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learning through teaching as a tranformation of solution spaces for multiple

solution task.

To outline the LTT mechanisms associated with teaching MSTs, I use the
construct of solution spaces for MSTs (Leikin,2007 ;Leikin & Levav-Waynberg,
2008 ; Leikin, 2009). In Leikin (2007) I suggested considering solution spaces
for MSTs analogously with the metaphor of example spaces introduced by
Watson and Mason (2005) to describe example-generation processes. The
following types of solution spaces for MSTs are defined with respect to
individuals or groups of individuals solving a task :
An individual solution space is a set of solutions to a problem that an
individual provides. Depending on a persons ability to produce solutions to
an MST with or without prompts, individual solution spaces are of two kinds:
An available personal solution spaces consists of solution s that a solver
produces without help from others; a potential personal solutions spaces
consists of solution produced with the help of others (cf. the concept of ZPD
defined by Vygotsky, 1978). When the MSTs solved Problem I at home, Proofs
1.1 and 1.2 belonged to available individual solution spaces for most of the
teachers, where as Proofs 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 belonged to the individual
solution space of one teacher only.
An expert solution space of a problem is the most complete set of
solutions to a problem known at a given time. Collective solution spaces
characterize solutions produce by groups of participants, and they are
manifest in the whole-group discussions and written tests.
((here a proof is a concrete type of a problem solution when the problem
requires proving (like Problem 1 in this paper)

Solution spaces can also be characterized by their conventionality:

conventional solutions appear in curriculum-based instructional materials
(Proofs 1.1. and 1.2 are conventional proofs for problem 1); unconventional
solutions either are not included in curriculum-based instructional materials
(e.g., proofs 1.3, 1.4, and 1.5 for problem 1) or curriculum-based solutions
applied in an unusual situation (not typical for geometry problems). The
conventionality of solution spaces is a useful measure in evaluating the
development of mathematical creativity.

When solving MSTs students rely on their individual solution spaces

(indSS in Figure. 9), which contribute to the creation of a collective solution
space for the MST. The dynamic nature of solution spaces (i.e., the possibility
of transforming the spaces) is a basic element of learning with MSTs (Figure
9). The interaction between individual and collective solution spaces enriches
and expands individual solution spaces to include more solution spaces
enriches and expands individual solution spaces to include more solutions, to
involve more concepts and properties, and to construct more mathematical
Usually, at the moment when a teacher or teacher educator presents a
MST to her students the teacher solution space becomes one of the
individual solution spaces students the teacher solution space becomes one
of the individual solution spaces of the classroom community. Through
interactions with students, during problem solving, individual solution
spaces (including the teachers solution space) can be expanded.
I suggest that for a student whose individual solution space of a MST is
completed by the collective solution space generated by the whole group of
students, some of the new solutions added to the students solution spaces
belong to his/her


new potential solution spaces of this MST. In other words, additional

solutions presented in the classroom belong to the students ZPD.
At the same time, for the teacher, this shared solution spaces becomes
the available individual solution space, serving in future as an expert solution
space. Rachels expert solution space for the task, described in the chapter,
at the end of the lesson was richer and more complete than at the beginning
of the lesson. Her expert solution spaces, constructed in the classroom as a
shared individual solution space, was enriched both by the learners solutions
and by her own unplanned solutions generated during the lesson.


In this section I present a study of a different kind. In this study we compared

teacher development through learning (in systematic mode ) and through
teaching (in craft mode) (Leikin, 2003; Leikin & Levav-waynberg, 2007,
2008). In the first year of the study, the teachers learned to solve problems
in different ways to become familiar with MSTs and learn how to use them. In
the second year teachers implemented MSTs in their classrooms. The tailed
methodology of this longlitudinal investigation carried out with a group of 12
secondary school MSTs is described earlier in the Methodology of LTT
research section.
The teachers participated in three interviews; before the learning state
(int-A), after the learning and before the teaching stage (int-B), and after the
teaching stage (int-C). all interviews were identical in structure. The teachers
were asked to solve all the problems in as many different ways as possible.
All the problems in the interviews were borrowed from algebra, geometry,
and calculus textbooks. In the various interviews, similar tasks were of the
same level of difficulty and had an approximately equal number of solutions
in the expert solution spaces. The interviews included problems of two types:
Conventional MSTs (CMSTs), problems with multiple solutions
commonly taught in school: a system of linear equations (int-A), a quadratic
inequality (int-B), and an absolute value inequality (int-C) (Fig.10). All tasks
required a comparable number of solution stages of similar complexity. The
school curriculum usually requires multiple solutions to these problems
(several algebraic and graphic solutions). At the same time, all the tasks can
be solved using symmetry considerations, which are unconventional for both
teachers and students.
Unconventional MSTs (UMSTs), problems that are usually solved
according to the school curriculum in a particular way. In each of the three
interviews we included a maxima-minima problems (fig. 11), a word
problem, and a geometry problem. Maxima-minima problems were used as
UMSTs since in school they were usually assigned to calculus and solved
using derivatives, and therefore all other solutions for maxima-minima
problems were unconventional. The word problems did not fit any of the
conventional categories usually introduced in schools, and were therefore
considered UMSTs. Geometry problems in regular classes are usually
FIGURE 10 . conventional MSTs assigned at the three interviews
FIGURE 11. unconventional MST : maxima-minima problem

With a particular theorem used to solve the problem. Because teachers are
usually aware of this assignment, any additional solution to the problem can
be considered unconventional.
At the beginning of the intervention, when the teachers were asked to
solve problems, they reproduced solutions prescribed by the curriculum, and
the teachers solution spaces were mostly conventional. Baturally, they
produced more solutions for CMSTs than for UMSTs. In the course of teaching
both individual and collective solution spaces expanded, and half the
individual spaces included unconventional solutions. The growing numbers of
solutions in both individual and collective solution spaces were due not only
to the reproduction of solutions offered during the course but also to the
productions of new ones. These findings demonstrate the importance of the
teachers systematic learning for the development of their mathematical


Teaching experience was clearly reflected in the teachers individual and
collective solution spaces (see figure. 12, and for a detailed descriftion of the
study see Leikin & Levav-Waynberg, 2008). When MSTs belonged to topics
that the teachers did not teach during the year, their individual solutions
spaces were smaller than at the end of the course in which teachers
participated beforehand. When teachers taught topics related to the MSTs,
changes in the teachers solution spaces during the third interview depended
on the conventionality of the tasks.
The number of solutions in the individual solution spaces for CMSTs
either remained unchanged or were reduced, whereas unconventional
solutions disappeared from the teachers individual solution spaces. Analysis
of the teachers lesson in which they implemented MSTs shows that topics
related to the conventional tasks were taught only by implementing
conventional solution. Thus, teachers preserved in their individual solution
spaces only conventional solutions.
LTT related to UMSTs showed several tendencies depending on whether
MSTs were incorporated deliberately, belonged to topics being taught without

deliberate use of MSTs, or belonged to topics being taught without deliberate

use of MSTs, or belonged to topics that were not being taught. For topics in
which MSTs were incorporated deliberately, solution spaces expanded. LTT
began with teachers searching for multiple solutions to the problems when
planning the lessons. For topics taught without incorporating connection
tasks we did not observe changes in the number of individual solution
spaces, but as in the case of the conventional
Figure 12. LTT changes in solution spaces in the year of teaching MSTs.
MSTs, all the solution spaces become conventional. In these cases, the
teachers did not plan MSTs for the lessons and did not include multiple
solutions as an integral part of their teaching; unconventional solutions were
never presented according to students initiative. At the same time, as a
result of awareness developed during the systematic stage of intervention,
teachers were attentive to student responses and willing to discuss all the
solutions that students provided during the lesson. Consequently, the
number of solutions in the teachers individual solution spaces remained
unchanged, but the spaces became conventional. At the same time, the
number of solutions in the collective spaces grew for all the unconventional
MSTs, as the individual solution spaces of these tasks were grounded in the
teachers individual practice and differed from each other.
The number of solutions suggested by all teachers for geometry
problems increased when the teachers implemented MSTs. We relate this
phenomena to our finding that teachers became nore attentive to student
solutions, started collecting them, and allowed students to always present
all the solutions they found without saying this is good but we dont have
enough time for it. We hypothesize that this combination of awareness
(Mason, 2002) and Pedagogical flexibility (leikin & Dinur, 2007) enabled
teachers to learn multiple solutions in geometry from their students. The
teachers practice in solving geometry problems in different solutions to the
Finally, based on the comparison of changes in the solution spaces for
the different types of teaching experience (Figure 9), I speculate that
purposeful incorporation of MSTs in teaching practice developed the
teachers creativity because it was only for tasks of this type that teachers
provided unconventional solutions during int-C

MSTs, LTT, and Didactic Situations
The teachers main task in the teaching process is the devolution of good
tasks to their students (Brousseau, 1997; Steinbring, 1998). To achieve this
objective, teachers create didactic situations in which students construct
knowledge according to the teachers aims. Among all didactic situations
designed by teachers to encourage the learners knowledge construction
according to the teachers plan, Brousseau (1997) distinguishes one that
meets the conditions needed to promote student learning regardless of the
teacher, with the actions performed by students depending entirely on the
problem they must solve. In an a-didactic situation, students are responsible
for their learning progress. Based on this definition, MSTs ,maybe considered
an effective tool for creating didactic and a-didactic situations. When solving
problems in different ways is an explicit objective of the mathematical
activity, the situation is didactic with respect to the MST amd a-didactic with
respect to the construction of mathematical connections by comparing
differerrent solutions to the problems. The teachers choice of MSTs is usually
directed at the construction of the students mathematical knowledge in
particular fields and of mathematical connections between the fields. At the
same time, an explicit requirement to produce multiple solutions encourages
the students learning autonomy. Any a-didactic situations has great
potential for teacher LTT because it includes a variety of unpredicted
situations. Systematic implementation of MSTs by teachers usually allows the
creation of a-didactic (and sometimes non-didactic) situations, which form an
effective environment for teacher learning.
Leikin and Levav-Waynberg (2007) showed the complexity of
implementing MSTs in school and the gap that exists between theory-based
recommendations and school practice in the use of MSTs. Despite this gap,
however, even when not planning MSTs, teachers encounter various student
solutions in their classrooms and learn from them. This tendency was
apparent when teachers were asked to present examples of problems that
admit multiple solutions: we realized that about half the examples of MSTs
provided by teachers were student-generated. The teachers ability to
connect with student responses during the individual interviews served as an
additional indication of the LTT process that takes place in mathematics
classrooms. I suggest that systematic implementation of MSTs intensifies

both student and teacher learning. Rachels case demonstrates that when
MSTs are part of the didactic contract, teachers learn in the classroom with
their students.
Leikin and Levav-Weynberg (2007) showed that teachers
understanding of mathematics and pedagogy within the community of
practice is bounded by socially constructed webs of beliefs that determine
the teachers perception of what needs to be done (Roth, 1998; Brown,
Collins, & Duguid, 1989). Using MSTs in the classroom is not a simple matter,
and sometimes it is difficult because school mathematics is generally resultoriented and topic-centered (Schoenfeld, 1991). The portion of the study
presented in this chapter supports the claim that systematic sources are a
necessary but not sufficient component of teacher knowledge development
when incorporating changes in the school mathematics curriculum. To be
able to use didactic tools effectively (e.g., MSTs), teachers must
communicate with the communities of practitioners who use and value these
tools and implement them in their own practice (Brown et al., 1989).


MSTs play a dual role in the studies described in this chapter. They are shown
to be an effective didactic tool that develop the connectedness of learners
mathematical knowledge, their flexibility (and hence creativity), and
problem-solving expertise. At the same time MSTs are an effective research
tool that enables the tracting of the development of teachers knowledge
through implementation of MSTs. As a research tool, MSTs demonstrated the
mutual relationship between teachers mathematical and pedagogical
knowledge (Figure 1)
Implementation of MSTs requires teacher flexibility, i.e., lesson
management that respects student responses. The case of Rachel
demonstrated her willingness to provide learners with autonomy in creating
proofs for given MSTs, her ability to listen to learners, discuss their proofs,
and connect between them. These pedagogical skillscreated opportunities
for Rachel to learn new proofs and new connections, in other words, to learn
mathematics. The relationship between the teachers pedagogical expertise
and the development of their mathematical knowledge was also clear in the
second study. Teachers who purposefully implemented MSTs by requiring
students to provide their own solutions developed problem-solving expertise
more than teachers who did not implement MSTs purposefully.

At the same time, Rachels mathematical knowledge served as the

basis for the mathematical activity that she initiated. Her mathematical
knowledge provided her with the confidence to direct her lessons toward a
variety of unpredicted mathematical directions based on ideas raised by the
students. Her mathematical knowledge also allowed her to identify MSTs with
broad and rich (i.e., those that include unconventional solutions) solution
spaces, replect on learner solutions, and evaluate their correctness and
elegance. When proof 1.5 was presented during the lesson, Rachel intuitively
realized that a more elegant proof existed, asked the learners to provide a
shorter proof, and added her own to the classroom discussion. This proof was
based on her previous problem-solving experience and on the connection
between the current task and another mathematical problem solved earlier.
As often, her learning continued after the lesson. This learning was based on
her mathematical knowledge, her personal mathematical curiosity, and her
attentiveness to students solutions and ideas.

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