma cells are larger than control
in both root and shoot (including stem and leaf). Belyauskays in 2004 reported that magnetic field
effect on G2 Phase of cell cycle in lentil and flax.
In fact magnetic fields causes G2 phase to become longer and cells division decrease. Air pores
and sub-stomata chamber in leaf are more and larger than control. It suggests that gas exchange
would be easier and more accelerated than control. Spongy parenchyma cells are the most effective
cells under stress and different environmental factors, because their cell walls are thinner than
In conclusion, the magnetic field pre-treatment enhanced seed germination rate and seedling
emergence percentage. Also it has positive effect on lentil seedlings, such as stimulating seedling
growth and development.

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Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium, Beijing, China, March 2327, 2009


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