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Cultivate the Best Mental State for Optimum Brain Effectiveness

& Bring a Positive Revolution into Your Life


A course for Professionals, HR managers, teachers, social

workers, educators and anyone working with people.

Insight 1 - Identity is innately positive and
the foundation of personal qualities,
talents and skills. When you understand
and appreciate your 'self' you start
releasing an enormous creative potential
for goodness.

What does it really mean to be smart? What is the relationship

between intelligence and the abilities to keep yourself happy,
light and meaningfully focused? Why is it that attitudes such as
acceptance, respect, emptathy, passion, patience, objectivity,
positivity and generosity are said to be some of the core
conditions required to make an individual 'intelligent'?
SMART brings an alternative approach to the outdated concept
that authentic behaviour change and performance improvement
happen through criticism, threats or incentives. The course
provides a radically positive approach to effective problems
solving. Its underlying principle is that things get much easier
when we start focusing on 'what we want' rather than on 'what
we do not want.
F Empower the positive in people rather than
trying to control or correct the negative;
F Focus on creative potentials rather than
on limitations or past failures;
F Learn faster and with less strain;
F Better Manage Stressful circumstances;
F Communicate more effectively & Think for results;
F Energize yourself by uncovering healthy positive
intention & releasing the creative power of your thoughts.
SMART is a two days seminar describing some of the
underlying principles of personal efficiency. The course
provides key insights into the brain: undoubtedly the most
powerful piece of machinery available on the planet today yet, the only one that comes without a users manual!

Insight 2 - All habits are learnt - and they

can be unlearned. To change habits is not
as difficult as it first appears: it only
requires some understanding about how
the brain works and your good intention to
become a more happy person. Everyone
can do it.
Insight 3 - People perform better when
they are happy, valued for what they are
and when they understand the meaning
of what they do. This also includes
yourself. At work as well as in the family,
the energy of respect, positivity and
purpose is a key factor that gives a
person or a team a definite edge and
drives it toward authentic success.
Insight 4 - Your best state of mind for
personal effectiveness is when you are
internally secure, relaxed and confident
yet alert, curious and challenged. How do
you cultivate such a 'state of mind'? How
do you focus on what really matters?
How do you keep yourself and others
happy, high and positively motivated?
Insight 5 - Your most valuable resource
lie in your mind. The power of inner
images, thoughts and feelings is the
greatest, yet least known energy in the
universe. Your mind is a creative
workshop in which your life is first
designed: what happens in your mind
today will happen in your life tomorrow.
Make the most of this understanding.



Give yourself & your people the tools & motivation to change for the best
Day 1 - Introduction to self awareness & personal change

m Why is it important to be more aware of our 'self' both in the context of our
professional & personal life;
m What you believe determines your choices & life goals; the quality of your
beliefs determines the quality of your attitude, actions & relationships;
m Key insights into the brain, perception, thinking & the mechanism of stress;
m Uncovering the power of thoughts & building up inner strength;
m Breaking the cycle of habits;
m The master art of observation.
m Best mental state for personal effectiveness;

The Thinking brain

Intellectual processes

Day 2 - Master your self, master your life

The Emotional brain

Emotions & long term memory

m Key insights into the brain: the role of feelings and emotions in thinking,
learning, communication, management &the development of people;
m Effect of thoughts on body, health, attitude, relationships & performance;
m The art of positive thinking & how to bring about personal change;
m Criticism & blame - why it doesn't work;
m Positive feedback & constructive communication: the law of focus;
m Overcoming disturbing emotions & anger - yours & others;
m 21 days action plan for personal change.
Brain waves
& the art of
Relaxed Alertness

The Reptilian brain

Instinctive responses

Day 3 - Feedback, Sharing & Guidelines for Implementation

Sharing achievements & difficulties related to practice - tips & guidelines.


After taking part in our course, you will:

FCultivate focus & emotional balance;
FTake more responsibility for yourself instead of
wasting your time blaming external circumstances
& trying to change what you cannot change;
FImprove self control & reduce mental/ emotional
FIncrease self confidence & release your creative
FBetter understand others & relate to them in more
productive & co-operative ways;
FBe more motivated to express values both at work &
in the family;
FBring about the changes you want in attitude &
FBe a more happy, positive & contented person.

UCIE office, S 14, ng 183, ng Tin ng,
ng a, H Ni
Tel 84 -4- 537 65 10

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