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Preparing a paper for Geonauka

First Author1*, Second Author 2, Third Author1


Affiliation 1, City 1, Country 1

Affiliation 2, City 2, Country 2

Abstract. The abstract should not be longer than 200 words. It should be structured similar to the paper in a
whole. Each section of the paper should be represented by one or two sentences. The reader should be
acquainted with the objectives of the paper, with a background and methods of the research. Present the main
results of the paper in a few words. Finally, emphasize the most valuable conclusions drawn from your
research. Do not cite any references here. Try not to use abbreviations. However, if it is necessary, give the
meaning in the brackets.
Keywords: Minimum 3 and maximum 6 keywords not contained in the title
1 Introduction

Your paper should consist of four to five chapters. The first chapter is Introduction, where you introduce
your research. The second chapter is, usually, called Background or Methods (or Background and
Methods), with the theory and the methodology explained. The third chapter, Results (or Results and
Discussion) is the main chapter, where you present the results of your research. Conclusion (or Conclusion
and Remarks) is the closing chapter, with the resume of your research and the conclusions drawn from the
You can also include the Acknowledgements section, if the research is a part of a project financed or
performed with another organization.
The paper ends with the References section, with all work that you used throughout your research.

2 Background
2.1 Styles and fonts
Following styles are predefined, for your convenience:
1. Title: The title should be clear, but with enough information for the readers and longer than two lines
2. Authors: Name all the authors contributing in the paper, with their full names. The corresponding
author's e-mail write in the footnote
3. Affiliations: Affiliations for all the authors. If several authors share the same organization, it is not
necessary to repeat the affiliations, just use the same reference number
4. Abstract
5. Keywords
6. Section: Enumerate the sections manually, starting from 1
7. Subsection: Enumerate the subsections manually to be consistent with the sections numeration
8. Text body: the main style, for text writing
9. Caption: Use this style to give the numbers and titles to your tables and figures
10. Equation: for equations writing.
11. Table: the style for placing the tables
12. Figure: the style you used when placing the figure
13. References: For writing your references.
2.2 Basic rules
From the Vol. 1, No 2. we publish the papers written in English. The maximum length of the paper is 12
You should use only the predefined styles. Please, do not add blank lines between the paragraphs and/or
** contributing author>

sections/subsections, and more than one space between the words.

The paper will be printed in black and white, so if you have colour figures with similar colours, consider to
providing also the black-and-white versions, for the printing purposes. Online version of the paper will be
published in full colour. Supplementary material is allowed (exhaustive graphics, videos, and other multimedia
content), which will be available only in the online version.
Avoid orphan and widow section and subsection titles.

3 Typographical Style and Layout

3.4 Citations and References
You should cite all the previously published work you use in your paper. We provide the template with an
example of the references list in the References section.
You have to cite each reference somewhere in the text. You will refer to a reference item using the square
brackets, like this [1]. The references should be sorted alphabetically.
3.5 Tables
Enumerate all the tables consecutively, using Arabic numbers. Place table headings above the table, using
the Caption style. As throughout the text, leave no blank lines between the caption and the table.
Centre the table along the column. The references to each table should appear in the paper (Tab. 1).
Table 1: Formatting a table
First heading

Second heading

Third heading

Data 11

Data 12

Data 13

Data 21

Data 22

Data 23

3.6 Equations
The equations should be centrally aligned to the column, and their numbers aligned to the right. This is
accomplished using tabulators. First tab aligns the cursor to the left, second to the centre of the column (where
the equation itself is written) and the third to the right, where you will give it the number. Equation numbers
start from 1 and continue consequently. Each equation should be cited in the text, like this (1).
y= x 2 z3


3.7 Figures
All figures should be centred. The text inside the figures must be clearly readable. Enumerate the figures
sequentially with the figure number and the title below the figure. Allowed formats for your figures are: TIFF,
JPG, BMP, and EPS with a minimum 300 dpi resolution.
Place the captions under the pictures. Leave no blank lines between the pictures and the captions. Here is
the reference to the sample figure (Fig. 1).
The figures should appear near the place in the text where you recall to them. However, you can place them
either before or after the certain paragraph.

Figure 1. A figure

Here you will thank the institutions or private persons financing or cooperating in your research.

[1] Author, A., Author, B.: Article Title. Journal Name , Vol 1, No. 1, pp 1-10, 2008.
[2] Author, A., Author, B.: Book Title. Location: Publisher. 2010.
[3] Author, A., Author, B.: Article Title. In Proceedings of Some Conference Location, pp. 123-128, 2012.
[4] Author, A., Author, B.: Web page. Retrieved from, 2013.

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