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Network of Digital Enthusiasts

Outline for 2015

1. About Node & Club Requirements
2. Members & Recruitment
3. Alphanode
4. Projects & Legacy

About Node & Club Requirements

About Us
Node stands for Network of Digital Enthusiasts. It is the computer club of DPS
Gurgaon. Founded in the year 2013, by a small group of students and we
endeavour to grow, to prestige and fame in our coming years, bringing back the
same to our School, where it all began.

A website would be required by the club to keep members and visitors up to
date in regard with latest events and news, showcase awards and achievements
of the club, and cater to a wider audience using the internet as a medium. (And
because were a computer club)

- Front-end design (Ready)

- Back-end development
- Web domain*

Badge requirements include the badges for the student council posts, i.e.,
Presidents and Vice Presidents, Core Team (Name Badges), and Core Node
Member Badges.
- Badge templates (Ready)
- Badges*

In order to create an identity for the brand Node at various events and
symposiums, (uniform) Node T-Shirts are to be printed for all Core Node Members.

*To be provided by school

Members & Recruitment

Departments and NodeCore
The club is divided into 6 departments for easier management.
- Programming
- Web Development
- Graphics (Digital Imaging and 3D Modelling)
- Quiz & Debate
- Visual Effects & Film
- Gaming
Current NodeCore members are:
- Dhruv Jauhar, President/Debate
- Ishaan Saxena, President/Graphics
- Amee Gupta, VFX & Film
- Anirudh Kasturi, Web Development
- Ashwin Thiagrajan, Programming
- Dhruv Sardana, VFX & Film
- Kaustubh Agarwal, Gaming
- Kyle Fernandes, Web Development
- Samarth Nayyar, Web Development
- Sarthak Ahluwalia, Quiz/VFX
- Taaran Chanana, Web Development
- Vibhav Kapoor, Photography/Graphics

Recruitment Requirements & Procedure

Members are to be recruited from various classes depending on events the club
participates in, with special focus on 10th and 11th grade to lead the club in
the future.
The members will be recruited mainly through projects assigned to the students
who have registered at the website. These projects will be judged by the Node
departments together and students will be hand picked on the basis of creativity,
originality, command over software and knowledge of their domain in computers.
Students will also be picked on the basis of staff (Computer teachers and Node
Core Members) recommendations and intra-school events, such as the 11th
Grade Talent fiesta, etc.

Alphanode is a proposed annual computer symposium hosted by DPS Gurgaon.
The symposium features multiple competitive events in the field of computing &
It is planned in April or July, depending on the School Schedule.
Duration of event
Required number of volunteers
Budget requirements(Budget Plan Separate)

1 day
Rs. 17,500/-

- Creative Design
- Movie Making
- Quizzes
- Group Discussion
- Presentation

(Graphics and Web Development depts.)

(VFX & Film and Photography depts.)
(Junior and Senior; Quiz dept.)
(Debate dept.)
(Graphics and Debate depts.)

Symposium Requirements
- Website
(Ready, domain required)
- Posters and Banners (Ready)
- Invitations
(To be made once event is approved)
- Introductory Video (To be made once event is approved)
- Alphanode Booklet (Explaining events in detail, one for each school)
- Catering for the symposium duration
- Misc. Event requirements

Future of Alphanode
In the future, AN is expected to grow from a one day, six event computer
symposium to a two day long computer symposium with following additional
- Programming (Programming dept.)
- Debugging/Hacking/Code Fight (Programming dept.)
- 3-D Modelling (Graphics dept.)
- RoboWars, a robotics event (Programming dept.)

Projects & Legacy

Node is actively and readily involved in various events happening in the school,
or to aid clubs with technical support of any kind. We act with accordance to
the school motto, service before self.

Earlier Projects
- Logo & Badge designs for all school clubs
- Websites for all school clubs
- Won 2nd Prize in Camp K-12 (Anirudh Kasturi)
- Won at several Inter-School Events:
- Exun Clan (DPS RK Piuram)
- Decryptonite (DPS RK Puram)
- Sudocrypt (DPS RK Puram)
- nCrypt (DPS Sushant Lok)
- Dynamix (Ramjas School)

Current Projects
- Alphanode
- Capax Infinitum (the schools science symposium)
- Utopia MUN
- S.Q.U.A.D intra-school debate

Our newest project DecodeNode is an open-to-all 48 hour online cryptic hunt

proposed by Node in the months of October/November. The execution of the
project is expocted from the members of the club from the batch of 2017.

To the future of Node

Currently, core members of Node are involved in guiding Juniors who have shown
continuos interest, passion and rigour for the different fields of computing. These
students, are being groomed for various competitions and events, as well as for
basic computing skills and ethics. However, in the current situation, the involvement
of students is limited. In order to resolve this issue, Node proposes the following - Regular department meetings, setting goals and targets.
- Monthly staybacks to have hands on experience in labs.
- Informal Intra-Node competitions
- Working on technical projects assigned by other clubs

It is important for all students to enjoy what they do at all times, because at
Node, work and play always go together - Happy members make a happy club.

As members of Node, in the future we want to be able to look back and say
I was once a member of this club with immense pride.

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