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10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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Link posts now have a larger,clickable area thathelps drive people

to yourw ebsite.
In yourPage's sharing tool,enterthe offsite URL,then hitEnter
The title,description and im age are taken from yourURL,but
you can stillcustom ise the textand im age ofthe post
W e have increased the size ofthe im age forthese types of
posts,so ensure you selectcom pelling im agery thatw illblend
into the N ew s Feed experience

07-03-2015 07:40

10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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Rich m edia like photos and videos getm ore attention and help
yourm essage stand outin N ew s Feed
Lifestyle im ages like the ones you see from yourfriends on
Facebook are alw ays engaging.Try sharing im ages ofyour
products orphotos ofyourcustom ers enjoying yourservices
Try to keep yourposts betw een 100 and 250 characters to get
m ore engagem ent.Shorter,succinctposts are betterreceived

07-03-2015 07:40

10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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Ask youraudience to share theirthoughts and feedback on

yourproductand services.This is anotherw ay to listen to your
custom ers and im prove yourbusiness.
Posting contentthatshow s you took theirfeedback into
consideration can build custom erloyalty and show you value
In Action:M odify W atches,a com pany thatcreates
m ix-and-m atch w atches,asks custom ers forinputon product
designs and nam es,and builds ongoing w atch designs from this
real-tim e feedback

07-03-2015 07:40

10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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O fferspecialdeals orperks to yourcustom ers to keep them

interested and to drive online sales.Include callto actions w ith
links to the m ostrelevantpage on yourw ebsite.
In Action:BarkBox creates posts w ith prom otionalcodes.They
found thatvaluable offers like buy-1-get-1-free ordiscounts
over20% w ere m ore likely to be shared and ithelped them
spread the w ord abouttheirbusiness.
To im prove engagem entw ith yourprom otions,include clear
calls to action,redem ption details,and w hen the prom otion
ends to add a sense ofurgency.

Rew ard people w ho are connected to yourPage and drive

loyalty and online sales by providing them w ith exclusive
inform ation.M ake them feelspecialby sharing exclusive
productnew s,contests and events.
In action:PhotoBarn created a M others D ay 10-D ay Giveaw ay
ofPhotoBarn products on theirPage

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10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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Youraudience w illbe m ore likely to engage w ith posts w hen

theyre related to subjects thatare top ofm ind,like current
events orthe holidays
Tim eliness is also im portantw hen replying to com m ents on
yourposts.The fasteryou reply,the m ore likely fans w illengage
w ith you in the future.
Tip:Posta daily sneak peek ofupcom ing productsales 2 w eeks
priorto Black Friday orCyberM onday

07-03-2015 07:40

10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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The easiestw ay to stay in regularcontactw ith fans is by

creating a conversationalcalendarw ith ideas aboutw hatto
talk abouteach w eek orm onth
A contentcalendarw illnotonly help you postregularly,butw ill
ensure yourcontentis w ellplanned,interesting,and thatyou
don'tm iss m ajorbusiness events and new s.Find a frequency
thatw orks foryou and youraudience.

To betterm anage yourtim e,you can schedule yourposts in

advance and plan forupcom ing holiday events and specials
To schedule yourposts,sim ply click the clock icon on the low er
left-hand cornerofyourPage's sharing tool
Schedule yourposts w hen m ostofyourfans are online.You
can find outw hen yourfans are online by visiting yourPage
Insights and going to the posts tab
Afteryou've scheduled a post,you can m anage yourscheduled
posts by going to the top ofyourPage and choosing EditPage
and then selecting Use Activity Log

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10 Facebook Page posting tips | Facebook for Business

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Ifyourposts are m eantforspecific groups ofpeople,you can

targetyourpostin yourPages sharing toolby clicking on the
targeticon atthe bottom leftcornerand selecting Add Targeting.
You can targetyourpostbased upon gender,relationship status,
educationalstatus,interests,age,location,and language.

Check yourPage Insights regularly to understand w hat's w orking

to keep yourposts relevantand engaging.Page Insights w illhelp
you understand youraudience and w hattypes ofcontent
interests them .

Facebook 2015

07-03-2015 07:40

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