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Hair Growth
Traditionally, rosemary oil was rubbed into the scalp to stimulate new hair grow
th. Scientific evidence for this effect is scant, but that hasn't stopped people
from trying it anyway. Add a few drops of rosemary essential oil to a carrier o
il such as olive, grapeseed or jojoba. Rub this mixture into your scalp once a d
ay. Wash your hair afterwards if you feel this treatment leaves your hair too oi
ly, but if your hair tends toward dryness you will find this a suitable moisturi
zing treatment as well.
Fighting Dandruff
Mix rosemary essence with a carrier oil such as jojoba, grapeseed or olive to tr
eat itchiness and dandruff. This is best done right after a shower, after you ha
ve washed but before you comb your hair. Rub a small amount of the mixed oil int
o your scalp and massage thoroughly until the oil has been absorbed. Do this dai
ly to keep your scalp moisturized and flake-free. You can also add tea tree oil
to the mix, as tea tree oil is also recommended for treating itchy skin in gener
al and the scalp in particular.
Hair Rinse
Rosemary oil mixed with apple cider vinegar can be used as a cosmetic hair treat
ment after washing. It is especially suitable for darker hair tones. Applying ro
semary oil will make hair softer and shinier, and it will emphasize highlights.
The rosemary scent should mask the odor of the vinegar. Lavender oil, derived fr
om another highly aromatic herb, can also be added to the ingredients list; lave
nder aids in softening the hair. Add 17 drops rosemary oil, plus three drops lav
ender oil if desired, to 1 cup water. Add 2 tablespoons apple cider vinegar and
mix. Apply to your hair -- using a spray bottle if handy -- after shampooing, wa
it five minutes and then rinse.
Skin Care
Rosemary has some astringent effects that can make it an effective skin toner, c
learing up oil on the skin and preventing acne breakouts. Mix a few drops of oil
with some apple cider vinegar for best effect. Rosemary also helps promote bloo
d circulation near the skin and strengthens capillaries, so it may be of use in
treating rosacea and varicose veins as well. In this case, mix with a carrier oi
l and apply directly to problem areas.
Warnings and Precautions
While rosemary is a well-known culinary herb, rosemary oil is not meant to be us
ed internally. Never ingest rosemary essential oil; it is highly concentrated an
d can be toxic. Rosemary oil applied topically can cause an allergic reaction; d
iscontinue use if a rash or hives appear.
--------------------------------------------------Antibacterial and Antifungal
Rosemary, like many essential oils, has antibacterial and antifungal properties.
A 2007 study in "Planta Medica" studied the effects of rosemary on the acne-cau
sing bacteria Propionibacterium acnes. Researchers were able to kill this type o
f bacteria with rosemary. A 2008 study in "International Journal of Food Science
s and Nutrition" found that rosemary suppressed three types of fungi: Alternaria
alternate, Botrytis cinerea and Fusarium oxysporum. To make a cleansing air spr
ay with rosemary, add 50 to 100 drops of rosemary to 10 oz. of water.
Aches and Pains
Rosemary essential oil can help a number of aches and pains you might experience
. In particular, it is used for sore muscles, bruises and arthritis, as well as
for sprains and strains. Make a diluted massage oil with two drops of rosemary e

ssential oil for every one tablespoon of carrier oil, such as grape-seed oil. An
other option is to add a couple drops of rosemary to a bath.
Rosemary soothes a number of digestive concerns, including indigestion and cramp
s. You can use rosemary tea made from the herb for these troubles, but do not in
gest the essential oil. To use the oil, add two drops of rosemary to a carrier o
il and rub the mixture around your navel area.
Hair and Skin
Rosemary is used in many blends for the skin and hair. Rosemary is an astringent
for oily skin, and its antifungal and antibacterial properties make it effectiv
e for acne, eczema, athlete's foot and dermatitis. Make the massage oil in Step
3 for aches and pains to use on your skin or add two to three drops of rosemary
to a lotion. For hair, rosemary is used for problems such as grease, dandruff, o
ily scalp and head lice. It can also encourage your hair to grow, notes the Univ
ersity of Maryland Medical Center. Add rosemary oil to your shampoo or put a few
drops in a bath to receive these benefits.
Research from Europe published in the "American Journal of Clinical Nutrition" i
n March 2001 discovered a link between rosemary's phenolic compounds and a decre
ase in the absorption of dietary iron. Therefore, it's not recommended that anyo
ne with iron-deficiency anemia ingest rosemary oil. Topical preparations should
be safe.
Rosemary, in combination with ginkgo biloba, has caused cases of severe bleeding
in some patients. An article published in the 2008 issue of "Thrombosis Researc
h" reported that rosemary also may increase bleeding risk when taken simultaneou
sly with drugs that increase bleeding, such as aspirin, blood thinners such as C
oumadin and anti-platelet medications such as Plavix.
Blood Sugar
Rosemary oil may lower blood sugar levels in both diabetics and non-diabetics. R
esearch at Jordan University of Science and Technology found that rosemary oil h
as hyperglycemic and insulin release inhibitory effects in laboratory animals. D
iabetics using rosemary oil should have their serum glucose levels monitored and
any necessary adjustments made by a doctor.
Rosemary has been used as a diuretic in folk medicine around the world, an effec
t verified by a scientific study in Morocco. The University of Maryland Medical
Center cautions that if rosemary causes the body to lose too much water, people
taking lithium may see levels of the drug build up to toxic levels. Rosemary-ind
uced water loss also can adversely affect patients taking furosemide (Lasix) or
hydrocholorothiazide and the absorption of those drugs.
Epileptic Seizures
Rosemary contains monoterpene ketones, convulsants that in large doses have caus
ed seizures. Occasionally, cases have been reported of seizures in otherwise hea
lthy people taking rosemary essential oil. Scientists working at the University
Hospital Department of Neurology in Geneva Switzerland were able to verify the e
pileptogenic properties of rosemary and other herbs.
At one time, women used rosemary to induce abortions. A study published in the "
Brazilian Journal of Medical Biological Research" in February 1996 found that la
boratory animals given rosemary extracts prior to implantation of embryos had a
higher rate of pregnancy loss. Thus, women who wish to become pregnant or who ar
e pregnant should avoid rosemary and rosemary oil.

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